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Репостни лягушонка-гея за 30 сек и ты встретишь гомо-любовь всей своей жизни
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Don`t let anyone tell you to change ... and don`t change for anyone. Especially not for nosy twats. You`ll regret it.
Maybe he’s right. Maybe I should get my haircut and change up my wardrobe a bit.
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You don`t even know me, Tommo. But I`m glad that you feel adressed by this
Ugh … Some people are just so fake …
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"Oh, that sounds aweful. If he gives you shit, just tell me and I`ll sort it out" he hummed, Feeling sympathetic for Ashton. "I`m sorry, Ash, but I needed to get away for quite a while, sort everything out." Zayn nibbled on his lip, but smiled when he heard Ashton`s idea. "Sounds great. We can sneak out and then go for a drive" he grinned and got up from the bed. "I could arrange a car so we can stay hidden and not draw any attention."
Old Rommies || Zashton
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He was feeling a bit guilty when he saw Liam jump a little at the sound of his voice. He knew that the other prince was very cautious and a lot of unfortunate events in his life had contributed to that. Zayn always wanted to treat him gently, to earn his trust - he needed him to trust him. He was still hoping that maybe someday something would happen between them but he also knew that Liam was shy - so he didn`t rush anything. He didn`t want to scare him away. Even though it was starting to drive him mad that he was near Liam, but couldn`t be quite as near as he wanted to. Being apart from him didn`t help either. But maybe it was for the best ... they couldn`t be together in the long run and he didn`t want his heart to be broken. Zayn concentrated on Liam`s smile and his own widened in response. “Thanks, you do too” he said and bit his lip, not wanting to go too far. “Not very good to be honest. I`ve been back for a few hours now and I wanted to see you. To talk ... many things have changed” he mumbled.
Ziam | Text
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Zayn chuckled and looked at Ashton. He`d missed his old roommate and was glad to see his friend again after quite a while. “Hey” he greeted him and made room for him on the bed, leaning against the wall. “I dunno ... the headmaster decided. Maybe because I was away for quite a while” he shrugged. “Yeah, I miss you too, I haven`t seen much of my roommate yet .. hope he`s not annoying or something.”He chuckled and nibbled on his lip. “Just reading a book. But we could sneak out for a while ... go into town” he said.
Old Rommies || Zashton
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Zayn was sitting on the bed, reading a book. He was bored and really needed some company, but no one was awvailable at the moment. Suddenly there was a knock on his door and he looked up, surprised. He heard Ashton speaking and smiled - they got on really well. “Yeah, just come on in” he answered and put the book on the nightstand, sitting up on the bed.
Old Rommies || Zashton
Ashton walked towards the old room he and Zayn used share. There had been some changes in the room assignments and he was assigned with Prince Louis. He was lonely that day and he missed his friend so he decided to hangout with him. He knocked on the door as he smiled. He was excited because it’s been a while since they’ve done something fun. Zayn and he just really clicked well when it comes to stuff. “Z. Are you there? I’m bored.” He called then laughed.
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Zayn walked around the libray, looking for Liam while being as quiet as possible. He knew that it wasn`t the ideal place to meet, but here they could talk as freely as possible - at least without Shahid being present. Finally, he found Liam and his heart started beating faster. He had missed him and Zayn knew that he was developing a major crush on the other boy, but he couldn`t help it. “Hey, Liam” he greeted him, smiling.
Ziam | Text
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Dunno ... I`m a bit bored. And annoyed. And I miss everyone
Just got back … What do I do now?
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Oh … yeah. Interesting, good to know
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Yeah ... it`s annoying but what can I do?!
I have a little bodyguard following me around all day … it`s not like i could do anything without someone noticing
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Zayn saw Liam`s text and made his way over to the library quickly, Shahid in tow. He hated that his father had insisted on him having a bodyguard, but he couldn`t do anything about it. If it would just be someone nice, but Shahid was familiy, so he had to accept it. Luckily, Zayn could convince him to stay out of the library and went inside, looking for Liam. He was dying to see him again.
Ziam | Text
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Oh ... yeah. Interesting, good to know
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I have a little bodyguard following me around all day ... it`s not like i could do anything without someone noticing
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Yeah, understandable. I`m thinking that he`ll be quite cute with babies :)
Yes of course. Her health is very important! I`ll visit you as often as I can in the meantime
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