Hey are you all ok? you just kinda, stopped posting/genq
we were going to let this place rot but this questions appearance surprised us
truth is that weve each moved on and most mods have left the blog. truth be told, i only havent because i dont have access to a computer. i cant remember every reason why but it was unanimous that we were going to leave and no longer post, but onee of the reasons was everyones mental health
maybe one of the other mods still here wants to add on for themselves, but for me, im doing fine. great, in fact! ive stepped away from discourse as a whole and ive been much happier. thats not saying i didnt enjoy the friends i made here, but ive moved on and im able to see my own life more clearly now. discourse wasnt doing me any good.
thank you for the question, nonnie
- mod bright, signing off
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I would also like to add that all the asks relating to para discourse will be deleted. i don't want para discourse here, at all. This asks should have been deleted instead. I'm so sorry again for any sort of negativity or triggering content on the dash, I'm trying to solve this privately.
I am not mad at any of the anons who have sent asks related to the topic, but understand we will not be answering them. Thank you.
-Mod Clef
Hello. Mod Clef here. I apologize for the comments on the dash. This will be solved privately. Bare with us.
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Hello. Mod Clef here. I apologize for the comments on the dash. This will be solved privately. Bare with us.
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hi hi, this isnt a request
i was just looking through the pk templates made here and got confused on the 'modifiers' and was wondering if you could explain what it means? /g
Of course!
Modifiers refers to anything that could "modify" about the default "perception" of a person. "adult human with no powers"
Basically, things like "little", "nonhuman", "winged creature", "ageless", etc. !
Hope that makes it a bit clearer?
-Mod Clef
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I hope you're able to find some new mods!
Thank you!
-Mod Clef
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Welcome to @yourfaveisproship , where your favorite characters can be proship!
Inbox: Open
Proship is:
“A term primarily used in fandom spaces. It is used to describe someone who respects others for their fictional pairings irregardless of their own feeling towards said pairing. People who identify themselves as proship (aka proshippers) may use the emoji combo 🌈 + 🍖 to indicate to others that they are proship. Interchangeable with the term "anti-anti".”
-aizawapisskink on Urban Dictionary
…Basically, proship is when you don’t harass people over fictional ships or ideas. Creative freedom, and all that. Proshipping as a definition has been mangled by antis, or people who are anti-proship. Most antis believe that proshipping is shipping fictional problematic ships, and many believe proshippers are supporters of incest and pedophilia in real life. In fact, proshippers DON’T have to ship any problematic ships or ideas to be proship. While most proshippers do ship something problematic, you are not required to. Also, most proshippers absolutely do not think incest, pedophilia, or other problematic things in media are okay in real life. Yes fiction affects reality, but not at a 1;1 ratio. I hope this helps!
Right now, there is one mod, Moira. I go by she/they pronouns, and I am 19. I run @clayxorel . I like lots of fandoms, but some of my most recent are Encanto, Moral Orel, Disney, Hetalia, Various Musicals, Various Animes, Sherlock, and DC.
I generally do not use a DNI, but I will say something: minors please stay away from here. Other than that, I don’t mind anyone interacting unless it is with harmful intent towards me or anyone else. If you do such a thing, I will block you.
BYF, you should know this is a proship safe blog. That should be obvious, but I had someone be surprised my blog with -cest in the name supported fictional incest. You should also know that I am mostly neutral on everything from system discourse to lgbtq+ discourse. Only thing I will state otherwise is this: ace/aro people deserve to be in the community, and pan people are not biphobic. Please don’t send discourse here because this is not a discourse blog. Thank you.
I made this because, as far as I can tell, most proship friendly request blogs, like @yourfavoriteis-proshipprotector , are slowing down, and I want people to be able to find support in their lives from characters they relate or look up to.
The flags I use are these:
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The original flag (left) was by @proshipjunko , and @proshipmika made some edits to it, making it more aesthetically pleasing (right) to the eyes. I will refer to the left flag as the warmth flag, while the left will be the fire flag. Either that, or by who made the flag.
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I also might use this flag by @1800queeragenda . I will refer to this flag as seafloor, or using the creator’s name.
Feel free to request a specific flag from these three, or another flag that you link in your request!
I do any fandoms and any characters, but PLEASE provide both the character’s name and the fandom the character is from. Otherwise, I might not be able to find the right one.
That’s all for now, thank you for reading!
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I take back the barking , i cant believe you rick rolled me -duckie
you know the rules, and so do I
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BARKBARKBGRGRAGGRGAGRGARGGAGRGAGGRGRGAG (for mod bright <3, i hope to god you are who i think you are) -duckie
oh my god wkejelwowiekw duckie hi ily
- mod bright (yes i am <3)
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Promo? My indox is almost empty
I am a neu ship ran edit blog that is proship safe!
I do moodboards(fandom and non fandom), stimboards(fandom and non fandom), icons(pride, matching and glitter), spotify playlists and transparents
@cringebunny @profiction-edits @proship-moodboards @proshippersstimming @proshipperstims @shouta-edits @despair-edits @blueflame-edits @problematique-colors and anyone who wants to! (Send me a message if you want me to remove you)
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Not a request but what about gifts from one mod to another, like a round giftathon?
It's a good idea—we might do it as soon as we get around to finishing everything!
-Mod Clef
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not a request i just wanted to say the way you format your pluralkit templates is really great
Thank you!! I'm glad you like them!!!
-Mod Clef
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- profictiongeneral , 🍀
H u h
I can't say I recognize that name ? Is this like, a webtoon or something similar?
-Mod Clef
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Helloo! I usually don't interact to proshippers but if it's alright(and hopefully not a rude ask(?)). Do you have any links for the pk templates that you created? I was hoping to get some inspiration and motivation to create my templates!
Also, sorry you guys are getting hate, especially the anon who told you to kys. I hope your doing well!/g
This is very sweet, thank you! We're all doing better now, not many issues really.
Since we haven't posted PK templates with the new tagging system, you're free to search up [ an amazing gift wrap! ;; templates ], all our PK templates should come up!
-Mod Clef
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would you guys ever open mod applications? /genq
I've been considering it for a while, we might do so soon, I'm sad that this blog has been quiet. We'll inform you all if we do!
-Mod Clef
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sending some good vibes to the mods of this blog
Thank you! Sending some to you too!
-Mod Clef
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i hope all the mods are doing okay. y'all are awesome! <3
lord help me i am so tired
-mod TJ
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I know you guys are closed but do you still those old requests from your last blog?
last blog? we weren't terminated, just changed themes!
But in any case, yes, we will still do them!
-Mod Clef
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