printemps-ete · 7 days
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printemps-ete · 7 days
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those eyes are unmistakable
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printemps-ete · 7 days
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printemps-ete · 3 months
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it has been a week…ops!
- i finished for the whole school year! i have no more lectures + seminars but just 3 more essays to submit and 1 exam, then my second year at uni is completed!
- unfortunately, i won’t be going home for easter which will be quite lonely but i was planning to work and then i got no shifts for the whole month and now can’t afford flights back home :(
- i also chose my final year modules, i was extremely stressed with choosing the right ones and im honestly still not sure i have lol i guess i’ll find out next year
- i am doing a dissertation! probably will regret this later but i want to discuss the concept of soul and salvation in vampiric literature, alot of texts i’ve read discuss the idea of becoming ‘damned’ from simply existing as a vampire and i think it would be interesting to look at :)
i will be trying to post everyday during the break to motivate me to actually do some work but im gonna probably take a few days to rot rest, take care!!
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printemps-ete · 3 months
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-deep cleaned the flats bathrooms the day before, i hope to deep clean mine this weekend.
- went to my lecture and + seminar, we studied Kingis Quair, bit boring i cannot lie
- home time i saw 2 different cats in the span of two seconds. my cousin keeps saying this is a sign of hecate (especially since i see them at crossroads) but im gonna choose to ignore for now lol
-took a late night shift which was fairly good, made a nee friend and shared spotify + instas
fridays will be shared soon but not much school work in either lol
this days repeated song:
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printemps-ete · 3 months
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printemps-ete · 3 months
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quite a odd day for me, much was done but also so little
- did not go to my lecture :(
- had some complications with my flats water bill and since i said id take care of it, was a lot of stress but i managed to fix it in the end.
- went to my seminar, we read Perma Red by Debra Magpie Earling, i REALLY loved this text. i didnt even finish yet found so much to talk about in the two chapters i read, about gothic setting, the grotesque appearance of the characters even the symbolism between louise’s nosebleed at the beginning and the deers nose bleeding later on showing the link betweenthe desruction of women impacting the natural world (i mentioned this and my seminar leader was super impressed) overall, i think ill continue this book outside my learnint cause i really enjoyed! it is a shame that as it was out of print there is not much literature on it but oh well.
- made some creamy chorizo pasta, i kinda burnt the chorizo but it was still super yummy!
tomorrow is my day off but i hope to deep clean the flat as it is way overdue, take care!!
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printemps-ete · 3 months
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hii!! this is my post for monday. had a major slump over the weekend but trying to get out of it :)
- did not go to my lecture bur went to my work shift that was right after, and ended up serving my lecturer o.o i was gonna miss her seminar later that day as well but she said ‘see you later’ AHH
- ended up going to the seminar where we studied George Egerton’s Keynotes. i hadn’t finished the stories set but i still found some stuff to say about decadence, and ‘the new woman’
- went home, played some valorant, typed up my notes for my class the next day and had a late night of doing nothing.
not very productive day but i am getting there!!
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printemps-ete · 3 months
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this is my new blog where i will try to post about studying in order to motivate myself! also to reflect on the day. i’ll do an intro post later on but today i:
- went to my lecture and seminar, we studied the portrayal of venus and fortune in Fortunes Stabilnes by Charles d’Orléans. it was super helpful since my essay is on the portrayals on either figure (have not decided on which) and since the text is rather hard to read. Medieval english is hard to grasp as it is but it does not help that this was written by a french man who was learning english for the first time.
- rememebered to log my attendance! i got an email recently about my poor engagement, which is mainly due to me missing class but also me forgetting to log my attendance for those classes i do attend.
- finished my diamond painting! i had bought a bunch in sept and started this one but never had finished it. i suddenly found the motivation for it so here it is!! hurt my back bending over trying to make sure i didn’t miss anything but it was worth!!
- no pictures but i made a homemade meal tonight! crispy chilli chicken noodles, which i’ve made before but this took way less time as im in the habit of cooking it now.
thanks for reading!! im not sure what this blog is, maybe ill rebrand at a later date but take care :D
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printemps-ete · 4 months
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Truth is like fire; to tell the truth means to glow and burn.
— Gustav Klimt
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printemps-ete · 4 months
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sea, swallow me
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printemps-ete · 4 months
im in your walls
im homeless
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