problemchiild · 2 years
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it was annoying the way he couldn’t help the amused smile from pulling onto his lips at jesse’s response, blue eyes rolling as if he has any intention other than giving him a way to earn his keep. it wasn’t like he could get rid of the guy, and they’d conveniently found themselves alone once again. funny how things kept working out that way. attempting to ignore jesse, tongue clicking in response to his question, not surprised by the direction he so happily takes it. tongue darting out to lick his lips, allowing his gaze to raise as he finally meets the pair looming back at him from over the bar. nate had thought he’d invented shameless, yet somehow he found himself at odds when it came to whatever was happening between them. “well, you know,” nate found himself muttering out with a shrug, slow steps carrying him closer, stopping as both hands came to rest flat against the solid bar the other male was leaning over. gaze flickered toward the lips in question, shamelessly admiring the curve of his knowing smirk before their eyes were locking once more. “a mouth is a mouth, right?” and there were plenty that had caught his eyes over the year, but not many that warranted quite as strong of feelings. whether he wanted to give into them or not. “but if you wanted to refresh my memory… be my guest – in fact, you can have as much free booze as you’d like.. so long as you’re enjoying them from the comfort of your knees, since we both know how much you love being down there,” brow raising as if to challenge jesse, daring him to comply as he was lifting a mostly full bottle of tequila and giving it a little shake. “that is what you’re here for after all, isn’t it, jesse?”
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At this angle, with his elbows pressed to the bar between them as he leaned over it, Jesse’s dark eyes were already gazing up to meet Nate’s in a familiar way that sent a thrill down his spine. Jesse licked his lips, teeth capturing the bottom one as the other man moved closer. It probably spoke to some deep rooted need for therapy, but fuck if it didn’t make his cock twitch to see Nate act so goddamn cavalier about whether or not it was Jesse who sucked his cock, if it didn’t make him want to prove himself to the cocky fuck he’d been jerking off to for the past month. But his smirk widened wickedly as Nate continued, fingers curling around the edge of the bar top at the filthy little challenge he was presented with. He stood back up to his full height before committing yet another bar patron faux pas and hiking himself up onto the surface before swinging his feet around to slip down in front of Nate, their bodies brushing as his feet made their journey to the floor. Brown eyes met blue as Jesse curled his fingers in the other’s beltloops, smirk still smugly in place. He tugged their bodies flush against one another before stepping forward, none too subtly pressing Nate back against the shelves behind him. “Among other things.” he answered with a slight shrug as a hand dipped between them to palm over the generous bulge hidden behind the fly of Nate’s jeans. Jesse’s gaze darkened with desire as he leaned in, breath hot against his jaw. “It’s kinda hot watchin’ you act like you haven’t been thinkin’ about it all night though,” Actually, it was really fucking hot, as was evident by his own steadily growing length pressed snugly to Nate’s hip while Jesse continued to ghost his palm over the front of his jeans.
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problemchiild · 2 years
God their minds were on the same wavelength, weren’t they? It seemed like every dirty little thought that she had come up with in the past few days were now spilling out of his mouth in a muttered grunt and she nodded quickly the best she could. “A..all of them! E..every night!” Bella agreed loudly as his hips continued to slam against her own. Her mouth fell open so that she could continue the filthy list he was coming up with, but the sound was swallowed as his hand wrapped itself around her throat and yanked her backward. Hands scrambled to plan themselves upon the flat surface of the table and God she wished there was a mirror in front of them right now. She could only imagine how good she looked arched and bowed like this for him. With her wetness glistening down her thighs no doubt at this point. Soon to be joined by his cum just like he was promising. Bella found it hard to breath now as he seemingly fucked the air out of her lungs and simultaneously closed off the access to her windpipe but she couldn’t be happier with the struggle. Eyelids fluttered as he bit down on sensitive skin, and after a moment of allowing herself to get lost in the sensation of him being everywhere, the tiny blonde tried to speak once more. This time was much more successful, albeit somewhat hoarse. “Gonna suck that dick whe…whenever you want. Whe…whenever you’re on the phone. Let you have a…any hole no ma..matter whose around.” One hand remained upon the table as she finished up, while the other flew upward in order to find purchase against the back of his neck, effectively holding him close to her body in the only way that she could manage. Bella gasped sharply at the slight change in angle and she pressed her ass against his groin with a firm pressure. The denim material of his jeans now stung at her sensitive and freshly slapped skin but she smiled through the pain and continued. “You want everyone to see me dripping with cum don’t you? See my ripped fishnets and know who I belong to?”
If he was thinking logically, Jesse might have realized how deep he’d gotten in such a short amount of time — because he meant every goddamn word. People followed rock tours all the time, right? And at the end of the day, wasn’t it at least a little better if there was just one girl he was burying his cock in as opposed to an endless string of random groupies? At least, that was how he would rationalize it later, make it seem like less of a betrayal of his relationship. In reality, he just didn’t want to go back to before-Bella. What was he supposed to do now, lay in bed alone every night knowing she would be underneath him (or on top of him, or in front of him, or — )  if he simply asked? Molly had been so worried about endless girls, groups of women who would throw themselves at him and that he’d just be powerless to resist. But he had resisted endless girls, countless women. His sweet, small town, school teacher girlfriend really should have been worried about one girl. One particular devil-sent girl of his filthiest dreams. Because every filthy fucking thing that came out of Bella’s mouth just served to prove that that was exactly what she was. “Fuck – “ he moaned, cock throbbing at her question. The mere thought of anyone here knowing what they’d done should have him feel guilty but an entirely different emotion coursed through him. His grip on her – throat and hip – tightened, as he bottomed out inside her and stilled there with a gruff moan against her neck. “Think that’d make ‘em all stop looking at you like they had a a fucking chance?” he hissed against her ear. Before she could answer, or really even fully process his question, he was fucking her again, hard and fast with a choked moan.
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problemchiild · 2 years
In a flash their eyes connected in the dim light of the room. There was an electricity between them in that moment and before she could even realize what was happening, he was pressing down against her in a flash. It seemed that what she had just done had really gotten to him. Good to know. Bella moaned with a desperate need in the back of her throat as he fisted his hand into her hair and began to plant kisses along her heated skin. She was still useless to the world, pinned beneath him so all she could do was revel in the way he made her feel. Hips twitched with each lazy thrust of his and her chest ached from how hard he was pushing her down. Fucking Hell this was perfect. The blonde didn’t need romantic or slow, this is what she wanted. “It’s all yours. I’m all yours.” Bella found herself unable to do anything but whisper as he told her what a gift she was, but she knew he’d hear it. What with him being so close and all. Then, in a similar flash from before, he was gone. Standing straight up behind her once more, Jesse made sure to keep his hand in her hair secure and finally gave her what she wanted. It wasn’t in the ass like she had been expecting, but honestly this was just as good. Her cunt had been begging to be abused like this. Truly being used as if she was his toy, Her hips were slammed into the table and she screamed out in surprise. Pussy walls fluttered around him in a wild attempt to figure out what was going on down there, but it could never get used to it. It could never relax as his speed became bruising and as he took his prize from her, Bella could only smile at how good it felt. “Break your little t..toy!”
“That’s fuckin’ right, gonna break in all these little holes before this fuckin’ tour’s over, make you my little groupie slut in every city, fill you up with my cum over and over while there’s a thousand fuckin’ people screaming for me, fuck — “ Jesse’s mouth was on autopilot, blurting every filthy fucking thought he had as he continued to fuck her with enough force to make the table strain under their weight. Her weeping little cunt couldn’t seem to decide whether it wanted to push him out or pull him in and it was a delicious feeling, pulling another gruff moan from the moan as his grip tightened to bruising on her hip. His other hand released her hair to curl around her throat, pulling her body up so her back was arched, giving himself a whole new angle to slide inside her. He moaned throatily as his face pressed into her neck. “Gonna walk outta here with my cum dripping down your thighs, aren’t you, pretty girl? Feel me all the fuck the way back to my room before we do it all over again?” he smirked against her skin before biting down with a greedy moan, leaving new marks on top of the the ones that were a few days old. She’d brought that filthy, ravenous, primal side of him back out – something he imagined she’d do every time – and she was sure as hell going to feel it afterwards.
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problemchiild · 2 years
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He’s so boyfriend 😭😭😭
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problemchiild · 2 years
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Zoey was dumbstruck. It was as if both of her worlds were colliding and she didn’t know what to do. On one hand, this is the world she had picked. The one she wanted to live in - so the temptation to oh so willingly go back with Chase wasn’t there but still … she found it difficult none the less. Chase had always been there. For better or worse, he had been the one constant. And while he tried to mask it with anger, she knew him well enough to see the hurt in his eyes. As it turned out, he truly didn’t believe all of those times she had tried to break up with him. It just didn’t make any sense to him so he had ignored it. His fault of course, not something she should feel guilty about. But as he reached out to her, she felt it all the same. Which is why she didn’t pull her arm away until Jesse took over. Thank God. He knew what she wanted. The girl gasped, seemingly coming back down to Earth in that moment and as she was moved to the side of him protectively, her head cleared up. This was no time for guilt. She had made her choice. “Home?” Zoey’s voice picked up softly as her eyes switched from Chase to Jesse. “No. No I want to stay here.” Firming herself up now, she reached over and clung to the mans jacket with a little reassuring smile. It wasn’t meant for Chase, but she knew he’d be able to see it all the same. “I’m staying with you.” Eyes now turn towards the other boy just as another person emerges from the crowd. Gracie. Of course. So that’s how he had found out. Lips thin into a tight line but for the sake of civility, she chooses to ignore the other girl and focus on the task at hand. “I broke up with you weeks ago Chase. You didn’t want to believe it but … “ She swallowed thickly, “That’s not my fault.”
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For one brief, gut wrenching second, Jesse thought he saw pause on Zoey’s face. Was this it? Was this when she realized she’d just been slumming it, but now it was time to go back to her real world? But then her small hand was gripping at his jacket and relief and warmth flooded through him as he let out a breath he hadn’t even realized he was holding. Her words pulled a smile to his face that he didn’t even bother hiding as he turned back to meet Chase’s furious gaze. It was short lived though as Gracie suddenly appeared, and suddenly it all made sense. Jesse let out a humorless little chuckle as he shook head, arm curling around Zoey’s shoulders. His eyes moved back to Chase with a pointed look. “She’s happy where she’s at, man. Tough break, really.” he shrugged. Jesse knew his attitude surely wouldn’t be help matters, but he couldn’t seem to choke it down. “But I think you and your new friend –” he tossed a glance over Chase’s shoulder at Gracie “– should head on out. We’re good here.” Jesse said firmly, gesturing at the small crowd around them. Chase glanced around, shoulders still squared off angrily, but he seemed to be weighing his options. He was outnumbered, hugely. His gaze turned back to Zoey. “This is what you’re going to do now? Just be some...small town band’s pass-around slut?!” Jesse was on him before he could think. He lurched forward, one hand gripping Chase’s shoulder as the other connected with the guy’s nose, and then promptly used his grip to shove the disoriented asshole to the ground. Jesse squatted over him, elbows resting on his knees as he leaned close, blood already trickling from the other man’s nose. “Talk about her like that one more fucking time and I’ll break something, college boy, you fucking hear me?” he said in a steely voice, eerily calm despite what had just happened. A moment passed before Jesse stood back up to his full height and took a step backwards towards Zoey, flexing his now twinging hand. “Now get the fuck outta here.” 
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problemchiild · 2 years
Bella should have seen it coming. She should have known he had some more teasing in him. But that first thrust into her was just so damn good that she got her hopes up. Sue her for the lustful gasp that was torn from her as he bottomed out quickly. Even as he held her to the table, she tried to do her part by being as accommodating as possible, thus spreading her cheeks wide for him in the process. Both hands had joined in on the effort now and as she struggled to breath, she thought he was going to give into her. But of course, he pulled himself back and proceeded to fuck just the head of himself into her aching hole. Moans turned into desperate mewls and whines and sure, she couldn’t move, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t try. Hips attempted to bounce him closer, but it was completely futile. Her body barely moved an inch against his restraints. The Rockstar was in charge now, and this was sure as Hell payback for what she had done. 
“J..Jesse!” She tried to sound intimidating or angry, but she knew it didn’t come across that way. Instead it was merely desperate. A plea for him to just take mercy on her. Plain and simple. But hey, if it worked? She’d take what she could get. One hand disappeared from her body and for a moment the blonde thought he was going to give in, but of course that was a fools wish. Instead he pushed her further and took himself entirely out of her cunt in order to tease her asshole. It wasn’t like the girl hadn’t done it before, but she hadn’t really expected it of him in this moment, meaning she wasn’t ready. So the reaction was a bit more intense than she would have liked it to be. Hips jumped as much as they could upon his teasing press forward and Bella moaned out a garbled sort of sound. Something guttural. Something primal. Her eyes flew wide as she turned her head as much as possible to look back at him and her mouth fell slack. Her body was his to play with as he saw fit - and she would give it to him in a heartbeat. “Please … Take it.”
Jesse’s eyes went wide, flitting up to meet hers at the sound, looking down at her like he’d just discovered something. A low moan slipped out of him as he leaned over her, hand sliding up her back to fist in her hair as he trailed bruising kisses along her shoulder and neck. “Fuck bein’ a punishment from the devil,” he breathed against her skin. His body covered hers, pinning her in place, hips thrusting his cock along her folds slowly. “He sent you to me as a fuckin’ gift for bein’ dealt such a shitty hand up until now,” he growled beneath her ear before biting down on the soft skin with a ragged sigh. He leaned back up then, hand still firmly in her hair to keep her in place as he once again lined his cock up with her fucking sopping little cunt; the front of his jeans even bore a dark spot from him pressing so close and deep. “Mmm…My pretty, dirty little fucktoy, makin’ such a mess.” He punctuated the sentence with a rough snap of his hips, sheathing himself inside her completely with a gruff moan. This time, he didn’t hold back. He fucked her hard and fast, with punishing thrusts he knew they both reveled in, the sounds of slapping skin nearly enough to drown out the music. 
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problemchiild · 2 years
Bella nodded quickly at his question, despite him probably not being able to see it from where he was perched behind her. No worries however, surely her shrieking moan would make up for it as he slapped her ass without holding anything back. She was desperate for his touch, and had no qualms about letting him know as much. Her knuckles turned white as they gripped the edge of the table in front of her, and her knees - which had been weak already - chose that moment to begin to collapse beneath her weight. Thank God he was there to keep her steady and she had a tight grip to make up the difference. The first slap was amazing, the second? Even better. The blonde was no stranger to a little pain mixed in with her pleasure, and Jesse seemed to know just where that line was. Hell, he might have even toed along the edge a bit, pushing past for just a moment before pulling back and kneading the soft flesh in his calloused hand as an act of relief. She was in heaven. Pure and unbridled. 
His words cut through the fog that was her brain and all she could do was moan unintelligibly as the pleasure boiled to the surface. It came to a head when he used both hands at once to slap her rear end and with a particularly loud cry of pleasure, Bella was quick to toss back one hand and grip his own. Not to keep him from doing it again however, but instead to help him spread her cheeks even wider apart for him. Her smaller hand covered his much larger one and with what little strength she had left, Bella found it within her to bounce her ass against his face. Almost as if she was riding him for all he was worth. And just a moment later? She came hard with no warning. If his intention had been to stop before she could get off like they had with him, then she would have to apologize later. But in that moment, she could feel nothing but bliss as she screamed out his name over the sound of the music coming in from down the hall.  
He nearly could have cum on the spot. The moan that tore through him was practically inhuman as she all but fucked herself on his tongue, blunt nails digging greedily into her warm flesh. He stayed right the fuck where he was until her body went slack, ears still ringing from the scream of his name as he stood behind her. Her thighs were glistening with the sheen of her orgasm, pale ass splotched with evidence of his rough touch, all framed by the frayed edges of her torn fishnets. Jesse’s cock throbbed and another primal noise vibrated in his throat as he fisted his cock behind her. He didn’t give her much more recovery time than that. Without any more of a warning, Jesse dragged the head of his cock along her dripping slit one time, coating himself in her cum, before pressing flush inside her with a choked moan. If her mouth had been bliss, her fluttering cunt was fucking heaven as it stretched around his length. Even as wet and ready as she was, it was still such a tight fit, and he moaned throatily as her body clenched and squeezed, a futile effort at forcing out the sudden intrusion. One hand tightly gripped her hip, the other moving to curl around the side of her neck as he held her in place while he pulled almost entirely out of her. Just the head of his cock remained pressed inside her wet hole and he shuddered as he teasingly fucked it in and out of her, never pushing more than an inch or two inside. He kept her pressed firmly to the table so even if she had the energy to try to push back against him, she couldn’t. He had her trapped as he teased her, ragged sigh escaping. “Bet I could cum just like this, sweetheart,” he breathed, lips turned up in the slightest smirk. “Use this wet little hole like a toy,” The hand on her hip moved to snake between the and the one on her neck and shoulder tightened so she still couldn’t move as he dragged cock along her slit, gathering a generous shine of her juices along his head to slide up between her cheeks, dipping to tease across the tight little hole he hadn’t had the pleasure of meeting yet. “Mmm...or maybe this one,” he purred, pressing ever so slightly against the ring of muscle before sliding back down to gloss through her folds again. A little test.
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problemchiild · 2 years
Shit. Bella should have known he wasn’t done teasing her just yet. Punishing her might be the more accurate term, by not giving her what she wanted the most. Perhaps she deserved it for interrupting his precious phone call, but hadn’t him not cumming in her mouth like she wanted been enough torture? Now he was making her wait even longer? It truly seemed unfair to the blonde, but just as she was about to protest, with pout already in place, he ripped her fishnets and left her speechless. Eyes went wide as she watched him in shock and before she could get a word in edge wise, he was dropping to his knee. Damn. Bella was convinced she’d never get enough of this man. Any and all words of protest evaporated from her mind the second that his tongue touched her. Instead, praises took their place and with a whimpered moan, Bella gripped the edge of the table tightly. “Oh f..fuck yes.” She wanted to keep watching him, but as he dove in with full enthusiasm, it was hard to keep her top half twisted the way it was. After a moment, the girl was forced to drop back down to the table and her cheek pressed against the cool surface. She couldn’t see him anymore, but he was everywhere. His tongue, his lips, his hands. She felt it all and thighs began to tremble as he made it hard to even keep herself from buckling.  “Jesse! - Spank me. Please.”
Fuck, he had missed eating pussy, alright? And as Bella all but collapsed onto the table with desperate noises, her thighs on either side of him, he was reminded exactly why. He let a low, greedy moan as he pressed the firm tip of his tongue against her clit and shook his head. Her words practically made his ears perk and his hands palmed greedily at her ass. “Yeah?” he rasped against her, voice thick with desire. One hand instantly disappeared only to land with a harsh slap a moment later fingers digging into the soft flesh with a moan. “Like feelin’ like a naughty little slut like this, don’t you?” he growled behind her. Another slap, harder this time. He could already see her pale skin taking on a pretty shade of pink. “Feel how fuckin’ wet you are for me, pretty girl?” he asked, slapping the other cheek before he leaned forward to mouth at her cunt as he spread them once more. The obscene noises of his lips and tongue suckling and delving seemed to answer for her. “Drippin’ down your fuckin’ thighs. Mm.” He punctuated the sentence with both hands slapping her pert little ass before he was leaning forward, fucking his tongue in and out of her with a greedy moan. 
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problemchiild · 2 years
Bella was sure she’d wake up at any moment. That she’d find this entire thing had been a dream and none of it was actually real. Their first night together might remain, but this one? Oh no, it was just too good to be true. Until that happened of course, she decided to actually enjoy it. Milk it for all it was worth if you will. And so when he pulled her to his feet and began to kiss her once more, the tiny blonde responded eagerly. Her feet barely even touched the damn floor as he walked the pair of them back over towards the tables and her intent was to hop back up to their previous possible before the call interruption but he had other things in mind. Before she knew it, she was spinning around and his lips were on her neck. Bella couldn’t help the moan that fell from her and she pressed her barely even covered ass backward against his dick still covered in her spit. Fuck yes. Her hips wiggled as he yanked up the dress that was in his way and she giggled softly, in an almost breathless kind of way. “Yeah? You gonna take what’s yours again?” It seemed that the two shared a single thought in that moment. For as soon as she said that, he was pushing her down onto the table and Bella gasped with the surprise of it. Her chest squished up against the flat surface as legs were pulled taunt and perfectly for his taking just like she had suggested. Eyelids fluttered wildly upon first contact and even though she should have been able to hold herself together better than this, the girl fell into a fit of wanton moans. There was no denying it. She was weak for him. And when he voiced his question, blonde hair flicked over one shoulder so that she could peer back at him and say as such. “You know you’re special. Now fuck me before someone interrupts us again.”
Jesse grinned at her demand, licking his lips as he continued to tease her. “Fuck you?” he parroted in a teasing tone, hungry gaze trailing down her back to watch his hand working between her thighs. Oh, he had every intention of doing just that. But the door was locked, music from down the hall still bumping, and he had other plans. “Sweetheart, I’m a gentleman,” he murmured, fingertips moving against her clit over the material. “It’s just plain poor taste if I don’t return the favor twice.” he said simply. In the next moment, his hand slid down from her shoulder, fingers gripping at the wet thread between her thighs. One sharp tug and it came away like nothing. He fucking loved fishnets. Jesse’s greedy hands palmed at her cheeks with an eager hum before he spread them, exposing every delicious little bit of her. “Jesus H. Christ,” he hissed under his breath. Without warning, he dropped to one knee behind her and licked a greedy path from her clit to her puckered little hole – and then he was eating like a man starved. Tongue gliding along her folds, pressing inside her, circling her clit as her arousal coated his greedy mouth. His hands kept her spread wide open, exposing every part of her as she lay bent over with his mouth on her cunt. The room filled with the sloppy sounds of her wetness and his hums and sighs of pure fucking bliss. She’d asked about him taking what was his, and he supposed this was just another way of going about it. 
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problemchiild · 2 years
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He was perfect. So fucking perfect. Zoey’s breath got caught in her throat as he laced their fingers together gently and began to explain himself to her. All she could do was watch with soft blue eyes until he finished and even then she just sat there for a long moment. Realizing that it might scare him into thinking he said the wrong thing, Zoey made sure to widen her smile before she lent forwards and pressed a chaste kiss upon his lips. It lingered there for a moment, as she simply savored the sweet moment they were sharing, before she pulled back and decided to clarify something for him. She had no idea this worry had been weighing on his mind, and she had to squish it before it got any worse. “Jesse - you’ve never been pushy. Even when .. “ Zoey had to pause here and from this up close and personal, she knew he’d be able to see the blush forming upon her cheeks so she dipped her head just a bit and instead looked down at the key still between them. “Even when you take control of me. I know you always have what I want in mind and — this is so sweet. The sweetest thing a guys ever done for me actually I think.” That really said something too, for he had done so many sweet things in the past. Eyes slowly raise to his once more and she notices then there are tears blurring her vision. Happy tears - naturally. “Thank you.”
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He practically melted into the kiss, her touch doing wonders to calm his nerves just as it always did. His nose brushed hers, keeping close even as the kiss broke. Teeth sank into his bottom lip as she spoke, a dirty little grin tugging at his mouth at blush on her cheeks. Her smaller hand was still intertwined in his and he gave it a little squeeze, thumb brushing over her skin. He shifted slightly, shrugging again at her admission. “S’not a big deal,” he mumbled again. He wasn’t exactly used to people being so...grateful for him. When she looked up and he saw the familiar glistening in her eyes, he couldn’t help the endeared little chuckle. “Aw, princess,” Jesse cooed playfully. He leaned in to press a soft kiss to her cheek, lips lingering against her skin before he pulled back with a teasing smile. “Ya big ole softy.” he whispered, playfully bumping his nose back and forth against hers. 
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problemchiild · 2 years
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Zoey giggled freely as he basically scooped her up with zero effort. She knew she didn’t weigh much, but it was always a shock at how easy things like that were for him. In fact, it caused her heart to skip a beat as their faces were brought to eye level with one another. His eyes were so fucking beautiful. God she was so infatuated with this man it was insane. As he set her down upon the desks surface, her body was quick to react and legs spread for him to slot in between with ease. This is where he belonged and she had no doubts about that. She then watched as his cool demeanor once more turned into something akin to shy and she couldn’t help but sigh lovingly. It was endearing but she didn’t want it to last for long. Hands slipped down from around his neck and holding the key up between them in one hand, she used the other to grasp his chin between two fingers. With a gentle tug, she forced him to look her in the eye and from there she booped his nose with the tip of the key playfully. “Hey.” Zoey quirked her eyebrow, “Why are you so nervous to give this to me?”
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“I’m not!” he blurted instantly. Smooth. A pause and then another soft chuckle slipped out as he pulled her hand from his face, glancing down to watch his fingers absentmindedly fiddling with hers. “I’m not nervous, I just – “ Just have never actually felt this way about a girl, but how the hell did a guy say that without sounding like a complete juvenile? “This isn’t my area of expertise, alright?” he asked with a light laugh before shrugging a shoulder. His fingers laced through hers. “Plus I know you’re used to people just kinda...deciding stuff for you, and I don’t wanna be like...pushy.” he shrugged before leaning in to press a soft kiss to her cheek. “So my door’s open – “ he tapped a finger against the key with a little smile “ – when you want it to be.”
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problemchiild · 2 years
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This felt like a step towards something bigger. Not quite him asking her to move in or anything of course, she wasn’t entirely sure she was ready for that anyways - but this wasn’t nothing. Their noses brushed against one another’s playfully for a moment before she tipped her head back and looked around the room that they shared a lot of time in. “That does sound like a win win. But that also means I can get in while you’re out for the day.” With a hint of wickedness in her tone, she looks back up at him with a quirked brow. “You sure you trust me not to add a feminine touch around here?” Perfectly content on staying on her tip toes, with his arms wrapped around her, Zoey made no move to pull away. In fact, her arms slowly moved up to snake around his neck loosely, as her chest was pressed firmly against his own.
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His smile widened. The thought of being able to come home to her already here had definitely occurred to him – and there were worse things. A low chuckle escaped as his arms looped around her entirely, lifting her tiny form off the floor to bring her face level with his. “Well, haven’t had any complaints about your feminine touch so far.” he replied with a wink, unable to stop himself as he flashed her a filthy grin. He turned, shifting to prop her on the edge of his desk, hands sliding down her thighs as he helped himself between them. “But really, I mean, if you wanna bring some stuff. ” he shrugged, once again looking anywhere but at her. “I want you to feel – “ he gestured vaguely with one hand, chuckling softly. “I don’t know, at home,”
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problemchiild · 2 years
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Zoey stared down at the little piece of metal resting in the palm of her hand. Doe eyes were wide with the shock of such a gift and she didn’t know quite what to do with it for a moment. So she just listened to him ramble to completion. If you want it. Did he really think that she wouldn’t? Eyes snap up to his at that and with all the softness in the world, Zoey laughs at him. Actually fucking laughs. Before he can really doubt himself however, she pushes herself up onto her tip toes and kisses him, free hand coming up to cup his cheek gently in the process. Lips linger for half a second before she pulls back just enough to respond quietly. “I love it.”
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Warmth bloomed in his chest as her lips met his, his own hand instinctively slipping around to the small of her back. He grinned widely. “Yeah?” he asked, his nose brushing hers. His other arm slipped around her, hands locking loosely around her hips as he shrugged again. “Well, I figured I kinda like having you around, and this way, I don’t even even have to get outta bed to let you in, so it’s a win-win for me.” he said with a teasing smile, but his gaze warm and affectionate as it met hers.
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problemchiild · 2 years
[[ closed ;; @aconites​ ]]
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Jesse ran a hand over his face with a low chuckle before his gaze landed back on the girl currently perched at the foot of his bed. He shouldn’t. He couldn’t. But instead of heading for the door, he found himself taking a few steps in her direction. “Sweetheart, if you don’t get outta my bed and get back to the party, I think we both know I’m a dead man.” 
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problemchiild · 2 years
[[ closed ;; @lustfulheart​ ]]
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“So, um – I mean, it’s not a big deal or anything,” he continued to ramble, staring down at the key he’d just given her. A key to his apartment. “I just uh...know it’s late when you get back from school sometimes so...if you wanted to crash here before you go to your parents or whatever, you could.” Jesse shrugged, fingers nervously fiddling with the hair at the nape of his neck. “Or whenever. It’s yours whenever you wanna use it. If you want it.”
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problemchiild · 2 years
Bella could honestly stay like this all night. Tucked away in a room with him while the party raged on. Most importantly? On her knees like a good little whore, just as he liked her. She watched with wide, albeit blurry eyes as he fucked her from above and she couldn’t even begin to describe how happy she was right then. He was all she wanted. The looks, the lifestyle, the kinks … all of it rolled into the perfect fucking guy. She’d beam up at him with pride each time he pulled away and gave her a groaned set of praises. Praise did wonders for her, as it did for him in return she had come to note and it was really a match made in heaven. If you choose not to think about the fact that he had a girlfriend of course. She didn’t really worry about it too much, but it was a fact that she had to remember going forward. For the moment however, all there was, was him and the way his cock was shoved against the back of her throat. Teary eyes eventually turned into tear stained cheeks and with each forward thrust, Bella took to shaking her head from side to side gently - thus allowing him to feel her throat move around him when her nose was all but smashed against his abdomen. The girl had talent … she might as well use it. But she didn’t end up getting her prize - his cum, before he was pulling away and addressing her once more. Blonde hair bounced across shoulder and back as he gripped her by the neck to kiss her deeply and it was as if he knew he’d have to swallow her protests. She didn’t want him to stop but hey … stopping in favor of actually fucking her would be okay. Right? When the pair detached their lips, a filthy little string of spit connected their lips for a second longer than their contact actually lasted and she was quick to nod at his suggestion. Cheeks were stained with makeup once more but she couldn’t have looked happier if she tried. “Where do you want me?”
He grinned at her eager question, eyes roaming her face. She looked utterly wrecked already and his cock twitched at the sight. He couldn’t help himself, pulling her in for another sloppy, hungry kiss as he pulled her to her feet. Jesse pulled her body against his while he moved in the general direction of the tables, his hands running over every inch of her he could reach. He couldn’t fucking get enough of her. The kiss broke as he pressed her against the table, his hands only coming off of her so he could rid himself of the heavy leather jacket. It barely hit the floor before he was on her again. He spun the smaller girl around to tug her back against his chest and his face pressed into her neck with a greedy moan. “Such a good fucking girl for me,” he breathed against her skin while his hands made work of hiking her tight little dress up around her hips. Fingers skimmed over her fishnets and he was reminded that there was nothing else in his way. Before she could even respond, Jesse slid a hand up to grip her shoulder, the other curling around her hip, and bent her over in one smooth motion, letting her body press to the table. He kept her there with the hand on her shoulder as the other hand snaked between them, fingers immediately finding her sopping cunt. He teased her over the soft divets of her fishnets, a husky sigh escaping him. “And so fuckin’ needy too. Mmm, you get this wet when just anybody fucks your pretty mouth, or am I special?” he asked with a filthy smirk, dipping just one finger inside her for the briefest of seconds before he was teasing her again.
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problemchiild · 2 years
‘i’m trying to choose someone that isn’t boring.’ she rolls her eyes, standing her ground as he steps towards her in shock. a smirk curls at the corners of her lips, seeing his reaction at the simple hint that she could have slept with the man inside. 'and what if i did ?’ she shoots back at him, trying not to laugh. his actions were betraying his words, and she could just tell how much the thought bothered him. 'that’s really funny, you see.’ she pauses, her eyes scanning his face for a reaction. 'that kinda sounds like someone who’s jealous.’ she takes a step closer to him, closing the distance even more than before. 'i wanna hear you admit it. you’re jealous.’
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His jaw clenched, and he had half a mind to go back inside and finish the ass kicking before Emmy continued, keeping him rooted to the spot. He shook his head with a low scoff, eyes narrowing at the stubborn little brat in front of him. “You know what, I – “ But he froze as realization suddenly struck him. “Of course you want me to admit it.” he said, letting out a little laugh. “You want me to be jealous.” And yeah, he’d fallen right into it, but that was neither here nor there. He leaned closer, close enough to get a whiff of whatever fruity shampoo it was she used – fuck, it smelled nice. “That why you brought him here in the first place?” he asked, dark eyes locked on hers. “You get the reaction you were hoping for, princess?” 
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