princess-icicles · 4 days
careless whisper fucks so insanely hard and i will never forgive the internet for making it a "meme song." tonight the music seems so loud i wish that we could lose this crowd maybe its better this way we'd hurt each other with the things we want to say. if you even care.
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princess-icicles · 14 days
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princess-icicles · 17 days
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Urban Homage Kit Giveaway
#EAPartner #Ad
Hey there simblrs! I decided to share this one with you the original sims hub!
I have a special code to share, and to take part, all you need to do is comment on this post with a 💖 emoji or something similar, like, reblog, and ensure you're following me!
I'll add your usernames to the fortune wheel, and one lucky winner will be randomly selected!
The deadline to participate is by the end of Friday CET.
So, why not give it a shot? Give yourself a chance! 😊🎁
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princess-icicles · 2 months
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Perhaps we should take a stroll down to the lodge and rekindle a bit of that old mischief
I can imagine they have many dates in the deadwood
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princess-icicles · 3 months
not to double post but what were the other endings like for blades? i picked leaving the portals open because i felt my mc had suffered too much to get stuck in the shadow realm and I didn't want to be responsible for people dying by merging the realms but any insight from people who picked differently would be cool!!!
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princess-icicles · 3 months
so ive only just finished blades 2,,, what would you guys say if I said Wake the Dead was better...
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princess-icicles · 3 months
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princess-icicles · 5 months
i believe barry keoghan (5’8”) was cast alongside jacob elordi and archie madekwe (both 6’5”) in saltburn so the movie could have as many cinematic close up shots as possible of oliver’s baby blue eyes gazing up at men striking an intimidating pose. just always looking up. sluttily
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princess-icicles · 5 months
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princess-icicles · 5 months
broke: being shocked by the erotic scenes, thinking its a bad class commentary that relies too heavily on artsy shots (criticizing the style not the substance, as it were)
woke: being a little freak whose into the eroticism, recognizing that its not trying to be class commentary at all, its just an excuse to film barry keoghans asscheeks
bespoke: realizing its neither a love story nor a class commentary, but both. and also a secret third thing (story about consent, vouyerism, and desire vs repulsion, that forces the audience to grapple with the classism and racism inherent in the dynamics it invites us to get off to)
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princess-icicles · 6 months
the way felix is convinced he's living in a romance movie to the extent that he dresses up like juliet. he considers kissing oliver in the maze. he makes himself off limits but not quite with the open door while he's in the bath; he's the damsel of the film, no doubt. but felix's tragedy is that oliver is convinced it's a horror story and a tale of revenge. so he doesn't play his part as romeo. he vomits up the poison so he can't die from "some poison more" and leaves felix to die alone.
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princess-icicles · 6 months
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Saltburn: text post meme 🏰🪽👑🍷🦌🔪
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princess-icicles · 6 months
The thing about Aerin and MC in this book, even if you’re not pursuing him…
Tyril, Nia, Imtura, and Mal have had a hell of a year. If you don’t have the inspiration skill to give a good speech, Mal makes it clear that he doesn’t think MC could understand what they all went through, implying that MC had it easy because they were just asleep.
But that doesn’t mean that MC isn’t facing their own challenges in the fallout. Shadow Realm capture aside, they’ve just come back to the Light Realm to find that they missed out on an entire year of their life. Meanwhile, everyone else moved on, doing their own thing. They’ve all changed, blatantly so, but MC still feels the same. MC has to feel like life just went on without them, and quite frankly, the LIs aren’t helping.
Now, take Aerin, who’s spent that same year locked up in a cell, with (seemingly) no visitors and no information… you can see how he’d be the one who could understand MC’s situation best, since his life was basically put on pause while everyone else’s continued, too. They’re both playing catch up.
And if you add in the fact that no one cared enough to regularly make time for Aerin and the fact that MC’s friends gave up on them after, what? A month? Less? Well, there’s clearly some kinship there, whether they like it or not.
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princess-icicles · 6 months
I just really wanna know who at PB decided to make Aerin an official LI in book 2 & also decided to make him run away for most of the book cause I know they are laughing their ASSES off at Aerinmancers every week
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princess-icicles · 6 months
something something valax and aerin being diametrically opposite something something. aerin first being presented to us as sweet and kind versus valax being presented as evil ans bloodthirsty. aerin choosing the evil path while valax never had a choice. aerin liking mc but ultimately using them versus valax wanting to use mc and liking them despite that. aerin hating his family and valax being endlessly loyal even tho they're both terrible. aerin wanting mc close but ultimately leaving and valax wanting to keep her distance but ultimately being drawn in. something something
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princess-icicles · 7 months
i've already restarted blades 2 once for picking the wrong skill when levelling up, i don't think I'm strong enough to do it again...
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princess-icicles · 7 months
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Sent by anonymous
‘Aerin is the first proper twink LI representation in the game’
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