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Boris—leaning back on his hands, face turned to the sky— was singing to himself in Polish.
Wszystkie dzieci, nawet źle, 
pogrążone są we śnie, 
a Ty jedna tylko nie.  
A-a-a, a-a-a, 
byly sobie kotki dwa. 
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THE GOLDFINCH (2019) dir. John Crowley
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after Will destroyed castle byers
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Hey! Ryers and Byler fans!! I'm going to be drawing these boyos if you guys wanna send me idea of what to draw. I'm bored this quarantine (or boreo- oop)
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If interested, the Ryers story, "Maybe, Probably" is about to end, send it love❤
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have truer words ever been spoken
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richie and will first bond over unrequited loves. eddie never loved richie back and mike was too involved in el to even address his and will’s relationship.
richie finds will at the top of quarry cliff one october night and sits beside him.
“you too, huh?”
will nods. “it sucks.”
richie scoffs. “it really fucking does.”
that night is the start of them. they’re practically inseparable afterwards, talking and laughing and invested.
it doesn’t take either of the boys long to fall in love with each other.
after they get together, most people assume that they were just each other’s second choice, when in fact, they weren’t each other’s second choice at all. they never were-
they just never had the chance to be each other’s first.
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will and mike, back from seeing a movie: we got called gay at starcourt tonight
dustin: tell us about it
mike: well…we got called gay at starcourt
lucas: yeah, but why
will: we were being gay
max: at starcourt?
mike: yeah it was at starcourt
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Some things..
*Richie and Will just making out*
Mike W: "uhhhhhh."
Eddie: "gross."
*Mike and Eddie*
Mike W: Wanna hang-?
Eddie: Why not?
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When Mike comes out, Karen and Nancy are The Most Supportive.
When Ted says something vaguely homophobic at the dinner table, Nancy immediately shuts him down and changes the subject.
When Ted goes to get Mike for dinner one day, Karen remembers that Will is over last minute. She stops Ted and offers to get Mike instead, just in case Ted walks in on something... personal.
Yes Karen is on to byler and even though mike denies it she KNOWS okay she KNOWS.
The more news that spreads about the AIDS epidemic, the more Karen and Nancy get anxious Ted will say some Not Nice Things. So Nancy always complains when her father has the news turned on, so much so that Ted hasn’t been watching it recently because he doesn’t want to hear all the whining.
One day, Karen is at the grocery with Ted. When a couple of boys pass that are clearly in a romantic relationship, Karen is fully ready to shut down any homophobic bullshit Ted tries to throw. But, to her surprise, Ted doesn’t bat an eyelash. This gives Karen a bit of hope for her son.
When Nancy is driving Mike to Will’s house one day, she gives him a lecture about how he can always trust her with anything and that Mike has her full support.
“So.... if there is any secrets you are keeping... ya know... you can tell me. I don’t want you to think you’re alo-“
“Oh come on! Does mom have you on this grand theory too? Me and will are NOT. DATING.”
“Okay! Okay... I still mean it Mike. You can trust me.”
Mike just smiles and looks away. Nancy doesn’t see the grateful tear that falls onto Mike’s cheek.
Mike comes home late one night from Will’s house. Ted is asleep on the La Z Boy and Nancy is upstairs in bed. Karen had stayed up reading on the couch, waiting for Mike to get home. She is completely ready to give Mike the “I was worried sick!” lecture until she sees the blush and wide smile adorning her son’s face. When Mike finally notices his mom is there, his face drops. “Uhm, I can explain why I’m late. My bike tire was flat and I left my watch here I honestly didn’t even know how late-“
He is cut off by Karen wrapping Mike in a warm hug. “You should know not to lie to your mother, Michael.”
Mike wraps his arms around his mother before she pulls away. His voice is so soft, as if he would break if anyone else were to hear. “He likes me back, mom.”
Karen almost shoved it in his face. “I knew it!” “I called it!” “I told you so!” But she doesn’t. She hugs her son so tight and so close, her tears making his shoulder damp.
“I’m so proud of you Mike. Don’t ever forget.”
I’m sorry about the format, I copied and pasted this from a groupchat I just sent these to. Also this is mobile. Also this is my first time writing for the public so please go easy on me I’m begging you.
I hope you enjoy!
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Will “I’m not gonna fall in love” Byers, who
-only called for Mike when he was having episodes
-cried while listening to Mike describe how being friends with him was “the best thing he’s ever done”
-went home and destroyed Castle Byers in a fit of rage when he and Mike “fought”
-couldn’t bring himself to lie about rolling a 7 in their dnd game
- remembered Mike’s name when he was forgetting everything else
-in general tends to look at Mike like he hung the moon and all the stars
Don’t keep telling yourself you’ll never fall in love, Will, because clearly...
You already have
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Every ship fic in 2 sentences
Jane: u gotta cure my trauma mike… by making out with me
Mike: k lol
Jane: I hate my boyfriend
Max: cool wanna learn how to skateboard?
Mike: ok I guess
Max: I hate my family….. and this town…..
Lucas: cool
Dustin: BRO
Lucas: 🅱️RO
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Bat boyos
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Maybe, Probably.
Hello! Been awhile since I've been here, but I wanted to update on the story on Wattpad. It's called Maybe Probably and three chapters are out at the moment. Chapter four is in the works. :> Just wanted to update. I will try to maybe do some short stories. ;>
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New story!!
I'm creating a new story on Wattpad for Ryers! Because my class read Romeo and Juliet, I'm making a story with it.
About it: there's an audition for Romeo and Juliet, but there's a catch, it's being directed as a all boys play. Just like old times. Richie is running from someone and Will just needs to get away from all this new school drama. They find eachother in the derry highschool auditorium where the audition is hosted.
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Proposal // Ryers short story
This is only a story and a ship. If you don't like that's okay.❤ (btw they are older in this story)
Will had planned this moment. He was so nervous and had no idea how it would go. He sat there in the living room apartment Richie and him shared, staring and the ring in the box he had gotten. They were to go on a date later that night. Which was perfect for this. He sighed and closed the small box and got up putting it in his inside jacket pocket.
He walked to the window staring out at the trees when suddenly Richie popped from behind him and hugged him. Will jumped a little and turned his head back a little and smiled as he looked at him. "Hi 'chee," Will said softly. "Ready for our date?" Richie asked then kissed his cheek. "Yup," he replied. "Well get a coat, maybe a scarf too. It's cold out." Richie said then went to their room. Will sighed shakily and got his jacket and a black and grey scarf. He felt the box as he put on his jacket. "I can do this..." Will muttered to himself.
~After the dinner date~
"That was amazing," Richie said as they walked in the park with his arm around Will's waist. "Mhm," Will mummbled out with a soft smile. He was looking down slightly as he walked with the taller boy. "You alright Will?" Richie stopped them both and lifted his chin. He did notice Will wasn't himself on the date. "Y-Yeah...um...Richie?" He said shakily looking up at him. "Yes?"
Will pulled out the ring out of the box and held it up to Richie. Richie's eyes widened and his cheeks became a rosy pink, "holy shit." Will looked down a bit scared of his answer. Richie chuckled a little and lifted his chin again.
Will had planned this moment.
But so had Richie.
Richie had a ring as well holding it in front of Will. Will quickly covered his mouth as his cheeks turned red and tears forming in his eyes. Richie smiled at him and pulled Will into a hug.
"Yes," they both said together.
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