profejjotta · 9 years
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profejjotta · 9 years
Actividad clase martes 28 de abril, CTPH Chillán.
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profejjotta · 10 years
Why would Eisenstein, a Russian director famous for films with Soviet political themes, want to make a film about Mexico? You might think it was because Mexico also went through a revolution, just a few years before Russia. But in fact his interest was personal. At twenty-two years old he had designed and helped direct a stage adaptation of a Jack London story, The Mexican.
It was at this time that he first studied the rituals, costumes and masks of Mexico, and there was something in these images that touched memories of childhood and visits to the circus. Two years after this production he was captivated by The Mark of Zorro, directed by Fred Niblo and starring Douglas Fairbanks. In the early 1920s, Soviet filmmakers were closely studying American films in order to advance their own technique. The Mark of Zorro was an example of Hollywood innovation and exuberance, but it also had a Mexican flavor, however fanciful. Eisenstein got to meet Fairbanks and Mary Pickford on their 1926 visit to Moscow. Fairbanks promised to arrange for him to make a film with United Artists, and the star couple returned home with a print of Eisenstein’s new film, The Battleship Potemkin, to be introduced to an astonished America.
In the same year the great Mexican painter Diego Rivera also visited the Soviet Union. He and Eisenstein became friends, and Rivera spoke often about Mexican history, architecture and art. He believed that it was important for a country to preserve and draw from its cultural past, remarking at one point that it was a mistake for the Soviets to condemn their tradition of icon painting. This kind of thing went against the grain, and by the time Rivera left a year later, he was out of favor and sharply critical of Soviet ideology.
His influence on Eisenstein was profound. The young filmmaker’s interest in Mexican culture now became an obsession, and for the first time the idea came to him of doing a film about Mexico. Mexico seems to have represented something vital and exciting to Eisenstein. Perhaps it symbolized a freedom that he had not felt since childhood. The call of Mexico might have been in part the call of parts of himself - imaginative, sensual, spiritual - that he had denied and that was denied validity in the new revolutionary culture. He was apparently not aware of any of these implications, but he continued to dream.
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profejjotta · 10 years
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Jorge Guillermo Federico #Hegel....aprendiendo sobre él.
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profejjotta · 11 years
Vecinos de la comuna de Chillán, nos juntaremos este jueves 30 de mayo a las 18 hrs para la conformación de equipos de voluntarios para la campaña por Marcel Claude Presidente 2014. Este proyecto lo estamos construyendo entre todxs... Intégrate a los miles de voluntarios que estamos transmitiendo este mensaje por todo el país. Atrévete a participar en este proyecto, súmate a una democracia directa Chillanejo!!
  Libertad 723, entre 5 de Abril e Isabel Riquelme.
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profejjotta · 12 years
En el paraíso del secreto bancario y del liberalismo económico se decidió acotar los privilegios de  los “peces gordos”. Los suizos aprobaron, en forma abrumadora, limitar los sueldos, bonos y otras prebendas de los máximos ejecutivos de bancos y empresas.
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profejjotta · 12 years
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La política como vocación, Max Weber.
Mapa conceptual
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profejjotta · 12 years
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Boni le quedó la mesa pintada a mi tía (en Parque Lantaño)
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profejjotta · 12 years
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Cute, yes, but a feasible solution to issues of modern urban overcrowding?  
The experimental rooftop townhouses seen here - which are actually used as offices for a Chinese shopping mall’s 160 real estate management employees - are a creative option for maximizing existing rooftop space and incorporating urban greenery.  But why must an innovative use of space in a sophisticated asian city perpetuate a superficial image of middle class American suburbia?  There is something unsettling about an urban planning effort to tackle overcrowding - and all of the socioeconomic issues and inequalities that it harbors - with a vision that perpetuates a sense of entitlement, isolation, and ownership. Can we not reinvent spaces in a way that builds communities rather than segregating them?
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profejjotta · 12 years
Renacimiento de Alemania post 2° Guerra Mundial 60' >> Kraustrock
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profejjotta · 12 years
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Desde mi ventana... no está lejos. (tomada con Instagram en Roberto Matta, Conjunto Habitacional Gonzalo Rojas)
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profejjotta · 12 years
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Tomada con Instagram
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profejjotta · 12 years
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Esperando a patroo (Tomada con Instagram)
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profejjotta · 12 years
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Merkén mmm (tomada con Instagram en Bosque Oriente)
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profejjotta · 12 years
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Canarios (Tomada con Instagram)
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profejjotta · 12 years
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Twin Peaks, David Lynch
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profejjotta · 12 years
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Dominando a la bestia (Tomada con Instagram)
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