pripara-arcade · 9 years
Yes! I managed to record & upload the Spring Dream Idol Gran Prix up on youtube very shortly after the mid-Live update went up after midnight on Valentine’s Day. 
The new song meant for this gran prix in particular is “Around the PripaLand!” -- which by the sound of it, has all the current characters in the pripara anime singing! This gameplay in particular features my local pripara-playing friends @happymappy​​, Niki, @polm23, & @kabakism666​.
I completely lucked out on this: I ended up getting the new “Final Airy” on my first try with this song! I absolutely didn’t expect that to happen. The rainbow colors on the wings really compliment the color palette of Fuwari’s cyalume coorde quite nicely IMO.
The other thing I lucked out on was when the game center staff shut down power on all the arcade machines less than a minute after I stopped recording my game! Yeah I was cutting it close before closing hours (as you can probably tell by the timestamp on my dream ticket) -- and was totally racing time when deciding on which outfit and friends’s tomotickets to use.
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pripara-arcade · 9 years
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pripara-arcade · 9 years
After a long haitus from tumblr, i’m (kinda) back. Sorry to everyone who’s been messaging me here, I’ve been extremely busy in my day job this past month -- and checking tumblr unfortunately had to be one of my first sacrifices to keep my work focus in check.
Pripara is the other thing I had to slow down considerably on (which is why video updates on my pripara youtube page have been much more sporadic). But of course, that didn’t stop me this time from taking videos of the latest mid-Live update on the game right when they updated -- including the spring dream idol gran prix! Definitely would never try to disappoint you guys on this.
This one in particular is for the Valentines Day (& white day) themed song “Hai ♥ Love Valentine ~sondemotte white day~”, featuring my super-cool buds @happymappy & niki!
Consider this & the next few posts my obligation chocolate for you guys. (*´ω`*)
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pripara-arcade · 9 years
When you first make an account in Pri Para, it will ask you your birthday. After you input it it will say something in japanese. What does that mean?
Hi! Basically it reminds you to register your Mychara’s Priticket ID onto the online Pripara Club site -- that way you can see your character rank + score statistics of your own character and all the tomotickets you’ve scanned in as teammates, as well as gain access to free live-seasonal coorde sets that you can either print out or scan from your smartphone.
Here’s the main login page, as well as the signup page.
Also if you need it, here’s a quick & dirty translation of the main details you’ll need to fill out on the signup!:
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pripara-arcade · 9 years
OMG two drawings even!!! This is also sooo unbelievably cute (I love strawberries too lol)! If you don’t mind I’d love to use this as one of my purikura tomoticket avatars whenever I play the game!  Thank you for drawing my pripara character, I am so happy beyond words right now~~~! ^^
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This is what happens when I get stuck on a bus for four hours…I start drawing @pripara-arcade. Of all things I don’t know why I put strawberries in the background. Oh dear me….
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pripara-arcade · 9 years
omggg so cute!!! Mikan’s outfit is my favorite version too! (especially fitting since I tend to use food items for my character -- like burgers lol) Thank you so much, this is so awesome!!! :D
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The next generation of the PriPara Police featuring @lets-play-pripara, @pripara-arcade and @priparaashlee89! Ashlee looks like she’s going “Psst! Come closer and I’ll tell you a secret!”
I promise I don’t just sit around all day drawing lil’ chibi’s of the people I follow on tumblr!
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pripara-arcade · 9 years
did yet another earlybird run for the latest pripara live, this time for “What a WonderPri World!!”, as part of the Winter Idol Gran Prix!
and once again, the gaudy movie references are tipped over the scale, even the platform in the results screen is perched on top of a freaking Hibiki oscar
Since this is a celebrity song, I just had to partner up with a couple of my real-life music artist friends who just happen to moonlight as pripara idols (including some whom you MIGHT recognize...!!!)
I think my favorite part of this particular gameplay session though is how ridiculous this winter dream idol dreamticket photo looks:
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i just love this shit-eating grin so much
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pripara-arcade · 9 years
pripara challenge cup in christmas
Last Sunday on December 20th, I decided to go to go to the “Pripara Challenge Cup in Christmas” event in Maihama Amphitheatre near Tokyo Disneyland.
Unfortunately I didn’t have tickets to the even bigger event that was happening (which was the Pripara Christmas☆Dream Live... I don’t really follow actual real-life idol activities that much but now I kinda regret not seeing the cyalume airy antics that went on in the concert, lol). Also I went a tad bit late in the event (I was out drinking with bf & friends the night prior and snoozed off the majority of the following day ;P ), but I managed to catch the latter third of the event!
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Panorama of a fair majority of the current cast. I got pretty lucky on this; I had to redo this three times since there was a stream of people just walking through, haha.
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Aimi in her full-out presentation, with a special guest whom I couldn’t be arsed to identify (sorry!). Just like her previous outings, she was giving out raffle prizes and her personal tomoticket (though the same birthday coorde used since Tokyo Toy Show).
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Various advertisements that were propped around the free area. This one was advertising a new pripara collaboration with a “Movie Star” app where you can apparently make animated videos of your mugshot as it magically plops laala’s hair ribbon and creepy anime eyes of what i’m assuming are her eyeballs. The other one is for a “Live Bromide” photo service where you go to various participating conbinis and type in a code on a specialized copy machine to print out your own “bromide photos” of various screenshots from the pripara anime -- including calendar overlays etc. Probably the most interesting part of this is that you can print out a special priticket (which supposedly will be revealed soon)!
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The event held a stamp rally -- which, in addition to having a pretty neato Pripara character profile / stamp booklet, you could earn special pritickets! Five of these desks were scattered throughout the event floor.
Participating in the stamp rally costed 700 yen, by the way, lol. :P
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The famous Pripara fuwa-fuwa stage. It was already approaching after-hours, so they were playing various performances on loop (they did add new aromageddon ones this time, though). Also this was how season 3 of the anime was announced!
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Loads of pripara machines switched to challenge cup mode beyond this gate, with the left-hand side serving people who wanted to challenge Solami Smile, while right-hand for Dressing Pafe. Again it was approaching after-hours by the time I took this pic (and the actual concert nearby was going to start shortly).
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Yeah, they ran out of the special certificates that they would have given to me when I pass the challenge. I’m sure Reona would have uttered a well-timed “Relax~~!” had I pulled a Dorothy and started pouting at the floor while pounding my fists in mock frustration.
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I still did one of the challenge cups anyway (in fact, I was quite possibly the last one to play, haha).
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Me in my mouseketeer cyalume outfit (hey I’m in Tokyo Disneyland okay!? It was inevitable), with @happymappy & @priparaashlee89 in my team... vs Solami Smile!
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Yes, I passed the challenge. No more certificates though... *wonk-wonk* Not too much of a loss though, since I had already won the corresponding coorde sets for both challenges in the prior months.
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Quite possibly the highlight of my day (okay more like my consolation prize for showing up so late lol), I got to take my pic with the supercool prizmmy co-host who helps host the pripara events with Aimi!
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59 new 3DS tomotickets from this event, and I wasn’t checking my 3DS that often to reset the streetpass inbox either! I’m sure I would have swept my entire pre-existing tomoticket stash clean had I arrived much earlier.
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Here’s the results of my late-night excursion to Maihama! On top-left is the stamp rally booklet, with my 700yen prize (which is a pre-existing black year-of-the-sheep set. It probably would have been a bit more exciting had I not already won a signed version of it during a raffle in the Harajuku No.1 Idol competition last September, lol.
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One of the pages of the stamp rally / character profile booklet, featuring a stamp of Mikan and Aroma. It’s kinda funny that while Mikan’s catchphrase is “Angel~♪”, Aroma’s is “You’re to be cursed!” rather than the arguably more appropriate “Devidevidevi” or something.
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It also includes pages for your own character profile, including a perforated page to affix your own priticket! Kuma’s questionnaire is pretty standard stuff, such as “What would your magical superpower be?” or “what would you do with a million yen”. Jeez that’s not really a lot in today’s economy... This is the reality of idol life in japan, folks. (ok I suppose that would be a crapload of money for a kid) Anyway I’d use it to bribe a Takara Tomy Arts or syn Sophia rep to give me my very own Pripara arcade machine to fool around with :))))) Getting a super-pimp DAW studio setup would probably be much more wise for me though lol.
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SD Solami Smile / Dressing Pafe / Aromageddon in their full glory.
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Of course, I had to buy some loot as well! I got myself an usagi tote bag -- which included a Dressing Pafe merch set... featuring a DP-branded neckwarmer / towel / large button pin / keyring, and a Christmas live priticket holder!
By the way, Kuma & Usagi were holding a “competition” on whose shop could sell more items than the other: USAGI-YA! vs Kuma Shouten. I usually consider myself KUMA4LYFE, but Usagi’s slice-of-americana tote bag totally won me over.
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Sorry, kuma. We best buds and all, but I just can’t argue with these wise words.
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pripara-arcade · 9 years
weird question, but it's been on my mind for awhile. since you streetpassed that guy who hacked in hibiki's stuff, I noticed that his hair wasn't, well, hibiki-colored. does this mean hibiki's hairstyle is possibly in the data as a mychara part? I know there's no QR code for it yet, but I just want to make sure i'm not crazy and that it's possible we might get hibiki's hair later. sorry to bother you!
Yeah, I noticed not only the hairstyle, but also Hibiki’s cyalume outfit (which also isn’t available in the 3DS game yet – though it’s already available via arcade pritickets). I’m sure the ability to unlock Hibiki’s hairstyle and her cyalume coorde via a QR code exists (hairstyles in general are definitely unlockable in the 3DS game via a QR code -- which is how you can earn Fuwari’s). Whether or not they decide to release the QR code in the future is another question of course, but I’m sure the means to select those parts in-game are there.
One thing I forgot to mention is that the dude’s QR code finally did work in the arcade game the day when 5th Live was finally active. I guess syn Sophia used a universal block on anything that used Brilliant Prince items (and took off that block when the Live finally became active), but either forgot or simply didn’t care enough to block any mychara tomoticket who wears specific parts that aren’t officially obtainable yet (in this case, Hibiki’s hairstyle).
For some reason this reminded me of characters or parts that weren’t supposed to be scanned until later – for example Aroma being scannable a day early while Fuwari’s tomoticket was blocked until 3rd Live became active:
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… and even parts that aren’t supposed to be scanned in at all, such as QR codes that bring up “dummy” placeholder costumes:
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pripara-arcade · 9 years
OMGGGGGG!!!!!! Thank you!!!! Your drawing is so nice!!! I’m so happy right now... Is it okay if I can use your pic as my purikura avatar whenever I play the game? (of course I’ll always link to your site whenever your drawing appears on any of my gameplay vids!) Also in relation I’ll definitely use your 3DS tomoticket in one of my upcoming vids!
Thank you once again! This totally made my day ヽ(;▽;)ノ 
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So I’m kinda hoping to do a series of chibi drawings of all of us international Pripara idols for Christmas (might not get all of them done in time mind you 😅) in a Coord from our favourite brand. The first idol to get this little surprise is @pripara-arcade wearing the Strawberry Ribbon Coord from the Pretty Rhythm brand. I also included her cute Red Hamster mascot…cause why would I NOT draw him?
Enjoy 😄💙
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pripara-arcade · 9 years
in a new series that i call, “Real-life Star’s Pripara Idol Debut”, here is the first of hopefully many more to come: ポタロビ★♪!
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pripara-arcade · 9 years
What's it like when the PriPara machines switch over to a new Live at midnight? Do they have to re-boot or is it just poof?
Changeovers after midnight are done pretty unobtrusively. Since major software updates are automatically downloaded and installed a few days prior to the actual changeover (and the new content merely flagged unused until after the clock strikes midnight), the system doesn’t have to reset itself at all -- let alone during the middle of someone’s gameplay if it lapses past midnight. If anything, the voices of any new character who’s about to be introduced are played during the loading screens of an existing game. Once the last game running off the previous Live is finished, it’ll then switch to the new stuff starting from the game’s attract mode.
I’m pretty sure they intentionally have the updates done a few days prior just so there can be some sort of public testing period to iron out bugs on the game’s system before the all-important day when the content changeover happens. (though obviously it’s not an all-end solution; there’s already been a couple of times when the devs had to issue a last-minute update the very day a changeover happened, actually).
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pripara-arcade · 9 years
As promised previously, here’s Pure Amore Love (via “Today’s Best Live” in the game’s attract mode) without any of the gameplay sounds or any of the watermarking crap that I tend to do on the audio of all my videos.
This time, Fuwari takes the assertive.
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pripara-arcade · 9 years
I know a lot of people have been requesting clean versions of the newly-released (& revived) Pripara songs for this current live. I managed to nail two out of the three for your enjoyment -- free of any gameplay sounds that would otherwise sully up the experience.
Here’s “Hello Hello Friends”. This one is actually quite a stroke of luck during a random night-out; the Taito Station next to Kabukicho in Shinjuku actually had a USB recorder machine available (which I hadn’t known previously), and even though this was already a late-evening gameplay with plenty of existing user high scores I still managed to get 1st place and record the “Today’s Best Live”. :DDDDD
Pure Amore Love is here.
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pripara-arcade · 9 years
Are there still machines that read Prism Stones? I'm going to Japan in 2016 and have more Prism Stones than PriTickets.
Unfortunately ever since 2015 3rd live (when fuwari was introduced around august IIRC) the game removed the ability to read/convert stones. The only way you can get pretty rhythm outfits of your choice now is if you have either the pretty rhythm Kira Kira My Design or Tsukaeru Oshare Item 1450 3DS games.Fortunately the Pripara character shop & prism stone shops still have active pretty rhythm machines, so you can still use the stones with the PR games even if they're no longer usable in pripara.
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pripara-arcade · 9 years
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cue the incoming horde of pripara players in twitter being obsessed with the stage chair from the intro for Pure Amore Love in 3... 2... 1...
(original video here: https://youtu.be/G6jMyExLuaE?t=267)
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pripara-arcade · 9 years
2015 5th live for December is finally live, and once again i spoil the new stuff upfront (as in right when it changed over at midnight. that’s how quick i am at this :DDDDDDD )
One of the songs that finally made it is the Mezame Faruru version of 0-week-old within the GOLD disc section!
Also for anyone who has the 3DS version of Pripara and hadn’t already relied on the dark corners of Japanese threads, you can finally unlock Hibiki & his story mode arc with the QR code right at the game over screen in this video!
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