Education a Binge!
There are always situations, which make us learn from time to time. My idea behind writing this is to highlight the fundamentals of life, which is always learnt with situation. Reading a book on crisis management, won’t help us to manage life at crisis, until we face it and go through it of our own.
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Since the day we are born somewhere in our parent’s head the planning of our future begins. Gradually, our thoughts develop and we are admitted to school. And from here the journey begins, which is almost never ending. From Primary schools to secondary to senior secondary to graduation to master and doctorate and so on.. Have we ever wondered, the idea behind the Indian Education System. We have never given a thought towards what will make my child learn , which could be beneficial in his life.
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We always focus on learning the chapters thoroughly which could make my child the topper of the class, or even doing it repetitively, to be a batch topper. But what if the student lacks in practical learning! He is with held, when stuck in problems. Parents are at call, whenever needed. Yes, Indian parenting system is so powerful, that even without letting their child speak his issues, parents are able to sense, that he is in trouble. To some extent, credit of this goes to Dharma Production and Balaji Teleflims. Lets not diverge from the point. Coming back to the education system.
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Making us forcefully study those hundreds of trigonometry formulas, which till date, we have no idea where to use them in my life. Making a primary class student, learn the definition of happiness by heart , as a part of his curriculum , but no where knows the meaning of happiness in real life.( Happiness is recently added as a subject in Delhi Govt School, by the AAP party) . We always say that we have got our kid admitted to the best school or college as per reach, but we never try to figure out the idea behind the learning taught in school. If we talk about India, there about 1522346 schools in India, as per the Government of India, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation. Out of these schools in India, with different affiliations, from Central Board or State Board. Following the set patterns and norms, somewhere we are lacking in learning the concepts of life. Though, life does not have any such set pattern to be followed or any set of chapters or books, which could be learnt by heart and you can enjoy your life to the top.
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There are always situations, which make us learn from time to time. My idea behind writing this is to highlight the fundamentals of life, which is always learnt with situation. Reading a book on crisis management, won’t help us to manage life at crisis, until we face it and go through it of our own.
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Coming back to the life of a child, who has successfully completed high school, with pretty much decent scores. And is also pushed into the graduation, as per the society norms. Unfortunately, the child was from Non Medical background, so by default graduation option available was none other than Engineering. Sooner or later, some how student manages to get through graduation as well, with decent scores again.
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But eventually, lands up with No learning. By the time student is Graduated, mind also develops and life also teaches you few lessons through your deeds and needs. And then student decided to not to move away with the flow rather taking a parachute and landing to some smooth safe zone, even though you are alone. But at least, you wont be sinking along with others and relaxing on a plane, though alone! Choosing post graduation of choice (thankfully not by society’s or by parent’ s choice ) and doing it with complete enthusiasm and along, learning the core lessons of life and implementing it completely plans to build up bright future. The most turn taking point in life was when the student realized that he/she is not born to be an engineer. The platform which has made this happen,today is one of the renowned University in India.
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So, now breaking the glitch,lets unfold the names of all, the students here I described is ME, yes I am writing my own story and the Education institute which has given me the platform is Lovely Professional University. Being a proud Alumni, I would say that yes, this is the place which has eventually made me learnt my lessons of life, made me that much strong enough, that I could choose my carrier of my own, Stand up and speak up and express my self not just in front of my parents but to the society as well.
Today, I being the Academic Counselor, not just by profession, but by choice. I choose this profession, so that I could stop new generation, from sailing in the same boat being created by the society. To help them in figuring out the right direction, at right time. Today, also I met many new young parents, who are after their child to get them admitted to the most prestigious college or school. Being, a parent you are not wrong, but the instinct which is your mind, is driving you to bring your child’s career at stake. Eventually, he or she will also land up wasting years in knowing and understanding himself.
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So Now, everyone must be thinking, how this happened. Landing up at LPU was one of the best decision my parents made. I don’t know, how and based on what factors, they decided back then. But yes, whatever made them do so, landed up to great results. The learning at LPU, starts from the day one you join the university. I know, some you might be thinking, is just LPU the only place on earth. No, there might be other, places as well, But what worked for me, I am discussing about that. One of the most important lessons of life, Time Management, managing to rush to class at sharp 9 am coping up with regular assignments to class assessments to exta curricular activities and long list. Exploring Self, one of the most important activity, which can only be done at LPU (being completely biased), I suppose, when you see yourself, surrounded by talented people, meeting and greeting humans of different zones, mindset, talents and hobbies. This will eventually make you explore yourself and look inside you and figure out, what are you good at. I found this university is created and managed in such a way, that it has learning in all its aspects. The moment you see around, you will find yourself surrounded by such talented students and staff which will eventually lead in your own growth.
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Today, when I am being an Academic Counselor, I am in touch with lot many education institutes, from government to private sector. As per my observation, I have found there are lot many colleges or universities, where you can find talented people around, but all of them need a platform to showcase. If your place, provides you the apt platform, at right time, you are done and if not, you will just be passing out, with great scores on your degree and leaving your dreams and talents buried within. If you are given a platform, ofcourse you can do wonders, and if not your talent is being wasted. LPU is one of those, which provides n no. of platforms and gives that Kick , to every student, to come up and explore their talent, which is within.
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Once , you figure out what you are good at, or what you wish to do, you start searching for options on How to do it. And when you find the answer of this How in your life and you finally pursue it with well scores, you end up making yourself happy through life. Because, now you have made your hobby, your passion, as your career.
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