Anna was walking along the beach feeling the sand on her toes, she liked to walk on the beach barefoot, the sand felt nice.
She looked at the ground, searching for shells, she liked collecting them cause they could be all different colors and sizes. Although when she once picked up a shell with a hermit crab still in it, it kinda freaked her out. So, she would be careful to make sure nobody was still living in them.
She couldn't find much shells so she looked to the ocean but, to her surprise there was a girl there, the girl turned and waved so Anna waved back slowly. She tiled her eyebrow "Um, are...you, uh, okay...? Why are you here without well...clothes?" 
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Part of that world ((Open RP))
Ariel popped her head out of the water just in time to take her first breath with human lungs. The air filling her insides felt weird at first but it was nice to be dry. She looked down to where her tail used to be and noticed it wasn’t there anymore. Could it be? Did she really have legs? Her large blue eyes widened with excitement and a smile graced her cheeks. She couldn’t help herself and wanted to stand as soon as possible. She put her new feet under her and pulled herself up using a near by rock. She let go of the rock and stood for a good few seconds before plummeting back into the salty water. She let out a small sigh and decided to try once more. As soon as she stood again she looked up onto the beach and noticed a figure standing there. Had they been watching the whole time? She waved to them hoping they might be friendly.
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How's my portrayal? Leave an opinion in my inbox.
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Anna smiled, she was relieved the girl wasn't mad or anything. "Great Gatbsy? Huh, i haven't read that one...Is it good?" She looked at the cover of the book then back at the brown haired girl 
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Eyes softened and a smile appeared on Belle’s face,
       the cold exterior now gone she looked at the girl, Curiousity hidden behind her hazel eyes.       Soft hands grazed the books front cover A small source of comfort.                                                               ”It’s no problem really,                               curiousity opens our hearts to new people and places                                 it’s only natural to want to know more.
Oh, yes what was I saying? The Great Gatbsy, yes that’s it.”
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"Oh! Well, um, i was just trying to see what book you were reading. Because, i thought maybe...i had read that book too, or, maybe not, i'm not sure...Uh, i'm...sorry" Anna tucked her hair behind her ear, as she often did when she felt nervous "Anyways... what book are you reading?" She said out of curiosity 
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{☁} ░  She hesitantly looked up from her book,             eyes warm yet careful. 
" ╼ Is there a reason you’re staring?”
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"I like it cold on a hot day" Anna took another sip of her hot chocolate. "So...Want to get the hats and scarves for the snowman?" She smiled "Oh, and.." She grabbed a carrot then turned back to Jack "Here's a carrot for the nose!" 
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  Anna watched Jack, waiting to see his face after he took a sip of the hot chocolate. After he took a sip she chuckled “I knew you’d like it, i mean, who wouldn’t like hot chocolate?” She took a sip of her own hot chocolate, which was a little cooler now so she didn’t burn her tongue this time. 
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Anna watched Jack, waiting to see his face after he took a sip of the hot chocolate. After he took a sip she chuckled "I knew you'd like it, i mean, who wouldn't like hot chocolate?" She took a sip of her own hot chocolate, which was a little cooler now so she didn't burn her tongue this time. 
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"Well, you don’t just find that stuff lying around outside, and I don’t want to steal from people when i can avoid it" he said feeling a little awkward at that. True, there had been times where he’d taken things, but he felt justified in needing them.
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"Oh, i see.." Anna finished the hot chocolate then smiled as she pushed the one of the cups of hot chocolate towards Jack. It smelled so good that she right away took a sip of her hot chocolate, making her burn her tongue "Ow" She stuck her tongue out thinking the air might make it feel a little better. "Oh, heh, you might want to blow on it a bit before you drink it by the way" She said then started to blow on her own cup of hot chocolate
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"Well, you don’t just find that stuff lying around outside, and I don’t want to steal from people when i can avoid it" he said feeling a little awkward at that. True, there had been times where he’d taken things, but he felt justified in needing them.
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"Oh. I guess that makes sense.." She was still surprised he hadn't had chocolate before tho. "Why would you have to break in? I guess that would be too much of a hassle for chocolate that you don't need to eat" 
Anna was just about done making the hot chocolate. She could smell it already.
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"Well, I never really thought to" he admitted watching her prepare the chocolate drink. "I don’t really have to eat or anything, so going looking for food just never came up. I can, but what’s the point? And if I wanted to try it, I’d have to break in somewhere. It always seemed like too much of a hassle for something that doesn’t mater" he explained.
But now? She’d offered it to him, and it was something he’d like to try. Why not?
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"It's really good" Anna said with a small smile. She walked towards the castle doors then opened them. She looked back to make sure Jack was following, he was so she walked towards the kitchen.
She got out some milk, 2 cups and the chocolate powder to make hot chocolate. She started making the hot chocolate then looked up at Jack "So...How is it you haven't had hot chocolate or, even chocolate?" She found it strange that he has been so many places but...Never even tried chocolate! She bet he would like chocolate tho...Who doesn't like chocolate? 
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Jack watched as the range of emotions passed the girls face wondering what might have caused them. He wanted to say something to cheer her up, but already she was getting up. It seemed as though she’d gotten over it rather quickly, so he left it be for now. He didn’t want to drag up sad memories.
"I’d love to try it, if you think it’s so good" he laughed, moving to follow her. It was so strange being here with Anna. Building snowmen, going in for hot chocolate like the normal people he’d watched, but this time it was him.
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"You have to try the chocolate here...It's really good" Anna smiled. She could eat chocolate all day. Hot chocolate sounded good right about now actually...
"Oh, yes, that's a good idea. Every snowman needs a carrot nose" She smiled softly. She looked down and her smile faded thinking of the days making snowmen with her sister...Back when they used to hang out all the time. Her eyes got watery thinking about how much she missed her parents and, how much she wanted her sister to just talk with her again...
Anna wiped her eyes then stood up and looked back at Jack "So, um, i have carrots and scarves in the castle...And, hot chocolate...If you want some" 
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"Well I’ve never tried it before, so I couldn’t tell you" Jack mused aloud, though her statement gave him some ideas of where to visit next.
"I think it’ll do nicely" he said gently tapping it with his staff to freeze some of it. They wouldn’t want it to fall apart when bulding after all. "We’re porbably goinng to need some carrots and scarves for this" he thought. He was fine with leaving it just of snow, but apparently other children liked to decorate them.
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Got tagged by letsbringbacksummer But, that was about a week ago and i'm just now getting to it...Don't mind me. x) 
Rule 1: Always post the rules

Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you wrote and write 11 new ones
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post 

Rule 4: Actually tell them you tagged them.
1) How long have you been roleplaying for? On this site only a couple of months but, i have been roleplaying on other sites for a couple of years.
2) What is your all-time favorite movie? I can't pick just one! Although, i love Disney movies and Star Wars. Haha
3) What’s currently your favorite song or album? I have been listening to Shakira and Rihanna 'Can't Remember to Forget You' a lot recently, so, that i guess.
4) Do you have a celebrity who you absolutely adore? Who are they and why do you love them? Yes. Definitely. More then one actually. Jennifer Lawrence is one, i really like her cause she just seems really funny and not like normal celebrities. Plus, she plays Katniss who is awesome. 
5) What inspired you to start roleplaying? Well, it just seemed fun...And, i like writing. 
6) What are your hobbies? Drawing, crafts, singing and photography.
7) Pet Peeve? The way some pictures feel... .-. 
8) What is your ultimate goal in life? Whether it is big or small. I'm not really sure...Never reallyyy thought about it. Go to Disneyland? Meet my favorite celebrity...Become a actress. Dunno really.. 
9) Dream job/career? Being a actress. It has always been.
10) Do you have any pets? If so, what? 3 cats, a hamster and we just got a dog :3 I want to buy a snake too o: 
11) If you could be perfect at one hobby or talent, what would it be and why? Singing or drawing...I think i'm okay at both but, i would like to be better.
My questions :3 
1) Favorite color?
2) Favorite tv show?
3) Favorite singer or band?
4) Do you like to play video games? If so, what ones?
5) Where would you want to go on a vacation?
6) If you were a animal what animal would you be?
7) Biggest fear?
8)  What do you do when you're bored?
9) Movie you're looking forward to seeing? 
10) Favorite food? 
11) Favorite board game? 
I'm not that great at thinking of questions ._.
Tagged: Frozenfuntimez Wayfaring-snowflake heirofdunbroch unbelievedguardian the-king-of-fun guardian-of-fun-times nix-pulchra viking-prince oh-look-its-jackfrost frostedsorrows ohanaalwaysmeansfamily 
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"Wow. That's interesting...I wonder how chocolate from other places taste like" Anna giggled softly. She figured if people have different traditions and all they must have different chocolate.  She couldn't see how chocolate anywhere else could be better then the chocolate here tho. 
"You're welcome" She replied smiling "Alright. I just thought i would offer...considering their is a lot of room in the castle" She looked at him smiling for a bit before remembering the snowman. She looked down at the snowman body she had made. She turned back to Jack "Oh, so, do you think this is big enough body for the snowman?" 
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"It’s a lot of fun. You get to see different type of people. Everyone has their own ways of doing things. There are different tradtions and languages and everything" Jack explained. He might be prattling on a bit, but he’d never been able to have a conversation before, and it was nice to be able to talk to someone.
At her off, his eyes widened a bit. Though he’d never take her up on it, it meant a lot to him that she’d offer. “Thanks, Anna.” he said with a soft smile. “I don’t really sleep all that much, so finding places to stay isn’t usually a problem, though”
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Been really busy o: It's nice i have things to do other then be on my laptop all day but, i miss coming on here! Hopefully i'll get less busy :p
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Anna smiled "I guess you're right. Being queen would be hard...I probably wouldn't be too good at it anyways" She never thought to much of all the responsibilities a queen has. Jack was right, she wouldn't have much time to have fun. She really liked talking with Jack...He really cheered her up. 
"Wow...That must be nice tho, getting to see all the world!" Anna wondered how that must be like...Seeing all these different places. She hasn't even seen much past her castle before. "If you're ever bringing winter here and need somewhere to stay you can stay in the castle"  
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Jack wondered if she really believed that to be true, that she wasn’t important. It seemed silly to him that she would think so, becasue right here, and right now, she was the most important person in his opinion. She was the first person to ever see Jack. He knew that was his own problem, but this girl had to be special somehow. Why was it she could see him when no one else could?
"Well, being a queen seems like it would be boring anyway. You’d have to deal with people’s problems and all" Jack mused. "Too much reponsibility to be fun, so you’re probably the lucky one" he said with a smile.
"I don’t really live anywehere." he continued, adressing her question with a soft smile. "I roam around most of the time, bringing winter"
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Anna smiled "You really liked it?" She was happy her sister liked her story "So...Do yo remember any of the stories you made up?" She wondered what kind of stories Elsa could have made up while she was growing up...
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PrincessAnnaOfArendelle18 Started following you.
Anna smiled “Weeell…” She paused before telling the story “It went something like, one day the man made a swing for the girl. He brought her on a picnic then showed it to her. He pushed her in the swing and she was having a lot of fun. But, she fell off the swing. The man rushed over to see if she was alright, she said their was no broken bones, just maybe a bruise. He helped her up then surprised her by asking her to marry him…She said yes and they lived happily ever after!” She laughed “Now that i think about it, a lot of my stories ended with the couple living happily ever after” 
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Smiling softly, Elsa listened to the entire story. “Well. I’m surprised that you didn’t write half of the books in our library, telling stories like that!” She laughed softly. “The best stories do.”
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"Really important? Weeell, i wouldn't really say that...My sister, Elsa...She's really important since she's the one who's gonna be queen when she turns 21 and all..." Anna liked the fact that he thought she must be pretty important, but, she wasn't really. She was more like the spare princess...Encase her sister couldn't be queen for some reason.
Anna looked up at the window that she had been looking out just a little while ago, she wondered how her sister was doing...
She turned back to Jack to answer the other question he had asked "It's pretty nice...Lot's of rooms to play in or, to run around in, or...To ride my bike in" She laughed "There isn't actually that much people... I mean, kind of a lot. It would be a lot for a regular house but, for a castle it's not to much people!" She thought of another question "So, where do you live?" 
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Jack let out a small laugh at her reaction. It must be shocking to hear that someone ws that old, especailly when they looked as young as he did. But she seemed to be taking it all very well.
"A princess? Wow. So you must be really important then?" Jack asked with curiosity. He didn’t know much about kingdoms or royalty. "What’s growing up in a castle like? Are there tons of people living in there?"
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"Oh...3-wait, 300...years? You mean, you're 300, or, more years old? Wow.." Anna said. He has been alive for 300 years? That's such a long time...She wondered how it must be to live that long.
She looked down and noticed she wasn't doing much with building the snowman, just piling a bunch of snow together. She started forming the snow into a body for the snowman. 
Anna looked up at the castle then back at Jack "Yes..i do and, well, i'm the princess so, i guess princesses just live in castles" She smiled. Enjoying talking with Jack and building a snowman. Happy she was able to get her mind off things and not be so sad...Even tho in the back of her mind she could still feel that sadness, no matter how hard she tried not to 
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  Anna continued to make the snowman as she looked over to Jack as he talked. “Wow…That does seem pretty cool” She smiled
"So, how long have you had your powers? How did you get them?-" She almost asked another question but stopped herself "Oh, sorry. I guess i have a lot of questions…Heh…I’m just, curious" She pushed some hair behind her ear. She had so many questions because, he was Jack Frost! And, also he was the first person other then a adult that she has had a full conversation with in…Well, forever. 
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