princessxtopgun · 4 years
hi! this is a fanfic I made about jake thinking he’s not good enough for mc (Ellie) this takes place after the endless ending.
It’s been 5 days after we got out of this mess. We’re staying here for good. Honestly, what more could I want? I’ve made friends with the gang, and I’ve got a girl that I love. My Princess, just the thought of her makes me smile. Everything’s... perfect. But I have this feeling in my gut. Guilt. I’m not good enough for her. She never got to live life. Straight outta college, expecting a job, to meet a guy, student debt, that shit. But no, she’s on a deserted island with blue smurfs, and the world is dead. At least we stopped Phony Stark. But I... I can’t do this. I don’t deserve her. She should be dating cap, he’s a football player, he’s strong, he can make her smile... I don’t deserve her. She’s like a goddess, she’s beautiful, the smartest person I’ve ever known, and the best. It’s gonna kill me, but I can’t stay here. She needs someone better.
“Hey Jake!”
Princess bounces in, full of energy with that green bomber jacket. It makes her look even finer then she is, but she’s still so beautiful. “Everyone’s down at the pool! Let’s go!” She grabs my arm and drags me out of bed.
“You seem upset... is there something wrong?” She gives me a quick kiss.
“Nah... just thinking about how we’re the last ones on earth.” I give her a half hearted smile, but she can see right through me.
“Jake... I know. But we have to accept it. Can a hot tub make it feel better?” I smile, and she buys it now.
“Let’s go, you slowpoke!” She runs down, and I continue with my lethargy. I can’t get my mind off this. I’m the worst person for her... heck, even Craig would be better. Quinn, Sean, Estela, they’d be perfect for her. Anyone but me at this point. Her and Diego would be perfect if he didn’t marry blue man.
I crack open a beer, and sit in the hot tub. I watch Ellie, Quinn, Grace, and Michelle play volleyball. She and Quinn get a point over Maybelline.
“Hey man, you seem upset. I know-” Craig starts to say,
“I don’t deserve her. Princess.”
Sean looks over, “Have you seen the way her eyes light up? Whenever she’s around you, she’s the happiest person ever. She’s givin’ Quinn a run for her money.” I can’t even hear him, I’m stuck watching her. She’s laughing, having the time of her life. She deserves better. I’ve gotta be a man here.
“Yeah! 10-7! Team Qullie forever!” She and Quinn high-five.
I walk over to her. “Hey... can we talk?”
“Yeah of course!”
We walk over to a little area in the trees.
“Jake... you’re crying...” she walks over and holds me. I try to stand tall and hold in my tears. I push her away
“Jake-” god, Princess, why do you have to make this so hard?
“I-I can’t do this anymore. You deserve better.” My chest deflates. Oh my god, what did I just do? I’m a fuckimg idiot! What the hell-
“W-Wh..what?” She stands there, I see the tears forming in her eyes and her mouth drops open. This is gonna be hard for her... but hopefully she’ll get over it soon... and... she’ll be with someone better. Anyone there would be a better SO. I have to just... get her away...
“D-did... this mean n-nothing t-to you?” Shes sniffling, a minute away from sobbing. I can’t even look at her.
“...Yes.” It hits me like a ton of bricks to say it. It’s not true, she meant everything to me. She’s my world. She’s what keeps me up in the morning. It’s not true. I slowly look up at her face... and it’s like someone sucked the life out of her.
“J-Jake...” She looks like she’s about to pass out... but then I see the sadness in her face twist to rage.
“WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?” She rips off my dogtag and throws it on the ground. She starts to hyperventilate, but I can’t hear her anymore. I’m running. Running like the coward I am. After an hour, I show up at Yvonne’s old hideout. I collapse on the floor. I start downing whiskey, I just need this to go away... but it doesn’t. I’ve drank half the godamn bottle and I can’t stop thinking about her. Why did I do this... why...
*At the celestial*
I collapse. I’m a mess of sobs, but why... why would he do this?!
“Ellie! Are you ok? We heard shouting-” Diego says, panting “Oh, Ellie... what happened?”
I sputter it out. All of it. I don’t know if anyone could understand me, but I can’t do this. I try to start running, but Sean and Craig grab me. “N-no... I’m getting-” I fall down and keep sobbing. Everyone surrounds me in a hug, but I can’t move. “Ellie, it’s going to be okay-” Michelle tries to comfort me, but it’s not working. “NO! N-no... it’s not... Jake’s gone...” “I’m gonna find that bitch. I’ll be back in a few hours.” Estela runs off. Diego grabs me by the arm. “Everyone, shoo.” He starts leading me up to my room but my legs give out. Quinn helps me and they carry me up to my room. I can’t even feel myself. “We’re going to find him and sort this out. Estela killed a godamn king crab, she can find him. He thinks he doesn’t deserve you-” Diego tries to reassure me. “N-no! He said that this meant nothing...”
“We’re going to give you some space, ok? Call us if you need anything.” I cry myself to sleep, and dream of Jake. All I can think of is him, my other half.
*At Yvonnes Hideout*
I eventually black out. That’s my routine, until I run out of food. I find some of that purple fruit... but now all I can think about is me and princess eating this... I down another shot of vodka.
“Oi! Open up you scélérat-”
“Yvonne?” I rip open the door, and there she is. Yvonne.
“Jake! There ye are- wait, where’s everyone else? Why are my finest spirits empty and shattered?”
I collapse onto the bed, and Yvonne sits by me.
“I... I messed up. I ditched Ellie. I ran away from the love of my life-”
“Ah, so ye’re back on the market?” She gives me a flirty look and I give her an icy glare.
“She... she was my world. And she deserves better, but I can’t live without her. I can’t do this without her.”
“She can’t either. She looks-”
“You’ve seen her?!” I practically jump, then I remember that she hates me.
“She isn’t doing well. I talked to Diego, and she isn’t eating or sleeping. She only lets Diego in for a few minutes, then cries. All I can hear are her sobs, and she just hugs that green jacket. It’s the only thing she has left of you.”
I start pacing, “She... wait- what... She doesn’t hate me?”
“Mon dieu! No! She wants you back, you idiot! You married this woman, and now you run away? You’re a coward, Pilot.”
“I... I need to think. You go stay with everyone at the celestial, and give this to Diego ok? Don’t say anything about seeing me.” I grab the letter I wanted to give Princess the second I left, and hand it to Yvonne.
“Now get outta here. I’ve gotta finish your booze off.”
“Ay-” I shut the door in her face.
*At the celestial*
“Diego, I have this from you-know-who.” Yvonne hands me the letter, and I open it.
Dear Diego,
I screwed up. Bad. I thought she would be happier with someone else. Because I’m not half the man a true Princess deserves. Yeah, I’m bringing up the vows. I’ve become the scum of the earth. The husbands who run away. I truly thought that she would be better with someone like Sean, or Quinn, or heck, even you if you hadn’t married Varyyn. But... if Princess is ok with it, I’d like to see her, and apologize. Come to these coordinates:
-Jake McKenzie
“Wow...” I stand there in awe. I walk over to the gang, waiting in anticipation.
“So...” Raj asks.
I read the letter aloud to them.
“Aleister, could you find where these coordinates lead to-”
“It’s Yvonnes hideout. Around an hour walk.” He says.
“Alright, Raj, you want to talk to Ellie?” He nods.
Yvonne leads me to her hideout.
“Good luck in there.” She opens the door for me.
*At Yvonnes Hideout*
I hear the door creak open.
“Jake, what the fuck is wrong with you?!” Diego looks at me like I’m the gum on the bottom of his shoe.
“I... I’m sorry.”
“Sorry isn’t going to make up for what you did.”
“I know, but it’s a start.” I tell Diego everything that I’ve been thinking about.
“Well...” he sighs. “I know your heart was in the right place, but you’re still a piece of shit.”
“I know.”
“Ellie isn’t doing well. This isn’t your highschool breakup. You two got married, almost died together, and a whole lot more. She isn’t eating, she won’t talk to any of us, and we had to move floors because of the crying. She misses you man. She hugs that jacket and refuses to let go. She thinks she fucked up. You told her that this meant nothing.”
“I never meant that... I just needed to leave.” I realize how shitty I sound.
“Okay... but I don’t think she’s ready to see you in person yet. Somehow Aleister got us service here, so maybe you could video chat her?” He hands me a phone, and i take it. I don’t know how i’m gonna do this, but i’m gonna do it. I fucked up. Bad. “So... when can I talk to her?”
Diego looks at me and sighs, “I don’t know how she’ll react. She might want you to come back right away, or it could get worse. Also... how long have you been wearing that shirt? It smells like sweat.” Diego gives me a look. “Well... how long has it been? 5 days?”
“Jake you fucking idiot. It’s been 3 weeks. 3 weeks.” Diego just stares at me in utter shock.
“3... weeks? Oh god it’s been that long?” I jump up and start pacing. I didn’t know what I wanted to do, but 3 weeks... “I’ve just been downing booze here while my Princess is an emotional wreck... I... what the fuck is wrong with me-”
“HEY! Ellie is not in a good state. You need to get your act together. In 3 days, you two are going to talk. And I’m not going to give you the pleasure of looking good. Oh, and I forgot to do this.” He delivers a sharp slap to my cheek. “Yah!” It stings with pain, but not too bad. “I... deserve that.” I feel my cheek, and I can feel that my short stubble has grown an inch or 2. Well, it’s better then looking 12.
“And if anyone comes to the door, I would hide. Estela wants to murder you, and I don’t think she was joking.” Diego gives me a curt nod. “Goodbye Jake. 10 am in 3 days time. If you’re hungover I’ll tell Estela where you are.” He clicks the door shut.
At the celestial
I open the doors. Everyone turns to me, i can see the worried expressions on their faces.
“Dude, tell us. We don’t have time for suspense.” Classic Craig.
“Well... he’s not in much better state then Ellie, but I guess he has drinks. He says he wants to do it.”
We all look at each other, but I hear Quinn peep up;
“Who’s going to tell her?”
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princessxtopgun · 4 years
Part 2 of my ES fanfic!
“Alright, I felt bad that you didn’t have a lot of time with your, should I say soulmate? So I’ll make a deal. But you’re going to have to think.” Rourke says.
“I’ll let McKenzie go.” I’m overwhemeled with emotion, I start to cry and run to hug Rourke. Yeah, me, hugging Rourke.
“I didn’t finish. I’ll let him go under one condition. I wipe all of his memories of La Huerta and your little adventure. I put in his head that he met you in the Rourke Army. He will have no memory of any of this, but he will know you as his girlfriend, or, wife. I believe you two were married while with with the Vaanti? But this is your decision. He can rot in jail, or have no memory of this.” Rourke says.
What... I don’t know what to do. What can I do? I’ll never see him again, and Rourke might just kill him. What if he becomes one of his flying monkeys? “I... I need time to think about this.” I look Rourke in the eyes.
“Alright then. You have 2 weeks time. In one week you may visit the delinquent again and relieve what happened on La Huerta, because it will never get out. Free of cameras, do whatever you please. But you will give me an answer in 2 weeks time. Here’s your check.” Rourke hands me a check for 10000000 RourkeBucks.
“Woah, what’s this?” He sighs, “clearly you haven’t read the file on this. The winner of RourkeBook will recive ten million RourkeBucks and one wish. Now you may leave.” I drive home, and I run to Zahra.
“So, what happened? You look pretty damn happy.” She says
“I saw Jake, and ohmygod itwasthebestthingeverohmygod-” I just sputter out everything, talking too fast to possibly be understood.
“Okay, slow down. I can’t slow down time to hear you.”
I tell her everything, and about Rourkes deal. “And... I think I need him, but... his memory will be erased.”
“Ellie, are you an idiot? I’m like, a genius in this stuff. I’m literally experimenting now with memory stuff. I have a thing here that can make a copy of people’s memories. Just press the button while holding it to their temple, then boom! Memory on a micro USB. Then attach it on the inside of your sleeve so he won’t suspect anything. That necklace was way too obvious last time.”
X One week later X
“Jake! Jake!” I run into his cell, and he holds me so tight.
“Well Princess, you missed me that much, huh?” We become a frenzy of passion. After a moment, we separate.
“Hey, that buzzing stopped again, did you do something with the cams?”
“Rourke let me disable them. Well, I should tell you something.”
I tell him about the deal.
“Will... I never remember you if he erases my memory? Won’t he erase yours too?”
“He said that he would put in our minds that we met on a flight, then got married.”
“I don’t like the sound of this... we can’t trust Rourke.”
“But... I have this!” I show him the strange chip, and press it to his temple. A small shock goes through him.”
“Aah! You trying to electrocute me?”
“This will make a copy of your memories! You’ll remember everything!” I kiss him, and he smiles just like he did.
“Well, that’s pretty damn awesome. I love you, Princess.”
“Should we tell Rourke we made up our minds?”
“Hell yeah.”
We go over to Rourkes space, and knock on the door.
We hear a muffled “Come in.”
We open the door, and walk into the dimly lit space. I hear a zap, and I freeze in place. I try to walk, but I can’t move.
“Hey! What happened!”
“You better not of layed a finger on her, you little-” but Jake goes silent.
The lights brighten, and I see the Smokey gray field we are frozen and levitating in.
“You didn’t think I’d let you go that easily, did you?”
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princessxtopgun · 4 years
This is following the Rourke ending, when mc (Ellie) is romancing Jake.
Im still taking in the world, his world. Emperor Rourke? This is what he made. I lay still, in bed, wondering if this was the right thing. I toss and turn all night, I should of just sacrificed myself. I’m a little bitch, I let Rourke have his world so I could stay alive? What kind of person am I? I start softly sobbing, Zahra opens your door,
“Hey, can you shut it? I’m trying to sleep.” She says
“I-I’m sorry. *sniff* I... I-I just don’t know...” But I can’t control this. I burst out crying, sobbing my brains out.
“Woah, what happened?” She sounds still like the Zahra, but I feel a tingle of empathy in her voice. But I can’t stop sobbing.
“Well, I’m not sleeping anytime soon with this, so *sigh* do you want some ice cream or something?” She pauses, “I normally don’t do stuff like this, but I feel like I’ve known you for a long time. Deja vu is weird.”
“W-well... Is Rourke... Watching us?”
“No, you dummy. Didn’t I tell you I took the cameras down? But don’t go snitching to him.” I’m suprised she even trusts me with this, she’s a lot more trusting then when I was with her.
“Well... I-if I told you you’d never be-believe me.” I keep sobbing, I just can’t stop. All I want is for Jake to hold me, like he did, and ruffle my hair and call me Princess.
“I’ve got a lot of time. I’ve been drinking RourkeJuice for a hot minute.”
I tell her everything. All the adventures we went on, when she was with Craig, everything.
“Woah. That’s... wow.” She stands there for a second, not sure what to say.
“That... that sounds like what I would do. But me, with that Craig guy? No way. But seriously, that’s insane. How did you even come up with this? Even the part where the Vaanti were like people? You should definitely enter in the RourkeBook contest.”
“What’s... the RourkeBook contest?”
“You have to write a story, and then if Rourke picks it he can fufill your greatest wish.” She says, “You know literally nothing, everyone tries to write the perfect book, but only one person wins. They always wish to work with him, but I’d ask for like; mind control. That’d be cool.”
I figure it’s a lost cause. But greatest wish? All I can think about is Jake. I can see him again.
I sit up in my bed, “Out. I have a book to write.”
I spend weeks spilling all my memories of La Huerta into the document. A month goes by, and it’s time to submit the book.
I title it, Endless Summer
After 2 months, Rourke is about to announce the winner. I sit in front of the RourkeTube live, and sit through as he lists the honorable mentions.
“And in first place, the winner of RourkeBook 2020... is Ellie Taylor!”
I sit there, I can’t even move my mouth.
“Holy shit, you won! Great job man!” Zahra gives me a fist bump, but I just start jumping up and squealing. I’m going to see him. Jake. My top gun.
“Ms. Ellie, please come to Rourke headquarters to meet me! Thank you, everyone for entering in RourkeBook!” Rourkes face disapeers, and I run to my RourkeMobile. Honestly, I’m sick of everything having Rourke in front of it.
I arrive at the headquarters, and show the robot receptionist my badge. “Affirmative. Please go enter the first room up the spiral staircase.”
I run up the stairs, and I open the door. I see him, Rourke, standing there in clothes that make him look like a saint. But I know the truth.
“Rourke.” I say.
“To you it’s Emperor Rourke. But I’ll make an exception. Now what are we going to do about this novel you’ve written.”
All I can think about is Jake, and also splitting Rourkes head open. “I’m not going to say anything. All I want is to see him. Jake. Jake McKenzie.”
“Hmm. That’s an odd request, to see a delinquent. Not to work with he himself, Rourke?” I roll my eyes.
“No. I’m not going to say anything. It’s too late for that. You’ve won, but all the people I care about are safe. I know you have him, you can put me in prison with him, but I need to see him. Please, Rourke!” I start crying. “I’ll do a-anything... J-just please let me see him...”
“Fine. But I’m warning you, he has very little memory of what happened on La Huerta. You will not tell him any of the events. If he asks about it, say you know only what he knows. Nothing more, or I erase his mind and turn him into one of my pilots. You will meet with him in one week, and we will discuss what happens after that. Understood?”
I start jumping and shaking my head, “Yes! Yes! I’ll do whatever! Bye! I’ll see you in a-”
“Not so fast, you don’t know where you’re going. You are meeting me at these coordinates.” He gives you a piece of paper. “You may go.”
I run out, and sprint up to my dorm. Zahra is there waiting.
“So, what’d you pick? Like flying or something? Not to work for him?” She looks at me expectantly.
“Well... you remember Jake from Endless Summer?”
“Yeah? That guy you were in love with? It was real sappy.” She says, “So, what did you pick?”
“Well, that Jake was Jake McKenzie.”
“Jake McKenzie as in... Jake McKenzie and Mike Darwin, the pilots that deserted?”
“What’s that got to do with your wish?”
“Like I said, that happened. In real life. Before Rourke took it from me. I’m seeing him.”
Zahra stands there, shocked. “You can have anything... and you wished to see some guy? Some pilot? You’re insane, you know that. You’re insane.”
She starts to look angry. “I would of killed for that. I would’ve done anything for that. A wish for anything? AND YOU WASTE IT ON SOME GUY? A GUY WHO WONT EVEN REMEMBER YOU?” She storms off.
I still don’t regret this. I clutch the one picture of me and him, the one Diego took on that rusty Polaroid when we were handfasted.
A few days go by, and Zahra comes up to me.
“I’m, sorry about what I did there... uh... it was really rude. I guess it’s your wish.” She rolls her eyes. “Okay I’m not doing the sappy stuff. I made this, it looks like a little necklace, but when you press the charm, Rourkes cameras won’t be able to hear or see you. And yes, I’m sure it works. Rourke wanted me to work with him but then I said I wanted to be ‘a normal member of society’ who would believe that? Apparently him.”
I’m driving to the coordinates. I’m wearing the same outfit as when we first met, along with Zahras necklace.
“Hello, Ellie. He’s in the 1st cell you’ll see. And remember what we talked about.” Rourke waves me in. I take a deep breath, and open the door.
Jake doesn’t even bother to look up. “I’m Jake, I’m a criminal, blah blah blah. Stop sending your therapy people in, alright?” He turns around, and he freezes in place.
“Wait... The hell- no, it’s not...” he looks down and I run up to him.
“Jake...” I say with a hopeful expression, and can’t help but smile. I can’t take it anymore, and I run an inch from his face.
“Woah, Princess-” And he looks like he’s having a flashback.
“You-you’re... You’re her! You’re Princess!” He smiles, but is still unsure.
“I, well I am. And you’re top gun.” I smile so brightly, I feel like my face is about to explode.
“I... I have dreams about you... and visions, and I... I have this weird memory...” He shakes his head and laughs.
“But I think your real name is...” He takes a minute to think.
“Ellie! Your name is Ellie!” He looks so happy, I just want to tell him everything. I press the hidden button on my necklace, and I feel the cameras buzz go dead.
“Hey, that buzzing was so annoying! Thanks-“
I take out the crumpled picture from my pocket, and smooth it. “This was us, when we had our New Year’s Eve party. We kissed at midnight, and you looked really hot, and then when you came down the big staircase, I said ‘Did you see the really hot guy come down the staircase? And then you said-”
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“No, I was distracted by someone waiting at the bottom.” I stare at him, shocked. He remembered! He remembered this!
“And then I changed into this dress and you said-“
“You just had to one-up me, didn’t ya.”
“You know it!”
“Well played. Pretty sure I still win though.”
“Really. How do you figure that.”
“Because I get to look at you.” He smiles, just like you remember. He remembers it. This isn’t some crazy dream, this is your life.
We stare into each others eyes, and I grab his hand, and I get flashbacks of everything. Everything, nothing less. I see he saw everything too. Then we start passionately kissing. He takes a breath and takes a second to look at you. “I remember when we got married. It was on the same day as all the other blue guys and Diego. I always remembered that. And you just looked so beautiful, and then the time people sent us to the pirate ship. And we went in the lookout tower, and... It cuts off at that. I would have that dream every other day, and on the other days, I would see you fall out of a helicopter. One that I was flying. I saw you fall...” He rests his head in his hands. “Then I saw all this stuff... when you kissed me, it was like I already knew. But the truth is... Rourkes evil. We know that-” but he gets cut off by you kissing him, passionately, intensely.
“I love you, Princess.” He says. Just words. But those words mean so much. More than anything. You keep going until you almost pass out. You collapse onto the metal table . You relieve everything from La Huerta with him, and then you hear the buzzing start.
“But you can’t tell anyone that I told you anything.” You whisper.
You give him another kiss, and you realize you’ve been in there with him for 15 hours. Rourke is waiting for you outside.
“Alright, I felt bad that you didn’t have a lot of time with your, should I say soulmate? So I’ll make a deal. But you’re going to have to think.” Rourke says.
Thanks for reading! I’ll be making a part 2 soon!
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princessxtopgun · 4 years
This is called I can’t, and it’s after Ellie (mc) has seen most of the idols.
I can’t. No. I can’t do this. Not after that. I lay there, sobbing as quietly as I can, and curled up into a ball just crying my heart out. I can’t do this. I saw all the people I care about, dead. Them sacrificing themselves for something that I’m going to fail at. What the fuck is wrong with me, how could I do this to them, to Jake? How could I do this to my Jake? All he does is be this amazing guy, and he protects me whenever he can. I never saved anyone’s lives, why am I even here? I’m just a burden. Raj and Grace were trapped on shark tooth isle for months, and all I did was go through a portal? I can’t stop crying. Why am I here? Everyone would be better off without me, I, I just can’t. I hear the doorknob click, and Jake walks in. I sit up, and wipe my tears away, but he can see right through me. “Aw Princess, what’s wrong?” I can’t hide it anymore. I start crying and sobbing, I don’t care how ugly I look while I’m crying, but I need to get it out. “You can tell me, Ellie, I won’t ever hate you or something like that. I love you so, so much. I’ve just never seen you like this, and I want to make you feel better.” I already feel a little better listening to his voice, but that’s not it. “I... I can’t tell you. It’ll cause a time loop, or kill us, or something!” I break down even more. “If there’s anything, anything I can do to make you feel better, tell me, ok? I don’t want to make things worse, but if there’s something you want to say that won’t cause a time rift, I’m an open book.” I sniffle, snuggling up to him. “I... I’m just so anxious after when the vaanti broke in, and I... I saw you die.” Jake just looks there, shocked. “...what do you mean, Princess?” I let out a sob. “I... didnt tell you but when I rushed you in the closet... it was because i went... back in time. When we killed Cetus, and Ximaedra died, he tried to grab those stones from her neck...” I let out another sob, “They make your wish come true, and back when Varynn smashed through the window, you kept being so tough... and he stabbed you. I felt your face go white. I grabbed him and ripped off his necklace. I just wanted to be back with you, and then... I was in your arms.” I can’t stop sobbing. “Princess...” He kisses me on the nose and snuggles with me, making me the little spoon. “I’m not dying anytime soon, not without a fight, and I made sure to lock the door. I love you more then anything, you know that? After Mike, I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life never having a relationship or friends, but then you came and blew that straight to hell.” He let’s out a smile that makes me feel so warm and fuzzy. No one has seen this side of me, I’m supposed to be Ellie, the leader who can do anything. But I can’t, ok? I can’t do it! And now all I can think are the idols... the 11 graves... Jake being in prison for 5 years and then sacrificing himself so I could live, raj being a cook, Zahra having to pretend to work for 5 years for Rourke, and then dying to let us out... and then i remember I haven’t slept a full nights sleep since we got on this damned island. I just start sobbing even more with Jake holding me, and I feel safer then Ive felt on this trip, him holding me in his arms, and I drift off to sleep.
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princessxtopgun · 4 years
This is the first chapter from jakes perspective, I hope you enjoy!
This shouldn’t be too bad, just some rich kids going to some island. Ill be back in no time.
I check that everyone’s there, and take off. No point in making in introduction. I put the girl in autopilot and kick my boots up. She’ll land in no time. Probably shouldn’t be wearing down the equipment like this, but who gives a fuck. If this shits got autopilot in it, it can handle some scratches.
“Excuse me, it’s Jake right? Weren’t we supposed to have landed by now...?”
I hear some faint noises, but it’s probably just those kids. They ever learnt how to be nice on a plane?
“Wait, are you asleep?” She yells
“Hrn?” I dart up and yank my boots off the dash.
She gets this weird look on her face, like she’s having some flashback. Thought they didn’t let them have booze here, I’ll have to take a look. But then I see her face. She looks like the most goddamn beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. She has her arms crossed, and you can see she isn’t taking crap from anyone. Things are in slow motion for a sec. Weird.
“Listen, Princess, don’tcha know it’s rude to wake someone who’s takin a nap?”
“What can I say, I give nicknames to people who annoy me.” I say with a smile. She’s not too annoying, but what’s so bad about a name?
“Well in that case, I’ll call you top gun.” Hey, the nicknames are my thing!
“Fine, call me that. He was a cool dude.”
“Anyway, relax. We ain’t landing til’...” I check the jazz, but it’s all wrong.
“The hell?! That time ain’t right, and that ain’t either...” What happened to this thing? I bang on the instruments a few times, but it’s not doin anything.
“You sure you know what you’re doing?” Well, princess, this normally doesn’t happen, but I know my way around.
“If you knew half the things I survived, you’d bet on me to do any-” Turbulence hits me out of nowhere, and where the fuck is this even coming from? It was sun all around a second ago!
“Aw just great, the storm fronts comin’ in!” Yep Jake, we know.
I lean in and grab the yoke. I Ain’t dyin here.
“Get your ass in a seat, hear? And tell everyone to buckle up!”
“But-” Princess, this is not the time for arguing!
“Now, Princess!” Nobody’s dying today. Not me, not Princess.
Balled lightning? Where’d that shit come from?! I flip the intercom to passengers. I hear screams and crap. Princess is probably with some hot football boyfriend. Why am I thinking about some college drama?! I’m trying not to die!
“This is totally normal!!” Yeah this isn’t normal. You don’t sound normal.
WHERED BALLED LIGHTNING COME FROM?! I haven’t seen that in forever!
BOOM! Sparks start flying, and I don’t mean the sexy kind.
“Welp, engines just lost power! Bringing her down manually! Everyone hold on!” Don’t fuck this up, don’t fuck this up-
Are these kids singing? The fuck? Why are they singing some Hayley Rose song?
I can see clear sky... I’m almost out!
“Just a little farther... I think we’re almost out!”
The Lightning’s at fever pitch, but we make it out in time! Way to go, Jake
I’m flying this thing like a radio glider, but it’s going hella fast
I hear princess and some guy marveling about the view. In case you haven’t noticed, were landing here!
“Get a good look now, cause we’re coming in fast!” Don’t want Princess breaking her ankles.
“Welcome to La Huerta.” Reminds me if Costa Rica, nice tropical place. Wow, didn’t realize it had a massive volcano. Looks like it’s still active too.
“This is La Huerta tail number XC-DMK, requesting emergency priority to land!”
No response. Are you serious, Carlos!
“Carlos! Pick up ya lazy bastard, it’s Jake!”
“Ignoring me won’t make me forget the hundred bucks you owe me! Like it or not, we’re coming in!”
I land the girl down on some dirt airstrip. Not the best, but it is a tropical island. These kids are lucky they’re not dead. Hopefully Princess is ok. Carlos probably set up some fancy waiting area where she can relax. God, why am I thinking about this chick so much? I don’t even know her name!
I pull into the hangar and open the doors.
“Rough landing, Top Gun. Hope you don’t work for tips.” She says with a smile. Jeez, she’s pretty cute. But she would be gonzo if I wasn’t flying!
“You kidding? I’m a damn hero for getting you on the ground!” Eh, she’s never flown before. Anywhere, Carlos is being an asshole.
“Carlos! Carlos, I need a tune-up!” I go to march up to Carlos, but I wait for a minute to hear the gossip. Honestly what am I’m 14? I hear princess talking to that football guy. Sean Gayle I think, I saw a few of his games.
She reaches for her suitcase handle at the same time he does. Sounds like this is a play and they’re going to break into song.
“Oh, sorry!” Captain America says. Then Maybelline struts over and throws her arms around cap. She’s got so much makeup on her face must be an inch bigger. “Ugh, could you be any more desperate?” Sounds like Maybelline is Caps chick. Who knows, maybe she’s the kind to date nerds.
Then Maybelline starts yelling at her, and macho man comes over and is shocked that she doesn’t follow football. Macho, it’s not that big of a deal. Now she’s yelling about her trying to be popular. With those looks? How could she not be the most popular gal there? Wow, she played it cool and said she was gorgeous and must be together. Would not of done that myself, but hey, Princess seems like the smart type. Oh snap! Turns out Maybelline and captain America aren’t together anymore! Anyway, I should go find Carlos.
I get there, and this place is deserted. No sign of anyone. I run back down to the people.
“There’s no one here!” Did they lead me here on some damn chase to get a free flight?
“There should be here in a shuttle to take us up to the main resort but...” Damn, tour guide lady looks pretty nervous.
“I’m sure it’s just a slight delay!” Now she’s at 800% happiness. Nice try, but no one is naturally that happy.
“The hell with that. I’m going up to the control tower to get some answers.”
“What do you think is going on there?” Princess looks worried, reaaal worried.
“No idea... Call it a gut feeling, but whatever it is ain’t good. So princess, you coming?” Please say yes... say yes... Jesus what am I doing? I sound like I’m asking my mom to go to kyles.
Tour lady says some shit about taking everyone to the hotel, but I’m really hoping Princess comes. It doesn’t seem like a good idea to go alone. Ariel decided to go down to the beach, good for her.
“I could go with you-!” Maybelline, this ain’t an open call.
“Wasn’t talking to you, Maybelline.”
“So it’s cool if I join you?” Princess asks. Yep. Definitely yes.
“You gotta ask permission for everything? Come on, Princess.”
“This place is gorgeous. Do you fly out here a lot, Top Gun?” She asks
Here and every other privately owned resort island in the Caribbean. The favored vacation spot of the young and the privileged.” She’s probably in some rich girl sorority, but maybe one of the few that aren’t stuck up and obsessed with themselves.
“You don’t sound like you like it very much.” Well, not everyone’s job is their passion. At least I had a chance to fly.
“Hey, it pays the bar tab.” I try to seem cool, but I probably just sound like an alcoholic. Nice job, Jake. Rebecca would be laughing her ass off if she saw me acting like this.
“So, what did you do before this?” Jesus Princess, you a spy or something? Why do you have to know everything?
“What is this anyway, 20 questions?” Damn I sound angry. God, I’m just going to be the crazy pilot here.
“Sorry.” Don’t sound too sorry t’me, Princess. I should probably learn this girl’s name. We stay silent for a minute, but this girl’s too pretty to be a spy.
“Fighter Pilot. Navy.” Yeah, shouldn’t of said that. Yep, that’s the kind of affect a spy would have on you. Making you just spill everything.
“I was good at it too. Best in my class, until I got discharged.” Jake, don’t tell her why. Just don’t.
“What happened?” Godamnit Princess, you had to ask. Erm, I’ll think of something.
“Punched my commanding officer in the jaw.” Well, that’s partially true at least.
“...I’m sure he deserved it.” Damn right he did, and stop looking so suprised.
“Yeah. He did.”
“I’ve been ferrying around rich folks around the Caribbean and sleeping in a beach hammock in Costa Rica ever since.” Damnit Jake, you gotta tell her where you are now too? What’s next, tell her to turn you in for 750,000 bucks?
“That sounds lonely.”
“Uh, yeah, that’s the appeal.” I force a smile, but she probably sees right through me. Damnit, Princess.
“I mean, I get wanting to get away for a little while, but... don’t you want more?” Nope. Not after Mike. Ain’t so bad watching the sunset with a beer.
“Someone to come home to... someone to listen to you... someone to hold you all through the night...” Shit, Princess. You trying to bring it back? But who knows, maybe she thinks I’m hot. There’s a reason I kept the hair the way it is.
“You offering, Princess?”
“What? No, I... I just meant... in theory...” Alright, time to change the subject. Back to your super interesting past
“In theory, I had been the best pilot the navy had ever seen. In practice... Well you can’t beat a cold beer and a Caribbean sunset.” Yeah, we do t need to talk about practice.
We start climbing the stairs up the control tower, but a step cracks in half under Princess!
“Jake!” I grab her as fast as I can and pull her into my arms. Ain’t losing anyone here.
“Gotcha!” I yell. What is she, a fish?
“I think you just saved my life!” No sweat, Princess. A good princess needs a knight.
“Now you owe me one. Cmon.” A nice cold beer, perhaps?
We get to the top of the tower, and I push open the door. I start to yell,
“Carlos you dumb- Hey, what the...” But there’s no one here.
“There’s no one here,” Wow, i had no idea, Princess.
“Thanks, eagle eyes. I couldn’t tell.”
There’s dust all over the place. Am I at the wrong airport or shit?
“Are you sure they still use this airstrip?”
“Of course I’m sure, I was here a few days ago, And I’m damn sure...” No, this can’t be right... what am I doing? I walk over to the window, and everything is so beautiful, there’s this red and blue light, like a beautiful aura, and maybe I should come here instead of Costa Rica, maybe...
“Jake?” I hear Princess yell. I snap out of it
“Wha...” I know princess, ain’t it beautiful? Almost as beautiful as you. Oh shit, please say I didn’t say that out loud, and yes, I didn’t. I sound like I’m on some shit reality tv show.
Then I feel Princess’ fingers lace with mine. This feels amazing, but what am I doing?
“Jake... What is this?” She says, and all I want to do there is make her feel safe. My god, what am I doing? Jake, snap out of it! This is just some college girl that is going on vacation and she happens to be very, very attractive! But the truth is, I have no idea.
“I... I don’t know.” Then I see her staring into my eyes, and I find hers. They’re this beautiful blue, and these lights make them look even better.I haven’t even realized how close our faces are. I just stand there, shocked of how amazing this girl is. Some girl that I don’t even know what her name is. A girl I’ve just met. But it feels like I’ve known her for a thousand lives.
“Jake, I...”
Everything feels like it’s in slow motion... but all I can focus on is her.
“Hey... It stopped.” Is she talking about my ability to function?
I look down and see that I’m still holding her hand in mine.
“*cough* Uh... sorry.” I drop her hand. Now we have to ignore how amazing and weird and awkward that was.
“Look, it must’ve been something... Weird with the glass here. Who knows. Forget it, just... Come on.” All I can think of is her. But why in the world do I think that was something? That was just a gut instinct, to be protected. I duck out of the room, and me and princess wind our way up the road, silent, and she looks like she’s about to damn pass out, until we see this swanky ass hotel.
“So this is it, huh? Been to this island 50 times, and never been off the airstrip...” Yeah, these kids are definitely privileged.
“The Celestial!” Princess calls out.
“Well, come on then. You paid me to bring you here, so that’s what I’m doing.” We head towards the lobby, going through some fancy marble hallways.
“So, you’ve never stayed here? Are you taking off again after this, or you gonna stick around awhile?” She sounds like she’s begging me to stay, but you know what I’ve gotta do.
“Just gotta get Carlos to get my plane refueled, and I’m off. Got a bottle of anejo calling my name back in Costa Rica.”
“Try not to miss me too much, Princess.” I flash a smile and I probably look like a slug.
We walk in the lobby, and...
“Huh?” Princess says
“What the-” The place is deserted. No one in sight except us.
“I... I don’t understand...” Well lady, you’re the tour guide. You should be tour guiding us.
There’s a half finished wine glass,lipstick still on the rim but coated with dust. That ain’t normal.
“Hey, uh, Ellie... Do you happen to know...” Yeah cap, I think if she knew we’d have answers. And that’s her name, Ellie! Short and sweet.
“Where the hell is everyone?” Cap finishes.
Thank you so much for reading!
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princessxtopgun · 4 years
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Know your Choices characters: Jake McKenzie
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princessxtopgun · 4 years
[About MC]
Estella: She is beauty.
Sean: She is grace.
Jake: She fucking punched me in the face!
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princessxtopgun · 4 years
What makes Jake a good character?
No matter whether you’re a Jake stan or not, you’ve probably always wanted to know why the Jake Mckenzie ship is so big. Well, it’s not that other LIs are not written as well as he is, it’s that he is just written very well. So how did PB develop this character, and why does he appeal to us? Let’s take a look. (This is a bonus chapter I promised as a continuation of my Jake’s Relationship Development analysis series, feel free to check that out if you wish.) 
1. He has weaknesses. Good main characters should be flawed, and as the story progresses, the character must go on a journey to correct his weaknesses. Jake has two types of weaknesses: psychological (hurts himself) and moral (hurts others). 
Psychological weakness: Jake has an overwhelming guilt and pain for Mike’s (believed) death that was caused by someone’s betrayal of Jake. He has vowed to never let anyone else into his life - to prevent them getting hurt by his enemies (like Mike) and to protect himself from betrayal again. He doesn’t want anyone to know the real him - the sad and broken man that believes himself to be worth little.
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Moral weakness: Jake’s main moral weakness is that he pushes everyone away.  So he uses his cocky, sarcastic, and even slightly rude personality to keep his distance from others. Aside from that, there’s also his stubbornness (initially unwilling to cooperate with Sean) and his (initially) selfish attitude that came from an experience in which he learnt that he can’t save everyone.  
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2. Jake has a goal. Jake fights for something. And we pay attention to him because we want to know if he gets what he wants. And that goal is to escape from those who are hunting him - Lundgren and his pack. But also emotional escape, from the pain that is haunting him, by being as far away from others as possible. 
3. Why does Jake want the goal?  Physically, it’s because Jake doesn’t want to live the rest of his life in fear of his life. Emotionally, it’s to overcome the emotional pain of losing Mike by never losing anyone again. 
4. Jake needs something that he hasn’t realized yet. And that is an end to his running (physical) and loneliness (emotional). He needs to be with those that he loves (Mike and his family) and/or fall in love with someone bigger than him (MC) that he doesn’t need to push away in fear of. But to do this, he has to stop the threat to his life and thus the lives of his loved ones. At the beginning of the series, Jake believes that he doesn’t need anyone at all. It’s a one man battle he must face alone.  
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(Jake realizes what he needs) 
5. Jake has two ghosts, a source of all his weaknesses, and if it is not obvious enough, it is not only his war with the Arachnids, but also the past that haunts and tortures him. The moment Mike died as a result of his betrayal, Jake’s life fell apart. And thus the guilt and trauma that resulted from this became the “ghost” of his past. Interestingly he is not aware of another aspect of that “ghost” - and that is his refusal to open up emotionally, causing his loneliness. 
6. Characterisation: Jake is cocky, sarcastic, rebellious and humours. With a touch of good old Southern charm, crazy intelligence, and strong survival instincts, he is insanely attractive especially in situations in which these skills come in handy. However, he has a ‘true character’: Which is the protective, loving, loyal and at times compassionate man we have come to know and love. And is different to the man he likes to pretend to be - for the sake of others, of course. Combined with a thirst for adventure, his love of living in the moment, and a refusal to be ordinary, Jake is special from the moment we meet him. 
7. Change: Towards the end of the series, he starts to become a ‘changed person’: Technically, we’re not really here yet (writing in the mid of Book 3). But so far he has revealed his murky secrets to the group, in the face of judgement, and may or not have found someone to love romantically. We have reason to believe that someday, Jake’s going to crush the big demon, and no matter if he has a wife/husband or not he’s going to be able to go back to his loved ones again. For example, at the end of Book 2, when the escape helicopter becomes trapped in a time loop, Jake turns himself in to the Anarchids: 
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Jake’s change throughout the series is one of the most poignant plot points in the books. In this scene, he realizes that he most confront all his aforementioned “ghosts” in order to achieve his “goal” and reach his “needs”. Thus, he stops running from the Anarchids, finally confronting the past that left him broken in pieces. 
7. Throughout the series, we are fascinated by Jake. We are constantly given hints about who Jake really is and what secrets might he hold. We develop a strong curiosity towards Jake…a desire to know. Then we are illuminated, we are given what we asked for, and there’s a sense of fulfilment and pleasure to that. 
Thanks for reading this long and totally random post that I decided to make on a whim after reading this interesting article. I might continue with this post with a follow up about Jake’s character arc, but if I release it, it would be at the end of Book 3. I promised to write this for those who enjoyed my Jake analysis posts, so if you’re reading again I hope you enjoyed it! If anyone has anything to say, do me a favor and drop a comment, I’d love to start a discussion! 
Edit: How does everyone feel about me writing another essay about Jake’s character arc?
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