Duties hehe
Pilots typically do the following:
Check the overall condition of the aircraft before and after every flight
Ensure that the aircraft is balanced and below its weight limit
Verify that the fuel supply is adequate and that weather conditions are acceptable
Prepare and submit flight plans to air traffic control
Communicate with air traffic control over the aircraft’s radio system
Operate and control aircraft along planned routes and during takeoffs and landings
Monitor engines, fuel consumption, and other aircraft systems during flight
Respond to changing conditions, such as weather events and emergencies (for example, a mechanical malfunction)
Navigate the aircraft by using cockpit instruments and visual references
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Plan to become a pilot
1.High School Diploma
2.Transfer to a college that has flight school (that has FAA  certified flight instructors or at schools that offer flight training.) You get commercial pilot license.
3.Go to college and get Bachelor of Science degree
4. Acquire thousands of flight experience hours (Get ATP certificate)
5. Be a pilot for an airline transport pilot
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She Will Understand
She will understand that being a pilot is tiring, so not putting 110% is okay.
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Pleaser :: Inner Saboteur
If I’m in a relationship in my future career. I’m going to put 110% on trying to not make her hate me.
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Impact in the Filipino Community
I can make people realize that Filipinos are talented pilots. I want Filipinos community to realize that their dreams can come true.
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Community Impact Goal
I want families to reunite again, even though they are far away
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I’m going to make the working environment more enthusiastic. Whatever challenge I would have to face, I would adapt and overcome it. 
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Educational Path
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Airline pilots typically need a bachelor’s degree in any subject, along with a commercial pilot’s license and an ATP certificate from the FAA. Airline pilots typically start their careers flying as commercial pilots. Commercial pilots usually accrue thousands of hours of flight experience in order to get a job with regional or major airlines.
Commercial pilots must have a commercial pilot’s license and usually need a high school diploma or equivalent. The most common path to becoming a commercial pilot is to complete flight training with independent FAA-certified flight instructors or at schools that offer flight training. Some flight schools are part of 2- and 4-year colleges and universities.
most airlines require at least a Bachelors Degree or 4-year College graduate. Different Universities call their degrees different for mine I have an Bachelors of Science in Aeronautics as well as an Associates of Science in Aeronautics. Graduate with honors Cumlaude.
The FAA certifies hundreds of civilian flight schools, which range from small fixed base operators (FBO) to state universities. Some colleges and universities offer pilot training as part of a 2- or 4-year aviation degree.
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Different types of licenses
In order to become a pilot, you don’t need degrees. You actually need multiple licenses. Each license depends on what plane you can ride and how many passengers you can fly.
Private Pilot: Private Pilot license, take a hand full of passengers and only fly single engine plane
Multi-engine license: Can fly 2 or more engine planes.
Commercial Pilot License: Fly small multi-engine planes with seats ranging from 10 to 30 people.  
Airline Transport Pilot License:  American Eagle, Delta Connection, and United Express though they carry the names of the larger airlines the main larger airlines subcontract it to smaller airlines such as Compass Airlines, Skywest Airlines, and many more. Flight instructor license, multi-engine instructor license then they would be able to teach at the same time gain their hours. Once they reach 1500 hours.  
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I learned.. that becoming a pilot for international flights, you would have to fly 1500 hours. There are several licenses you would not to get to become a legitimate pilot.  .
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What I did I learn from the interview
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My Interview with Chuck
What college did you attend? I attended Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Worldwide Campus at Chandler, AZ
What are the degrees you need in order to be a pilot? There are no degrees required to be a pilot all you need are multiple licenses for different types of profession you want to take. If you just want to be a Private Pilot then Private Pilot License is enough. For the Private Pilot license you can only take a hand full of passengers and only fly single engine plane. Above that is Multi-engine license so you can fly 2 or more engine planes. After that you also is the Commercial Pilot License (CPL), the name is misleading even though it says commercial you cannot fly for the airlines just yet, CPL is letting you fly small multi-engine planes with seats ranging from 10 to 30 people. If you have elected to get your CPL, by this time you would only have flown a plane for about 200-250 hours. If you want to go fly for the Airlines the CPL and 250 hours is still not enough, you need 1500 hours and another license. To get to 1500 hours most pilots become flight instructors, but before they can you need to get your flight instructor license, multi-engine instructor license then they would be able to teach at the same time gain their hours. Once they reach 1500 hours they can apply for regional airlines such as American Eagle, Delta Connection, and United Express though they carry the names of the larger airlines the main larger airlines subcontract it to smaller airlines such as Compass Airlines, Skywest Airlines, and many more. When You apply and get hired by the regional airlines then they help you get you Airline Transport Pilot License (ATP(here in the USA) (ATPL(everywhere else). If you want to continue past CPL you may want to get a degree as most airlines require at least a Bachelors Degree or 4-year College graduate. Different Universities call their degrees different for mine I have an Bachelors of Science in Aeronautics as well as an Associates of Science in Aeronautics. Graduate with honors Cumlaude.
What classes in college did you have to take? There are a lot of classes you need to take, there are the pre-requisites like math and English. as well as a lot of other electives. This is for the Degree side on the flying side you need simulator and other ground classes/work to take before you can fly as well as before you can progress though the license. Then comes the flying lessons.
What is the day to day life? The day to day life varies, like for me when I had the opportunity to be a co-pilot, i was put on a regional flight, so it was kind of same, take-off and land. As the co-pilot though i was not allowed to actually fly the plane that was the captain's job, my job was to assist the capt. by talking to the Air Traffic Controller (ATC), read though the checklist, which there are a lot of checklist 1 for each stage of the flight. The regional flights were pretty much routine, fly for 8-10 hours a limit for all pilots, same airports week in and week out. Most of the time you can go home after the shift ends. If you are placed on a medium to long-haul flights, such as flights from coast to coast or international flights, then it becomes a little different, because you are flying further and see different airports. The limit still applies here. Now pilots flying coast to coast don't get to go home at night because by the time they get there they already spend at least 4 of the 8 hours allowed and the time zone change FAA mandate the crew needs to rest and have to allow their bodies to adjust to the time change. International flights is more different, such as the flight to the Philippines. instead of a crew of 2 for most domestic flights, international flight would have a crew of 3-4 sometimes 5. Now the Captain and First Officer will get the plane out of the gate and take off, fly for a couple of hours and change pilots mid-flight. The 2 second officers usually takes over and just makes sure that the plane is in order and nothing is wrong as well as keep in constant contact with ATC. The Capt. and 1st Officer will the sleep at the crew rest area just behind the cockpit where there are 3 to 4 beds. The Capt and 1st officer will take of before landing.
What type of skills are necessary to be in this career? There are no particular set of skills needed, all you need is passion, study hard, and get your licenses because they teach you how to fly.
How is the working environment? The Working environment is great, my coworkers are friendly and nice, though some of the passengers you might encounter will bring your mood down. That though doesn't make it a great working environment.
What motivated you, when you are unmotivated? It's my passion for flying, I grew up around airports and airplanes. My Godfather was a pilot. This is what keeps me going. I can't say I am ever unmotivated. I love working for Delta and as a co-pilot before.
Why were you interested in becoming a pilot? I love planes, I love flying them and it has been and always my dream to be a pilot. Every time I fly its awesome.
When you piloted a plane the first time, how did you feel? It was an awesome feeling. Whenever I get to handle the controls I feel elation. Was it hard to employ yourself to different airlines?
I always was working for Delta even in Los Angeles so I can't say how hard it is to be employed by another airline.
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This is my vision board!!!!! 
The following Boards: Lifestyle Board, Career Board, Inspirational Quotes, Family and Relationship Board, Role Model Board
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