prismabeth · 10 days
:3 meow meow meow meow meow
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prismabeth · 14 days
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it turns our that special interest was the secret to getting me to actually start learning how to 3d model
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prismabeth · 14 days
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it turns our that special interest was the secret to getting me to actually start learning how to 3d model
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prismabeth · 17 days
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Don't listen to vocaloid often, but this trend is very wholesome.
Have a lil Appalachian Miku!
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prismabeth · 18 days
for today's culinary creation, i bring you sumac-ade!
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the concotion seen brewing here is a beverage popular here in Appalachia, made from the fruit of a plant called sumac
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these small fruits, called drupes, are almost entirely one large seed covered in a leathery skin, so there is not much worth eating
however! the external skin has a coating of malic acid that gives it a sour flavor, and sumac lemonade seeks to use that malic acid to make a tart beverage
the drink is made first as a cold infusion, as heat introduces an unpleasant astringency from the fruit to the drink
soak the drupes in cool water and rub gently with your fingers before letting infuse overnight
the next day, filter the liquid through something like double cheesecloth, add a sweetener (maple syrup is common, and a splash of lemon juice to add a little complexity, and the drink should be finished
there are three species of edible sumac in the Eastern United States, and I believe the one we used for this batch was non-ideal for this recipe
a typical sumac-ade should be a pink color and decently tart without any reduction, whereas this batch was very weakly flavored and a pale yellow
we ended up reducing the infusion down to concentrate the acid, but that also concentrated a lot of herbal flavors i was not fond of
we ended mixing it with high proof spirits and producing an interesting herbal liqueur
ill likely retry this experiment with another local species, as well explore sumac's other uses as a dye, a spice, and a source of tannins for leathermaking
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prismabeth · 18 days
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@discodyke-doggirl @voidcatdoll @vee-nasty-zone
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Everyone post a random picture from your gallery,this is a tag game yes
@fymo-blogs @the-real-gmail @totally-china @dhampirdreamerz @france-unofficial
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prismabeth · 21 days
we absolutely have a distinct culture, ive never heard the term ethnicism before so thank you for that!
i wish i knew what to call the specific discrimination appalachians face
cuz like
it isnt racism, appalachians dont form a distinct racial category
but it isnt accurate to call it classism, the discrimination we face is influenced by, but distinct from the perception of appalachians as exclusively working class
and even in working class spaces i find my culture to be singled out, and that most non appalachians ive met consider the region an acceptable target of prejudice and ridicule, regardless of class background
nativism, nationalism, and xenophobia all dont really work in analysis
my girlfriend suggested the term "locational prejudice"
but that isnt a particularly useful term if your goal is to dismantle said prejudice, its clunky and an ineffective phrase for communication
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prismabeth · 21 days
i wish i knew what to call the specific discrimination appalachians face
cuz like
it isnt racism, appalachians dont form a distinct racial category
but it isnt accurate to call it classism, the discrimination we face is influenced by, but distinct from the perception of appalachians as exclusively working class
and even in working class spaces i find my culture to be singled out, and that most non appalachians ive met consider the region an acceptable target of prejudice and ridicule, regardless of class background
nativism, nationalism, and xenophobia all dont really work in analysis
my girlfriend suggested the term "locational prejudice"
but that isnt a particularly useful term if your goal is to dismantle said prejudice, its clunky and an ineffective phrase for communication
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prismabeth · 23 days
i look like this btw
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Appalachian Miku
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prismabeth · 25 days
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‘miku from ur culture’ meme but im appalachian
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prismabeth · 25 days
still getting my workshop set back up, in the meantime ive been playing around with some more culinary projects
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this beautiful amber concoction is pine cone syrup! also known as mugolio, it is made from immature green cones from any edible conifer
the process is similar to making oleo saccharum, the cones are mixed with granulated sugar and placed in a sealed jar, and the sugars extract flavor and moisture from the cones over the course of a month or longer
this is how it started:
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this particular batch is made from Virginia pine, cane sugar, and a splash of lemon juice added to speed up the process, cant try it in about a week!
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prismabeth · 26 days
the natural human lifespan is actually less than 2 days, but many have taken to artificially extending their lives via substances such as food/water
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prismabeth · 29 days
"I wish I could've known you sooner" is such a weird feeling
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prismabeth · 1 month
buy kitty treats please!!!
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prismabeth · 1 month
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prismabeth · 4 months
"misgendering a cis person is just as bad as misgendering a trans person" is truly disconnected from reality. misgendering isn't just something that hurts people's feelings lol it is an implicit threat of personal or societal misogynistic/transmisogynistic gendered violence
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prismabeth · 4 months
k2 was ally beardsley's accessibility accommodation so they could get the unhinged energy out of their body while also giving kristen the maturation arc she deserves
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