profsalixwillow · 4 years
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profsalixwillow · 4 years
 Below are everyones outfits for the Ball of Hearts (aka; Arlo, Salix and Lugia. Come on, do you really think that Eve and Kalli would go to a charity ball? …unless they’d try and steal.) 
Keep reading
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profsalixwillow · 4 years
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“Arlo please, it’ll be fun.” 
“No. I don’t do things like... this. You know that. And after recent events do you really think its a good idea for me to be flounching around in a suit at a highly visible event?” 
“It’s in Unova and it’s for a good cause. Here, I found the information of the charities for you so you can pick one to sponsor-” 
“I don’t have money Professor.” 
“I do. I have plenty. Just pick one and I’ll put towards it.” 
“...I really hate that you’re appealing to my need to attone.” 
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“No you don’t.” 
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profsalixwillow · 4 years
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            “I have calculated that a break will be most suited to take in about four hours, after these studies and papers are done.
    After that, I plan to take a thirty then get back to work, which will last for another two hours. After all is said and done, dinner will be made, a shower will be taken and then I will go to sleep for my nightly eight hours of sleep.
    Fret not, Professor. I have analyzed and carefully planned out my work for the day.”
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“No thats... You don’t need to structure everything-”
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profsalixwillow · 4 years
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“Make sure you take a break.” 
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  Buries themselves in paperwork and research.
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profsalixwillow · 4 years
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He feels a twinge. 
He needs to go and check on the other birds and leaders. Something feels off. 
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profsalixwillow · 4 years
New icon who dis 
Thank you @wishesmusehub for drawing him <3 
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profsalixwillow · 4 years
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@melemeleguardian​ ; Koko pokes Lugia for no real reason.
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He’s... not impressed.
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profsalixwillow · 4 years
Oh shock was only the half of it as they got close enough to willow to see IT, at first. Blanche had thought it a oddly shaped rock sticking out of the surf but all it took was for it to breath from them to realize the true scale of what was before their eyes. A lugia, They’d read about them yes, In books, Artistic representation, Maybe a few lucky snapshots posted in research papers…
But to see it for real, it…was something else. It reminded them much of when they saw articuno for the first time, Minus the paralyzing. Cold numbing fear of possibly dying.
“..that’s…dear arceus that’s a lugia.”
There was a brief blue glow to their eyes, Perhaps a slight acknowledgement from articuno but it faded as they were showered in sea foam, It’s clear the gears were turning in their head. Putting pieces into place even as they brushed some of the foam off of their head and they took a deep breath to settle their nerves. It was easy to be nervous around such a big pokemon, even as gentle as they were being with willow.
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“..no, that’s not. Just a lugia, they were the one who was in the lab..”
They were hesitant to step closer but after noticing just how upset willow was. Their mind made the decision for them as they made their way up to the pair and sat down next to willow (Quietly thanking themselves that they pretty much wore their wetsuit everywhere, even if the ends of their jacket were less fortunate-) and wrapped a arm around him. As reassurance. Seeing about pushing a few loose strands of hair out of his face.
“..Will-..No….Dad, You don’t have to hide things, At least. Not from us, Especially not if it’s affecting you like this. It’s not good for you..”
“Spark’s Zapdos can do the same trick.” 
Arlo pointed out. He was curious if all legendaries could do it, since M could do the same. He stayed stood where he was, a few meters away. He hadn’t earned that yet so he kept his distance. 
Salix knew he’d have to get changed. Unlike Blanche, he didn’t wear his wetsuit everywhere and he didn’t plan on exactly sitting in the water. But desperate times called for desperate measures.
“Can’t hide anything from you can we.” He laughed softly. “Yeah.. He’s the same one. I wasn’t lying when I said I’ve known him since my 20s. He saved me from drowning.” 
“...Wait but you go out free diving every morning. I saw you leave yesterday.” 
“Yeah. I go swimming with him.” 
“Without equipment.” 
Willow gave a small shrug. Arlo just looked at him with a mixture of confusion and alarm. Salix turned his attention back to Blanche, leaning against her gently. Lugia’s head was pinning him to the sand so he couldn’t move, but the weight was a comfort.
“There was a war here, over two decades ago. I was in it. Arlo’s indeedee... it’s growing. I think it has p... pokerus.” The word nearly chokes him and Lugia huffs again, closing his eyes. “It was part of the war. Arlo.. where.. have you been?” 
“...I went to Mt Silver.” 
“...Did you meet Red?” 
Arlo stared at him, brows creased. “Yeah.” 
Willow jerked, looking at him. That meant Red was still a carrier. They thought it’d die off... It was very obvious it didn’t. He rested his forehead against Lugia’s again. 
“...I’m okay now. A lot of things happened in the war... It... It kinda caught up to me. You don’t need details. I want to work. When Lu lets me get up...”
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profsalixwillow · 4 years
The firm handshake is rather surprising, For as ragged arlo looked at least, they did put on a small smile. Not really needing one back, They knew all to well, it was hard to remember how to smile when you haven’t had a genuine chance to in. Well who knows how long for arlo.
“You did, I believe, I can’t imagine we would have met back then anyway even if you hadn’t left before i became mystic’s leader, i was really bad about just. Squirreling myself into the lab with as many books as i could feasibly carry. But it’s nice to properly meet you to Arlo.”
They were about to inquire where outside of saffron and finding the best way to get there before rocket did (They are more then sure that lot already had suspicions about this…Emile, With arlo now being gone-) When they were interrupted by Willow making a beeline for the door. Leaving the two of them in the lab with just the thud of the door for company, That wasn’t…really like him, Sure. They knew he had moments, they had lived with him for a time after all. But to entirely go off like that?
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“..This isn’t like him, I’m going to go after him, you can follow if you’d like. I don’t really…Hh, People are more spark’s thing but it’s no better to just let him wander off if something’s wrong…”
But spark wasn’t here, So they and maybe arlo would have to do as they turned heel and went out the same door to follow after him, Despite being told not to (And that was from them! they hated breaking rules or directions of any kind-).
“Professor wait! please, you don’t just have to go off alone if something is wrong.”
He hesitated. The Professor seemed... really upset. And he couldn’t pinpoint why. He glanced down as Lares ran into the room at the commotion. Cerberus tilted his head, ears perked up. He gave a soft woof and looked at Lares as if trying to figure out what was going on. 
As Blanche left, he finally decided to move, jogging after them. He was as worried as they were. 
By the time the two make it to him, Willow is sat half in the sea surf. While he was still fully clothed, it would probably be alarmed, what was probably more alarming was the presence of a Lugia, lay, with his head in Willow lap. The beast was massive, much larger then him. It was so big that it probably could have eaten them if it wanted to in one bite. but it was sat, very calmly with it’s massive head on Willow’s legs. 
Salix himself was hunched over slightly, resting his forehead on the beast’s face, his arms resting on top of it. He was shaking slightly, mumbling softly under his breath. 
“-Climb to the shrine to right what is wrong And the world will be healed by the guardian's song.” 
Arlo looked between them. He had met Lugia before, back in the forest so it wasn’t as much of a shock as it possibly was to Blanche. Willow had mentioned that the others probably didn’t remember him even if they had met him.  
Salix’s head shot up, but Lugia didn’t move, letting out a soft huff that blew sand away from where they were sat and showered the two others in sea foam. Salix looked like he had been crying. 
“I’m fine- It’s okay I’m fine- I’m fine.” He stammered, forcing a smile. “Just.. Just an anxiety attack. I’m fine.” 
He glanced down as Lugia said something to him personally, his forced smile faltering. “No. They’re kids. I can’t. I don’t care if they were my age.” 
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profsalixwillow · 4 years
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profsalixwillow · 4 years
Well at least someone was happy in this whole mess, Between willow’s haunted face (They made a note to ask him later, even if they weren’t expecting much of an answer-) and Arlo’s..well everything! he looked terrible and even blanche’s normally stoic mask couldn’t hide the flash of concern. 
Although they couldn’t hide the elation on their face at the mention of the info (They’d certainly done their best to figure out rehabilitation through other methods but working with shadow pokemon was a fickle and sensitive thing-)
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“Help crack our efforts? More so perfect them with enough time to look it all over and implement it into my own research, But first things first, Your other pokemon arlo. If they are at risk then they are first priority, You don’t have to do this on your own. Not anymore. Consider this as an official thing. You from this day forward, Have the whole of mystic behind you.”
And they meant that, Blanche didn’t say things half heartedly. So even as they set their bag down on a table, They crossed the lab over to arlo and held out their hand to shake (If arlo wanted to of course!)
“And i guess this could be considered our first. Official meeting, that’s not at pokestops or leading to a battle.”
Salix attempted to shake off the dread pooling in the pit of his stomach. He can feel panic rising as his brain starts racing, so he takes Blanches moment of distraction to turn, walking to a counter full of paperwork. Now his back was to them he took very slow methodical breaths, running over Lugia’s tune in his head as he ‘sorted’ them, putting his glasses to one side.
Arlo finally looked up. He could see the shape of Willow had moved away and he put his glasses back on as Blanche spoke to him. He’d been alone so long really that he doesn’t entirely remember what it’s like to be able to trust people. It’s somewhat overwhelming.
“Yeah.. I kinda left before you became Leader didn’t I? Since Valor was kinda the first.”
He hesitated, before shaking their hand. Despite his bedraggled form, it is a strong firm handshake. He tried to smile but it doesn’t really work. He needed practice at that too it seemed.
“It’s nice to finally meet you properly Blanche. My pokemon are kept at Emile’s place. It’s just outside of Saffron-”
“I need some air. You guys stay here.” Salix suddenly stopped what he’s doing, heading straight out the door without another word. Had he slowed down it would have been more obvious he was shaking, panic reaching a boiling point.
Arlo watched after him, hesitating after a step. “Professor?” He looked at Blanche, confused. “...Is.. Is he okay?”
The door thudded behind him as Willow made a beeline for the beach, his hands in his hair.  
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profsalixwillow · 4 years
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Make your muse a terrarium!
I’m pretty sure I did one for Arlo back last time this was around, this time it’s time for Willow to get one. 
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profsalixwillow · 4 years
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Attempted a floor plan of Willow’s Lab. 
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profsalixwillow · 4 years
I wouldn’t call myself quirky but there is definitely something wrong with me
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profsalixwillow · 4 years
Sakaki can’t manage to snap Yukinari out from whatever glazes over his eyes, but Raiden snagging both of them snaps him out of it. Sakaki doesn’t spare him the, ‘don’t touch me’ look if only for the fact that they were in incredibly imminent danger. They’d have been fine if the noises weren’t coming closer. Sakaki is the first back to the car, turning it on and clicking the headlights before Yukinari’s pulled back inside.
The old man’s crazy, they all knew that. The look on his face isn’t though. It’s horror wrapped in the idea that he might have done something. Dr. Ohkido doesn’t elaborate on what that something could have been and Sakaki dries his sleeves against the car heater while he pulls back on the road.
He’s not heading back to the city tonight. He has a funny feeling it’s not going to be in the same state they left it in. They drive away, and are the only persons on the road that night. Yukinari doesn’t say a word, but there’s something in him that resolved to do… something. 
It’s a long drive to Pallet and Sakaki goes through two more of the candy sticks before there’s nothing else to keep him occupied. The little town’s on a seaside hill, so it’s never spared from rainy season. The rain pours down and the town’s still here, which… takes the tension out of even Sakaki’s shoulders. 
He doesn’t go into the house when he stops the car at Yanmei’s house, but lets everyone else out while he takes an actual cigarette out of his case and stows under Yanmei’s awning. He keeps the car running and deals with the tension in his own way. 
Yanmei is a quiet woman, and she doesn’t say much when they all show up at her door looking half drowned. She opens her door and corrals them all into a warm house with the television on one end of the kitchen running through weather instead of the news.  Yukinari returns to his senses and stays by his daughter to mitigate her nerves in Yanmei’s kitchen. 
The kids are kind of asleep on her carpet floor. Kind of, because Red doesn’t seem to sleep much but he’s comfortably lying on very unconscious Green, and a very unconscious Leaf, and watching the weather. It’s late. 
At the first sign of noise, Red stands and quietly hides himself behind the couch, poking his head out to watch everyone for enough time for him to get a little gumption, and slowly walk to the rest of the group.
“Are you all alright?” Yanmei asks quietly to the group. Red reaches for her leg and holds onto it.
“Mom- can we go upstairs?”
( @oukido​ then @profsalixwillow​ )
        To see quiet little Pallet unharmed fills both Yuri and Raiden with relief. Yuri is still trembling, one hand with an iron grip still on Salix’s hand. He’s sweet, she thinks. She appreciates his attempts at comfort, and even offers him a shaky smile. All the while, she leans heavily against her husband, not caring that it’s making her good clothes damp. They’re far away now, there is no more thudding in the distance, and the sky isn’t on fire.
        Yanmei is a welcome sight. A quiet, pretty woman who exudes an aura of calm. Her house is warm. Yuri is still a little frazzled, though the presence of her father close to her seems to calm her nerves a bit, but Raiden manages a smile. It doesn’t reach his eyes, but it’s genuine enough.
        It does grow a tad when he sees the children. Green is perfectly safe, passed out on the floor with his friends. He hopes Daisy is safe, too. He might call her friend’s mother to make sure everything is okay, even at this hour.
        Red approaches. He’s such a tiny thing, quiet just like his mother, but definitely sweet. Raiden is glad Green is friends with him.
        Speaking of which, the lack of weight on top of him manages to stir Green from his sleep, if only for a few moments. He lifts his head, blinking his big brown eyes blearily, his fluffy hair a wild mess around his head. Upon seeing his parents, he doesn’t even react. Just plops back down, rolls over on top of Leaf, and passes back out.
        “It’s—” Raiden pauses, eyes flickering down to Red, then returning to Yanmei. He leans in towards her, lowering his voice. “Firebombs, in Saffron. Right after we left.”
        It’s probably being covered on the news by now, but he’s not going to subject the kids to that. They don’t need to know, not now. Too young. And Red is already asking his mother if they can move upstairs, anyway.
        Yuri lightly touches Salix and Yukinari’s arms and nods towards the kitchen table, a quiet suggestion to sit down even if they’re buzzing with nervous energy. She glances towards the front door; Sakaki is still outside. Despite what may be going on between him and her husband, she still considers him as something of a friend, and hopes he is okay.
( @profsalixwillow​​, then @drohkido​ )
He watches the red sky fade from view in the rear view mirror. He’s glad Spark is with Yua tonight. She lives in Pewter so they both should be safe. It doesn’t stop him worrying though. Yua would be worried sick. 
He makes sure to give Yuri’s hand a firm squeeze, humming a lullaby he had learnt softly under his breath as he smiles at her gently. A nervous habit, it was a form of comfort, even if he couldn’t pinpoint exactly where he’d learnt it.
When they bundle into Yanmei’s Salix hovers at the door a little longer. After a moment, he sticks his head back out. “Sakaki, you should come inside... when you’re finished. You’ll catch your death.” 
He ducks back in, not phased by the fact his clothes are sticking mildly uncomfortably to him. His eyes fall on the kids and his heart aches. He’ll have to go straight to Yua’s tomorrow to see Spark. It was too late now to wake him, but she might be awake still. 
As Yuri motions for them to sit, he stays stood for a moment, trying to gently call Yanmei’s attention. 
“Miss Yanmei, may I just use your telephone? I need to call Yua. She’ll be worried I was hurt, she knew I was going to Saffron tonight.” 
Yanmei nods and Salix bows in thanks, before excusing himself. He gives a small wave to Red as he passes. He’s so tiny. He quickly calls Yua’s number and she answers after a single ring. She must have had the phone in her hand.
“Salix, oh thank the gods-”  “I’m okay Yua. We managed to leave just in time.”  “They’re saying it’s firebombs, the whole city is on fire. Are you sure you’re okay?”  “A little shook up, but no one’s hurt. Is Spark awake?”  “No, do you want me to wake him?”  “No! No, just... I’ll come around tomorrow to see him. Thank you for tonight. I’ll make it up to you.”  “You owe me, Salix Willow. You gave me a fright.” 
He laughs softly, but it’s drained. He’s exhausted now the immediate danger has passed. “Goodnight, Yua.”  “Goodnight, Sal. Please stay safe.” 
He hangs up and collapses in the chair at the dinner table. After a moment, he calls out pikachu, scooping the confused rodent up to hug him tightly, his face buried in the mouse’s fur. Pikachu coos softly, patting the aide’s hand, careful not to shock him. “Pii. Pika.” 
( @drohkido then @oukido )
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profsalixwillow · 4 years
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It’s barely past dawn as Salix slips out of the lab in a wetsuit with only a rucksack and two pokemon in tow. It’s not exactly a nice day, but that’s how he prefers it. Overcast meant the clouds were low enough to block out the mountains to the north west. 
He gears up the small boat he has moored just off the beach pier just down from the lab. It’s mostly white but with green accents and a silver wing hand painted on the stern. He double checks his bags, making sure he brings food and water for himself and the pokemon. He has his ocarina tucked into the side pocket of his bag as he slings it into the small yacht.
His old sylveon hops up onto the stern. The old eeveelution is going grey around the muzzle now, they lived longer than other eeveelutions thanks to their typing giving them a natural advantage but they still faded eventually. He’d outlived his original pikachu, although he now has another, a descendant of that one, on his shoulder. 
He hops into the boat, unmooring it and pushing off. He’ll sail the first few hours before switching to the engine. He enjoys sailing properly and if it wasn’t for the fact he had to be back before midday then he’d probably be out all day. 
Chuu is sat at the bow while Sylv has gone down into the cabin out of the way. The pikachu’s ears perk up a little after an hour. It’s the signal that he was looking for. There’s nothing for miles, just ocean and clouds. 
He drops the anchor, pulling the handmade ocarina from his bag. Stepping up to the bow, he starts playing, it’s a simple tune to start with, but it rings true and slowly gets more complicated the longer he plays. Once he’s finishes, Chuu is stood fully upright. He points at the water, bouncing slightly as he sees something deep down. 
Salix puts the ocarina down and straps flippers and goggles on. “Chuu, are you and Sylv gonna be okay while I’m down there?” The pikachu nods, squeaking confirmation and giving him a salute. He laughs, rubbing the pikachu between the ears before turning, slinging a simple large cloth drawstring bag over one shoulder, taking a slow deep breath and diving into the deep blue. 
There's nothing here. It’s just wide blue water that fades into dark nothingness for as far as the eye can see. He starts swimming straight down, his breathing regulated with expert experience. 
He gets nearly 400ft down before there's glowing eyes to meet him. It’s pitch black down here to the normal eye, but he can see through the gloom. What no one can see is his own eyes are glowing to match the ones much larger than his own. He makes a hand movement, sign for ‘hello’, the beast of the sea huffs in his face. It makes a head movement, turning to allow Salix to grip onto his neck before leading him further down. Holding his breath feels easier against the sea god’s back, he knows Lugia is probably using some kind of magic to help not drown him.
With Lugia’s help they reach the goal. A crashed airplane. It’s missing its tail and is half buried in the sand of the seabed. The only wing he can see looks like it’s been ripped off. He can’t see it anywhere. Salix glances at his diving watch. 600ft. 8 Minutes. He moves to the cockpit. The glass is gone, shattered on impact. A lot of the plane is decaying. Taken by the ocean like all things were. There’s no bodies left, those would be the first things to go. But he does find small personal effects. Some leather boots, part of a leather jacket, remains of two pairs of goggles and a bracelet. He collects all of them, placing them in his bag. It’s not much, but he tries to collect anything he can to bury. 
He swims back a little, using a small waterproof diving camera to take pictures of the plane, trying to make out any of the writing still intact on the side. He can look it up later to try and trace it. 
He gives a nod to Lugia as he puts the camera in the bag, who turns and allows Salix to grasp his neck again. With the things collected, they start their ascent. It takes much less time then when he went down. 
They break the water gently, and Lugia allows Salix to swim back to the boat. 
I found a cave around 300ft down to the east. There’s a submarine too. 
Salix pulls himself back onto the deck, trying not to gulp air as his lungs recover their deep dive. “Tomorrow. Okay? I’ll come back out tomorrow. I need to get back and bury these and I have a meeting at 1.” 
The old beast stares at him, his head barely above the water. He makes a low rumbling noise that sends shivers through Salix’s bones. 
Very well. 
“Keep looking okay? Thank you though. I’ll get donuts for you next time you want to come to the lab.” 
Bubble tea too. Moltres was talking about it yesterday. I wish to try it. 
“Okay and bubble tea.” He laughs, placing the bag to one side so he could unstrap himself from the flippers and deposit his goggles too..  “Donuts and bubble tea.”
Lugia nods very slightly and gives a low cry before diving again, disappearing back into the deep. Salix sits and watches for him a moment, before the white shape disappears into the gloom. 
Chuu hops over from where he was lay, lifting the towel he had found for Salix while he was gone. Salix takes it, starting to dry his hair off. 
“Right, time to head back. Should be able to bury these, sail back to the house and then get a shower in time for that meeting.” 
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