protectorsofthecity · 9 years
Long time no see. I know I am far from the most consistent roleplayers, but I’ve only recently realized that roleplaying was probably what kept my imagination and creativity going. With this new year, I want to keep practicing writing and storytelling and be inspired by your writing and storytelling as well!
Hopefully I can be a bit more consistent. Just wondering if there is anyone following me that would still like to rp after all this time. I’m still debating if I’ll stick with Ray or one of the others or just create someone completely brand new.
Please let me know if you would like to rp some time. Thank you!
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protectorsofthecity · 10 years
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protectorsofthecity · 10 years
"So should I call her right now, or...?" He pulled out his phone just to stare at it. "Maybe I should text her, I can't ramble if I text, right? But no, that's really not me at all. Neither is calling her. I should wait till next week's meeting. Should I buy flowers? Or..." He buried his face in his hands, mumbling to himself how he's going to die forever alone, before looking back up and smiling. "You don't want to hear about any of this anyway. How have you been? What have you been up to? Please talk, I've had enough thinking about myself for one day."
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protectorsofthecity · 10 years
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"That's it?" he asked. "Just... call? And ask?" He looked down at the table, then back at Tracy. "I mean... What if I say something stupid? Like, 'I love you' or 'When your hair blows in the wind, my heart gets caught in the current, and it flies so far that I can't catch it anymore' or 'I wrote a poem about you.' 'Cause she's seriously perfect. Like, way out of my league. I'm just a small town boy who cries while watching The Notebook. Like, Kent's a 'perfect man,' and she rejected him. I really don't think I have a chance. How did your guy ask you out?"
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protectorsofthecity · 10 years
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"Um, well, not exactly... I'm not very good at, uh, asking girls out. Everyone says I kinda just spit things out when I'm nervous. So, I asked Kent to help me, but I never told him who it was 'cause he hates Caroline. That may or may not be why he thought I still liked you," he timidly explained. "What about your guy, he take you on any dates?"
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protectorsofthecity · 10 years
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"Well, kind of, yeah," he answered, starting to blush. "I'm not sure if you know this, but over the past few years, I was uh... elected the leader of my team. And uh, you know how our HQ is the one for the guys, and the girl Protectors have the HQ on the other side of the city? Well, us leaders and our supervisors have weekly meetings, and the leader of the girls' team... Caroline... she's absolutely amazing."
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protectorsofthecity · 10 years
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He looked up at the familiar voice, instantly greeting her with a smile. As she drew closer he stood up and offered a handshake. "Hey! How are you? You look... normal." He fought his instinct to make any compliment, but of course it did not go as smoothly as he wished.
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protectorsofthecity · 10 years
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"Yeah, sounds good!"
After coordinating which coffee shop to go to, Ray hung up and got himself ready, reminding himself that it was not a date so there was no need to overdress. He made sure to not even wear deodorant so he would not smell like he was trying hard either. He made his way to the coffee shop a bit early and waited, reading a book to pass the time.
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protectorsofthecity · 10 years
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Another voicemail from Ray:
"Hey, it's Ray. Heh heh... that rhymes. Anyway, um... so what exactly happened yesterday? When I cam back you were gone? Kent said he gave you back the ID but he didn't really seem to be in a good mood? And then I woke up this morning and found an iPad on my desk that had 'This is For You, I'm Sorry' written on it. And since everyone here has the same income as me, I know only one of us could afford a gift like this. Did you say something to him? What happened? I don't know, just wondering. Call me back maybe. Or not. Don't think this is about the kiss, cuz it's totally not. It's about the iPad. Trust me, I like a girl who's much prettier than you. I mean, wait, no. I mean she looks better than you. I mean, what? I mean you're—"
Tyler's voice: "Dude, I'm hanging up. You should've finished that message 10 sentences ago."
Ray's voice: "Hey! Give my phone back!"
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protectorsofthecity · 10 years
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Ray hung up on Kent, pulled up Snapchat on his phone, and pointed the camera at himself. Of course he had kissed girls before, but those were in much more romantic situations. "Um... Okay," he said, squinting his eyes tightly shut and puckering up his lips, as if he was eating something sour.
"He’s such an asshole,” the girl muttered with another roll of her eyes, she knew he hated her, but going as far as to turn in her fake ID was just low. “What?” Her eyebrows drew in together, not in shock, just in surprise. After all, by doing that it wasn’t Tracy that she was hurting, it was Ray. “Whatever, Ray, just get your snapchat ready, I wanna get my fake back as soon as I can.”
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protectorsofthecity · 10 years
OOC: so apparently my Silas blog has disappeared for reasons I don't know... Oh well...
Also, now that I'm back, I'm wondering what happened to Rina's mun? I'm hoping I run into a different muse somewhere. Who knows.
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protectorsofthecity · 10 years
"You know Kent, I don't know!" Ray insisted, turning back to his phone. "She said yeah, she is. ... What! No, I'm not doing that! ... I know I'm not 16 anymore. ... What do you mean 'man up,' that has nothing to do with 'manning up'! ... How are you helping me out? If I don't wanna do it, I don't wanna do it! ... I know she could get in big trouble for this!" He groaned out of frustration, then turned to his friend. "He's uh... he's blackmailing us. Well, you. Well, us," he said gently with a smile. "He won't give it back unless A. we kiss and snapchat him proof or B. I ask you out on a date."
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"Ray! I’m not gonna wait three years to be able to drink, it’s ridiculous, I mean, in every country is legal by the time you’re eighteen except here. America’s laws are just dumb as shit." Most underage people tended to drink either way, she didn’t see any problems with it, it was a personal choice after all. "Good, you do that," she retorted, crossing her arms against her chest as she saw Ray talk to his friend o the phone. "Um —- what?" She asked, a hint of confusion on her features as her friend asked the question. "What the hell? How’s that even relevant," with a roll of her eyes, the petite girl waived her hand dismissively, "Yes, why?”
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protectorsofthecity · 10 years
"I know! That's what I told him. I mean, don't get me wrong, I do not encourage underaged drinking or whatever you use it for, I mean what's the point, the wait is only a couple years, but anyway, it's your property and we should just return it, that's what I told him!" Words were spilling out of his mouth so fast that even he couldn't keep up. "Uhhhh, okay, let me call him." Ray took out his phone and called his friend. "Hello?" he said when Kent answered. "Hey, so uh... Tracy's here. She, uh... she wants her ID back. ... Yes, yeah, she admitted it's a fake. ... Yes, she knows it's wrong. ... I know but that's not really any of our business! ... You want me to what? ... Why? ... Do I have to?" Ray took a deep breath, cleared his throat, and looked at Tracy nervously. "He wants me to ask if you're single?"
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Perfectly manicured eyebrows raised as soon as Ray mentioned Kent turning it into the authorities. She couldn’t get in legal troubles again, she knew her father would kill her if he founds out. “He’s doing w h a t?” She yelled, rubbing her temples, “Jesus Christ, Ray, you gotta talk to him, he can’t do that. Do you understand how fucked I will be if that get’s out? My father will murder me.”
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protectorsofthecity · 10 years
Ray considered telling her that he had already thrown away her fake and just wanted her to see the error of her ways. He even considered saying that Kent looked so much like a girl in the picture that he mistook him for Tracy. But he was a smart guy. He knew when he was caught. "Well... you see... I found your ID, I didn't know if it was yours cuz of the age, I showed the guys, they were like 'well duh it's hers, and duh she's not 21,' and, well, Kent may have taken it so he could report it. He's changed a lot since you've last seen him, you know. I think I've rubbed off on him a little, he's got a stronger sense of morality. But - uh - he's kind of extreme still."
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"Yeah, obviously, dude.” The brunette’s eyebrows drew together at Ray’s response, he wasn’t actually trying to lecture her, was he? She knew what she was doing. “Are you fucking kidding me? That costs money!” She exclaimed, going over to the trash can and fishing it out, noticing Kent’s face on the picture instead of hers. “Um —- care to explain?”
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protectorsofthecity · 10 years
"Fake? Fake?" Ray really was not all that surprised, but he saw his way out. "Wow, I just—wow. I'm really disappointed in you right now. I knew it. I knew you weren't really 21. Don't you know that fakes are illegal? I could... I could arrest you right now, you know. Well, not really. I would have to turn you over to the police technically." He paced over to the trash can and threw away the ID. "There. Now it's where it belongs. What were you thinking?" His smile gave him away though; after all, he was never a great actor at all.
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"Well, I’m glad you didn’t because fake IDs are hard to get nowadays," the petite girl mused, holding out her hand to take the ID but was interrupted by the unexpected hug. She didn’t mind, she found it cute that he was so glad to see her, but really, Tracy wanted her fake ID back in her wallet as soon as possible, the last thing she needed was it getting into the wrong hands. "Um, Ray —- I’m glad that you’re excited to see me, but," she paused, stepping back as she ignored his question, "I’d really like my fake back in my pocket as soon as possible."
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protectorsofthecity · 10 years
"Yeah, yeah, that'd be great! Fantastic. Absolutely... Yeah. I've been good. I've been really, really good. Well, see you later," he blurted, hanging up hurriedly. He had no idea how long it would take her to get there, so he had to get back the ID as fast as possible. He charged into Kent and Alvy's room, quickly rummaged through their drawers, found a small ID, and ran back down to the lobby.
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"I’ve been great, what about you, I haven’t heard of you in ages," she was definitely glad to hear from Ray again, plus she’d get to get her fake ID back, it was a win-win situation. "Do you want me to drop by the HQ and pick it up? And maybe we can hang out too?"
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protectorsofthecity · 10 years
"Hey! Tracy. It's been a while. How are you?" His voice shook a little as he tried to sound casual, hoping to change topics from the ID since he no longer had it. He really did find it, though. In fact, right after he picked it up and left the message for Tracy, he showed it to his teammates to confirm whether or not it really was Tracy's. As he paced around the room, his mind raced as to whether he should continue with this distraction or tell her what happened.
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"Well —- thank the lord," the petite girl muttered to herself after hearing Ray’s voicemail. She had been terrified at the fact that someone else might have found it, like her father, or Pepper. Or just —- anyone that knew her parents really. After deleting the message, Tracy clicked on Ray’s name, instantly calling him back, and waited for him to answer. "Hey! I see you found my I.D, I’ve been looking for it everywhere.”
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