People need to realize when you meet a person with a big heart they are also a person filled with uncontrollable rage towards the world 
Like yes I will comfort a sad person when they need it 
I will also drop kick a nazi to the moon 
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People need to realize when you meet a person with a big heart they are also a person filled with uncontrollable rage towards the world 
Like yes I will comfort a sad person when they need it 
I will also drop kick a nazi to the moon 
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The whole “capitalism gave you the Internet” thing is especially funny if you actually work in network infrastructure, since one of the first things you’ll learn is that many software technologies that are absolutely critical to the day to day functioning of the Internet are being maintained on a volunteer basis by small, decentralised teams working in whatever free time their day jobs leave them, and that we’d have a crisis on our hands within thirty days if any one of those maintainers were to get hit by a bus and nobody stepped up to replace them. Like, the whole commercial edifice of the Internet rests on the continuous unpaid labour of a relative handful of people who are essentially just doing it for fun.
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There’s nothing more representative of Doctor Who than the following two facts: 
every single dalek story plays the fact that the daleks are involved as a reveal
every single dalek story has the word “dalek” in the title
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I want genre movies with all the genre conventions but set in historical period pieces. I want paranormal horror in the mesopotamia. I want an ancient greek heist movie. I want a scifi invasion film set during the 1500s, I want fast and the furious type movie but set in 1800s napoleonic france.
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(I work the floor at an independently-owned menswear store. The owner, my boss, spends a lot of time at the shop, and tries to keep prices as low as possible to help our city’s large homeless population get good job interview clothes. A clearly homeless man is wandering around the store. The other patrons are giving him looks.)
Customer: “Excuse me, sir?”
Me: “Yes, ma’am?”
Customer: “I think you may want to call security. That… bum over there, he keeps feeling the suits and muttering to himself. I’m just sure he’s planning to steal one.”
Me: “Well, ma’am, I think that’s quite unlikely.”
Customer: “Oh, come on, you know how they are! I mean, I’d keep an eye on him even if he wasn’t homeless!”
(The homeless man in question happens to be Hispanic.)
Me: “We don’t discriminate here, ma’am.”
Customer: “Well, I’m sure the owner would want to hear about this!”
(I give in and call him over. The customer explains her concerns. As a black man, my boss isn’t happy with her racism, but agrees to talk to the homeless man.)
Owner: “Excuse me, sir, are you finding what you need?”
Homeless Man: “Well, not really. I’m hoping for something versatile in a dark or navy wool, but most of the options in my size are cut American style instead of European, which fits me a little better. Not to mention they’re all pinstriped, which I really don’t have the build for, you know?”
Owner: “I… yes, I understand. I think we may have some options over here, if you’ll follow me. How did you know all that?”
Homeless Man: “Back before I lost my job, I used to be really into this stuff. I’m not looking for anything fancy, just something I can use to look good for a job interview later today.”
(My boss helps him find something he likes, and comes to the counter with him. The suit is priced at $87.)
Homeless Man: *digging in his pockets* “Hang on, I think I’ve got enough.”
Owner: *to me* “Take my card. I’m buying it for him.” *to the homeless man* “Here. The suit’s yours, on one condition. After your interview today, you come back and apply for a job here too. Got it?”
Homeless Man: “I… oh my God, thank you. Thank you so much.”
(Two years later, that formerly-homeless man is my manager, and has a little girl with his new wife—the owner’s sister.)
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honey is the only food product that never spoils. there are pots of honey that are over five thousand years old and still completely edible
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“good Christian honk” sounds like a euphemism 
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Oscar Isaac at the premiere of ‘Triple Frontier’ in Madrid (March 6, 2019) (via IG @moviementarios)
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MERLIN (2008 - 2012) Morgana Pendragon ▶ Season 4, Episode 07: “The Secret Sharer”
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“How much of that experience [playing Rose Tico] is drawn from being a child of immigrants, being Asian American?” — Audrey Yap, Variety.
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Long live the King.
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star wars episode viii: the last jedi (2017)  ➝  domhnall gleeson as general hux
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