princessaluraa · 5 years
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2019년 달력에 참여한 그림
공개허가를 받아 올립니당.
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princessaluraa · 5 years
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Here’s my version of older Allura 💕💖💕💖
@pinkalluring @legendarybitch
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princessaluraa · 5 years
Been thinking about Keith, been thinking about the implications behind how Keith had an early-life trauma he was poorly equipped to talk about and had very little information on (loss of his parents), and that given his parents’ situation, in particular the fact that his mom had some very powerful and very dangerous enemies and his dream sequence in s2e8 features a large galra army advancing destructively / loudly towards him that traumatic separation might not be his only early-life trauma.
Thinking especially about how the implication is that Keith was cycled around multiple foster houses without much consistency, which I doubt the majority of those fosters were bad people, but Keith would have less permanence and not be in contact with people who knew him for a long time, which would hamper self-reflection.
I also think about how a lot of the way Keith in s3e2 and s3e3 gets incredibly snappy flying the Black Lion feels like sensory overload- he’s just incredibly high strung and seems to have difficulty processing all the feedback he’s getting at once and is losing details in a way that’s unlike him.
And that Keith tends to harshly play up his own perceived failings- he self-describes as a loner, in the vlog he says he has a “bit of a temper” (and the amount of flashbacks to every minor time he’s raised his voice at someone suggests that he lingers on it a lot), in s2e8 he’s afraid of Shiro perceiving him as selfish, and despite being a very competent second-in-command who’s not cut out for solo leadership but that’s about it, is insistent that he’s a bad fit and unworthy when Black and Red make it clear he isn’t.
What it all seems to boil down to is Keith is in a position where he’s a lot higher strung than “normal” people- again, early life trauma, no real sense of foundation or certainty, that leading to heightened sensory sensitivity, and Keith really isn’t good at meaningful self-reflection because he’s been cut off from a lot of those resources. In the vlog he struggles hard to describe himself and basically states his job and exasperatedly asks someone offscreen what else he’s possibly supposed to say. When he starts digging at deeper emotions he breaks down crying and bolts.
And I read an excellent meta earlier that Keith tends to perceive any negative emotion in himself- frustration, distress, sadness- as anger, and again in the vlog, as soon as he gets even slightly frustrated by not understanding a social cue, he immediately turns incredibly apologetic and guiltily says he has “a temper”.
When the implication is that Keith’s actual problem is that he’s set up to accumulate stress faster, and deal with it worse, than most of the people around him, and he’s spent his entire life diagnosing this as “I’m just a total asshole” which is probably one of the major reasons he tends to, ironically, sit on his problems in silence until he can’t take it any more and explodes. He doesn’t see himself as someone with heightened sensitivity or someone who’s emotionally vulnerable, when he’s pretty blatantly both- he sees himself as a jerk who gets mad at every little thing.
TL;DR I think Keith misdiagnoses his own stress responses as irrational anger and several of his life circumstances and formative incidents have set him up to be a very high-strung person.
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princessaluraa · 5 years
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princessaluraa · 5 years
I will say tho, season 8 had some nice Heith content and I love me some Heith
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princessaluraa · 5 years
I love rewatching season one episode one and pretending everything else just did not happen
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princessaluraa · 5 years
The one bad thing about the Plance fandom is how nice you all are. Like I just want to make salty posts and bitch and moan with my fellow plancers but you guys are too sweet in the tags!! Anyways if any plan ers wanna talk salt with me just @ me bc I need to talk about Plance omg
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princessaluraa · 5 years
Was Plance originally endgame?
   There is astronomical amount of evidence that Plance was supposed to be canon and was written out at last minute (or as last minute as you can get with animation). This analysis will cover evidence from the show, comics, crew, and more to support the theory Plance was meant to be. I am slimming this down to the biggest pieces of evidence, but I’m sure I’ll end up adding to it later on AO3. So let’s get into it:
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princessaluraa · 5 years
Chasing the Ghosts of Season 8
Let’s skip the flowery intros and get to the point, because this is important.
Lotor’s vindication and reunion with Allura were originally part of VLD s8 and I can prove it. Most animation relating to this plot was excised, while other clips were re-purposed to make it look like he was dead all along: but some are still in there.
The removal of this plot line was one of the major factors in completely messing up season 8, and it was a change that was made very recently; no earlier than August in fact. There is a significant, non-zero chance that an unedited version of Season 8 exists in its entirety; completely finished.
The evidence is below the cut.
Trigger Warnings: Gore - that image and discussion of it, body horror, sexism, and major character death.
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princessaluraa · 5 years
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Good to see their reaction to that guy is the same as always.
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princessaluraa · 5 years
xd they deserved a better ending
p.d (based on this):
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princessaluraa · 6 years
But honestly, where's the lie???
People who’re upset about Allura’s death, like y’all, she’s got white hair. We should have seen this coming from the beginning. 
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princessaluraa · 6 years
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such a well developed and realistic romance
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princessaluraa · 6 years
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The Lion/Lionesses and their paladins
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princessaluraa · 6 years
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The Woman Dies | Aoko Matsuda | Granta Magazine
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princessaluraa · 6 years
I still can’t believe that they tried to convince us that Allurance was meant to be Voltron’s great love story when Lance had much more chemistry with Pidge and Keith and either one of these ships would have felt 1000% times more natural if they had become canon in season 8.
Lotor and Allura were also written to be each others other half, true loves, soul mates etc, literally destined to be together and yet this was made out to be the inferior ship despite the fact that they were literally made for one another.
Is it any wonder that Allurance made so many people uncomfortable and felt so unnatural and forced?
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princessaluraa · 6 years
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They knew damn well what they were doing when they made this scene
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