probablypartalien · 11 months
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despite staff's recent changes, we're... winning??????
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probablypartalien · 1 year
No offense whatsoever to anyone who has had their first job and subsequent jobs be good. I’m so happy you had that. But I want to waffle a bit about how “fortunate” I am to have had to hell jobs I’ve had.
I am currently working a really amazing job that could become a career. I’m blessed to have good health insurance, paid vacation days, paid days off, and a guaranteed day off for holidays.
Through my 20’s, I worked jobs that could fire me for being sick too much. I worked jobs where I was regularly forced to work unpaid off the clock. I’ve been harassed and even stalked by some of the customers/clients. Years of my life were spent with nothing more than a day off per week- and that isn’t counting when I would be working three jobs just to make ends meet.
I developed a thick skin and learned not to take customer’s words to heart. They’re just people. I learned when a manager was crossing the line and to walk away from a job that had a cruel and toxic life force. And I’ve learned to survive in those hell holes when I had no other choice.
Now that I’m in a place where I am financially stable, working a job I love, and working with people I love; I often have nightmares where I wake up to realize I still work in one of those other places.
I’m stronger and I’m smarter about what should and should not be accepted in a work environment. And I also know to be grateful for the amazing benefits I have. For those working alongside me who have this as their first job and go on to say it’s a horrible job, I both loathe and envy them for that. First is “how dare you not realize how lucky you are?” Second is “I’m so glad you haven’t experienced worse.” And while I find myself wanting to lecture, I can instead sit back and see everyone as people in different stages in life. For me, I have found a kind of peace. A place I know I can build up from. And I’ll support those that I can, commiserate, but still walk away with the wisdom that entry-level jobs for nearly a decade have given me.
No light without darkness, right?
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probablypartalien · 1 year
Guess who will be advancing to their first stripe in Brazilian jiu-jitsu this month?
Yeah, I’ve got to learn the techniques and pass the test, but I’ve got faith in me. I’ve always known I was fit for martial arts. I’ve got my new sport and love.
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probablypartalien · 1 year
I’m officially a member of a jiujitsu school in Japan. I love it. Of course, Krav Maga will always have my heart. It’s my first martial art, and I ache to return to it. I love the explosive swirl into techniques and the mad rush to subdue your partner. I love the exhaustion we’re forced into before beginning actual training and sparring. I will never be more invigorated than when I get a full on punch or kick and have to ride with the momentum and pain to find my way into the next move. The thrill of being against two people wildly trying to throw you off balance and figuring out how to manage the two? It’s so exciting.
Brazilian jiu-jitsu is different. There is no striking and it is primarily about grappling. You are up close and personal with your partner, and breaking the contact or stalling can cost you points. Learning how to figure out the rhythm of someone else’s body and expose ways to break their guard or submission is so cool. I’m learning how to use all different parts of my body so that I can roll longer. Since I’m just a white belt, drills are the primary focus and sparring isn’t a thing yet. I can’t wait to spar. I want to go in cocky and get submitted in three seconds flat so I can learn where my weaknesses are. For now, I’m focusing on learning the technique and making it perfect.
My instructors for both, much to my vain-ass self’s pride, describe me as a boundless creature of pure energy. To my chagrin, I’m seen as very cute because I smile and get super excited whenever I get knocked down or whenever I’m told to repeat a drill again and again. My BJJ instructors have put me on the competition path. After a few lessons, they asked me why I was doing this. I said that I want to learn to fight and win regardless of how big or strong my opponent is. They asked if I was worried about getting hurt, and I said that I am going to and currently doing everything to avoid injury, but that pain is not a deterrent. Quite the opposite. I was then asked if I wanted to compete. I immediately asked when the competition was and everyone in that gym in ear-shot started laughing. But in a nice way. The master of the dojo (I think that’s how you’d refer to him?) said that I had a long way to go before I was ready to compete. I felt a little deflated at that. Then he said, but you’re a runner, so I imagine you’re going to power your way into it with no trouble. And he then told me I was on the competition path.
It’s cool because this is all in Japanese. I’m not close with my fellow English teacher JET people. It makes me a bit sad when I see them so easily becoming friends and going out drinking and enjoying the night life. I’m not one for that scene. I don’t like drinking. And I also don’t like being out and away from my safe places, especially with people who just… idk. Like, we aren’t on the same page. I understand them, but I can’t relate. However, at BJJ, I feel at home. I’m making friends, even if it’s just during class and free mat time.
My social experience here in Japan hasn’t been what the majority of my fellow ALTs are able to do. I wish I could. I try and have tried. So I’m really happy to be able to be finding a community not only among my teachers at my school, but in BJJ classes. My new table of teachers are “bullying me” into going to karaoke with them. They leave me notes and we all chat and grab coffee and snacks together. And now my BJJ buddies are just… such blessings of pure light.
I’m not good at social stuff when there is no prompt or goal. But I can do things easily when I know how to act and what is expected. My fellow teachers are amazing, but my new team makes me feel like I am actually a person. It sucks that all the fellow ALTs respect me but don’t see me as part of their groups. When everyone meets together and I see all these people with friends, I feel like there is something wrong with me. But at school and in BJJ, I feel like I belong.
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probablypartalien · 1 year
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shrimps is bugs
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probablypartalien · 1 year
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I had to get this out of my system
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probablypartalien · 1 year
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He breaks his arm like a glowstick before using his ability
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probablypartalien · 1 year
yes yes you’re very beautiful. Bewitching, even. AWFUL parking job, by the way
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probablypartalien · 1 year
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probablypartalien · 1 year
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probablypartalien · 1 year
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Today’s affirmation
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probablypartalien · 1 year
I Kissed a Girl being knocked off #1 on the Hot 100 by Disturbia which was knocked off by Live Your Life which was knocked off by So What which was knocked off by Womanizer which was knocked off by Single Ladies which was knocked off by Just Dance which was knocked off by My Life Would Suck Without You which was knocked off by Right Round which was knocked off by Poker Face is an insane run of HITS. We really said the Global Recession needs the cuntiest soundtrack.
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probablypartalien · 1 year
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probablypartalien · 1 year
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frequently requested tattoo designs
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probablypartalien · 1 year
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I laughed so mush at that part
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probablypartalien · 1 year
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Forget the Master Sword, here I come Ganon
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probablypartalien · 1 year
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