project-shapeshift ¡ 9 years
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David Biron
When i was a keiki, my mom used to tell me to respect the people, their lands and their culture. I grew up with the people and I feel really close to them and their history. They deserve respect and support! Mauna kea is sacred land owned by the Hawaiians-They shouldn’t have to fight for something that already belongs to them. I feel really sad for all of you who work so hard to keep Hawaii- Hawaiian and sacred.
I might not have any Hawaiian blood or roots-But as I wrote above, I grew up in the Islands and the people of Hawaii always have been a Ohana to me-they always accepted me with open arms and I always felt welcomed and “home” and in return I always respected them and their beautiful past and culture. Hawaii might be a state and part of the American flag, but to all of us deeply rooted with the aloha, this place remains a “Kingdom” built by the Kings and Queens. Now we live in an era where modern technologies, exploitation and researches are more important than history and cultures. People are blinded by the almighty dollar and are ready to destroy anything included sacred grounds only for researches and money. The people of Hawaii shouldn’t have to fight to keep their OWN LANDS sacred and safe.The people of Hawaii are NOT protesters, they are protectors! They are good people, deeply rooted in the history and culture. Respect is the most important thing in the world and Hawaii has it and knows what the words respect, love and Aloha means.
Even if outsiders and foreigners push you down, you are not alone and we will always stand for you and the Hawaiian Kingdom no matter what! The spirits of the Queens and Kings of Hawaii Nei who made this place pure and sacred are still here looking at you and won’t let the Kingdom go down. You might live through dark days, but one day..we all hope Hawaii will be free!
Before believing in ‘God’… we must believe in ourselves, our people, our roots and our past…and this is much more powerful than anything else.
I do not have any roots or blood i can proudly relate to–Hawaii nei, the people and the ocean is all I will ever know…
Mahalo nui
#FreeHawaii #MaunaKea #KanakaMaoli #maunakeaohana #alohaainapatriots #protectmaunakea #aoletmt #tmtshutdown
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project-shapeshift ¡ 10 years
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While we still have a long way to go in terms of understanding Eating disorders, I believe we have progressed.
Many of us get that “Eating disorders aren’t about food or weight” because it’s the number one phrase that gets shouted from the rooftops by Eating disorder sufferers & Eating...
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project-shapeshift ¡ 10 years
The following text is the reply to a journalist’s request for an interview, sent by a research scientist from our team. ANAMIA is a research project about online communities of persons suffering from eating disorders. Often, researchers from our team are asked for interviews in the media. This is an essential part of science communication, insofar as it helps disseminate the results of our research to the general public. Yet, it can turn out to be problematic: eating disorders come with a fair amount of social stigma, and the risk of being misrepresented is an actual one. Scientists can rely on reporters’ professionalism for not being misquoted. But sometimes the context can distort the message. The genre of a TV programme, or the general tone of a newspaper can bias the message in such a way that, despite the accuracy of the quotations, the public is misled. These situations can be scientifically and ethically challenging for the researchers. In order to exemplify the issues at stake for our researchers, and in the hope of promoting critical thinking both in the media and in the scientific community, we have decided to publish the anonymized version of this letter.
Such a fucking good letter, I would highly recommend spending the 2 minutes it requires to read it. I’m so happy that there are researchers like those on the ANAMIA team.
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project-shapeshift ¡ 10 years
I just supported #WAZA‬ - End The Drive Hunts!! on @ThunderclapIt // @stevejack3
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project-shapeshift ¡ 10 years
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ROAR FOR THE LIONS! support for the Global March for Lions 15th March 2014 and join the Campaign to end canned hunts http://thndr.it/1foVViN
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project-shapeshift ¡ 10 years
do you ever look around at the big crowds of people around you and realize everyone has a story and memories and family and troubles and achievements and a first kiss and a broken heart but you’ll never know any of it and every...
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project-shapeshift ¡ 10 years
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A monarch butterfly (Wonders of Life - BBC)
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project-shapeshift ¡ 11 years
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project-shapeshift ¡ 11 years
i’m trying to get all of the blackfish specials up on youtube for those of you who can’t watch them. my camera is constantly changing between video/pic mode so i’m sorry my filming sucks. i have to just set it somewhere and hope nothing spooks it ;) the timing on this program was not correct for my DVR (like always) so it cut off, sorry !!!
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project-shapeshift ¡ 11 years
Interesting points!
Aside from the debates about animal rights, many vegans will find themselves countering ad hominem arguments by non-vegans. A few typical labels that many of us often receive are that we are “pretentious,” “elitist,” “pushy,” and “disrespectful” of others’ beliefs. While some vegans may be very...
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project-shapeshift ¡ 11 years
Two churches located across the street from each other. At least the Catholics have a sense of humor.
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project-shapeshift ¡ 11 years
A FALL FROM FREEDOM [English with Greek Subtitles] (by AnaGirlEmpath)
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project-shapeshift ¡ 11 years
If you don’t care about the barbaric murder of cetaceans, then care about the humanity of your family eating the worlds most toxic meat.
Stacey Feltham (via the-bushbaby)
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project-shapeshift ¡ 11 years
THANK YOU!! Seriously!
Time uses a picture of a young woman taking a selfie to demonstrate how fucked up our generation is
Why not use a picture of a 50 year old white male banker masturbating with mortgage papers into the mouth of a senator
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project-shapeshift ¡ 11 years
Weeks before a new edition of the so-called bible of mental disorders is released, the federal government’s most prominent psychiatric expert said it had a scientific €œlack of validity.
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project-shapeshift ¡ 11 years
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Why does the Narwhal an 8-foot long tooth emerging from its head? And what is its function??
by Leah Gourley |HMS Communications
Harvard School of Dental Medicine (HSDM) researcher Martin Nweeia has just answered a marine science question that had eluded the scientific community for hundreds of years
The narwhal has a tooth, or tusk, that emerges from the left side of the upper jaw and is an evolutionary mystery that defies many of the known principles of mammalian teeth. The tooth’s unique spiral, the degree of its asymmetry to the left side, and its odd distribution among most males and some females are all unique expressions of teeth in mammals. 
Nweeia has discovered that the narwhal’s tooth has hydrodynamic sensor capabilities. Ten million tiny nerve connections tunnel their way from the central nerve of the narwhal tusk to its outer surface. Though seemingly rigid and hard, the tusk is like a membrane with an extremely sensitive surface, capable of detecting changes in water temperature, pressure, and particle gradients. Because these whales can detect particle gradients in water, they are capable of discerning the salinity of the water, which could help them survive in their Arctic ice environment. It also allows the whales to detect water particles characteristic of the fish that constitute their diet. There is no comparison in nature in tooth form, expression, and functional adaptation.
The sensory connections discovered by Nweeia and his colleagues also are capable of tactile ability. Narwhals are known for their “tusking” behavior, when males rub tusks. Because of the tactile sensory ability of the tusk surface, the whales are likely experiencing a unique sensation.
Photo by Amos Nachoum (Flickr)
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project-shapeshift ¡ 11 years
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