primo-plaxum · 5 years
I know this blog and the fandom died a long time ago, but I’m curious, are any of you that follow this blog still alive?? If you are, then please feel free to talk with me or send me an ask! I was going through all my old posts and got sad because of how much things have changed, but I’d love to rekindle with any of you! 🖤💙💕
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primo-plaxum · 7 years
Radtron will live
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primo-plaxum · 7 years
In a Heartbeat - Animated Short Film (2017)
A closeted boy runs the risk of being outed by his own heart after it pops out of his chest to chase down the boy of his dreams.
© Beth David and Esteban Bravo 2017
It’s here! After a year and a half of hard work, we are both so excited to finally share our film with you. Thank you all for your support and encouragement - this film means the world to us, and your kindness and enthusiasm has made this journey all the more meaningful. It is our great pleasure to share with you this labor of love, and we hope with all our hearts that you enjoy watching it as much as we did making it.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2REkk9SCRn0 Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/227690432
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primo-plaxum · 7 years
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I recently decided to try out a different style of drawing using my girls Angel and Lyra. My normal style is usually more sharper and detailed (similar to that of anime). I love the way they turned out and that they look even cuter colored!
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primo-plaxum · 7 years
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It's true. All of the signs point to me being gorgeous (Also THROWBACK PHOTO OF ME)
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primo-plaxum · 7 years
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You might think these shades are fancy, but really, it’s just me that makes them fancy
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primo-plaxum · 7 years
Me: *never does anything productive on here* Also me: Hey, why don't I reblog this post cause I'm bored, even though I could be trying to be productive with this account
(Plz send me stuff, I like singing)
Singing Questions
Send me a symbol and I’ll sing you a song:
♠︎ Favourite disney song? ♣︎ Favourite song from a musical? ♥︎ Your least favourite song? ♦︎ A guilty pleasure song? ♚ A song that isn’t in your native language? ♛ A song of your choice? ♜ Your favourite song? ♝ A song from a video game? ♞ Sing a song in-character (any character you choose)? ♟ A song from your childhood? ♔ Put your music player on shuffle and sing whatever song first plays ♕ A song starting with letter: (asker choose a letter)? ♖ A nursery rhyme? ♗ A song that’s been stuck in your head for awhile now? ♘ The strangest song you’ve ever heard? ♙ A song with cheesy lyrics? ⚁ A song from a television show?
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primo-plaxum · 7 years
Once you get this you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, you have to send this toyour favorite followers. (how many that is, is up to you!) ( this is non-negotiable, positivity is cool~) 🌈🌈
Ok, so I've had this in my inbox for a while and just haven't gotten around to it yet, so here it is!1. My hair- I just recently got it done and was unsure of how it would look, but it's AWESOME! Shaving it on both side was probably the best idea I've ever had for a hair cut! And the colors are SOO pretty (I'll post this really good picture my stylist took later)2. My eyes- When I was younger, I always wanted blue eyes since every other blonde I met either had blue or green eyes, but never brown. I thought it was such a plain and simple color, but now, I see how pretty they are. They are a very pretty and soft color and they make my eyes look softer rather that sharp.3. My height- If it is one thing I've always been proud about, it's my height. For a 13-year-old female, I'm above average height and I love it!4. My maturity- Something that has always been pointed out to me by many people is how mature I am. Not by looks, but how I act. I've always understood things from the perspective of an older person and because of that, I've always acted more mature for my age group.5. CATITUDE- There was no way that this was getting left off of the list, it's too important! If you couldn't tell by some things I post and photos of me, I love cats and I love acting like one. In fact, I've been wearing cat ears for about three years now! Anyone that knows me knows that the cat ears are an iconic thing for me and have a hard time recognizing me without them
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primo-plaxum · 7 years
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I’d like to say fantastic job to this Yuri cosplayer who went through the pain of wearing pointe shoes for the day so their cosplay would be complete. That’s dedication, and I wish I had that
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primo-plaxum · 7 years
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I had a TON of fun at AFO this past Sunday! I met some amazing cosplayers (I wish I knew who they were so I could tag them) and JOSH KEATON! I was surprised at how chill I was when I saw him, because I know internally I was screaming
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primo-plaxum · 7 years
I was tagged by @nyma-in-shadies to put my playlist on shuffle and put down the first ten songs, then tag ten people. I created a playlist of 50+ songs that combines all of my playlists. I wasted so much time. 1. Rather Be - Clean Bandit 2. Believer - Imagine Dragons 3. Sunset Lover - Petit Biscuit 4. Shut Up and Drive - Rihanna 5. Sweater Weather - The Neighbourhood 6. The Ballad of Mona Lisa - Panic! at the Disco 7. Build God, Then We'll Talk - Panic! at the Disco 8. Colors - Halsey 9. Bulletproof - La Roux 10. Soy Yo - Bomba Estéreo I'll just tag anyone who follows me that wants to do this
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primo-plaxum · 7 years
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primo-plaxum · 7 years
So, I'm not sure if anyone has ever seen the hair cut I'm talking about, but it's where you have long hair in the center and the two sides are shaved. I've been debating and would like an opinion, should I get that hairstyle? (Also I'm working on something for MerMay because what is the mermaid blog without MerMay lol)
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primo-plaxum · 7 years
I know cats have a stigma of being evil little robots who care for nobody but themselves. I don’t deny that there are some out there like this. But in defense of the large majority of darling cats who have been given a bad name due to the wicked few, I would like to tell you a story…
I am asthmatic. I’m not as bad as some; my asthma is generally well-controlled, and I don’t have much trouble with it on a daily basis. However, as all asthmatics know, getting sick becomes a nightmare. Even a small cold can turn into a days-long asthma attack, one that is very painful, and very annoying for me and those around me. The asthma cough sounds like an ill seal at best, or an angry moose with a nasal condition at worst. Y'all with asthma, and y'all with asthmatic friends, know exactly what I’m talking about. The bark. The hack. The Cough Heard Round The World. It’s painful, it’s loud, and it doesn’t stop. Even the rescue inhaler can only do so much to calm it. It just has to run its course with the cold.
Well, this week I caught the crud, and in the past few days it deteriorated into The Cough. Last night, I took some NyQuil to try and stave it off for as long as I could, just to try and get some sleep. That meant that for a few hours, I was cough-free. After that, I was still doped up enough to sleep through some of it. However, by 2am the sleep aid had worn off and The Cough woke me up. Since lying down makes it worse, and I didn’t want to wake my sister, I sneaked out of my bedroom into the living room, where I sat on the recliner and proceeded to hack up a lung while I waited for my next dose of NyQuil to kick in. That is when I noticed Simon.
Simon is a Russian Blue with a masterful resting-witch-face and an attitude to match. She (yes, she’s a girl, that’s another story) is old, fat, proprietary, and attitudinal. She isn’t shy about telling you when she is displeased, and does so with a loud shriek and some teeth or claws thrown in. She is convinced she owns the place, and owns all of us in turn. She is particular about where you can pet her, like most cats; and, like most cats, she loves her sleep and hates to be woken up.
And of course, my hacking woke her up.
Attempting to whisper an apology in between bouts of coughing, I noticed she was getting off her perch atop the chair nearby. She stretched, made a little squeaking sound, and trotted over to me.
I expected her to demand petting as payment for having woken her precious sleep, but she did not. Instead, this traditionally cranky dragon of a cat did something that amazed me.
She began to purr loudly, and sat herself directly on my aching chest. She kneaded my sternum softly, and nosed my chin as if to say, “I’ve got this, you sleep.” Even though I was still coughing, and bouncing her horridly in the process, she remained settled on my chest right above my diaphragm, purring loudly so that it vibrated through my ribs. I don’t know what magic spell she was chanting between her boat-like purrs, but within minutes my cough had subsided and I was able to sleep.
I didn’t wake up until about 4:30. When I did, it was to discover that my lap and chest were devoid of Simon’s presence, and I was coughing again. As I started coughing once more, I heard her familiar “I’m here” squeak from the area of the water dish. I heard some hurried lapping, and then her heavy gallop across the floor. She flumped onto my lap again, and resumed her purring and kneading. She had evidently been doing that for the past 2 hours, and had only left to get some water. Hydrated, she had returned to take care of me.
So yes, she has her share of evil, jerk-cat moments, but I can no longer pretend that Simon is entirely heartless. For that matter, I now refuse to believe that about any cat. Just because they act like a jerk doesn’t mean that they don’t love you.
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primo-plaxum · 7 years
hey if ur ever feelin shitty use this
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primo-plaxum · 7 years
We literally look like twins (she's just significantly shorter than me)
My friend @primo-plaxum and I have this thing where we talk at the same time or have the same thoughts. That’s kinda telepathic right?
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primo-plaxum · 7 years
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You have been visited by the swag druid. Reblog in 29 seconds or you will be haunted by angery birbs for eternity . //rip me you gotta see my hand because the glasses wouldnt stay ;v; and a look at my shitty druid mask… Ill probs make a new one because this one is terrible and yeah.. The top eye ends up on top of my head ;v;
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