Signal boosting this guys this person is going around plagarizing fics and OCs from people and passing them off as their own. The plagarized from the fic “The Red Thread” and while I’m not in that fandom people should be aware that someone is stealing fics and OCs in order to protect their work.
Hi Bailey! We have been fans of yours since before your hiatus (we missed you!) and we are really glad to see you back! We adore your writing so much, and we were curious about your newest fanfic, Legend? Are there any details you can share so far? - Your Fellow Texan Fangirls
"I wasn't born with fangs just to curl my lip over them."
Wow! It's always nice to see older fans as well as fellow Texans! I missed you guys too; it's really nice to interact and talk to people who have viewed my older content! Thank you for the kind words!
Legend is another one of my COVID creations. It started out without Matt, to be honest. I know, I know, bring out the armies. But, let me explain. Scout is actually my newest persona (about two years old) and I have been wanting to write with her for a while, but I just couldn't find the right work to throw her into. I very briefly toyed with the idea of putting her in "7 Deadly Sins," but I didn't feel that was the right fit for her. Being my sona, she shares remarkable similarities in appearance and personality to me, but she is also quite different and has a rather unique story. I really do connect with her, and wanted to put her somewhere that she vibes with! Honestly, I did not feel that she really vibed with Harley's domineering, logical nature or Krow's reserved, persistent personality, or even somebody like Everleigh, who leans towards being more sweet, kind-hearted, and a big risk taker. Also, I never saw Scout as being a part of SDS. I never saw where she fit in, so I knew that she needed her own story.
Honestly, I never planned to throw Scout into fanfic (especially Daredevil), as it's so easy for someone to take an original character of yours that way. Or, as has happened to a friend of mine around a different fandom, her fic got big enough and the company literally tried to bring a lawsuit against her. I don't think that would ever happen to me - I don't plan on ever trying to actually publish any fanfic work, though Scout, Rooney, Akira, Rosie, Eli, and my other "Legend" ocs might be published in their own Marvel free work in the future.
Buuuuuut then I found AO3, the holy universe for all things fanfic, from smut to fluff, and I got really excited and realized that I could
Write my KOTLC fanfic there without being judged for using a lot of elements from the canon world.
And also, write a fanfiction that Scout was in!
I knew who she was, who she was related to, her relationships, powers, and past. I knew everything about her. I knew that she was a Shifter canus (werewolf) from House Kappa in the Pacific Northwest even though she was originally from Texas, I knew that she has two adopted older brothers and an adopted father, I knew that she wore the military dog tags of a perished friend wherever she went, and I knew that she does most things on a whim without any real thought or foresight. Nyah nyah. Sooooo I tried to fall in love with a fandom that she could grow into, because she needed to leave Washington, and both me and her felt that same unrest. (Also she needed to get away from Eli. Too hard to date when you have an older brother who will beat up your partners. IMO.) I watched Daredevil for the first time when Disney added the shows to their app, and I FELL IN FCKING LOVE I have never fallen into immediate wonderbliss with a story since Six of Crows. And nothing matches SoC.
Of course, without even thinking about it, she fell into that story. And I did, too. So the NMCU universe became the new gameboard for Scout's story, and I already know where it's gonna go.
I mean, read me on AO3, 'cause that's where the wolf pack hangs out! But seriously, that's where this fic will be. So.
I wanted to add the other Defenders as well (yes, even Danny Bud, and I will explain that reference if you make me), so I added them in here, and I must say, I am quite proud! I have enough original elements here to where I can publish it in the future, but I do not know what I am going to do for Matt. Hmmm. I had another OC, Heidi, that I thought might work for this story, and she would have. But I felt that Scout's psychic abilities would allow her to contribute more to the story enhanced ability-wise - sorry if that's mean guys I don't mean to bash characters that aren't powered - via the Grace that every werewolf has.
A bit on Shifter Graces. They are the small abilites that each werewolf is able to use, widely useful and varying between people and in power based on how the shifter Shahn'kria - the ritual undertook by a person when they join a House - went. Scout herself is in the Psychic spectre, with many clairvoyant "sixth sense" tendencies that usually make life harder for her than anything else. It also makes getting drunk or high a real nightmare. Stay off drugs, kids! You might have a secret third eye that is bothered by shitlife.
Graces are not all powerful and you are on your own to figure out how to use them! Pretty much no one else has one like yours, so figure it out homie. I added these for a bit of fun, and I really like how they came out!
As for Matt and Scout's relationship, I made it more of a slow burn with humorous elements and plenty of spice. I wanted it to me something that was fun to read but at the same time, relatable. Yeah. Church of Saint Murdock, amass. I won't disclose too much right now, but that's the vibe!
It'll be up on AO3 soon, so READ READ READ! And lemme know what y'all think! I will love to see everyone's thoughts and feedback. And I love getting questions like this, so please ask more! Thank you for writing in, Texie Girls!
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@theviolethourdecode thinks using homophobic slurs on the gay site is okay but posting fanfiction is cringe? (Even after messaging a different writer and asking for fic recommendations) You know what’s cringe love? Saying in 2022 that you’re happy to be homophobic. This is why we don’t want Twitter users on this site. Deleting your comments now will not help you. Your digital footprint is forever.
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Good luck joining any communities on here or making any friendships, online or otherwise, cause you’re a mean and miserable bitch.
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Friendly reminder that i am insane and fucking with my friends will awaken the Ed Gein in me
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I still wish you were 50 cent in 2000 instead. Blocking me from responding to you calling my friends fags and dykes can’t save you now. I’m in your fucking walls bitch
I’m like Gucci Mane in 2006
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She responded to me that i’m invalidating her trauma then deleted the whole post so i’ll just add this as well:
Then work that out in therapy not on tumblr? The internet is not your oyester nor is it a safe place it never has been. I’ve had to see people talking about wanting to be fucked by the guys that did Columbine before. If it is that triggering for you where it causes a tantrum then you shouldn’t be on the internet or you need to block the word entirely. Nobody is going to cater to you dude get over it. I’ve had to see dd/lg roleplay on this bitch you just move the fuck on. You realize how life works right? You can’t be this clueless to the internet not being a safeplace did you not have this lesson taught to you in high school??
Also when i look at your blog you spend more time hating steddie and trying so desperately to assert the fact he’s not gay. No one is saying he is gay, they are saying the ship steddie and they could both be bi. Bi people exist. You blame all the hate GVD is getting on steddie shippers and its not even that at all. Its crazy fanatic joe fans period. There are crazy people that take it too far in every corner of the internet. Its not just steddie shippers and the way you guys try to blame them for everything and send so much hate and vitrol their way is frankly embarrassing and also the homophobia jumped out. You all need serious psychiatric help and your internet taken away and to experience the real world for once in your lives. It is truly sad on a human level.
please tag your daddy kinks in your fics
not everyone likes it. some people have trauma with it. reading a fic and getting into it then seeing that fucking word is really triggering for me. i'm so damn tired of finding good fics and that kink not being tagged.
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Ya know, I wanted to get into the stranger things fandom; but shit like this when I’m scrolling the smut tag, and seeing eddisy shippers constantly shit talking steddie shippers (both ships are valid you fucking weirdos) has turned me entirely off from it. It makes me wonder why these people make tumblrs in the first place. Seriously if you can’t handle a certain ship and you can’t handle a daddy kink (there are people out there with piss kinks y’all get a fucking grip) you need to get off the internet or stick to facebook. THIS IS TUMBLR DADDY KINKS AND GAY SHIPPING IS WHAT THIS WEBSITE WAS BUILT OFF OF WHY WOULD YOU EVEN GET ON HERE. Seriously touch grass and see a therapist. You would enjoy life more I’m sure of it.
please tag your daddy kinks in your fics
not everyone likes it. some people have trauma with it. reading a fic and getting into it then seeing that fucking word is really triggering for me. i'm so damn tired of finding good fics and that kink not being tagged.
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Sometimes I go back and I read this lil baby. Probably the fic I’m most proud of and it isnt even that good 
If you ever showed this little baby love thank you so much and I love you
Sure Feels Right (mgk x OC x rook)
Hey guys so this is gonna be a long fic so expect multiple parts unless it’s hated then I’ll cry and not update.   Enjoy!
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       Now she knew she was forgetful, but there was no way Lux had forgotten to pack matches for ALL her socks. She looked around the hotel bed to see if she knocked some of them onto the floor to no avail. That was when she realized that the door connecting the two rooms was open on her side. She sighed having connected the dots in her head. These boys were gonna be the death of her. Knocking on the door she heard the two of them giggling. Assholes.
Keep reading
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nikki sixx ( 80s )
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🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤
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nikki sixx ( 2017 )
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why don’t you go listen to Accidentally In Love by Counting Crows from the hit 2004 movie Shrek 2 and then maybe you’ll feel better
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nikki sixx in budapest, hungary. ( 1991 )
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My toxic trait is believing with all the truth in the universe that if I ever met my favorite rockstars they will automatically fall in love with me.
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nikki sixx ( 2017 )
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"Him so sweet", I say, in a baby voice, about an 80s rockstar over twice my age who needs therapy and rehab
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