probablybicoid · 5 years
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probablybicoid · 5 years
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probablybicoid · 5 years
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1 like = 1 transition to land
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probablybicoid · 5 years
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Electric bacteria create currents out of thin—and thick—air 
Generating electricity from thin air may sound like science fiction, but a new technology based on nanowire-sprouting bacteria does just that—as long as there’s moisture in the air. A new study shows that when fashioned into a film, these wires—protein filaments that ferry electrons away from the bacteria—can produce enough power to light a light-emitting diode. The film works by simply absorbing humidity from the surrounding air. Though researchers aren’t sure exactly how these wires work, the tiny power plants pack a punch: 17 devices linked together can generate 10 volts, which is enough electricity to power a cellphone.  
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probablybicoid · 5 years
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Bmal1 gene is not an essential regulator of circadian rhythms
Deleting the circadian rhythm-associated BMAL1 gene in animal models, researchers discovered tissue continued to follow a 24-hour rhythm, even in the absence of external stimuli that can influence the cycle.
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probablybicoid · 5 years
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probablybicoid · 5 years
Ahh, I remember when weekends were a thing. The good old days.
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probablybicoid · 5 years
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Just a light joke
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probablybicoid · 5 years
Questions to any fish people. I have a ten gallon freshwater tank with a dumbo betta (Mr. Banana pants) and a new clown pleco (Sir. Bobo). I introduced the clown pleco recently and I just want to make sure that there is a safe transition between Mr. Bananapants flying solo and now having a roommate. When introducing Bobo I to bananas out and rearranged the ornaments to make it look like a new tank. I even flipped the side that the filter was on so that bananapants needs to re-establish his territory. When meeting Bobo, bananapants flared and tried to goad Bobo into fighting him by mirroring but there have been no fights so far. Minor nipping, but no fights. Second day and Mr. Bananapants seemed to have forgotten that Sir Bobo is there at all. I am still keeping an eye on the two of them but is there anything that I should be looking for? I plan on transferring them to a bigger 20+ gal tank but I might be moving in a few months and don't want to establish a tank just to take it down again.
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probablybicoid · 5 years
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probablybicoid · 5 years
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A book, too, can be a star, a living fire to lighten the darkness, leading out into the expanding universe.
― Madeleine L'Engle
(Humanitas library, Cluj, Romania)
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probablybicoid · 5 years
College students in nice suits for no reason triggers my fight or flight response
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probablybicoid · 5 years
The thing about being a teacher is this. You feel like you only succeed when your students succeed. This is partially true. If you don’t adjust your classes to your students, if you don’t provide help or other resources for your students and make a sink/swim mentality, you are a bad teacher and you have not succeeded in any way. However, if you provide all of these resources, make class as interesting as it can be, and your students refused to do the work, refuse to get help, and refuse to better themselves, at that point, it is on them. 
I struggled with my class for the longest time. I gave them every opportunity to succeed and I still had students failing my class because they refused to do the work. I blamed myself for their grades. I got anxious before every test because I wanted them to do well. I tried my hardest to get the kids interested in their work and blamed myself for being a bad teacher when they failed. This nearly destroyed me in my first semester teaching. I learned and adjusted my class but it still washard for me to accept that sometimes there is only so much one person can do. By the end of the semester I learned a very valuable lesson.
You can lead a horse to water but you can’t force them to drink. As long as the horse has the opportunity to drink you did your job. 
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probablybicoid · 5 years
Welp, got accepted to one of my dream colleges for a master's in molecular biology. I am nervous to start but super excited.
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probablybicoid · 5 years
I havent seen anyone talk about this yet so im making a post. 
So lets say you’re researching something for a paper (or just for fun) and the research paper you want to read is behind a paywall, or the site makes you create an account first, or makes you pay to download, or limits you to only 5 free articles, or otherwise makes it difficult for you to read what you want.
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do not fear! copy the link to the article
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go to sci-hub.se         (the url is always changing so its best to check out whereisscihub.now.sh to find what the current url is)
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slap the article link in there
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bam! free access! 
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probablybicoid · 5 years
That rabbit/hare post is messing me up. I’d thought they were synonyms. Their development and social behavior are all different. They can’t even interbreed. They don’t have the same number of chromosomes. Dogs, wolves, jackals, and coyotes can mate with each other and have fertile offspring but rabbits and hares cant even make infertile ones bc they just die in the womb. Wack.
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probablybicoid · 5 years
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Inigo Montoya’s Guide to Networking Success
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