protectisms · 1 year
sorry for not being around... like at all. life got just a little hectic lately
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protectisms · 1 year
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protectisms · 1 year
well, i've caught the cov.id so i finally can catch up on replies
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protectisms · 1 year
@ncrthernattitude sent : 🌪️ to catch my muse in the middle of a violent breakdown.
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Her head in her hands, Lorraine was trying her best to calm herself down from the sudden emotions that’d come boiling over. It wasn't often that she had such outbursts of anger in the first place, but all her feelings had been bottled up and tossed to the side .. Clearly for way too long. It was at the point where it was bound to happen at some stage. But the act itself, of suppressing such things, certainly wasn’t unusual for her. In fact, she’d been doing it for quite some time, and it was because she never wanted anybody to worry. But on this particular day, something in her had suddenly snapped as if the weight of everything had finally become unbearable. Like an avalanche rolling down a hill, she’d never been so lost or out of touch with herself like she was now.
Papers and other various belongings of her own had been sprawled across the living room floor, tossed there in a moment of anger. It was the only thing she could really take it out on. Even with Hyacinthe stood there having to witness the clairvoyant's raw and emotional mood, of which she knew she would regret the fact that they had to bare witness to it later on, Lorraine sobbed silently to herself. "I try and I try, but nothing's ever good enough. Nothing!" She spoke quietly through sobs, her teardrops dripping onto the table beneath her.
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protectisms · 1 year
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a look of concern crossed her features at the mention of past visitors. those that clearly didn’t understand the word ‘respect’. “that’s terrible, really. to come onto somebody else’s land and treat them like a zoo animal.” lorraine frowned softly to show her disappointment and disgust at the prospect of it all. “i’m sorry to hear that such a thing has happened. some people’s curiosity gets more than just the better of them.” she added, her hands slipping with ease into the pockets of her cardigan as he posed the question to her. it was an easy answer that took not even a moment to think about. “it’s great. you have a lot of lovely, hardworking people here. and i can tell they really look up to you.” the clairvoyant looked him over with a curious glance before her gaze shifted to the surrounding area.
“it’s so easy to forget that there are different communities of people with different ways of life all over the place,” she admitted with eyebrows raised, her head now cocked to one side. sure, she’d had a lot of questions answered but she was still mighty curious about a lot. especially regarding this man that was so highly respected. “have you ever actually lived outside of this community or was it something you were born into?”
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now, hazel had told lorraine about the commune, though there were some things about the place that hazel herself didn't have answers to, or didn't know the truth of. just like most of the people here, she had been fed lies, as well as been told to keep certain information unspoken to let outsiders discover it for themselves in time during their visit. what she could tell lorraine was that they believed and prayed to higher powers — gods. that they produced their own food, that they all worked together to keep the commune going, that traditions were important to them, things like that. but there was of course no mention of the rituals, the self-sacrifices, or how they fed their hogs with the insides of whoever sacrificed themselves, to keep the cycle of life going. no mention of any deaths or anything particularly unusual.
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james gave @protectisms hand a firm shake, before letting go of her hand again. ❛❛ that, i am. father james raven. pleased to meet you, lorraine. ❜❜ he smiled at her. it was a friendly smile, though it was clear he was not a type to smile often, as it soon dropped again to a more neutral expression. ❛❛ oh, even if you were here for studies, we wouldn't mind. we're more than happy to share our way of life with others, granted the rules of our commune is met with respect and an open mind, that is. unfortunately, we've had some people come here in the past who've had the attitude that they can treat us like animals at a zoo... it's why we've been a little more reluctant to allow visitors as of late. ❜❜
❛❛ but, ❜❜ he added and gestured over at hazel. ❛❛ i trust hazel's judgment. ❜❜ hazel just smiling humbly at that. ❛❛ she's been showin' you around, right? how do you like the place so far? ❜❜
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protectisms · 1 year
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It was rare that Lorraine found herself in bed with anybody else. She was used to having a mattress entirely to herself, the chance to pull the sheets and blanket right over to her end of the bed. Perhaps all these years of being alone had turned her into a blanket hog to some extent, at least that's what it looked like when she awoke and Andi only had half the sheets covering her body. As any decent person would do, Lorraine carefully covered her over properly and made sure she was all snug whilst also making sure not to wake her from what looked like a peaceful slumber.
As she turned, however, she came to yet another realisation when her eyes found the alarm clock on her beside table - it was almost noon. Generally the type of person to wake up bright and early, Lorraine wasted no time in getting herself up and dressed, her morning tea soon in hand and bringing her energy back to life. Lord knows she needed it. Even if it was a lazy Sunday, the clairvoyant was never one to stay idle for too long. There were always things to do, people to see. No rest for the weary as the saying goes. And certainly no rest for her constantly running mind, either.
Having returned to her side of the bed, a book lightly resting in her palms, Lorraine's head turned at the sudden shifting movements and gentle groans beside her. How nice it was to have some decent company for a change. "Oh, I would never do such a thing, silly." A smile began to play at the female’s lips as she closed the book and placed it on the beside table before returning her attention to Andromeda. She hardly had to think about her question - there was nothing on the agenda today. Lorraine had promised herself she would keep it clear for a few days just to keep herself sane. Everyone always said she would burn herself out, run herself down, if she kept going the way she had been. "Mm, no. Not a lot going on." Eyes searched Andi's own dazed eyes, simply admiring her for just a moment. She never tried to make her looking obvious, but at times it couldn't be helped. "Froyo and hot dogs does sound nice, but tattoos? Goodness, I don't think one of those would suit me." She looked down at the exposed and untouched skin on her body with a small giggle. “Perhaps something temporary but for the minute I don’t get much riskier than that.”
open to: f/nb/m suggested connections: fwb/friend, neighbour, crush, partner (who lives elsewhere), stranger, etc.
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Waking up in someone else’s bed had NOT stopped Andromeda from sleeping in. Shockingly, she wasn’t the kind of girl to leave before the beautiful sun rose. The energy from last night’s shenanigan's caused her to savour the moment. The other’s mattress was firm, the pillows were plump and the best of all? Arms had been draped around her, providing her with warmth and comfort. Feeling refreshed was the best way to start her day-- all she craved now was an iced matcha latte, and potentially a kiss. Lazily, she plopped her arm across the bedside and it felt cold, signifying the other body was no longer around. Part of her hoped that her loud snoring hadn’t awoken the other enough to leave the bed, though, understandably as the clock began to itch closer to noon--- maybe there was a different reason to leave her undisturbed. A sigh escaped her lips as she sat up and rubbed her eyes.
Hearing rustling caused her to stop and chuckle. “If you wanted to watch me sleep, I would’ve preferred you NOT hovering over me as if you were planning on scaring, or worse, going kill me. This isn’t a horror movie and white sheets are TOTALLY the wrong move.” Andi gestured to her surroundings. She didn’t care how long she slept for, but her next words were full of assumptions, true to her character. “You got any plans today? Because I was thinking that we should go and get random and stupid looking tattoos? I’ll even pay for it, if that’s your deciding factor. Then hit up the local froyo place for half-off cups, or maybe go to Costco and fill up on their cheap, kosher hot dogs? Maybe even sneak into a movie? None of it has to be in this order, but doesn’t it sound fun?” 
Please, please don’t leave her disappointed... !!
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protectisms · 1 year
Please interact with the people on your dash.
Send asks, like aesthetics, engage with starter calls, fill out polls, write opens, post dash commentary, reblog promos! It’s so easy to let anxiety and the fear of “bothering” someone stop you from interacting, but all that does is make people feel invisible.
We’re all here because we want to write and talk about our muses! ENGAGE. WITH. YOUR. DASH!!!
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protectisms · 1 year
If you are a ship whore and you know it click reblog.
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protectisms · 1 year
Send me   ‘ 🌪 ‘   to catch my muse in the middle of a violent breakdown. Throwing things, breaking things, yelling… 
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protectisms · 1 year
@greatwrath said : ❛ it's out there. ❜
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It? Lorraine had no idea what it could possibly be, but coming from Azrael she imagined it couldn't be anything good. The archangel always managed to bare some kind of bad news. No surprise there. The clairvoyant had gotten used to bad news and horrible situations, but although she never had been much of the complaining type, she couldn't help but to be annoyed at the timing .. God, it was impeccable. Always right when she didn't need more on her plate. Always trying to keep her mindset positive, she generally took it as a sign from the greater, holier powers above. Testing her, but also reminding her of her strength and the fact that she was one of the few people out there best equipped and knowledgeable in areas that most knew nothing about, or refused to understand or acknowledge.
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"And what exactly might it be? The Devil?” Lorraine's brows raised in subtle curiosity as arms crossed over her chest, resting against her comfortably. “You know, I don’t turn myself off to the horrors and evils of the world. Even if I deal with it month after month. I can’t.” Brows began to furrow, creating a frown on softened features. Oceanic hues now looking the other female over with her moment’s pause, “I’m more than aware of what is out there. And why do you bother to give me a heads-up? Wouldn't you find it more amusing to keep me in the shadows?"
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protectisms · 1 year
I miss being here but I'm like ??? cause I don't have much going on for Lorraine atm.
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protectisms · 1 year
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protectisms · 1 year
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Lorraine moved herself to one side as the camera dropped down into the darkened area, her hands letting go of the ladder as her tightened grip was starting to hurt. And to her dismay, the camera hadn't hit what was down there with her.
"Help me!" she managed, her body getting dragged along the floor as the entity kept hold of her ankles with its astronomical strength. Along the way, she grabbed hold of the camera, her hand covering the lens and pulling it along. Once she got a good grip, she rolled herself onto her back, eyes staring up at the dark mass as she tried in her desperation to throw the equipment in its direction. But it missed its target by a few meters and only smashed against the ground. Though somehow that red light indicating that the film was still rolling never wavered. Probably for the best that it didn't collide with the evil entity - it would have done more harm than good. Provoked it further than it had already been provoked. Which, as much as it may have delighted him and given more content, Lorraine certainly didn't want to find out what more it could do should its anger be entirely aroused. She'd already accidentally set foot on its turf and that was more than enough.
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Coughing as the dust hit her lungs, Lorraine began to kick her legs in an attempt to get herself free, her locks beginning to fall in her face and her breathing heavy and labored. Time seemed to be moving so fast, the haste of the entity like an indication that it wanted more than anything to feed.
When she heard the thud of Lance landing down in the basement, she moved her head around to try and listen to him, his footsteps eventually nearing closer to her, "Please.. it won't let go." The clairvoyant cried out, her arms reaching toward Lance and managing to grip his leg in desperation, pulling the male down with her as the entity continued dragging her along the dirt with ease. That action brought up a heap of dust, causing her to cough as it hit her lungs. In any case, Lorraine still attempted to kick her legs in an attempt to get herself free, her locks beginning to fall in her face and her breathing heavy and labored. Time seemed to be moving so fast, the haste of the entity like an indication that it wanted more than anything to feed.
It wasn't until now and as she got closer that she noticed a small hole in the wall. Clearly the dark mass' destination for her. When it finally clicked in her head, panic truly started to set and it felt as though her heart had physically sunk inside her, body thrashing around and arms hopelessly trying to grab at something other than Lance. Anything that would keep her grounded and stop her from going any further. "Don't let it take me down there, Lance!"
"Yeah, I know that this is serious. That's why I'm filming" Lance replied, sounding somewhat indifferent and preoccupied with getting the best angle and shot in the can. Her answer to his question didn't make it any better. His eyes looked past the rim of his camera screen for a moment, wide and intrigued, almost excited by what she was telling him. Still filming and gesturing for Houston to hold on to the ladder, Lance was pretty eager to get moving now.
"Hold on, let me get down there and help you up. Wouldn't want you to fall back down for a second time" he said, a half assed lie and explanation for whatever the hell it was that he was trying to do. Houston was already trying to tell him that maybe it was a better idea to listen to her and just go, freaked by whatever could be waiting down there. But Lance just angrily hushed his team member and knelt down by the ladder, pointing the camera further into the crater Lorraine had left behind.
So far.....he couldn't see shit down here. Didn't feel anything either. Just like any other time of course. The only thing he could see was her getting back up on her own, nothing spectacular about it - and that just annoyed the hell out of him.
"Jesus Christ. You know what, Houston. Why don't you go back outside and tell the others to pack up. This place is a dum..."
It was then when Lorraine started screaming. Startling the hell out of both men, actually making Houston yelp, too. Lance could only shout a surprised "Holy shit!", half horrified, half ecstatic. Without even thinking about it that much he ended up just tossing his camera down into the basement, hoping to hit whatever thing was dragging the woman away, while at the same time trying to keep things rolling while he tried his best to get down there as fast as possible.
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"Lorraine?! Are you alright?!" he shouted, surprised by how dark things were down here. Really hadn't looked that way from upstairs. All he could see was the red blinking light from his camera on the ground, telling him that it was still recording. "Where are you?" he shouted next, while heading for the camera and picking it right up so he could use its night vision to see into the furthers corners, but also keep rolling.
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protectisms · 1 year
@dcmure sent : 🛏️ to make lorraine go to bed.
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sitting on the couch, covered in several blankets and the fireplace crackling nearby, lorraine let out her third gentle sneeze in a row. "oh, dear .." she mumbled in a low groan, her hand picking up a tissue from the tissue box sitting by her side to blow her nose. she felt miserable, her head was throbbing and her eyes were extremely heavy. but she still had this urge to continue her research as people were counting on her; the church was counting on her. but most of all, the person who'd fallen victim to this demonic entity .. they were counting on her.
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but when she heard valerie's voice from a close distance, she slowly pulled her eyes away from the pages and shook her head defiantly, "i at least have to go through a few more pages, valerie." before she could be given any looks of disapproval, lorraine's head turned to look back down at the papers in her lap, eyes blinking a few times as she studied some of the images attached. “and i told you not to get too close. we don’t need you getting sick aswell.”
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protectisms · 1 year
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Lorraine always did have a problem with people who pushed views onto others. Especially those of a religious nature. Not everybody could stand together with one faith and that was just simply the inevitable truth of it all. The act of trying, at least from her observations, was a waste of time, really. Especially as times began to change .. year by year. New discoveries, perhaps less or more hope in higher beings.
As the clairvoyant got herself comfy in her chair, she rested her forearms against the table, eyes trailing over the many bits of paper before her, "I'm just generally a lot neater. But this case has a great deal to it .. Not that all cases don't. It's just that being one that goes into legalities aswell. I've had to learn a lot beyond my field." She finished her sentence off with a tired sigh, her back shifting to lean into the back of the chair as she listened to his inquiries into the things that she did, or rather .. how she did them.
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"Oftentimes people will seek me out. Either the church or the unfortunate victim themselves." The brunette offered a slight tilt of her head once gaze averted her studies to take in and pay attention to Landon, "But I have a sixth sense about some things. You know, if a person has a terribly bad aura that surrounds them. And I'm not talking they're just a bad person or anything like that. More so I have an intuition that tells me when something is awfully off or out of place. For instance, when an entity has attached itself to somebody." Lorraine searched his face for a moment to look for hesitance regarding her words. She'd known about her clairvoyance since she was a child, and yet .. it could still be quite hard to explain sometimes. And people believing her? Well, she'd gotten used to skepticism in her field. Not that it discouraged her. Sometimes the person just needed to be exposed to the right things in order to believe. Other times, they were as stubborn as a mule and not budging on their opinions. She respected both, at least when they respected her. The supernatural wasn't exactly something you could force someone to believe in. Sort of like the way things were with religion.
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Melting might be his specialty. Heat in California never prepared him for this. Most people would never make it out alive in New York during winter. Luckily for him he's braved the best of both worlds. Gathering himself together as he entered into Lorraine's house, Landon's instincts are to observe. Every little nook and cranny. The absolute skill of a filmmaker. "Finally nice to see you to, Mrs. Warren. In fact I appreciate you agreeing to talk to me." At least that much. Who knows if he's come all the way out here for nothing. Car rental and a plane ride aside; he's in a whole new world out here. While this particular genre might not be foreign to him there's a difference between filming a horror production versus following real life horrors. There's one thing he's curious about. Probably something he would not react well to if he saw but -
"I don't mind," he answered with a smile, waving off her comment and burying his thought. "I know all about being messy. My work space gets cluttered when I'm doing my own research. Documentaries need a lot of pre leg work you know. Try my best to be as honest as I can be. Genuine especially with something like this. With your cases." While he absolutely meant being honest in his work, Landon did wonder. If what she can do is real. He'd never question outright. Sometimes it takes a lot of faith. He isn't sure he's a faithful sort of person.
If anybody in his family was overly religious it was his grandmother. The same woman who pushed views. The kind that gave him a phobia. We don't talk about that lousy shit. We focus. Yeah, let's just get right into it.
"Don't mind if I ask about the process of how you do things?" He shifted his bag off his shoulder. Settling down in a seat, Landon tried to remain approachable. Lord knows there's some stuff floating around a bit in media. Not too much but Landon can only imagine after this last documentary. When he moves into the genre. "Do people always seek you out or is it something you just know you have to do?" @protectisms // prev
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protectisms · 1 year
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protectisms · 1 year
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an empathetic frown creased her forehead as she listened to them speak, her fingers carefully twisting her ring around her finger as she took a seat beside kennedy, “no, no .. if you think that there’s something going on, you had every right to come to me.” the clairvoyant responded in a soft and calm tone, her hand coming to rest on the lower part of their thigh as a way to comfort. “perhaps you should sleep, i could watch over you. and wake you if i see you in distress.” she tilted her head slightly to one side, thinking to herself for a moment, “or you know, maybe i could enter your dream.”
Well, what had it been? Kennedy sits in their own chair, arms wrapped around their knees that are pulled close to their chest. It was probably nothing. That was the problem. It was probably nothing more than their imagination playing tricks on them.
"nothing." They say, softly, brows knitting together. "i was... thinking, though. maybe. um. if it's okay, i mean. maybe... i should try. going to bed...? i only see... her. when i sleep. or. maybe she's really just a nightmare and i overreacted calling you here i-i don't know-"
They trail off, face going red.
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