princess-bytch · 6 years
moved to princxss-bxtch
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princess-bytch · 6 years
Aizawa [To Class 1-A]: And remember, if I get harsh with you it is only because you’re doing it wrong.
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princess-bytch · 6 years
TW Don’t kill yourself today
Don’t kill yourself today
Because your Netflix trial still has a week left
Don’t kill yourself today
Because no one else will finish off the chicken in the fridge
Don’t kill yourself today
Because I know for a fact that Starbucks is releasing a new Frappuccino sometime next month
Yes, your mother will miss you
Yes your bully will make a sappy Facebook post about how what a a wonderful person you were
And yes
Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem
You know that
You’ve known that
Everyone and anyone has been shoving that down your throat since they first learned what the word suicide meant
So don’t kill yourself
Until you finish your shampoo and conditioner at the same time
Don’t kill yourself
Until Doctor Who is finally cancelled
Don’t kill yourself
Until you tell someone your best pasta recipe 
Don’t kill yourself 
Because I will keep coming up with reasons for you not to
And I need you
To hear all of them
Don’t kill yourself
I love you
You’re important
It’s a bad day
Not a bad life
There is more to this
The world will keep spinning on its axis without you
Think of all the sunrises you’d miss
I know this sounds pointless
But when you’re sitting in front of everything deadly you own
Revising your goodbyes
There will be too much darkness 
To see anything else
But this is not about seeing anything else
This is about turning off the lights
This is about finding the bed instead of the noose
This is about giving yourself one more day
Even if it takes ten thousand of those
One more morning’s
“I can’t wait for tomorrow”
This is about staying alive
Because there’s gonna be a new Marvel movie
No one should miss that
This is about staying alive
Because the future is coming 
And it’s ready for you
I don’ t need you to see it
I just need you to believe you can make it 
Until then
- Hannah Dains
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princess-bytch · 6 years
you know what trope pisses me off the most? when the protag is pointing a gun at somebody and they’re like “you won’t do it. you’re too good” and the person holding the gun is like oh shit i am and they slowly lower the gun while the other person laughs. WHAT THE FUCK. if i were there, and somebody told me “you won’t do it” i would immediately shoot them dead without hesitating. who are you to tell me what i wont do. musty bitch
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princess-bytch · 6 years
girl thighs………… exquisite………………..
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princess-bytch · 6 years
did he find his super suit
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Lucius Best in the Incredibles 2 Olympics sneak peek. 
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princess-bytch · 6 years
reblog if you:
- flinch away when someone touches you.
- panic when you accidentally break an object.
- get scared when someone walks behind you.
- feel your heart rate increase at every sudden noise.
- are easily panicked by slightly-louder-than-normal sounds.
- stare apprehensively at your bedroom doorway for hours at night.
- have trouble making eye contact with people.
- always feel either too mature or too immature for your age.
- simultaneously crave and be terrified of physical contact.
because i do all of these
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princess-bytch · 6 years
~ Subtle Ways to be a Kitten~
- lounge on the couch in a very awkward yet comfortable position
- take lots of naps
- wear a collar (if you like collars), in this day and age it’s perfectly fine to wear a fashionable collar in appropriate casual situations
- put a jingly charm on your phone to play with
- wear a hat/hoodie/headband with cat ears
- make a random mewling noise when yawning
- bug friends and family while their supposedly busy (lean on them/ feign interest in whatever it is they’re doing)
- push something non-fragile casually off the table and pretend it just fell off by itself… pick it up and repeat
- use the “slow blink” on people you love and appreciate
- when stretching, put your arms in front of you and stretch that entire arm over back to tail bone area
- silently judge everyone
- get yourself a nice cup of milk, non-dairy cause cats can’t have dairy~
- browse online for collars/ toys/ fluffy things your inner kitty would love to get
- sunbathe
- make a blanket nest in front of a heater and curl up in it
- watch birds do their thing
- sit on a windowsill and overlook your kingdom
- groom yourself, do your hair nicely
- visit an anime/furry convention and get all geared up in those tails and ears!
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princess-bytch · 6 years
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Showa Gamera director Noriaki Yuasa on what separates kaiju films from monster movies. From the BBC’s 1998 Godzilla documentary (x).
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princess-bytch · 6 years
you know what’s wild? i know SO MANY asexuals outside of tumblr, and absolutely none of them are as desperate to be oppressed as all the people on here. in fact they barely even talk about their asexuality because ?? what’s there to talk about? they don’t experience sexual attraction and that’s literally all there is to it. they’re all amazing people, but i come on tumblr and my GOD you’re all assholes. why is there such a huge difference? why are you so obsessed with being ace? like maybe if you’re THIS obsessed with it and the fact you don’t want sex is on your mind ALL THE TIME then you might not be ace at all. thinking about sex so much sounds pretty allo to me.
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princess-bytch · 6 years
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princess-bytch · 6 years
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Today is the only day you can reblog this
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princess-bytch · 6 years
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Imagine knowing Beyonce could’ve been your mother
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princess-bytch · 6 years
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princess-bytch · 6 years
mood is remembering being vagued about by someone who Knew i was still following them + ive been afraid of rb’ing queer shit since bc wow the adhd psychotic child abuse victim is scared of rejection and abandonment who knew!? but fuck it i dont give a shit if you dont like me reblogging queer positivity yall can fuck off
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princess-bytch · 6 years
animals Know
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im crying
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princess-bytch · 6 years
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i cant get this tweet out of my head
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