profilcr-blog · 6 years
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profilcr-blog · 6 years
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Long walks, warm bookshops
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profilcr-blog · 6 years
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she // fickle friends
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profilcr-blog · 6 years
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profilcr-blog · 6 years
ultimate relationship goals are going camping together to watch the stars wrapped up in a bunch of blankets and just enjoy this earth togthr
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profilcr-blog · 6 years
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colorblind // movements
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profilcr-blog · 6 years
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profilcr-blog · 6 years
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Crow, Hampstead Heath, London by Michael Cole
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profilcr-blog · 6 years
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profilcr-blog · 6 years
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profilcr-blog · 6 years
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you were made this way for a reason… 
                                          but, it wasn’t for me.
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profilcr-blog · 6 years
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She's feeling really, really angry for some reason...
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profilcr-blog · 6 years
If I’m going down,                              you can damn well bet I’m taking you with me. 
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profilcr-blog · 6 years
     i don’t want to HURT YOU; it’s not my nature.
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profilcr-blog · 6 years
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“Please don’t take your vows too seriously. You don’t need to die to protect your country…” For some reasons, the thought of her beloved friend dying sent a shiver down Selene’s spine. Thankfully, the tiranny which had plagued the reign during most of Chouko's parents' lives was no more, so the risk of their new queen having to literally sacrifice her life to preserve peace...
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"Yes, I do remember. You were my first friend as well, you know? Before you came along, the only kid around my age who could stand talking to me without getting annoyed was Wren." Bless her dear twin brother, really. "We've been both very busy ourselves, between school and stuff. He's studying to become a detective, you know? We'll make a great investigative duo one day." She chuckled softly "Though we managed to meet up briefly before I boarded the plane for Khura'in." Specifically, enough time for Wren to tease her about meeting with her 'girlfriend', the memory of which made Selene simultaneously snort out a small laughter and blush.
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“Yeah, my mother did pretty much the same when my college application was accepted. Though in her case she was also crying because she didn’t want me to think she wouldn’t love me anymore if I didn’t do things perfectly.” Selene shook her head, a sad yet fond smile on her lips. Both of their mothers went through a lots in their younger days. It was probably the reason they got along so well, even more so thst their fathers.
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“It’s not gonna be an easy job for sure, but I’m looking forwars to it. There are so many bad people around…” Selene grimaced a bit, all too familiar with the parade of people hers parents dealed with on a daily basis. “If you need help with anything, don’t hesitate and call me, alright? I’m not sure what I could do, but… having someone to talk with helps, y'know?”
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“Our parents are naturally protective of us due to having been born in difficult times. I can’t blame them, of course.” Selene’s mother’s idea of perfection was long gone as far as she’s aware of. They were still really sweet to their daughter, though.
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The queen scowled. “Indeed. As their queen, I swear to protect the people of this beautiful kingdom, even if it costs me my life!” She declared proudly. “Thank you, I certainly will.” Her expression softened for a moment. “I must admit that I missed talking to you. I’ve been… feeling a little lonely. As you know, I never had many human friends back in the day. You were my only friend, remember? Seeing you brings back memories.” And her heart to sigh in joy.
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profilcr-blog · 6 years
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In spite of their young age, both Blackquill twins already had their hearts set on becoming detectives once they got older. For now, they simply followed their parents around whenever they investigated crime scenes.
"Think Papa will let us help him one day?"
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“Let’s fight crime together, brother!”
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profilcr-blog · 6 years
Selene squealed happily when her mother caught her into her arms, the toddler's own tiny limbs wrapping around Franziska's neck and waist. 
"Me good girl~" The toddler cooed, pressing a tiny kiss on her mama's cheek, as she'd seen her papa do ever so often to show his affection "Papa and Wren missed Mama too."
"Mutti!" Selene ran up to her mother as soon as she entered, the toddler nearly stumbling on the way there "Welcome back!~" Franziska had been away for Interpol business for a few weeks, and the toddler was exctatic to see her mother again after so long. ((@profilcr))
Franziska’s mood lightened the moment she heard that tiny voice calling for her. A smile breaking out across her face, she knelt to catch the toddler barreling towards her.
“Oh, Mama missed you, liebchen,” she said as she cradled Selene close to her. “Have you been behaving yourself?”
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