proletariat02 · 4 years
Sepagi ini aku menemukan Marsinah di teras rumah, sendiri, tak bicara, wajahnya penuh dendam menatap lukisan tubuhnya;
kepala yang penuh luka sehabis ditetak-tetak
selangkangan yang berlumuran darah sehabis diacak-acak
tubuhnya lebam menahan pukulan-pukulan batangan besi.
Secangkir kopi yang sudah kubuat untuk kunikmati sendiri, kini kuperuntukkan untuk Marsinah.
Tanpa aba-aba, diseruputnya kopi itu tanpa gula atau pemanis buatan lainnya;
Seteguk, dua teguk, tiga teguk, tanpa sisa.
Dengan penuh hati-hati aku mengucap maaf atas kopi yang begitu pahit untuk ia nikmati di pagi buta ini
Sontak ia menjawab; yang pahit bukanlah kopi.
Dunialah dengan segala konspirasi
Negara dengan segala diskriminasi
Perusahaan-perusahaan dengan segala keserakahan politisi
Kantor-kantor dengan segala kepalsuan visi
Pabrik-pabrik dengan segala perbudakan pada diri ini.
Marsinah kembali, pergi meninggalkan duniawi
Memohon kepada Tuhan agar diberi amanah menjadi algojo di neraka
Merebus apinya hinggah mendidih
Meracik besi-besi batangan
Mendetak-detakkannya agar siap pakai untuk menetak
Marsinah belum merasa abadi
Masih ingin menyulut api
Sembari menanti para pembunuh terhadap dirinya.
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proletariat02 · 4 years
Daripada tidak jujur pada diri sendiri dan sekitar mu.,
Lebih baik anda menyerah saja, saya tak bisa, saya tak mampu, saya sih punya niat itu dan tak mampu untuk bertindak, dan saya tak bisa lagi belajar.,
Lebih baik ketimbang anda merasa bisa dan mampu mengubah hanya dengan niat baik.....
Anda tak bisa hanya dengan memamerkan niat baik lantas semuanya akan baik-baik saja..
Itu pendidikan buat diri sendiri yang cukup akut dari zaman feodalime sampai zaman modernisasi saat ini.
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proletariat02 · 4 years
Jika kalaian ingin melawan penindasan, pelajari mekanisme yang ada dalam praktik penindasan.
Dan jika kalian ingin bercerita tentang cinta, jatuh hatilah dengan sedalam-dalamnya....
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proletariat02 · 4 years
Jika kondisi sekarang ingin diungkapkan dengan frasa.,
Aku memilih frasa; aku sangat bersemangat hari ini...
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proletariat02 · 4 years
Kepada kawan Kawan di jalan keheningan
Tak boleh terus begini kawan kawan
Bertapa di pembuangan simpan dendam pembungkaman
Orang orang hianat segala kalangan berkomplot dengan orang orang asing disebrang lautan
Mereka kuasai segala ruang kenegaraan
Mereka lelang tanah, air, angkasa dan segala sumber kekayaan dari merauke di papua sampai kesabang negeri aceh darussalam
Mereka perlakukan rakyat lebih rendah dari binatang
Tak pantas kita begini terus kawan kawan
Berdoa di tepi tepi kesedihan
Bersajak tentang segala pengharapan
Kita....  Memang orang orang buangan
Tapi kita bukan pecundang
Kita hanya terllau romantik sikapi kesepian dan terlalu sering pandangi langit gelap
dan kita biarkan kegagahan kita hanya jadi kenangan dan keberanian kita hanya jadi catatan
Ayolah kita bangkit sekarang
Kita tinggalkan kesunyian
Kita terjun kesemua medan pertempuran
Kita teriakkan lagi pekik pekik peperangan
Kita tulis lagi prosa prosa paling garang
Dan sajak sajak paling tajam
Kita hidupkan lagi akar akar juang rakyat
Yang mereka bius
Mereka bunuh
Dan mereka matikan
Kita gelorakan lagi semangat para patriot yang hanya meratapi segala kekalahan
Kita sastrawan sastrawan pejuang kawan kawan
Kita didepan
Kita susun lagi barisan rakyat yang lama dihinakan
Kita tunjuki mereka arah kebenaran
Kita nyatakan keadilan untuk semua orang
Kelola negara buat kita,  gampang
Prosa prosa yang kita tuliskan
dan naskah naskah  drama yang dulu kita pentaskan
dan puisi puisi etika yang kita senandungkan adalah tesa tesa kebernegaraan dan kebijaksanaan
Kita sudah buktikan
segala premis premisan
Aksioma aksiomaan
Abstraksi abstraksian dan teori teorian
Pembangunan mereka hanya hayalan penuh kepalsuan
Semua itu bisa kita batalakan
Kegagalan mereka berserakan direruntuhan peradaban
Mari kawan kawan
Buang segala ragu
Campakan semua bimbang
Ini perang kita
Perang kebudayaan
Kita bergerak kawan kawan
Bersama sama
Bahu membahu
Serentak serempak
Kita serbu segala palsu
Kita serang segala persekongkolan gelap
Kita buru segala penipu
Kita terjang segala kebohongan
Kita kita sibak gelap gulita
Kita hancurkan semua kegilaan
Kita tikam semua dusta
Kita bunuh semua penyerikatan
Jangan diam,  diam berarti pengkhianatan
Tak ada up stand
Up silent adalah kebencian
Ini perang penghabisan
Allah bersama kita
Dia telah pastikan kita menang
Percayalah dan yakinlah
Aku didepan kalian
...Fikar W Eda
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proletariat02 · 4 years
Not only is the ~territory~ thing overblown but it's some colonialist bs in regards to the Hales: rich white family, werewolf royalty almost who ~own~ the land. They're settlers, plain and simple. The show actually did good with Derek living in the burnt wreckage of the house trying unsuccessfully to rebuild the dynasty but ultimately finding happiness and healing and moving on but stans are fixated on rebuilding the house, the seat of power and owning the land
It’s the entitlement.  
As a white person, I’ve noticed that one of the fundamental problems when people like me try to grapple with the consequences of colonialism is a sort of binary thinking as defense mechanism.   If something was good, then it can’t be bad.  There were many positive reasons for expansion and colonization: fleeing religious persecution, exploring economic opportunities away from established oppressive economic structures, countering overpopulation of cities, the ennobling effects of freedom and exploration – all these are great, inspiring things.  What’s uncomfortable is trying to reconcile them with the unintended but very much omnipresent consequences of that colonization:  slavery, disease, generational poverty, and cultural obliteration inflicted on the natives from which colonists stole the land.  You can’t have one without the other.
So their reaction is to deny that it happened.   To say it doesn’t matter.  To say that it happened so far in the past that they shouldn’t have to think about  it.  To focus completely on one side.  (In one excellent development, claiming it was for the natives’ own good has completely fallen out of fashion.) It’s easier that way.  This is also entitlement.
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This attitude expresses itself constantly in fandom – an exclusive focus on the Hale family’s needs and history and the wrongs done to them, which serves to minimize and erase that the Hales’ attempts to satisfy those needs were executed on the backs of children and adults who were not Hales.  Yes, the Hales were protectors of Beacon Hills. Yes, they helped found they city.  Yes, they were powerful and influential.  Yes, they were the victims of terrible persecution and a terrible crime.
And not one bit of that justifies the consequences of what Peter and Derek did to the children and adults around them.  It wasn’t until Derek (and to a lesser extent, Peter) let go, as you said, of the idea of Hale supremacy and made it up to the people whom they hurt that they actually got to grow.  
The idea that Derek and Peter didn’t deserve a return to the glory days of the Hales cannot be processed by fandom, so they create elaborate justifications of the worst abuses the show depicted in pursuit of that supremacy.   They’re real werewolves!  They’re mystically tied to the land!   They’ve got the backing of some half-baked werewolf/occult government that recognizes their sovereignty – again and again and again.  It doesn’t matter that it contradicts canon or doesn’t make any sense – if Scott is such a danger because he doesn’t werewolf right that the werewolf government has to step in, are they going in turn give control to Peter, a man who killed people from behind until he got his ass kicked by a bunch of teenagers, or Derek, who never met a Bad Decision he didn’t make? 
No, this concept of the right of others to rule over people who have no idea who they are and never asked for their rule is used to diminish others.  Scott got to play first line!  Scott got popular and the girl!  So he should be grateful for the Bite, for the mental violation, for the lies and manipulation, for all the responsibilities and violence he didn’t want but had to endure. (Look at all the good things we brought to the savages!)  Stiles should be flattered that Peter, after brutalizing the girl he loved in front of him, after kidnapping him, after forcing him to work at his command, graciously offered him the Bite rather than forcing it on him.  It doesn’t matter that Peter used Lydia as an object for his own ends, the trauma forced her evolution into a powerful young woman.   Or the dozens and dozens of people who eventually paid the price for Peter’s temper tantrum.
And those three Gurkhas I mean Betas were willing recruits to fight someone else’s war.  And Derek loved them so much he treated them like family soldiers (training them through combat and breaking their bones, forcing them to sleep on the floor, shouting at them when they dared to want something else.)  Two of them died honorably, fighting Derek’s wars.
The production systematically demolished the arguments of the Hales as to their rights to a glorious destiny.   Derek grew up and moved on.  Peter didn’t and was appropriately punished.   One of the interesting things about every single enemy in Teen Wolf is that they all sprung from the Hales and the Argent’s conflict, and yet the warriors, the people who suffered from them, tended not to have either of those last names.  Every villain was a consequences of the villain before that, and that all went back to a struggle of which most of the victims had never even heard.  
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proletariat02 · 4 years
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I had to water my backyard today.
The insects and birds are coming to enjoy the water, and in the air lies the smell of summer rain.
It has been one of the dryest Aprils in my life. The news said it was the dryest ones since 2007 (in Germany).
And it's not only the missing rain. It's in combination with a lot of sun and even more wind that takes the water away.
In a way I'm lucky with my small backyard, with a lot of shade and a dense soil that keeps in the water. But I am still worried.
The last two summers were the dryest and hottest summers in my life. What if the next one is even worse.
So I sm preparing as good as I can.
I can't collect the rainwater from the roof, because I need permission from my landlord, but I am planning to buy some big boxes to put outside when rain is coming, to store it for the summer.
But the main thing i have to do is, to reduce evaporation.
I already sowed white clover as a protective layer (and to improve the soil) but I will look into other techniques.
I am open to any ideas and advice you can give.
People are gardening and farming in much hotter and dryer condition than me, and they have been for millennia. There have to be ways to deal with this. And if I have to change my view on gardening, I am willing to do so.
Sustainability also means to adapt to change.
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proletariat02 · 4 years
Minke pernah berkata dalam cerita romannya...
"tawaran untuk menimbah ilmu di bumi Nederland itu bagi saya bukan perkara yang mengagumkan. Yang betul-betul memukau adalah Kayanya Gadis itu akan inisiatif"
Kepada gadis jepara yang ia temui bersama Istrinya Ang San Mei....
Pram, melalui Minke telah mengajar sebuah pemaknaan yang cukup tinggi terkait INISIATIF!!!
Bahwa roh dari segala perbuatan baik/buruk manusia lahir dari inisiatif-inisiatif yang bisa jadi dianggap remeh!
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proletariat02 · 4 years
Seusai melakukan kewajiban dan mengadu kepada Tuhan;
Sepagi itu, jam dinding memaksanya agar siap dan sigap
Tak sempat mengurus anak, tak sempat sarapan banyak
Tergesa-gesa sebab takut terhadap bos yang galak.
Di perjalanan, ia harus memerangi keadaan;
Kendaraan-kendaraan makin geming makin bising
Menghirup polusi, mengatur presisi, bila sial akan ditilang polisi
Sebab orang-orang besar makin gila dan sinting pada masalah yang begitu saja belum bisa menemukan solusi.
“Duhai”, hatinya mencoba tabah.
Belum sempat menyapa kawan, sudah harus menyapu jalanan
Belum sempat menyapa kawan, sudah harus menggali timbunan
Belum sempat menyapa kawan, sudah harus mengecor bangunan.
Belum sempat menyapa kawan, sudah harus menyajikan makanan
Belum sempat menyapa kawan, sudah harus mengurus laporan
Upah yang katanya lumayan, sama sekali tak sebanding dengan jam kerjaan.
Di wajahnya, ada doa yang tak henti-hentinya mengharap
Di wajahnya, ada harap yang tak henti-hentinya disekap
Di wajahnya, ada ikhlas yang tak henti-hentinya berserah
Di wajahnya, ada pasrah yang tak boleh untuk menyerah.
Wahai, buruh.
Lelahnya yang membangun bangsa
Keringatnya yang membahagiakan keluarga
Senyumnya yang menjanjikan surga.
Atasannya menjanjikan apa?
mungkin biaya hidup
mungkin bahaya hidup.
2019, 1 Mei.
Gembel Syar'i.
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proletariat02 · 4 years
Tuanku yang terhormat.,
Hamparan tanah telah dihuni oleh rakyat,
Berpuluh tahun silam sebelum keruntuhan para raja.,
Mereka bercocok tanam untuk generasinya dan buminya.,
Mereka bersuka ria dengan anak dan alam.,
Meski sesekali mereka harus terdiam.,
Tuanku yang terhormat.,
Kemarin kusaksikan hamparan itu kau tanam dengan aspal licin.,
Kau tancapkan pula besi dan beton.,
Sekarang kau minta mereka bercocok tanam.,
Pandemi mengacam ketersediaan pangan mu.,
Kepadamu tuan yang terhormat.,
Selamat atas kebodohan yang tak sedikit pun kau miliki...
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