Hey everybody this will be my last post on Tublr. I’ve grown tired of the format and I can’t say my life is worse for having not checked it for a few weeks, If you don’t have my twitter and want it, let me know! I may give it to you! Peace guys.
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D&D writing prompt: Write a D&D adventure in the style of a famous author
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My treatments won't ever stop. I get some pain relief from Botox every 12 weeks, but I still get mild migraines every day. I don't know if that will ever stop at this point. At the end of my treatment period, when the injections are wearing off, I almost immediately go back to moderate or severe migraines every day. This won't ever stop being my reality unless my body randomly stops its daily cycle just like it randomly began one early 2015. I *may* have treatment options in the future, but I've only heard of one in trials right now and I have too many episodes a month to be considered a viable test subject. And nobody gets it. Not my boyfriend who lives with me (though he tries really hard and is getting there), not my housemates, not even my family. Even my mother, who experiences chronic pain on a daily basis and has for the past some odd 30 years, doesn't *really* get that a diagnosis does not mean I immediately feel better; it means they have a code to put down when ordering my prescriptions so insurance will cover it.
I don’t think healthy people every really get chronic illness.
I have a friend I know from when we were both 6. She is the only person living nearby and so she saw me go from walking through limping to wheelchair on a daily basis. I keep her updated on my health even tho we rarely hang out anymore. She was gonna come over yesterday and I had to cancel. She asked if I can’t hang out later that day. When I said i won’t feel better later, that if I feel that bad in the morning later will only get worse she got annoyed and “joked” that I’m just finding excuses. And I was surprised, she knows all about me being disabled after all? So, a bit taken aback, I told her it’s a normal thing for me.
“But you got the diagnosis now, aren’t you better?? I thought you’ll get better now”
She was honestly surprised and it made me realize a thing. They don’t get it. They don’t get that getting diagnosed only equals benefits like welfare or parking spot for us, and sometimes better pain meds but that is just like pushing luck. That it’s a forever thing. That that one day we felt good a week ago was just a bright spot and doesn’t mean we won’t need our aids anymore, cause chronic illness is not linear and will make a great comeback in next four hours, and the next good day is planned on when we’re 70. Cause when abled people are sick, they get better. And our illness is just an excuse for them. And when we say we will never get better they think we’re being dramatic and pessimistic. And I don’t think they’ll ever get it, cause to get it you need to live it. And I want my friends to stay healthy and not go through hell.
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(screams into the void)
(the void pours two cups of coffee, sits down to listen)
(sobs quietly) thank you void, it has been a stressful month
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The West Wing + tumblr
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IT’S THE MOST ANNOYING THING ON THIS EARTH. I live in San Francisco and it’s the Passive Aggressive Capitol of the country so nobody ever says anything about it but.
I always do. I GOTTA. I am a​ loud, confrontational asshole when people are obtuse on public transit. either move the fuck out of the way and be courteous, or take a fuckin Uber.
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Do you ever notice yourself getting bad again…like, you know you’re not doing work that needs to be done, you know you’re not cleaning, you know you’re not taking care of yourself…you know all the things you need to do to start trying to feel better. But you just can’t. And you’re left feeling like shit bc you thought you were getting better but here we are
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Guess who sprained their LCL and MCL yesterday!! Guess who was instructed to not put weight on it!! Guess who's seeing an ortho this morning!! If you guessed me, you're right!! Everything sucks and I can't even fill my norco script on my own. 😶
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I live in California on the coast for school and $1200 is enough money to rent a studio. Like literally, it's enough money for RENT and nothing else. But sure, it's just workers being lazy and not OP having their head up their ass...
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I have really got to stop looking at what COULD be wrong with my knee and just go to the damn doctor’s tomorrow and let them figure it out.
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That's because this is a comedy article guys.
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Smh this is the reach of the century. I swear no one would say a thing if it were Sharapova 🙄
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ok to reblog if ur neurodivergent
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Being “slightly” disabled is rough. There are people who have your conditions who are living relatively normal lives. They are able to go through life without their illnesses really affecting their quality of life or getting in the way of daily tasks. There are people who have your conditions who are struggling severely. They have foundations who are willing to help them out because they’re a severe case. And then you have people like me. You struggle to do daily tasks, but because you have good days, non-profits and companies meant to help chronically ill and disabled young adults turn their noses up at you. The people like me usually struggle to get through life on their own, with the occasional support from friends and family members when we’re not seen as burdens. But then we start feeling like maybe we’re not THAT sick, and push ourselves harder. Because if we don’t meet qualifications for assistance, then we really can’t be that bad, right?
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90s lesbian grunge aesthetic, today.
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your hometown + the last food you ate is your cryptid name
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