prodigiumstuck · 7 years
Follow our Vriska!
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prodigiumstuck · 7 years
Characters now available!
Meenah Peixes Dirk Strider  Gamzee Makara
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prodigiumstuck · 7 years
Vriska Serket || Accepted
Welcome to the AU, friend! You have one week to make a blog! Please accept the friend request on discord! 
-Mod Noon
Preferred name: Sass Pronouns: She/her Age: 26 (see: old) Discord: [REDACTED]
Character Name: Vriska Serket Why do you want to play this character?: Serkets are literally my bread and butter. Heavy-personality females with vulnerable aspects. Hated. Mm. Good stuff. I was going to go for Aranea at first, due to that good ol’ bullied know-it-all backstory I could cook up. But why not go for the arrogance with inexperience flavor? Beautiful. Plus, who doesn’t get annoyed at the elooooooong8d words? I might keep the quirk. We all know I’m keeping the quirk. It’s so fun.
I love Serkets. Leave me to my adoration of one of Homestuck’s most hated characters.
I’m just saying if Ancestors were open/a thing I would’ve been on this app way faster. Nah. That’s a lie. These things take awhile. What type of creature are they?: After hours of research (thank you for the link to supernatural stuff by the way), I went with vampire. There were a couple other close choices, but they just didn’t make sense. Unfortunately. :( Reasoning for this type of creature?: Well, fangs. I mean, who doesn’t love that? But no, it’s the power aspect, the arrogance in modern literature. The variations of types. And of course, being the best. What’s more classic in modern American pop culture than vampires? Look at the popular supernaturals of today: vampires, and followed by zombies of course (Thank you Walking Dead). The other reason would be relating to canon’s powers. The overriding of the mind via will + blood. We know from canon that Mindfang cannot tap into Dualscar’s mind at the time of the journal due to his blood hue, but then we later find out its also will-based as Aranea crafts her power enough through like BILLIONS of sweeps practice in the dream bubbles to where she can overtake pretty much anyone of any blood (as Cronus is in the army of those that she controls). From what we see in canon, it’s a will-based and blood-related factors that cause the overtaking of someone’s actions. And that, in popular mythos, is what a vampire does. Hypnotizes, or controls the victim depending on the take. Or, well, seduces. It all depends of course on the take, but there is a standard on some sort of overriding-the-will-of-things-to-drink-blood. Or seduction. Or sneak attacks.
While, I’d say in canon, Vriska’s attempt at ‘seduction’ failed (COUGH TINKER VRISKA COUGH), but the elements relating to such a supernatural creature are there. Seducing, mind abilities, fangs, and I mean a Spider lusus sort of drinks blood. I mean, it’s more like–okay spiders are just gross. Let’s leave it at that. I like spiders but if it’s poisonous, it’s a goner. Daddy long legs are bros though. Any headcanons pertinent to mods?: I’m still working on the extent of abilities. Ish. I’m thinking fangs can be retracted, allergic to sunlight, not fond of garlic (it’s strong), but definitely not the classic , and of course some mind-control for luring out victims if necessary–now transforming into a bat or something? Probably not. Would like to work on these further.
Mixing classical characteristics of vampire abilities with more modern takes is entertaining, of course. But it’s hard not to OP vampires. I mean, this isn’t an Anne Rice novel (Lestat became basically a Gary Stu and you can argue with me all you want. It’s just inevitable). And the love of Nic Cage has to stay a thing. I can’t live without that. Any headcanons you would like for this AU? [Optional]: Not really, not right now.
Questions? [Optional]: I have so many questions about Dupet and other things. We’d be here for so much longer.
Writing example (2-3 paragraphs):
If 'World’s Gr8est Vampire’ was ever actually in the Guinness Book of World Records. Or some supernatural person that has a world records for–anyway. Stupid thoughts aside, the best was in fact the one and only Vriska Serket. Not only is she a well-accomplished thief of various goods and magical artifacts of high value, she’s an amazing vampire. Honestly, how long the planet was deprived of her in the hundred-and-some-odd years she’s been a thing. Really, she’s an absolute blessing that the Universe decided to gift to vampire kind. An accomplished, and wanted vampire, too! She has posters, hunters come after her on occasion (and fail! Ha!); who wouldn’t want to be her, of all people? It’s this night that she’s taken the cake, yet again! It’s not actually a cake, but the phrase still works here. A rare chalice, said to grant the vampire that drinks the blood of a lover the ability to stand the sun for a week at a time. And where else did she steal it from but an old vampire hunter! Vriska isn’t a hundred percent if the legend is true, but she’s all or the glory of stealing this thing. A glance behind shows that the hunter’s not hot on her trail any more. But it’ll be awhile before she tops running, and cackling with glee at her most successful heist to date. The chalice will be smooched later. Or. Maybe something a little less embarrassing.
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prodigiumstuck · 7 years
Tumblr media
                                                  y̠̙̯̳̭͇ͯ̏ͯ͐o̝͎͉̅̈́̈́ͤͭ̚ṷ̣̮̺͉ͮ ̘͈̼̔̑̏c̳̟̝̎a͇̹̰̦͑n̻̺̫͕͙̻̹̓͒͑̄'ͧ͂̉̈́ͥ̌ͯț͇͚̹̗͂̐ͤ ͎̰̍̌̈̑́́͆ͅr̞̍̉̂̀ͦu͇ͭ͋ͣn̟͖͔̦̼̰͚ͫ̔͌ͭ̂
                                                      but why would you want to?                                     r̬̮͚͚̻̗̫u̠̞̘le̩̹̳̥̬s̜͉̟  |   ḁ̙̝p̺̥̲ͅp̤̪̟͍li̭̺̲̱̘̫̠c̠̥̞a̝̠͖̦͔̮t͕ḭ͍͎̗̺o̻n͈̥͈̦̼  |   l͉̪o̦̱r͎̩͔e͖̼̬  |   ch̙͚̪a̹͍r͙̭̩͇̜̤a̝̯̣̹͓c̹̰t̹ͅe̠̹͈̝r̦͙̻̟͖͔̘ ̩̦̘l̺̱͔̥̹̞ͅis̠̟̞͍t̻̲ ̭̻̼̣̘͕&̺̝̻̙̦̪̼ ͇̣ḭ̠͔̮̺̩n̙̖͍̩̼̯̩fͅo͙
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prodigiumstuck · 7 years
Nepeta Leijon || Accepted
You have been accepted into the fray! Be sure to accept the discord request and invite into the server! You have one week to make the blog!
-Mod Noon
Preferred name: Lyric Pronouns: They/She Age: 24 Discord: [REDACTED]
Character Name: Nepeta Leijon Why do you want to play this character?: I’ve always had a connection with Nepeta. In the comic itself, when Karkat calls Nepeta autistic, I realized how many things I had in common with her, and I’m autistic as well. Also since I was probably 11 or 12, I roleplayed very much in the same way she does, with the asterisks and everything. She’s also so into shipping her friends, and I’m very much obsessed with shipping characters from any fandom I get into. I also feel like I’m able to get into her character the easiest. For this Nepeta, however, I think she’ll be a tad different with her personality. She’s going to be very similar to her canon self, I swear. What type of creature are they?: Werecat Eclectic Witch. Reasoning for this type of creature?: I know her requirements say she should be a wild woman/feline. I decided to combine two aspects. She’s a werecat, changing into a large cat during a full moon night. The eclectic witch, as the name implies, means she combines a handful of different pieces of separate types of witchcraft. Making sigils, sacrificing some of her hunts, and even technology based ones. I believe she would make a good witch mainly for sigils, as in canon she is known for doodling even while just talking to her friends. If human, why?: Any headcanons pertinent to mods?: She’d mostly present as a human, and possibly not even be aware of her monthly change, only knowing that she every so often has blackouts as her feline side comes out. I’m not set for sure on if she would change specifically during a full moon only, or if near a full moon her feline nature would be at its peak, then on the full moon night she would actually transform. She’s a well known gardener, and makes various botanical remedies for small ailments: Sore throat, cough, minor cuts and bruises, you name it. She will also, for a price, perform magic. She’s best known for her sigils, engraving them into jewelry, writing them in the dirt, every which way she can help someone. When the time calls for it though, she will also make spell jars or potions for more extreme cases that is. She lives in a more old fashioned, small cottage on the edge of the town. The inside is more modernly decorated, the front room being very minimalistic, simple. But out the back door you’d see her garden, filled with a wide array of various plants, flowers, and some insects and animal carcasses occasionally stacked around. Oh and of course, she has a million cats. Some she keeps inside, some outside, some both, and a lot of strays who just visit and leave as they please. Any headcanons you would like for this AU?: None at the moment. Questions? [Optional]: This is my first time applying to a roleplay group, and I’ve been roleplaying for about 14 years now, so if I could maybe get some critiques in a private message that would be great? Thank you in advance!
Writing example (2-3 paragraphs): As ordinary as it was for Nepeta to be home alone on a weekday night, she did sometimes crave social interaction. Looking around her minimalistic living room, she saw several cats scatted in various places, some hiding under furniture, some laying on top of it, overall they were not interacting with her in the slightest. The only of these that were, a soft gray tabby who laid by her feet as she relaxed on the couch, was sound asleep. For as long as she could remember, this is how her life was. Spending day after day, night after night alone in this house, filled with all of these cats, and only ever interrupted with a person’s presence when they wanted something from her. She should feel used, mistreaten perhaps, but this was the life she lived. Finally giving in to her sore muscles aching, she slid her feet off the couch and onto the floor, slowly rising into a long stretch, her hands over her head as her back cracked, sighing blissfully at the newfound energy. As she walked out of her living room, a handful of cats followed her through her kitchen and into her back yard, her garden. She was unaware her prayers for companionship would be answered, as she had a slight fright walking into her garden and seeing someone at her greenhouse door, tapping lightly. When she opened the plastic door, she didn’t immediately recognize the human, but her shocked face did sting a little. As much as the humans may not be aware of it, she knew what they thought of her. She was odd, normally unwelcome to their social occasions, and only called upon when someone was desperate. What on earth did this poor soul want? “I.. don’t know what I’m doing here..” she mumbled, looking down and trying to avoid eye contact, “I couldn’t think of.. Anyone else who could help m-” “Say no more.” She cut the woman off, with a slight sigh as she turned to her normal workbench, “What do you need? Love? Children? Lose a locket?” “Revenge.” Glancing back at the woman, she raised an eyebrow, but shrugged and quickly began work plucking some leaves from a plant on the corner of her table. “Suit yourself.”
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prodigiumstuck · 7 years
Follow our John!
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prodigiumstuck · 7 years
Follow our Rose!
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prodigiumstuck · 7 years
Hi there! I just have a quick question. I'm currently debating on applying for a character, but I'm stuck between two right now. Can I just ask, I saw the person playing Jade switched to Rose, is Jade now available? Thank you in advance!
Hello! Jade is available! Thank you for finding interest in our AU! I do hope we can find your application later! 
-Mod Noon
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prodigiumstuck · 7 years
Jade to Rose Switch | Accepted
Your application to switch characters has been accepted! 
-Mod Noon
Preferred name: Eli/Ellie (Same diff) Pronouns: They/them| She/her Age: [muns age 17+ only] Discord: [REDACTED]
Character Name: Rosaline Maige Lalonde Why do you want to play this character?: Rose resonates with me and I’ve loved playing her in the past. What type of creature are they?: Rose is a human oracle for the Elderitch Gods. Reasoning for this type of creature?: Rose as a witch has been done a lot and its like a call back to her grimdark state when she spoke in the forgotten Elderitch language If human, why?: Any headcanons pertinent to mods?: N/A Any headcanons you would like for this AU? [Optional]: N/a Questions? [Optional]:
Writing example (2-3 paragraphs):
The atmosphere in the tea shop was warm and welcoming as it usually was. It was filled with soft chatter about the latest gossip and what have you, the nice sized line of the shop moved at a consistent pace with the two girls at the front filling orders and getting them to the recipients. Rose was currently busy fulfilling an order, after finishing she turned back to the customer a polite smile on her face, and a few strands of hair falling into her face.
“A green tea with no sugar or milk?” She called into the crowd waiting to get their orders. “That’s me!” A tan woman with shoulder length red hair made her way to the counter. Rose handed her the cup, receipt on the side of the cup. “Have a wonderful day and watch out for strangers with three eyes.” Her voice maintaining the same casual tone despite the creepy/odd message at the end of it. For a second though it would have appeared to be a disturbing aura around her for a moment.
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prodigiumstuck · 7 years
Here is our Aradia!
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prodigiumstuck · 7 years
John Egbert || Accepted
Congratulations! You have made it into Dupet and now you have to meet the other misfits. You have one week to make the blog and one of the mods will contact you shortly!
-Mod Noon
Preferred name: Jawny
Pronouns: any are okay
Age: 20
Discord: [REDACTED]
Character Name: John Egbert
Why do you want to play this character?: I’m fond of john, and I like playing him because he’s so mischievous and gets into absolutely everything.
What type of creature are they?: Gandharva, a nature spirit naturally gifted with music and singing among other things. He’d be more in tune with Wind/Air to keep with his attributes.
Reasoning for this type of creature?: it’s a musically inclined spirit, and I think it meshes well with john and everything that he is. There’s also the fact that Gandharvas are as equally known for their mischief as they are music. Music and mischief? Right up his alley.
If human, why?:
Any headcanons pertinent to mods?:
Because of what he is, he has two sets of wings. They’re covered in soft, black-blue feathers and aid him in flight. He does NOT need them, but he is very fond of them regardless. Sometimes the feathers may shift in hue, but those times are rare. His wings may change appearance and size every so often, but remain the same for the most part.
He is a messenger of softs, often gone for periods of time while he seeks out the recipients of various messages.
Gandharva are considered personifications of the sun in some texts, and John exhibits this by way of a glow. It’s very faint, but in cases of extreme emotion, positive or negative, that glow may brighten considerably.
He is good with healing, and carries around a bag filled with assorted items to perform his healings with.
John is not fond of Nagas at all, but that doesn’t mean he won’t speak to them.
He’s prone to pranks, most of which he may see as harmless, even if they are in fact not harmless.
He loves referring to himself as Tinker Bell, and will often spin tales of how Peter Pan is real.
He is mostly benevolent, but there are rare cases where his usual cheerful attitude will fade completely.
Any headcanons you would like for this AU? [Optional]:
Questions? [Optional]:
Writing example (2-3 paragraphs):
It’s another calm night, the sky is cloudless and the stars wink and shine brightly down on the grove. From the carefully made nest of moss and flowers John stirs, rolling so that he can stare up through gently waving boughs up to the night sky. He lifts a hand up, idly tracing the bright pinpoints of the stars scattered above. He would have continued to do so if rustling off in the tree next to him didn’t disturb him. He finds himself far from worried, it’s just another of many Gandharva that occupy this small grove. They are all far away from Home, but they seem to like it better this way.
After a time John sits up and climbs free of the nest, settling at the end of the thickest branch holding his nest aloft. Down below is a calm pool of water, it reflects the sky above and adds to the calm of this tiny little haven. His wings stretch out, and he shakes some to loosen feathers. They fall slowly, landing on the water and spinning in lazy circles before going still. He doesn’t stay to watch it, lifting himself to stand and then he slips off the edge, wings catching him easily. His bag shifts against his side, and inside something jingles before falling silent. He pats the bag and then takes off.
He’s spent enough time lazing about, there are messages to deliver and unfamiliar places to see.
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prodigiumstuck · 7 years
John is now available again.
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prodigiumstuck · 7 years
Aradia Megido || Accepted
You have one week to make your blog!
Preferred name: Sheepy Pronouns: She/Her Age: 24 Discord: REDACTED 
Character Name: Aradia Megido Why do you want to play this character?: My sheep child, is forever good. I love her. I need more of her in my life. Plus, good shit. What type of creature are they?: Elf with a Spirit Medium/Fortune Teller/Witch Aspect Reasoning for this type of creature?: As you have on the character info page, Megidos are mystics of the mind and elves have a deeper connection to the magic they wield. As an elf, Aradia has a better connection to the dead and her fortunes tend to be a bit more accurate. If human, why?: N/A Any headcanons pertinent to mods?: Aradia does seances, acts as a medium every now and again, does blood telling, etc. She is a bit of an outcast, but she was necessary to everyone Because no matter who you were, you came to her at some point or another. She doesn’t usually take cash. She takes offers Jewelry, blood, etc. She loves shiny things the most easily trade able for other things. good barter material She will take cash if that’s all you have, but she will usually try to get a piece of jewelry or something from the person first
Any headcanons you would like for this AU? [Optional]: Nah Questions? [Optional]: May I kiss the faces of all the mods?
Writing example (2-3 paragraphs):
Aradia hated sitting in the coffee shops in the city. They felt out of place for her, she always had to hide her ears beneath her hair and scarves. Jewelry always had to look dirty and old. Nothing too fancy, nothing too good to steal.
The client asked to meet her here, she only agreed because she knew the person. She was regularly seeing them and they always brought her something new and shiny. Something she could keep, something she would like. Today, the offer was something from the coffee shop before they left to go back to her home, to where her she felt comfortable.
Soon she felt the air shift and the magic roll of her skin and she smiled. Smiled softly and sweetly at the familiar person in front of her. Soft spoken words shared before she found herself with an extra large white mocha with extra espresso. Such a happy little elf she was.
Once back in her cottage, she grabbed a mirror and placed it on her living room table, motioned for her client to sit and went to work. Aradia was definitely going to be happy for the rest of the night.
“Be careful of old spirits in your life. They may come back to haunt you once more.”
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prodigiumstuck · 7 years
It’s the creature that your parents have warned you of, and that which stalks the swamps far better than any natural beast before him. He hungers. 
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prodigiumstuck · 7 years
Gamzee Makara || Accepted
Be wary of your sins, brother. Make sure you listen to your mother because there is a beast that hunts in the night. You have one week to make your blog.
Preferred name: Mahj, Mahjling, Bel, Rum. Anything.
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 22
Discord: REDACTED 
Character Name: Gamzee Makara
Why do you want to play this character?: The short version is: I love Gamzee. The long version is: I love Gamzee in the sense that I love characters that have a dichotomy to them, warmly sluggish in conjunction with the violent snap. More than that, I love characters with a religious bent to them of any kind, as someone who grew up entrenched in a deep variety of religions {Some of my closest family members, and thereby the religions I grew up with, include; The worship of Santa Muerte, Christian, Candomblé, Asatru, A closed native american religion, and perhaps most importantly to this particular character, Vodou. Among others}, for this reason, I feel Gamzee is a character that resonates with me to an extent that I can easily muse for him.
What type of creature are they?: Rougarou:
The rougarou (alternatively spelled as roux-ga-roux, rugaroo, or rugaru)
The stories of the creature known as a rougarou are as diverse as the spelling of its name
The rougarou legend has been spread for many generations, either directly from French settlers to Louisiana (New France) or via the French Canadian immigrants centuries ago.
In the Cajun legends, the creature is said to prowl the swamps around Acadiana and Greater New Orleans, and possibly the fields or forests of the regions, Often the story-telling has been used to inspire fear and obedience. One such example is stories that have been told by elders to persuade Cajun children to behave. According to another variation, the beast will hunt down and kill Catholics who do not follow the rules of Lent
Other stories range from the rougarou as a rabbitlike beast to the rougarou as a wolflike creature, to the rougarou being derived from witchcraft. In the latter claim, only a witch can make a rougarou. Either via casting the curse on another, or by transforming themselves into a Rougarou.
Another legend, and my favorite, is that if a person looks into the eyes of a rougarou, that person will be transformed into one. Thereafter, the unfortunate victim will be doomed to wander in the form of this monster. Such folklore versions of the rugaru vary from being mild bigfoot creatures to cannibalistic Native American or Native Canadian wendigos. Author Peter Matthiessen argues that the rugaru is a separate legend from that of the cannibal-like giant wendigo. While the wendigo is feared, he notes that the rugaru is seen as sacred and in tune with Mother Earth.
Some myths state that when the curse is lain upon a person, it begins with hunger, first for anything, then for raw meat, and then for human flesh. If the cursed person can resist falling prey to cannibalistic urges for 101 days, the curse will be lifted, if they give in however, they will be transformed into a Rougarou.
In Louisiana, they hold a festival known as The Rougarou Fest, a festival that celebrates the folklore of the Louisiana bayous. It takes place on the last Saturday of october.
Reasoning for this type of creature?: Returning to my original ramblings on Gamzee, I enjoy the Rougarou’s dichotomy, seen as some by a monster and by others as something sacred. No one however can deny that the Rougarou, in most tellings of the myth, is a monster, which I feel resonates well with this character (and can be seen as a little tongue in cheek jab at the fandom’s arguing over him). The Rougarou also has an undeniable religious slant to it, as both a beast that can be considered the aftermath of witchcraft, or a creature who stalks those who are not dutiful to their religion and have lost its protection. Despite what some modern interpretations state, the Rougarou is so much more than ‘one more werewolf, or werewolf-like’ legend, it has a deep, rich history within the legends of the very setting this AU was created in. I’ve chosen it because I believe it fits not only the character itself, but the very setting.
If human, why?: N/A
Any headcanons pertinent to mods?: Not many that I can think of at the moment, though perhaps one: Gamzee considers himself relatively apolitical, not truly on anyone’s 'side’. My reasoning for this being that I would like to draw from Vodou tradition, but also Candomblé traditions, which does not include the duality of a concept of good opposed to evil. Each person is required only to fulfill his or her destiny to the fullest in order to live a 'good’ life, regardless of what that destiny is. For this reason, Gamzee’s allegiances and actions will be more dependent on personal relationships than overarching 'sides’. If this is unacceptable, please tell me so I can change this!
Gamzee is a practitioner of a Vodou-like religion, for reasons of respect, given that this character is going to have some inevitable dark slants to him, I would like to decline calling it true/actual Vodou {or actual/true anything in regards to existing practices}, while much will be borrowed from that particular practice in order to stay true to the character, I will also, if it is acceptable, be pulling things from the following religions/practices which I also feel fit in line with Gamzee’s canon in order to make a unique, but still familiar practice: Vodou, Candomblé, The worship of Nuestra Señora de la Santa Muerte, as well as occasional Christian/Catholic imagery {though admittedly likely little of the actual religion(s)}
Any headcanons you would like for this AU? [Optional]: None that I can think of.
Questions? [Optional]: Are there any bayou/swamplike areas around Dupet? If so, would it be an acceptable place for Gamzee to reside? If not; Would it be acceptable for Gamzee to reside in the deeper forests around Dupet? There are many many legends about how the Rougarou looks when transformed, everything from Wolflike to Rabbitlike to something entirely unique. How much creative control am I allowed to have over this, as I would like to design something I feel is true to the Rougarou in multiple legends, as well as with a few unique spins that I believe are fitting to tie back into Gamzee’s design in general. For the sake of readability, I would like permission to use Gamzee’s sober quirk. Both for others, and as a kindness towards the fact that on bad days, attempting to type in his high quirk can aggravate my OCD.
How was your day?
Writing example (2-3 paragraphs):
He likes this form.
When he slides his tongue between his teeth, he can feel the heat of it in his skull, skin stretched in fine skeins across it, when he sinks his teeth into the throat of doe or pig or wandering child, he can feel them bubbling up around his jaws crying out in celebration, in finality; It screams Life. It screams, take me far away. It screams, often, in general.
But only for a moment.
His limbs, powerful as they are, move with effortless grace over the boggy ground among the trees, their near submerged roots play home to a mixture of fish and so-many scuttling insect larvae, both of which he has eaten in handfuls when his proclivities bid him do so. Even the carcass in his jaws does little to stay his pace.
There is an art to the change; To and from.
Muscle and bone, sinew and vein twisting from monster to man, clothing is wholly unnecessary in the Louisiana heat, even now he can hear the buzzing of flies drawn in by the hot, humid scent of blood, the scurrying legs across one of his hands as he takes up his kill in long, grasping fingers to haul it up behind him, uncaring of the shallow thumpity-thump as its not yet rigor-touched limbs are drawn up the splintering wooden stairs.
He shoulders the door open before him, yawning with teeth still sharp from an incomplete transformation, he feels little need to play human entirely in the comfort of his own damn home, when he scratches idly at the crook of his own jaw, he leaves sloppy lines of deer’s blood. He’ll clean it up later.
For now, he’s more concerned with the doe. Under the blade of a well loved knife her entrails scatter like fleeing birds from her gut, and he curls the ropy lengths about his fingers seeking secrets in the offal, looking for the truth in a kidney and the future in a pancreas. He was not born of Roman rule, but he considers himself a decent Haruspex all the same.
“Well shiiit”
He has a voice like a crow’s laugh, mocking, genuine, even more mocking because of its sincerity. He licks his wrist clean of crimson with a long, dark tongue. “Ain’t even dressed none for guests.” it’s joking, to himself, to the deer, to whatever powers that be are listening. But he rises from his place all the same, makes his way over to the door and reaches it just as the knock comes. When he tries to meet his guest’s eyes, they avert their gaze, and he laughs for their cleverness, watches the blood drain from their face at the gore spilled across his floor, seen in flashing flutters when they dare look past him. He draws their attention back to his sharply featured face with a click of the tongue, with words smooth as honey wine.
“Ain’t no need to be scared none.”
He doesn’t consider himself a business owner, his home is a pain to get to, not something that serves a regular customer base. But when some sorry sinner needs to speak to a God other than the one they’ve been abandoned by, when some mother with a sick child needs prayers from a God that doesn’t live in suburban churches, he’s been known to open his door, to find deities in organs or some mixed brew of herb and blood; Come unto me children and be saved saved saved.
Like mice unto foxes, however, not everyone leaves. Fewer leave the same as they came in. These things have prices, after all.
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prodigiumstuck · 7 years
Got someone stuck haunting you in your dreams? It’s probably Roxy; and here they are!
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prodigiumstuck · 7 years
Heeeeeeeeeeere’s Meenah!
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