principilucis · 10 years
[ hiatus. ]
As you have all been aware, I haven't signed on in a month or so.
Truth be to told, I haven't been coping well with school at all. I've graduated to Junior College this year, and the workload's become twice as hectic. So, I've had to cut a lot of my non-school related activities. 
I will still be checking my personal tumblr, which you can find here. The only other RP blog I will still be running is for Takakage Kobayakawa from Samurai Warriors - if you still are interested in roleplaying with me, you can shoot me an ask there if you wish.
If schoolwork does slacken up (eventually and hopefully), I will return here.
But for now, this is a temporary goodbye.
Thank you all for sticking with me through these sixteen months. I wish you the best in your endeavours.
From Eon, with love
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principilucis · 11 years
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principilucis · 11 years
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It was originally supposed to be Lucina, but I just opted for Marth…I love both. I don’t know what to do.
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principilucis · 11 years
[ /awkwardly slides into the marth tag ]
[ so many marth ask blogs! you guys are great, keep it up ouo)b ]
[ man, it's tempting to join in... especially since i have a marth cosplay set which i could use... ]
[ but my face is terrible /ugly laughter ]
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principilucis · 11 years
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not too shabby…
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principilucis · 11 years
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i am tempeted but then again if i do then art style will forever change and i will take 9023847273 year haitus’ ha.
as im where the hecky did this style come from i dont even know
tell me if i should or should not open, and tell me a name :V
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principilucis · 11 years
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principilucis · 11 years
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doodle that i played around with
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principilucis · 11 years
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決意 | nello [pixiv] 
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principilucis · 11 years
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發售日紀念 | Roll [pixiv] 
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principilucis · 11 years
Marth closed his eyes briefly at Amelia's first statement. The fact that Naga never manifested herself still haunted him. She appeared to his ancestor, Anri, to grant him Falchion and the Shield of Seals, but that was all he knew  - until Lucina informed him of happenings in Ylisse. Why was she granted this blessing, and not him?
Perhaps he was never good enough to be worthy.
He quickly brushed the thought away, returning his attention to the conversation. A serene smile reappeared upon his expression, though tinted almost imperceptibly with sorrow.
"Please, do not feel it necessary to apologize. Your hospitality itself is a great kindness - as is your concern." A pause, before he continued with a nod. "I would be glad to."
rain [ marth | amelia ]
Oddly his words sounded. ‘Not to be blessed by Lady Naga?’ Then what was it that brought him here? Lucina only made it here thanks to the Divine One’s last bit of power, barely. But supposedly, the stakes of the situation might have effected the holy decision, and nevertheless, the mystery in front of her remained unsolved. Marth’s look clearly demonstrated and proved that idea. The Hero-King was confused himself.
"So I see…" she started off with a tone that was calm, and reassuring. Though know not the way around this situation, her nature just told her that things wouldn’t be too bad. If anything, well, Marth was already at the garrison, safety was assured to the legend. Troubles were the last thing that she wanted. Time-traveling had always been a mess itself after all, let alone space.
A brisk smile swept through, and was offered to the man of blue, before she continued on, “Unfortunately, I could not make out of what was given. The ordeal was a little… out of reach for me. My deepest apology, milord. However, I suppose fate does play a role in this deed. Lucina took up your image for help, now you came stumbling to her in time of needs. Such a way the life plays…”
"Regardless… I’m relieved that no harm was done. I couldn’t bring myself to do anything, if I know a legend— a friend, would be in danger. Even so, I know not what to do… So perhaps, we could exchange thoughts, until the world is clear from the darkened clouds?"
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principilucis · 11 years
Telling me you are scared to talk/RP/anything with me because I am ‘intimidating’ is not a compliment. Even if you follow it up with reasons why I’m great or why you ‘wish’ you could talk to me, it is not. a. compliment. I purposely try to come across as a nice person, someone you can be comfortable around because I am that kind of person, and to hear that I’m doing a piss poor job or that whatever I’m doing doesn’t mean anything because I’m ‘too good for you’ or whatever other reason, hurts. I’m human, I want friends and crack and silly talks and jokes with other humans just as much as you do. It’s one thing to be shy, that I understand—but do not let me intimidate you.
I’m not scary, I’m not mean, and it upsets me that you must think so if you’re too afraid to speak to me.
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principilucis · 11 years
challengemyfate replied to your photo:unfortunately i’m totally not a photogenic person...
//You look amazing!!
[ thank you so much! >w< ]
[ the costume's still pretty bad though I NEED TO IMPROVE IT ]
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principilucis · 11 years
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unfortunately i'm totally not a photogenic person and out of the 1850276027065 photos i got this was the only acceptable one that i could post.
the good thing about my home nation is that there are forested places to take pictures.
photograpy by Aluca/Hong Weikang, cosplay by me
deviantart post
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principilucis · 11 years
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principilucis · 11 years
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fire emblem feels after beating shadow dragon yesterday aw yiss
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principilucis · 11 years
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Sara Zarr, Sweethearts
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