princyjames · 8 years
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Set on the premise of bygone era, the final clash between the erstwhile giants of tennis — which was also a repeat of the 2008 Wimbledon finals — reminded us all of our good ol’ days. In a perfect end to that nostalgic note, Federer ended his almost five years of Grand Slam drought, defeating none other
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princyjames · 8 years
Petition calls for removal of 'racist' Gandhi statue
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Image courtesy: AP
Mahatma Gandhi, the leader of our freedom movement and a proponent of Satyagraha, is regarded a venerable figure by the world for inspiring many lives spanning generations, but that doesn’t make him immune to criticisms; like every human, he too, was flawed. 
Some of the essays Gandhi’s wrote during his years in South Africa as a legal practitioner resonated with racist portrayal of the native Africans. Although the aura associated to Gandhi’s name in the popular narrative accounts to those facts being overlooked, a group of academics from the University of Ghana have brought that to the attention of the world, with an objective to bolster support for their online campaign requesting the removal of a statue of Mahatma Gandhi placed in their campus. 
The page was created on 12th of this month, targeting to garner 2,500 signatures; so far, they have received 1,577. 
A Twitter hashtag that reads #GandhiForComeDown has been trending ever since. 
The petition has cited excerpts from Gandhi’s writings during the initial years of his political career, which paints a different picture of a man who is regarded one of the greatest statesmen ever lived.
Some of the passages reads:
“A general belief seems to prevail in the Colony that the Indians are little better, if at all, than savages or the Natives of Africa. Even the children are taught to believe in that manner, with the result that the Indian is being dragged down to the position of a raw Kaffir.”
“So far as the feeling has been expressed, it is to degrade the Indian to the position of the Kaffir.”
The aforementioned snippets elucidates the argument of the Ghanaian academics, who considers Gandhi as a racist, and therefore wants his statue removed from their campus. While Gandhi vehemently campaigned against the discrimination of Indians in South Africa through his essays and letters, he also made some crass references to the native Africans, calling them ‘Kaffirs’ expressing an apparent disdain towards their culture and practices. 
While piecing it all together, there is a deep incongruity, forcing us to reconsider the widely-held belief that only white people can be racist. 
The statue was unveiled earlier in June this year, by President Pranab Mukherjee, during his visit to Ghana, as part of a three-nation African tour. It was a gift by the Indian Council of Cultural Relations.
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princyjames · 8 years
The little chef who impressed Ellen DeGeneres
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Like any six-year-olds, Nihal Raj watches cartoons and enjoys playing with lego blocks, but not all kids get invited to become a guest at the Ellen DeGeneres Show. Nihal, fondly called Kicha, is the little chef behind the famous YouTube channel Kichatube HD, that features cookery videos. While most-six year olds’ expertise are limited to preparing instant noodles or frying eggs, this precocious child has proved his talent in making cookies, ice-creams, puddings, etc.
Nihal made news when Facebook bought the rights to his video that depicts how to make Mickey Mouse mango ice-cream. According to reports, the little chef got paid $2000 for that.
Soon, the first standard student’s fame crossed the seas, which landed him an opportunity to showcase his talent to famous talk show host Ellen DeGeneres. The first standard student from  
Choice School, Kochi — who became the yougest Indian to be featured on the show — made quite an impression on Ellen as he showed her how to make “puttu” — the steamed rice cake highly popular among Malayalis and Sri Lankans.
Nihal’s didn’t stick to the simplistic version of puttu, but made a variety version with steamed  bananas and honey. The kid’s stage presence and impressive articulation won the hearts of all those who were present at the show.
Nihal reportedly has drawn inspiration from his mother, Ruby Rajagopal, who is a baker. He used to enthusiastically watch his mother in the kitchen, and one day tried his hands on making popsicles. His dad shot a video and later uploaded it on YouTube. That was how it all started.
Nihal is not just articulate, but he handles the kitchen like a pro, without making the slightest mess.  
According to his father, Rajagopal, apart from cooking, Nihal is enthusiastic about watching unboxing videos on YouTube. The primary school kids has thousands of fans already, and is also friends with some of the renowned chefs in the country, from whom he takes tips.
Check out how Nihal impressed Ellen.
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princyjames · 8 years
Being a refugee is not a choice: Yusra Mardini
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Image credit: AP
The heart-rending monochrome photographs that depict the brutality of Holocaust makes us not just question the humanity, but also to ponder over the stringent immigration laws that used to exist during Hitler’s Third Reich and also the aftermath of World War II, which compounded the magnitude of one of the worst calamities that happened in the history of the world.
Hindsight is amazingly perfect, with all that ‘could haves’ and ‘should haves’.But the ongoing Syrian refugee crisis — the worst migrant crisis since WWII —  has proven that the world hasn’t changed much.  
“To slam the doors on the face of these families would betray our deepest values,” reminded US President Barack Obama at the United Nations General Assembly, while kicking off the Summit on Refugees.
But the strongest voice of the conference was that of a teenager, Yusra Mardini, who became a symbol of resilience during the Rio Olympics this year.
The young Syrian refugee became a global star when she represented the Refugee Olympic Athletic Team during the 2016 Summer Olympics. Although she didn’t win a medal, she won the hearts of millions when the story of her heroic deed made news.
Mardini, along with her sister and two other men were responsible for saving 20 lives, when the boat carrying them malfunctioned while fleeing their war-torn country.
Being a competitive swimmer, Mardini was able to help her fellow passengers to safety by jumping into the waters and pushing the boat to the shores of Greek island Lesbos.
18-year-old Mardini, while addressing the world leaders, made a plea to not turn a blind eye towards her home country.
Mardini reminded in her speech that being a refugee was not a choice, and that she wants to use her fame to change the people’s perception of refugees.
Mardini’s speech has great significance in the wake of Donald Trump Jr.’s insensitive tweet that compared Syrian refugees to poisoned skittles.
.@POTUS hanging at #UNGA w/ @YusraMardini, heroic Syrian Olympic refugee swimmer who pulled a broken dinghy w her teeth to shore pic.twitter.com/bEi2DtBgkq
— Samantha Power (@AmbassadorPower) September 21, 2016
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princyjames · 8 years
How Twitter reacted to Brangelina split
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All good things must come to an end, and Brangelina is no exception. Angelina Jolie has filed for divorce from her long-time partner Brad Pitt, according to TMZ. Not that people weren’t expecting this to happen one day, but still, they are shocked, and have taken to Twitter to share their thoughts as another fairytale marriage has crumbled in Hollywood. The only surprise here could be the reason behind their split: Brad’s substance abuse and anger issues. There is no third person involved.
Meanwhile City A.M announced the news in a novel fashion, with a title that reads: London School of Economics lecturer to divorce actor husband.
Jolie is a visiting lecturer at the prestigious LSE.
Jolie is reportedly concerned over the ill effects Brad’s behaviour could have on their children, and hence has demanded complete custody over them 
The power couple of Hollywood had been together for more than a decade, after they got close during the filming of Mr. & Mrs. Smith. Brad was then married to Jennifer Aniston. The couple got married two years back, and their marriage seemed solid with their adorable six kids, three of whom were adopted.
Twitter is inundated with Jennifer Aniston gifs, showing her celebrating the news, despite the fact that she has moved on and got married with Justin Theroux in 2015. The fans of the Friends actress are revelling in the news, quoting “karma”.
Check out some of the interesting tweets with the hashtag #Brangelina
Are we sure, I mean... Maybe Divorce is the name of the latest kid they ordered? #Brangelina
— So Damn Relatable! (@ReIatableWorld)
September 20, 2016
#Brangelina are filing for divorce? 2016, you disgusting piece of garbage.
— James Thomas (@JampkinJames)
September 20, 2016
Jen Aniston asks to stop being measured by her relationship status. Twitter: Yea! Brangelina files for divorce Feed: Jennifer Aniston gifs
— Feminist, The Happy (@HappyFeminist)
September 20, 2016
At least Harambe isn't here to witness the Brangelina divorce.
— Comfortably Smug (@ComfortablySmug)
September 20, 2016
The amount of "shady Jen Anstion gifs" y'all must have had saved in your drafts for when you heard about the #brangelina divorce lmao
— Conor Behan (@platinumjones)
September 20, 2016
I'm not happy that anyone is getting divorce but I do believe karma always comes around. #brangelina
— Amber Ferguson (@Ms_AmberDawn)
September 20, 2016
#Brangelina: We're getting a divorce Jennifer Aniston: pic.twitter.com/4Y8uGmnEJm
— Obsev Entertainment (@Hollyscoop)
September 20, 2016
#brangelina Jennifer Anniston and the Internet going to the #brangelina divorce party pic.twitter.com/hqQKqPVqTs
— Faith (@faith_x1)
September 20, 2016
Jennifer's reaction to the #brangelina divorce? pic.twitter.com/jhIAgGssmu
— 9GAG (@9GAG)
September 20, 2016
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princyjames · 8 years
A Facebook page that posts the same photo every day
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The internet is a strange place. It makes people feel belonged in a parallel universe with their shared interests, regardless good or bad. This can be reflected in some of the Facebook pages, which are  popular for being ridiculously bizarre, like this page that features the same photo of Hollywood actor Jeff Goldblum everyday.
The page has 245,947 followers to date; the first ever photo was posted two years back, on September 17, 2014, where it got only 205 likes. Over the days, the page got popular, and these days, Goldblum’s photo receives thousands of likes, shares and comments. Interestingly, some of the comments are repetitive, with the same people posting them without fail, daily.  
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There are other similar sites, dedicated to Nicolas Cage, Jim Carrey, Kim Jong Un, etc., but none of them are popular as that of Jeff’s. The Lost World actor’s page has survived the test of time, with the loyal supporters not failing to ‘like’ the post that appears at the exact same time daily. 
Who said familiarity breeds contempt!.
While it’s true that our brain gets stimulated by novelty, and the same is responsible for an increase in the dopamine levels — the neurotransmitter responsible for brain’s pleasure centre — some people find comfort in familiarity. The kind of people who orders the same food every time they visit their favorite restaurant, or whose wardrobe is dominated by one particular colour.
The Same Photo of Jeff Goldblum Everyday offers and odd comfort of certainty to its followers as they know that photo will appear all year round, something permanent in a world that is in constant flux. 
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princyjames · 8 years
How a Facebook post changed the life of an elderly popsicle seller
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When Joel Cervantes happened to see an elderly man laboriously pushing his popsicle cart through the streets of Chicago, little could he have imagined of the impact the crossing of their paths would have on the latter’s life. Cervante was filled with tenderness and respect towards that worn-out old man, working at the age of 89, to support his family.
Cervantes learned that the old man Fidencio Sanchez’s daughter had passed away recently, which forced him and his wife to start working again to support their two grandchildren, and also to take care of the bills.
Cervantes not just bought popsicles worth $50, but took a photo of the old man and shared the same on Facebook, which garnered the attention of the people. A friend of his then suggested of crowdfunding campaign, so that they could raise a decent sum to mitigate the poor man’s burden.
What happened next was an avalanche of kindness. In just six days after the photo was shared on facebook, they have been able to amass $365,440 ,far beyond their initial target of $3000.
Once the story became viral, the people in Chicago have been seeking out Sanchez; he is now a local celebrity with cameras flocking to him.
According to reports, Sanchez will be using the money not just for his family, but also for the ones whom he knows, are in need.
Meanwhile the Good Samaritan, Cervantes, is delighted that his small gesture has gone a long way. He keeps updating about the progression of the events on Facebook.
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princyjames · 8 years
Williams sisters, Biles targeted after WADA medical records hack
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Image courtesy: AP
Russian cyber espionage group Tsar Team (APT28), a.k.a Fancy Bear, opened the Pandora’s box by hacking World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA) Anti-Doping Administration and Management System (ADAMS) database.
The hackers made public the confidential medical data, naming the American athletes who have been given a leeway to use some of the banned drugs on the grounds of medical exemptions. The list includes the names of high profile athletes like Serena Williams, Venus Williams, Simone Biles, etc.
WADA has confirmed that its database has been hacked, while the Russian government has ruled out any possibility of their involvement in the hacking. However, the news was welcomed with enthusiasm in Russia, who faced a huge setback at the Rio Olympics this year, after hundreds of their athletes were denied participation following a massive doping scandal.
Simone Biles, whose name was featured in the list for taking Ritalin, responded to the allegations saying that she has been using the said drug since childhood, as she suffers from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and the same was approved under WADA’s therapeutic exemptions. Biles had a phenomenal Olympics debut in Rio, bagging five medals, including four gold.
Having ADHD, and taking medicine for it is nothing to be ashamed of nothing that I'm afraid to let people know.
— Simone Biles (@Simone_Biles)
September 13, 2016
Seven-time Grand Slam champion Venus Williams issued a statement, explaining that therapeutic use exemptions is a standard practice, and that she hasn’t flouted any rules.
“I am one of the strongest supporters of maintaining the highest level of integrity in competitive sport and I have been highly disciplined in following the guidelines set by WADA,” she said.
As the hackers have threatened to release more names, the hashtag #WADA has been trending on social media, with a majority of the people expressing their shock over the matter, arguing whether therapeutic use exemption is fair or not.
#WADA decides for whom doping is allowed & for whom it isn't. For US athletes it's fine. No politics here whatsoeverhttps://t.co/MeE1WGnGie
— Robin Monotti (@robinmonotti)
September 13, 2016
"Fancy Bear" ?#WADA ya know ;)https://t.co/aHwfjqlUC3 pic.twitter.com/yhiVqoDYgn
— 〠 Dominic H 〠 (@domihol)
September 13, 2016
#WADA justifies #doping "therapy" for overpumped Americans and forbids heart drug for Russian paralympians. pic.twitter.com/6yqCGAsKjQ
— Amitashi (@amitashi01)
September 14, 2016
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princyjames · 8 years
Could the four Paralympians have won gold at Olympics? Not really
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Algeria's Abdellatif Baka wins the gold medal in the men's 1,500-meter T13 final during the Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (AP Photo)
Algerian Abdellatif Baka won the Paralympic gold in men’s 1,500m for the visually impaired — the T13 category —  setting a new world record, clocking 3 minutes 48.29 seconds. Baka’s timing bested the timing of Rio Olympic gold medalist Matthew Centrowitz, who finished the 1,500m in 3 minutes 50 seconds.
The 1,500m T13 category garnered a lot of attention for the aforementioned factor. Furthermore, the contestants who came in second, third and fourth — Tamiru Demisse (3:48.49); Henry Kirwa (3:49.59), and Fouad Baka (3.49.84) — all finished faster than Olympic champion Centrowitz; a remarkable feat, indeed.
However, that doesn’t undermine the achievement of Centrowitz, as there is more to the story beyond the first glance.
1,500m is all about running smart. It requires not just pace, but strategy also. Akin to a game of chess, the contestants will resort to tactics — which sometimes would require them to run slow —  to gain an edge over their fellow runners.
On the contrary, the visually impaired paralympians, who obviously couldn’t see their fellow contestants, maintained their pace throughout, running as fast as they could.
In the case of Centrowitz, his timing at Rio was one of the slowest in the recent Olympics history, since Luigi Beccali in the 1932 Los Angeles Olympics. After his win, Centrowitz told reporters that the race could have gone either way, fast or slow, and he was prepared to change his strategy accordingly.
The race started off slowly, and the runners maintained that tempo till they passed the 800m mark.
Centrowitz’s personal best in 1500m category is 3:30.40, about 20 seconds less than his timing in Rio (3.50) .
Considering all that, it is doubtful whether Algeria’s Fouad Baka, who finished fourth with  3:49.84, could have won a medal in Rio, beating Centrowitz. Nevertheless, it goes without saying that the Paralympians pulled off an incredible performance, and hats off to them!
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princyjames · 8 years
Internet going crazy over Hillary Clinton body double conspiracy
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Hillary Clinton fainted during the 9/11 memorial ceremony in New York City on Sunday, and a video clip showing a wobbly Clinton being helped into her van by her security made people speculate about the condition of the Democratic presidential candidate’s health.
Clinton’s doctor later issued a statement that she was diagnosed with pneumonia two days before the incident, and that she has been put on antibiotics and advised to go easy on her schedule.
The 68-year-old, who was taken to her daughter Chelsea’s closeby apartment following the incident, was photographed later coming out of the building with a smile. She even fondly held a young admirer who approached her for a photograph, and Trump supporters are now bashing Clinton for that,calling her behaviour irresponsible, given that pneumonia is a contagious disease.
Ever since, conspiracy theorists have taken to Twitter to spin a yarn about Clinton’s health condition, saying that she is suffering from a major illness, and a body double is being used to cover up the matter from the public. They claim that the person who exited from Chelsea’s apartment wasn’t Clinton, using photos to back their theory.
They even alluded to Saddam Hussein and Joseph Stalin, who allegedly used political decoys during their tenure. 
In a interesting twist to the plot, famous Clinton impersonator Teresa Barnwell tweeted — “Or maybe I was in NYC today...you never know!”. The tweet was later deleted, and Barnwell clarified to her followers that she was in LA when the incident happened.
OK people, calm down. I was in LA today, all day. Was just messin' with your crazy conspiracy minded little heads. Go to bed.
— Teresa Barnwell (@teresa_barnwell)
September 12, 2016
With barely two months left for the Presidential elections, the incident could be a setback for the Clinton camp, according to the political obsevers.
Real Hillary vs Body Double Hillary... (real Hillary is heavier, body double slim and notice the nose job!) pic.twitter.com/mdoiwY0cdM
— Michael Delauzon (@MichaelDelauzon)
September 12, 2016
Is Hillary Clinton advertising on Craig's List for a body double yet? Like movie "Dave" with #KevinKline pic.twitter.com/jyux2hlMpp
— USA Hipster (@USAHipster)
August 31, 2016
Body double? Younger, thinner, carries her purse on the opposite shoulder-women get this, walks different --What Hillary will be at debates?
— 🔫Patriot for Trump (@BigStick2013)
September 12, 2016
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princyjames · 8 years
Cindy Crawford’s daughter ready to take modelling world by storm
The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree! Kaia Gerber, the 15-year-old daughter of 90s supermodel Cindy Crawford, has won the Breakthrough Model of the Year at The Daily Front Row Fashion Media Awards in New York recently. She was presented the award by designer Marc Jacobs, whose label the teen will be endorsing.
Kaia’s mom Cindy too entered the modelling profession in her teens. She was only 17 when the prestigious Elite Model Management signed her after she won their annual contest. Despite having an impressive academic background, Cindy opted to pursue a career in modelling, and in no time, she made it to the top league, featuring among the original supermodels of the 90s.
Young Kaia is the spitting image of her mother, blessed with all the latter’s  good features, including those long legs, beautiful eyebrows and well defined cheekbones.
Kaia’s older brother Presley Walker as well is into modelling.
During her acceptance speech, Kaia thanked her mom for teaching her to be kind and punctual, and raising her kids right as responsible individuals.
In a career spanning 3 decades, Cindy has achieved many honours, including being named the top-paid model of the world. The modelling industry, however, has undergone tremendous changes in the recent years; social media has become an integral part of a model’s career these days, contrary to the 20th century. Millennial models a.k.a Instagirls, Kendall Jenner, Gigi Hadid etc., have millions of followers on Instagram — a platform where they can sell their image, which in turn make them the most sought after faces for the big brands.
For Kaia, this is just the beginning.
Image credit: Getty, Instagram.
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princyjames · 8 years
Meet Anuko, the canine counterpart of Grumpy Cat
Grumpy Cat, your time’s up, please make way to Anuko, the Siberian husky, whose unusually perpetual angry stare makes him an internet star. Anuko’s disgruntled stare can send chills down our spine, but he is a quite a darling, according to his owner Jasmine, a 20-year-old student from England. Anuko is already a celebrity, boasting of 21.1k followers on Instagram. By now, he has made it to the cover of a magazine, and also has an agency to represent himself.
Ever since he earned global fame, the adorable grumpy dog has been fetching thousands for his owner, with which the latter is planning to cover her college expenses. Jasmine, who dreams of earning a degree in Psychiatry, frequently posts photos of her beloved along with funny captions.
Jasmine brought Anuko home two years back to help her cope with the depression associated with her bipolar disorder. While recovering in the hospital following a failed suicide attempt, she overheard a patient mentioning about dogs being nature’s best antidepressant.  
That was how the Siberian husky ended up with the 18-year-old, and the rest is history.
“I cannot possibly recall a moment since where I've felt as low as I did that sad December evening in 2013. When I reached out of the infinite black hole I fell into, I found his paw. Thank you Anuko, you are my best friend.” she wrote on Instagram, sharing a snap of hers with Anuko.
Like Tardar Sauce, a.k.a Grumpy Cat, Anuko too has become an inspiration for internet memes. Grumpy Cat, named world’s most influential cat, rose to fame in 2012. He has made several high-profile appearances on TV shows, and has also acted in films.
Image credit: Husky Anuko/facebook
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princyjames · 8 years
Bold and beautiful: Acid attack victim walks the ramp at NY Fashion Week
Reshma Bano Qureshi was robbed of her happiness when her abusive brother-in-law threw acid on her face, as she was trying to protect her sister from his attack. With her face severely damaged, and blinded in one eye, Reshma’s world suddenly turned upside down, but she refused to give up; fighting off depression and suicidal thoughts, the teen decided to write her own destiny, showing unusual courage by pledging to dedicate her life to draw the attention of the people towards the atrocities faced by women in India, where acid attacks by jilted lovers or abusive husbands aren’t uncommon.
Last year, Reshma uploaded a video on youtube, titled “How to get perfect red lips” — as part of a campaign for Make Love Not Scars — an NGO focused on rehabilitation of acid attack victims. The video starts with Reshma giving makeup tips, but suddenly takes a sombre tone, calling the attention of the viewers on how easily accessible concentrated acid is on the Indian market, just like a red lipstick. She then exhorts the viewers to sign a petition to ban the open sale of acid in the country.
The video became viral, and Reshma’s fight for justice gained momentum. As a gesture of appreciation of her commendable efforts, she received an invite to walk the ramp at the New York Fashion Week, an opportunity to further spread her message, and that’s how she became the face of FTL Moda’s #TakeBeautyBack campaign.
On Thursday, she walked the ramp in an embroidered white gown, designed by Archana Kochhar. The brave young girl aced it on the ramp, showing no sign of nervousness, making a strong political statement on behalf of all the acid attack victims. With her amazing resilience, Reshma has rendered a new definition to beauty.
Reshma was joined by Bollywood actress Sunny Leone, the showstopper.
Image courtesy: AP
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princyjames · 8 years
Eat, Pray, Love author Elizabeth Gilbert finds love with a woman
“Relationships overlapped, and those overlaps were always marked by exhausting theatricality; sobbing arguments, shaming confrontations, broken hearts. Still, I kept doing it. I couldn’t not do it,” wrote Elizabeth Gilbert — the author of ‘Eat, Pray Love’ in an essay titled Confessions of a Seduction Addict, for The New York Times last year.
The free-spirited and genuine Elizabeth Gilbert won the hearts of people after her memoirs, ‘Eat, Pray, Love’, became a bestseller, and it was later adapted into a movie by the same name, starring Julia Roberts and Javier Bardem.
Elizabeth’s spiritual quest, her eventual self discovery, and her newfound love in the most unexpected part of the world...it was cathartic to go through all that in a book which had sold millions of copies all over the world.
But to the disbelief of her fans, Elizabeth made an announcement a couple of months back, about her divorce from Jose Nunez (known by the name Felipe in the book) — the Brazilian whom she encountered during her Bali sojourn — underscoring the general consensus that there is no such happily ever after, afterall.
And now, the author has revealed that she has found love again, this time in a woman, Rayya Elias — who has been her best friend for 15 years.
The 47-year-old author has revealed that Rayya being recently diagnosed for cancer made her realise how deeper their relationship was, beyond the realm of friendship . In an emotional facebook post, she wrote:
“Death — or the prospect of death — has a way of clearing away everything that is not real, and in that space of stark and utter realness, I was faced with this truth: I do not merely love Rayya; I am in love with Rayya. And I have no more time for denying that truth.”
Last year, in an exclusive interview to The Sydney Morning Herald, Elizabeth said that the bond she shares with Rayya was unique.
"It's not your sister, it's not your lover, it's not your BFF. There isn't really an identifier for it."
While the news come as a surprise to many, the interviewer Pip Cummings has mentioned in a facebook comment that he had always known the truth.
Slideshow: Memorable quotes on love from ‘Eat, Pray Love’. (Image courtesy: Eat Pray Love/ facebook)
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“People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life.”
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“In desperate love, we always invent the characters of our partners, demanding they be what we need of them, and then feeling devastated when they refuse to perform the role we created in the first place.”
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“I do not need to love you to prove that I love myself!”
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“To lose balance sometimes for love is part of living a balanced life.”
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“There are only two questions that human beings have ever fought over, all through history. 'How much do you love me?' and, 'Who's in charge?' Everything else is somehow manageable. But these two questions of love and control undo us all, trip us up and cause war, grief, and suffering.”
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“There’s a part of me which has always wanted to hear a man say, "Let me take care of you forever," and I have never heard it spoken before. Over the last few years, I’d given up looking for that person, learned how to say this heartening sentence to myself, especially in times of fear.”
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“The only thing more unthinkable than leaving was staying; the only thing more impossible than staying was leaving.”
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princyjames · 8 years
Japanese-Indian crowned Miss Japan
Priyanka Yoshikawa, a 22-year-old Japanese-Indian, has been crowned Miss Japan. This is for a second time in a row that a person of mixed-race has been conferred with the title; last year, Ariana Miyamoto became the first multiracial woman to accomplish such a remarkable feat.
Born to an Indian father and a Japanese mother, Priyanka, who hails from Tokyo, enjoys kickboxing and is also an elephant trainer. Priyanka cited Ariana, the trailblazer, as her inspiration.
Like Ariana — who has a Japanese mother and an African-American father — Priyanka too has become a target of criticisms on social media after her victory. Not everyone is happy that a hāfu (mixed-race) is being crowned Miss Japan, instead of an authentic Japanese beauty.
In the wake of such criticisms, Priyanka’s win serves as a game changer, blurring the cultural boundaries.
"Yes, my dad is Indian and I'm proud of it, I'm proud that I have Indian in me. But that doesn't mean I'm not Japanese," the beauty queen told AFP.
However, not everyone is unhappy about Priyanka’s win. So many people have tweeted supportive messages, reproaching the ones who called her inauthentic.
“If she was born in Japan, grew up in Japan and learned Japanese culture, how do people manage to think she is not Japanese?,” a facebook user commented.
Priyanka, who had been subjected to bullying during her school days, believes that her achievement will help alleviate the racial prejudices prevailing in the society.
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princyjames · 8 years
She can’t be 50! Halle Berry's age-defying bikini body
She stunned us with her breathtaking entrance, sashaying along the beach in a belted orange bikini as Jinx in Die Another Day. Halle Berry looked flawless in that iconic bikini moment from the Bond flick, and now, 14 years later, the Academy Award winning actress has send mercury soaring once again by sharing a behind-the-scenes snapshot of her latest beach photo shoot on Instagram.
Clad in a lattice strappy black two-piece, the mother of two flaunted her toned body, making us wonder whether she really is 50. Yes, 50 is the new 30 for Halle Berry!
Berry’s age-defying beachbody has become the talk of the town. Her washboard abs serve as a workout motivation for everyone out there. Two months back, the dusky beauty shared another photo showcasing the same bikini, revelling as she hit the half a million followers mark.  
The Bond girl celebrated her 50th birthday last month, posting a gorgeous photo of herself in a diaphanous white outfit, with arms spread out, captioning the same “With open arms I welcome 50... I'm so blessed to be here!”
Like wine, some get better with age!
Berry is reportedly single following her split from her third husband Olivier Martinez last year, with whom she has a two-year old son, Maceo. Berry has a daughter, Nahla, from her previous relationship with model Gabriel Aubry. Earlier this year, there were rumours that she was dating rapper Chris Webby, who is younger to her by 22 years.  
The actress’ next project is a spy comedy Kingsman: The Golden Circle, scheduled to be released next year.
Check out Halle Berry’s recent Instagram photos.
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princyjames · 8 years
Remembering Princess Diana through her words
It’s been 19 years since Princess Diana died of a tragic car crash in Paris.  On the wee hours of the ill-fated day — Aug 31,1997 —  the Mercedes carrying Diana and her boyfriend Dodi Al Fayed crashed in an underpass, as they were pursued by the paparazzi . She was only 36.
When a 20-year-old Diana married Charles, the Prince of Wales, their wedding ceremony was watched by millions around the world, but little could have they imagined that the modern-day fairytale wouldn’t last long.
Deemed a misfit, Diana was a free spirited woman, who refused to be confined to the walls of the palace. She was not intimidated by the rules of the royalty, but believed in following her heart. She loved interacting with the people and engaging in humanitarian works, an aberration from the royal family’s practices. At a time where there was so much stigma and prejudice associated with AIDS, Diana made efforts to raise awareness on the disease, thereby encouraging investment on research.
When her marriage collapsed, she channeled all her woes into giving it back to the sick and needy, trying to find meaning in life through compassion.
The People’s Princess however wasn’t always happy about being the centre-stage, especially following her split from Charles. She wished to have a quiet life away from the public eye towards the end of her life, before the tragic accident cut short her dreams. Had she been alive, she would have turned 55 this year.
It is hard to imagine what she would have thought about today’s world dominated by social media.
Diana lived a short life, yet a meaningful one. The rebel princess’ memories remain strongly in the hearts of people, and she will be fondly remembered by the many lives she touched, and also through the many charity works she initiated.
Recently, when Prince William met a 14-year-old boy who also had lost his mother, he told him:  "Time makes it easier. I know how you feel. I still miss my mother every day, and it's almost 20 years after she died."
And the world as well misses the radiant princess of hearts. Check out some of her memorable quotes.
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“When you are happy you can forgive a great deal.”
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“ I always knew I'd never be the next queen. I'd like to be a queen in people's hearts, but I don't see myself being queen of this country.”
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“There were three of us in this marriage, so it was a bit crowded.”
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“HIV does not make people dangerous to know, so you can shake their hands and give them a hug. Heaven knows they need it.”
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“What must it be like for a little boy to read that daddy never loved mummy?”
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“Carry out a random act of kindness with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.”
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“I like to be a free spirit. Some don't like that, but that's the way I am.”
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“Everyone of us needs to show how much we care for each other and, in the process, care for ourselves.”
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“Nothing brings me more happiness than trying to help the most vulnerable people in the society. It is a goal and an essential part of my life - a kind of destiny. Whoever is in distress can call on me. I will come running wherever they are.”
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