Almost fully transitioned! Come catch me at @tripandfallfurther
New Blog
Okay…. so after a lot of thinking and my lack of anything else to do today, I have officially created a new blog that is a main RP Blog (I can finally send memes and such from my RP blog…amazing)! I have threads on this blog that I will continue and transfer onto my new blog. If I have a current thread with you, I’m going to message you and ask if it’ll be okay to answer from my new blog and create a new thread. If you don’t get a message from me in the next 48 hours, please message me as I may have skipped our thread by accident! 
My new blog is @tripandfallfurther 
It’s still under construction but I still have my rules, muses, etc. already on there.  I hope to interact with you lovely people there! 
For those of you who follow me and we haven’t interacted, please know that I look forward to interacting with you on my new blog! 
I will update everyone once I fully discontinue my activity on this blog. Thank you all! 
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New Blog
Okay…. so after a lot of thinking and my lack of anything else to do today, I have officially created a new blog that is a main RP Blog (I can finally send memes and such from my RP blog…amazing)! I have threads on this blog that I will continue and transfer onto my new blog. If I have a current thread with you, I’m going to message you and ask if it’ll be okay to answer from my new blog and create a new thread. If you don’t get a message from me in the next 48 hours, please message me as I may have skipped our thread by accident! 
My new blog is @tripandfallfurther 
It’s still under construction but I still have my rules, muses, etc. already on there.  I hope to interact with you lovely people there! 
For those of you who follow me and we haven’t interacted, please know that I look forward to interacting with you on my new blog! 
I will update everyone once I fully discontinue my activity on this blog. Thank you all! 
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New Blog
Okay.... so after a lot of thinking and my lack of anything else to do today, I have officially created a new blog that is a main RP Blog (I can finally send memes and such from my RP blog...amazing)! I have threads on this blog that I will continue and transfer onto my new blog. If I have a current thread with you, I’m going to message you and ask if it’ll be okay to answer from my new blog and create a new thread. If you don’t get a message from me in the next 48 hours, please message me as I may have skipped our thread by accident! 
My new blog is @tripandfallfurther 
It’s still under construction but I still have my rules, muses, etc. already on there.  I hope to interact with you lovely people there! 
For those of you who follow me and we haven’t interacted, please know that I look forward to interacting with you on my new blog! 
I will update everyone once I fully discontinue my activity on this blog. Thank you all! 
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Contemplating moving to a brand new main blog since this account is just my side blog...it sucks not being able to send memes/asks to people from my rp account. To be continued! 
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A facial expression journey. 
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“I get that you have to fake date him and you have to be seen with each other, I really do.” Danny said, looking directly into her eyes. “But did you honestly have to kiss him like that? In front of me?” He shrugged. “I mean, I thought we talked about boundaries. I am your boyfriend after all..not him.” 
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Davina watched him as he walked out of the room, biting her lip with the amount of anxiety that was coursing through her. Her anxiety had been on a high level since the people in this town began to talk. She didn’t understand why she felt so weak and like a child. She was the girl who could take on anyone or anything and not be fearful or weak. But at this moment she felt like she was about to lose Barry and she didn’t know how she’d be able to handle it if she did. When he walked back into the room, a sigh of relief left her and a weight lifted off her shoulder. She looks at the glass of water for a moment before taking a sip of it because her throat was dry and hurt from the crying.
Brown eyes moved to look at him as he spoke. She nodded her head. “I will try to be more open with you and not retreat again. I don’t want things to escalate to this again.” She says before moving to settle in his arms, resting her head on his chest. “I love you.”
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Barry looked down at the woman in his arms, wrapping her tight against him. He loved having her in his arms, it made him feel connected to her more intimately than sex ever did. He was slowly stroking her hair, taking in her words. “Communication’s a two way street, Davina. This isn’t all on you. We’ll talk to each other more, check in with each other.” He said, thinking about what else they could do to make their relationship work better for them. 
He kissed the top of her head gently, still running his fingers through her hair. “I love you too...always.” He lay there silent, humming a tune as he thought about the question he was about to ask. 
“..How..how would you feel about therapy? Like couple’s therapy or therapy in general? Obviously I don’t want to force you into something you wouldn’t want to do, I just thought...I don’t know. Maybe it could help us..” He trailed off. He really didn’t want to be that couple that had to seek outside help in order to get their relationship straight, but it was a lot more than that. Both of their insecurities shown bright tonight, and they needed a way to deal with it. 
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Iris had been sitting there in her spot with her blog up, still using it for other things. She was waiting for Barry to show up and help her with everything involving Captain Cold, she wrote down a few things she already knew but looked up at the television when she heard about him attacking the hospital, she furrowed her eyebrows and watched Flash come. A smile pulling at her lips. He was mysterious but she felt like she knew him somehow. She saw that he was hurt but that he got him. At least for now, somehow he always seem to get away. She knew this wasn’t the last time she’d see him on the news, not by a long shot. Once she took a deep breath, she sat back down.
Her brain was all over the place but she started to write. Hearing Barry, she turned to look at him.
“That’s okay, I know things are probably crazy at work. Still want to help?” She wanted to fix the distance between them, anyway they could.
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Barry sat down next to her on the couch comfortably. “Yeah of course.” He looked over at her with a smile. He felt tired, more than usual. Captain Cold used the gun on him, and he still felt the remnants of being frozen slightly before escaping. “I brought some interesting files that I’m allowed to share with you..but everything else has to come from up here.” He said, pointing to his head jokingly, slightly wincing as he just realized there was a wound there that hasn’t had time to heal yet. 
He cleared his throat, focusing more on Iris’ laptop. “So..What have you got so far?” He asked nonchalantly.
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angus macgyver + plane rides
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angus “mac” macgyver | 3.10 - #his smile is so soft
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1.09 | 1.16 | 2.03 | 2.14 | 2.15
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This was all a mess. Every single thing leading up to this point was a mess and causing too many problems. Things were arising and Davina didn’t know how to deal with them in the best ways. She kind of pushed every memory and word from her father to the back of her mind, trying to never think of the man and the things he did again. She just couldn’t do it. But tonight? The last few weeks? Those thoughts became too powerful to ignore anymore. 
Davina looked down at the pillow, teeth riffing into her lips and fingers playing with the fabric of the pillowcase. Her anxiety was boiling over the longer that he stayed silence. She was scared that he was going to choose to leave her so that they could ‘heal’. She didn’t want to lose him. 
“I don’t know. I just…I don’t know, Barry. I just know that I need you. I don’t want to loose you or be without you.”
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Barry looked back up at Davina, taking in her facial expressions as she spoke. She looked so small, sitting there on the bed..the bed they shared countless nights in. It hurt him to think about never being able to share a bed with her again, and that made him shake his head. He promptly stood up, leaving the bedroom quickly to lock the house and turn off all of the lights, getting a glass of water in the kitchen for Davina just like he always did. He came back, placing the water on the nightstand on her side before sitting back down on his side of the bed against the headboard and turning his face to look at her. 
“I feel the same..Davina. I do.” He sighed. “This night was honestly a mess...but...but I’m glad it happened. We talked through things and discovered stuff we have to work through..together. I don’t want to lose you, and I felt like I was. But now I understand, and I want to work with you to figure it out. Your past isn’t going to go away, and I know that. I just want to be there for you in the best way that I can. Does that sound like something you would want?” He asked, apprehensively opening his arms out to her as if he was asking her to be near, to be close to him. 
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“You are the first Ceo I’ve met with that likes to be called by their first name.” She added with a small laugh as she sat across from him and crossed her legs. “Well my school set me up with you guys for an interview. As rigorous as my academics are I am looking for a bit more hands on experience. You can see I’ve been through my residency. I have all of the qualifications of a doctor, I’ve passed my medical boards as well. Just waiting on my certification.” Celia explained to him, she just wanted to enter the research world. “I’d love to work with your team and the research you’re putting forth into the medical world fascinates me. As much as I would love to be a doctor I am looking for a challenge. Work that hopefully will help me determine a thesis for my Doctorate.” She explained as she looked over at the young male. He looked younger than a lot of the other companies Ceo’s. “I’m willing to work up the food chain but I’d love to get my hands dirty.” Celia admitted to him.
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Danny chuckled lightly at Celia’s comment about his name. Sometimes it was refreshing to interact with a young person close to his age regarding company relations. It reminded him that there was more to life than just meetings with stuffy old businessmen who had no reservations on speeding up newer technologies in favor of gaining revenue as opposed to ensuring that it was the most efficient tool for the people. He listened to her speak intently, noticing how well spoken and intelligent she was. Granted, she was a medical student, so he understood her impressive resume. “A person who likes a challenge..intriguing.” He murmured. When she finished, he stood up slowly, going to the nearby bar he kept in his office. He was pouring both of them a glass of water, contemplating his next question. “Tell me, Ms. Hart, what sets you apart from everyone else?” He asked, turning around to go over to her and placed a glass of water on the coffee table for her. “I have other candidate’s files in a neat folder on my desk right now, some people who have had years of experience in the field. Tell me, why should I disregard them and pick you?” He asked as nicely as he could. They weren’t in desperate need of new R&D personnel, but as CEO he wanted more progressive people working on the newer advancements. He took a sip of his water before sitting back down and leaning forward to address her.
“What I’m trying to say is, you have an impressive resume, but so does everybody else. What makes you different? And I’m not taking about medical experience. I’m talking about you.” He emphasized, leaving his rant with a very faint smile. Resumes can only tell so much, and he wanted and needed to see her perspective and values. It was what his father taught him and a lesson he took very seriously.
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Danny chuckles lowly. “Well, we should definitely catch up. I have to grab a few things at my office buf I’m free for the rest of the day. Interested?” He asked with a slight inflection of his tone. He stiffened slightly at the feeling of her hand in his pocket, not used to human contact. “Well...it’s.. hard. There’s a lot of people to talk to. Many to impress. People to fire.” He shrugs offhandedly, walking towards a building. “And you own buildings like this.” He says jokingly, ushering her inside and waving to the security guards in the lobby. He noticed that she dodged his question about what she’s been up to, and decides to ask again. “What have you been up to?”
Closed starter for @kingdomofgcld
“So…” Danny began as he continued walking through the open courtyard heading towards his building. “I haven’t seen you in a while. You left town pretty quick and then all of a sudden you’re here in New York City.” He smiles, looking over at Reyna. “How’ve you been? How’s Romeo?” He asked. To be honest, he missed the girl he used to work with at the diner during high school when they were young teenagers. He was a few years older, and he felt oddly protective of her. He was quiet, being a business heir made him want to be invisible, and she was always the one he took interest in. It was sad to see her leave all of a sudden, which is why running into each other randomly during the worst week of Danny’s life was a welcome distraction.
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Danny smiled ever so slightly. He wasn’t one to show his emotions, often the guarded and quiet type. He cleared his throat lightly and nodded when she fixed his hair. “Thank you. Well, that’s great to hear.” He said formally, facing forward at the look she was giving him. “Oh, well, you know..taking on an adult job now and taking over the company.” He sighed. “I finished my tour overseas with the Marines a few years back so my attention now is focused on the family business. Definitely is different than the diner job.” He said, still disbelieving to his new role as CEO. It was hard, being a CEO at 24 to your now deceased parents’ company. It was challenging, hard, and lonely.
Of course, he would never show it.
“What about you Reyna?
Closed starter for @kingdomofgcld
“So…” Danny began as he continued walking through the open courtyard heading towards his building. “I haven’t seen you in a while. You left town pretty quick and then all of a sudden you’re here in New York City.” He smiles, looking over at Reyna. “How’ve you been? How’s Romeo?” He asked. To be honest, he missed the girl he used to work with at the diner during high school when they were young teenagers. He was a few years older, and he felt oddly protective of her. He was quiet, being a business heir made him want to be invisible, and she was always the one he took interest in. It was sad to see her leave all of a sudden, which is why running into each other randomly during the worst week of Danny’s life was a welcome distraction.
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Closed starter for @kingdomofgcld
“So...” Danny began as he continued walking through the open courtyard heading towards his building. “I haven’t seen you in a while. You left town pretty quick and then all of a sudden you’re here in New York City.” He smiles, looking over at Reyna. “How’ve you been? How’s Romeo?” He asked. To be honest, he missed the girl he used to work with at the diner during high school when they were young teenagers. He was a few years older, and he felt oddly protective of her. He was quiet, being a business heir made him want to be invisible, and she was always the one he took interest in. It was sad to see her leave all of a sudden, which is why running into each other randomly during the worst week of Danny’s life was a welcome distraction.
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Starter Call
I’m properly buzzed on New Year’s Eve and have some time to kill. Like/reblog for a starter from my new muse Danny Cormier!
(Note: it’ll be mobile for now!)
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