pro-apocalypse · 7 years
Day Two
“Is it working…? Yes? Thank God. Okay, okay… First thing’s first. Sorry for the wait… Hang on, this is a recording. God I’m an idiot… Anyway, things got really bad for a while, so I wasn’t able to record. I’ve finally got some down time, so let’s pick up where we stopped.
“If I’m remembering right, and to be honest I don’t know if I am, but last time I recorded I was still in my garage. God, it feels like forever since I was last there… “I’ll save the sappy stuff for personal time. I eventually did find the ace in the garage. Like most everything I have trouble finding, it was right in front of my nose and I continuously looked it over. I finally found it mere seconds after driving myself insane.
“Before leaving the garage like I’d planned, I wondered if I should bring anything with me. I decided against doing so. I figured it would just slow me down, and I’d be coming back to the garage anyway, so the axe was all I took. Looking back in it now, I probably should have taken more with me.
“With all that figured out, I was ready to leave the garage. I slipped under the garage door before it had opened all the way, and closed it so nothing could get in behind me. I will admit I was nervous doing all that. Scared it probably a better word, but it’s not like I peed my pants or anything, so I’ll stick with nervous.
“I kept glancing over my shoulder, paranoid something would magically appear behind me, but nothing happened. In fact, the more I felt like something really bad was going to happened the more nothing occurred.
“The word ‘nothing’ could just about describe my whole neighborhood. I don’t know what I had been expecting to be outside the garage, but the whole place seemed to be the exact opposite. One thing I did notice though was the lack of birds. There were always birds chirping but now an uneasy silence settled. As if my nerves could take any more of this.
“So the plan was to go to my friend’s house just a little ways up the block. At first I started walking fast, like a soccer mom at the grocery store, bur as more nothing continued to happen, I slowed my pace. Even as I slowed I kept glancing over my shoulder, at the bushes, homes, basically anywhere something could be hidden and waiting to pounce. I continued to see nothing.
“My friend’s house was just the way I had last seen it, but something was off. I couldn’t pin what it was, but it caused goosebumps to run up and down my arms.
“Okay, so I’ve never actually knocked on my friend’s door before. If I’m being honest, and I might as well since there’s a high probability that I will die, I’d even say I was downright scared. I hesitated at the door for longer that I would like to say. I’m a pretty awkward person.
“When I finally did work up the guts to knock on the door, I was greeted with just more nothing. I waited for a little bit, y’know in case they were somewhere in the house and just needed to get to the door. Seconds turned to minutes, though, and still I had no answer. So I knocked again.
“This time I got an answer. Though at first hopeful, I began to get a sinking feeling in my gut. The sound was nothing more than a simple thump, but it seemed to echo. After that thump there was nothing else. I decided to do something… admittedly really stupid.
“I reached forward and tried to open the door. It swung open easily, but something, perhaps the thing that had gone thump, fell as though it had been leaning up against the door before I opened it. I couldn’t make out what it was at first until I saw a hand. Then an ear. Then an eye. This was a person, or at least it was a person. Twisted, mangled, pieces missing. I’d completely forgotten why I had gone here in the first place and released a pretty loud scream of terror.
“That was a big dumb mistake on my part. I should have thought ahead. Loud noises summon… Unwanted company. I didn’t realize it at first, though. I backed up and away from the body. I didn’t recognize it, which meant it hopefully wasn’t my friend, but I had the feeling my friend had met a similar fate.
“Needless to say I left the house. I was feeling pretty defeated, but mostly disturbed from the sight of the lifeless body. The road back home seemed much longer than it had before. I think I was entering a darker state of mind, but my depressed thoughts were cut off by-
“... Did you hear that…? Probably not, you’re a recording… Okay I just heard it again… Something’s in here… Okay, I don’t want to leave you without knowing what happened… Though I mean technically you could just… Listen to the next recording if there is one. But I’ll make it fast. On my way back home, the undead creatures brought forth from my scream started to surge forward, make themselves known- “Shit! Oh God, oh God, it’s in here. Uhm… Okay recording ends here, I’ll start the next one as soon as I can I promise… Why am I promising a recording device?”
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pro-apocalypse · 9 years
Day One
Day one... Can I really call it that? It's not really my first day of this mess, but it's the first day I started recording... Obviously. It's more like Day three or something. From where I am, it's difficult to tell night from day, but I'm sure I will soon... Too soon. My name... Well, that doesn't matter. Just call me Pro... It's short for Producer... I'm not really a pro at anything. I'm a short fourteen year old blonde female who currently occupies the garage of my home. It's just me. I'm shy, slightly anti social, scared and alone. I guess I've already hinted that. Why am I alone? Well, I probably should have just started with my first encounter with, quite literally, death itself. It was a few days ago, when my family was still around. I was out taking a stroll with my mom, like we do almost every night. We weren't exactly talking, but we'd eventually point out our surroundings, like the moon, or the glowing boil covered human shape looming in a bush. Just kidding. We didn't notice that. Apparently, though, it noticed us. With a powerful launch, it hurled itself at me and Mom. Lucky for me, I was on the further end of the side walk. Unfortunately, that meant my mom was sandwiched between me and the... Thing. It sunk it's teeth into my mom's shoulder. The sick sound of teeth piercing flesh forced my 'dinner' (I never actually eat much, I just snack. I know, I know, unhealthy.) out of my stomach where it belonged. My mom let out a startled, and agonizing scream, desperately pushing at the creature. Eventually, she pried it off her, and she reached out, snatching my arm, digging her nails into my skin, and ran as fast as she could, which was pretty fast for someone who had both their knees replaced. So we made it home. My mom went running to my dad and the two locked themselves up in the bathroom so my dad could take care of her wound. My brother wouldn't leave my side, constantly pestering me about what happened. I didn't want to talk. What had happened was just a tid bit startling. That night, the scene of that monster leaping from the bush and attacking my mom played itself over and over in my mind. It wouldn't let me rest. I kept trying to achieve peaceful sleep though, because at the time, it was the only thing that made much sense. The next morning, I remember waking to the sound of the news and my mom's distressed yells. I didn't think much of it. She did it a lot. So I woke up, dragged myself out of bed, and proceeded to do my normal morning routine, getting dressed, using the restroom, brushing my teeth and hair, all the while my mom's voice only grew in volume. When I came out to finally see what was the matter, she was sobbing into her hands, the wound from the night before bandaged up with stuff I didn't even know we had. I turned to the T.V, and what would you know? They were playing an article about a sickness sweeping the area. And my mom had began showing symptoms. She was infected. Great, lovely. My brother did his best to calm her, comfort her, whatever he had to. My dad was at work. He always seemed to be away when we needed him here. From that point, things worsened. My mom continued showing symptoms, and even locked herself away in her bedroom. My life went along... Almost as it normally could. But, I began to notice a fear that was always around. I was scared. Not just because of this sickness going around, but of my mom, of that... Most likely infected human that leaped from the bushes. Was my mom going to turn into one of those things? I got my answer when I woke up the following morning to cries of agony, sounding just outside my door. I quickly rushed to get dressed, because I do not leave my room in pajamas, and hurried to my door, tip toeing over all the little obstacles set up around my room... Because I don't have time to clean it... Yeah... Anyway, I slowly pushed my door open, and was greeted with zombie mom nomming down on little brother. Lovely. Just what I wanted to wake up to. I let out a startled gasp, but I didn't-... I couldn't scream. The sound wouldn't come out. My mouth just hung open in a mix of surprise and fear. Now, I would have just shut my door, but here's the thing. The handle on my door is loose, and the door can easily be pushed open. I wouldn't be safe in there. Instead, thinking quickly, I threw the door open and bolted like a coward. I ran to the garage and locked myself inside. I've stayed there since. So there you go! My whole life story! Ha, I wish. I'm starving. Lucky for me though, bottles of water are kept in the basement. Sometimes when I don't hear much noise from upstairs, I sneak out into the basement, which is next to the garage, and take some water. But that doesn't satisfy my hunger. I mean, there's some V8- I mean, unidentifiable substance -kept in the basement, but it's old and I'm pretty sure I'd get sick and die if I drank it. So, I needed a plan to get out of here. Sure, the garage is safe, but I mean, I can't stay here forever, especially without any food. So, I put my mind to the test and conjured something up. It's stupid, but goes something like this: I pick out a tool- er, weapon from the variety of stuff my dad keeps in here. I think I'll settle with a hammer, but I know I've seen an axe here somewhere. Then, I'll open the garage door. Not the one leading to the house, but the one that lets the cars out into the driveway. The door is always loud. If horror movie logic applies in this situation, that means it would draw any other badies to me, so then I run like hell to my friend's house just down the street. That's the plan. However, I don't actually know what it's like out there. I mean, sure my family might be boil covered monsters, but that doesn't mean the rest of the world is... Right? Anyway, if the streets are fine, I'll take a nice stroll down to my friend's and think over how I'm going to explain this all to her. My family are... Zombies? Infected? I think she'd prefer Walkers, that Walking Dead fan girl. Then explain that I'm hungry and need to eat her food... Heh, sounds like the school lunchroom all over again. I hope those plans go well... I don't have any back up plans, so they have to... Maybe I'll think something up tonight or whatever. I doubt I'll get sleep. Haven't had shut eye in a while, what with the whole dead family and sleeping on a cold concrete floor with spiders and squished between two cars... Wait, I could just rest in the car! Maybe I'm not thinking as straight as I thought... Pro signing off.
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