profic-orbot · 3 hours
I fucking hate TikTok
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The part about this that makes it funny is that the background song for this video was THIS HURTS BY MSI
Legit the MOST hypocritical thing I’ve ever heard 😭
“Proshippers who ship fictional abusive relationships are DISGUSTING and WORSE THAN HITLER 😡😡 also this song about a fictional abusive relationship is amazing 🤩🤩”
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profic-orbot · 3 hours
🔴 Especially since doxxing has been normalized by such groups as a form of punishment for disobedience, it is absolutely tied to more than just "cringe ships"
🔴 We are genuinely shocked that making connections and noticing similarities is seen as ridiculous.
Stop misappropriating the abuse and trauma cults use through purity culture for your stupid fucking shipping discourse? Holy fuck no wonder everyone hates this whole discourse.
Since when is "priests getting shuffled around after raping kids and kids being told they're sinful because they had bodily reactions to being SAd" comparable to "Bobo the clown said my ship was cringe"
I'm not gonna answer this with The Aristocrats, as a I threatened, because I want to make a very serious point to this anon:
Purity culture isn't just religious abuse. It is most widely connected to religious abuse. Including actions in the Catholic Church and all fundamentalist Christianity. It's entire existence is about terrifying and indoctrinating people into being fearful of their own actions and bodies so that they feel certain that moving out from the "umbrella of safety" (to use a fundamentalist term) will result in them being harmed in ways they can't imagine. This is generally happening at the same time as they are being harmed by those who are supposed to be keeping them safe from all those terrible, worldly evils. Like speaking up when you're being abused. Believing you are not responsible for the actions of a rapist, and many, many other things that any person with an ounce of self-worth and good sense (two things not allowed in fundamentalist circles) knows are true in abuse situations.
But the point of the purity culture as identity in the above-mentioned circles is to teach people from birth that they aren't to have their own feelings, ideas, or instincts. They are only to follow the feelings, ideas, and instincts on the approved list in order to stay within the structures they know and feel safe in even as they feel very unsafe.
That being said:
Purity culture can also exist WITHOUT a religious structure while still being about controlling the thoughts, feelings, and actions of everyone within it. In terms of fandom, purity culture is groups of people stating that if you write something uncomfortable or gross or immoral, then YOU must be uncomfortable or gross or immoral and therefore, not worthy of the safety and moral superiority of the group.
Purity culture without religion teaches black and white thinking, encourages thought policing, and shames anyone who steps outside of a very narrow definition of good and bad by turning an entire group of people against them for being "bad".
Just like in religious circles.
Just like in the cult of fundamentalism.
Purity culture is a term taken by fundamentalists and turned into a whole way of life because the goal of fundamentalism is to make people too scared to leave. Purity culture in fandom does the same thing. It uses fear and threats of abandonment/harassment to control the way people act because a group of people decided they didn't like something, so they must try and wipe it out rather than simply ignore it.
I am not mis-using the term because "Bobo the clown said my ship was cringe." My use of the term is intentional and precise because what is happening in fandom spaces now is non-religious purity culture cult thinking. My use of the term does not invalidate or water down the use of it in conversations about religious abuse and trauma. With or without religion, purity culture is a dangerous cult of "us vs them" that is built to demoralize and eradicate those deemed unworthy.
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profic-orbot · 3 hours
If you're an anti who says "you deserve it" to proshippers who have been abused/raped you are supporting rapist's and abusers.
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profic-orbot · 3 hours
antis: /proship dni in bio/
also antis: /interact first/
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ah, kind and morally praiseworthy antis, who always prioritize fiction characters, but never a living person. and this is happening in the mk fandom, can you imagine? i love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning 🥰
do you know what the problem with these bastards is? they are sure that dni works only in one direction: none of them wants to see proshippers on their territory, but at the same time they consider it normal to shamelessly disturb our peace. fuck them. fuck them all.
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profic-orbot · 3 hours
"I'm fixing proshiper art 🤩🤩🤩"
Baby bop, all you're doing is showing off how much of an unoriginal scumbag you are. Maybe rub a couple neurons together and make something original rather than stealing and fucking up someone else's work.
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profic-orbot · 22 hours
need a polite way to say "im not engaging in a discussion on this topic with you because the conclusions you have reached are based on so many interwoven layers of misconceptions it would be easier to just like, hard reset your whole brain, just start over as a baby and try again"
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profic-orbot · 1 day
Why is there so much pressure into making art that has a moral lately?
What if I don't want to teach anything to anyone? What if I just want to make something absolutely abhorrent with no purpose? What if I want to disturb? What if I want to amuse? What if I want to write smut without spelling out how "unsafe" or "illegal" it is? What if I just want to write about the world burning? What if I want to draw something new and exciting for me? What if I just want to have fun????
“You can, but make sure it comes across that you don't condone anything!”
I shouldn't have to do that!!!! Fuck off, if you need the narrative to spell out that certain things are not to be done irl, that's on you, not my art!!!!!
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profic-orbot · 1 day
Uh- are you aware of the meaning of proship?
Proship has never meant anything except a combination of three ideas:
Ship and let ship (your ships don't harm me and vice-versa) and YKINMK (your kink is not my kink, and that's okay; my kink stories don't harm you and vice-versa)
Harassment over fiction is not acceptable
Censorship of fiction is not acceptable either
Any other definitions are made by antis, not proshippers, and are an attempt at revisionism to justify harassment based on false claims.
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profic-orbot · 1 day
People who just comment characters' ages or "they're related" on ship posts like? Yeah?? Clearly the op knows and does not care??? Like legitimately what do these people want the op to say, "omg I'm so sorry I somehow completely missed these basic facts about the characters I'll delete the post immediately 😢"??????
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profic-orbot · 1 day
this has probably been said b4 but i find it funny how antis say "get help!!!" so then you use writing as an outlet for your intrusive thoughts but then theyre like "nooooo not like that!!!" like bro what do u want us to do lmao
Something, something, "get help rhymes with kill yourself!"
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profic-orbot · 1 day
It's funny how antishippers say "fiction affects reality" while talking about a proshipper saying they like minor x adult ships/incestous ships or other problematic ships. Like yeah, fiction does affect reality. And you antishippers are the FIRST example. Because YOU are so AFFECTED by a FICTIONAL thing that YOU decide to harass REAL PEOPLE and you tell "kill yourself" "you should be raped" to REAL PEOPLE- while proshippers are just minding their own business (not supporting harassment, doxxing, or sending death threats to REAL PEOPLE and also being against REAL PEDOPHILIA, REAL INCEST and REAL ABUSE) and being one of the most pacific and calm communities I've ever seen.
A FICTIONAL thing doesn't make proshippers worse people because they're NOT affected by fiction. YOU antishippers are the ones affected by that fiction by letting it corrupt your souls.
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profic-orbot · 2 days
"You can't ship that!"
lol what are you gonna do, climb inside my mind and shut off the imagination switch?
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profic-orbot · 2 days
Antis love to talk about digital footprints and how proshippers are never gonna find jobs because of what they post online. Have the antis ever considered their digital footprints are also up for bids here? I don't think a potential employer will like seeing you send death and rape threats to people over fiction more than what I write in fiction. Just saying
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profic-orbot · 2 days
Welcome to a basic dni carrd that i don't even know how to begin to describe how badly they don't understand proship once more on
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I love that anti-harassment is listed there. So like, are we finally admitting to being pro-harassment there, antis? Not like that's been a surprise but still funny.
Also literally like no proshipper thinks fiction doesn't affect reality, we just actually care about the research that proves consuming dark media doesn't make you more likely to want it irl.
I just don't even know what to say about the last half of those things. That's not even proship. Most of those people are a whole other thing. But antis aren't very smart about that, are they?
Notice no mention of murder or violent acts listed outright on the examples though. Because that's fine for antis to consume, right? Love the hypocrites.
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profic-orbot · 2 days
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profic-orbot · 2 days
A literal WTF moment for me happened to me today on Twitter:
Person defending people sexualizing Hatsune Miku because she can be interpreted in any way in terms of age. Her suggested age is 16. In some songs, you could make her in her mid-20’s, late 30’s, or even in her 50’s. Plus, she’s just a voice bank, she does not have any established lore. Good…
Person defending DECO 27’s Rabbit Hole Miku, stating that Miku is 100% intended to be an adult, not an underage character. Good…
Brazilian Miku is also depicted in multiple artworks as an adult. Good…
“Proshippers fuck off, we’re not on the same page.” Really? REALLY?! You just had to screw up your defense of Miku by telling anti-censorship and anti-harassment people to go away. *blocked*
You were THIS close to figuring out what Proshippers really are and you STILL do not get it. It’s honestly impressive how much antis are unaware of how contradictory they sound. I’m not surprised,just disappointed.
You cannot actively defend something like Miku being sexualized but then tell the people that are anti-censorship to not interact with your Twitter thread about defending people who sexualize Hatsune Miku. If you truly think Proshippers are predators for liking sexual art of underage characters and/or defending it, then what are you by your own standards?
so close yet so far
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profic-orbot · 2 days
Just Anti Things: people in your small fandom refusing to speak to you because you think the game's protagonist can consent to romance. She's autistic and canonically mute, but communicates via both sign language and her magical animal companion, who she can communicate with telepathically. Apparently thinking autistic people with selective mutism can have relationships isn't just bad, it's so bad anyone who says it gets blacklisted from the fandom. Even antis who ship her with someone but otherwise hold anti beliefs get shunned.
Who knew mutism and autism meant this grown-ass woman is a child? Sure she traveled across multiple continents, saved the world and outwitted the ultimate evil, but c'mon. It's not like she could ever give consent. That's clearly impossible. /s
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