prthrive18-blog · 6 years
The Absolute Astute
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A core value is a principle or belief that a person or organisation views as being of central importance. Every company has a core value and their business operations primarily revolve around these core values.
You are the PROs of companies that are launching products, product lines and/or implementing policies that are completely against their core values. You have to justify why you have decided to defy your core values and why you are aiming to ruin what you have worked so hard for.
You will have to defend this sudden shift and also have to propagate your new philosophy that goes completely against your old ideologies and business operations.
Deliverables include -
Case Summary
Defence Strategies
PR Strategies
PR Budget
Press Release
PPT (with brief points)
No physical creatives and video creatives are allowed. Poster creatives are allowed, attach them at the end of your report.
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prthrive18-blog · 6 years
Room Allocations
Dear Participants,
Please report to Audi block, Room 905 for the networking round.
All the best!
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prthrive18-blog · 6 years
Dignitary Profiles
Participants these are the dignitaries’ profiles -
Kushagra Thakur - President Interests and hobbies - Fencing, Heavy Metal Music, Philosophy
Yukta Bhatia - Vice President Interests and hobbies - Art museums, Yoga, LGBTQ+ community activism, Theatre
Juhi Sacheti - Vice President Interests and hobbies - Dance, Beaches, Indian history and culture
Saloni Lodha - Vice President Interests and hobbies - Football, Adventure, Broadway enthusiast
Jeff Grace - IOC Athletes’ Commission Chairperson Interests and hobbies - Swimming, Water sports, Marine life conservation
Sai Druthi - IOC Audit and Finance Commission Chairperson Interests and hobbies - Movies and international cinema, Adventure sports, Pop culture
Sanskruti Wale - IOC Athletes’ Entourage Commission Chairperson Interests and hobbies - Music, Operas, Cycling, Animal rights enthusiast
Riya Raju - IOC Communication Commission Chairperson Interests and hobbies - Basketball, Travelling, Modern Art
Abir Mehta - IOC Coordination Commission Chairperson Interests and hobbies - Mythology, Netflix, Literature
Ashwin Balakrishnan - IOC Ethics Commission Chairperson Interests and hobbies - Cricket, Drumming
Harsha Sachdev - IOC Digital and Technology Chairperson Interests and hobbies - Food and international cuisines, Fashion
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prthrive18-blog · 6 years
Group Task
Participants, you are to report at the L-Desk, 1st Floor, Audi Block at sharp 6:15 am without fail for the Group Task.
Visit the Group Task blog for information regarding the task -
The participation is compulsory and all the updates will be provided on their blog.
Good luck!
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prthrive18-blog · 6 years
Let The Games Begin!
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The year is 2019, countries are bidding to become the hosts for Summer Olympics 2032.
Participants are representatives from the National Olympics Committees from their respective national territories and are lobbying with the International Olympic Committee to make their city the host city for the Summer Olympics.
The host city is decided 7 years prior to the games. Thus, the participants have to present to the IOC and convince them that they are their candidature is a fit by 2025, i.e., 7 years prior to the games.
A deliverables -
Creatives representing your culture including cuisine, decorations, etc. Postcards of your respective cities
The creatives are not limited to the above mentioned whatsoever. You are given all the creative liberty and freedom. GO ALL OUT!
Please feel free to call us if you have ANY doubts.
All the best!
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prthrive18-blog · 6 years
Participants, here are your Top 7!
PVN 14
PVN 18
PVN 19
Congratulations to all those who got through! 
The ones who didn’t get through, we are insanely proud of all of you and so happy with all the effort you have put into the event. Lots of love!
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prthrive18-blog · 6 years
Room Allocations
Dear Participants,
Kindly report to Block 4, Room 501 with a hard copy of your report at 4:00 PM for today's rounds
All the best!
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prthrive18-blog · 6 years
Participants, you are expected to bring the hard copy of only the report of the  MythBusters task tomorrow. 
You do NOT have to bring the hard copy for A Diamond is Forever and Mumbai Meri Jaan. 
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prthrive18-blog · 6 years
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Feng Shui, a Chinese geomancy claims to use energy forces to harmonize individuals with their surrounding environment. If everything’s in the correct place, the thinking goes you’ll enjoy good health and fortune.
Feng Shui in China suffered a greater censor because of the Chinese Cultural Revolution (1966-76), where it was considered one of the four olds: Old beliefs, customs, traditions and thoughts that had to be ditched to push development.
During the Chinese Cultural Revolution, 300 mainlanders crossed to Hong Kong every day to escape the communist rule. These individuals bought with them old beliefs and practices. As a result, Hong Kong ( a former European Colony) wedded to Chinese traditions than the motherland itself.
Some of the notable buildings in Hong Kong are designed according to the Feng Shui practices. These include Dragon entrance, Bronze Lions at HSBC building etc. Even the Disneyland in HongKong entrance gate was shifted to 12degrees to be in accordance with the religious practice.
Hong Kong over the past decade has spent millions in the form of Tunfu Payments for compensating the locals for bad Feng Shui. When the rail link between Hong Kong and Mainland China was made the govt paid 10 million as Tunfu Payments to the locals for disturbing their Feng Shui.
Participants your task at hand is to develop a township in any part of Hong Kong that is not in accordance with Feng Shui. You have to put your PR strategies in such a way that supersitions and the myths related to Feng Shui are debunked from the core.
Deliverables required but not restricted to:
1. Case Summary
2. Defense Strategies - Why so anti Feng Shui?
3. PR Strategies
4. Details of Township that must be mentioned:
Area Covered
Aspects that are anti Feng Shui
  5.    Press Release
  6.    Creatives
Hard Copy Report and Presentation tomorrow at 3:00 pm.
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prthrive18-blog · 6 years
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Updates for the round Mumbai Meri Jaan are over. 
Reports for the same must be mailed to [email protected] latest by 1 pm tomorrow. 
Good Night!
See ya tomorrow! 
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prthrive18-blog · 6 years
Back to Square One
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After everything that the party has been through, the tenure is finally coming to an end. In spite of all the controversies, the party still wishes to be re-elected again. And in order to do that, they have started buying the voters. Party members have been spotted bribing voters with free gifts such as computers, refrigerators, cars or even wads of cash. And if that doesn’t work, the party members do not hesitate to threaten innocent and gullible voters to vote for them in forthcoming elections.
The State Election Commission is extremely disappointed and is threatening to ban the party from the elections of 2026.
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prthrive18-blog · 6 years
Reveal the Mask
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It is revealed to the media that the leader and founder of the party is habitual of physically assaulting many lower-level party members, including women. In addition to that, he is also accused of endangering the lives of many party workers and their families by life threats.
As a result majority of the party members have left and joined hands with the opposition to stand up against the party leader. The instability has caused an unrest among the party and the public. 
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prthrive18-blog · 6 years
Communal Riots
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In retaliation to the Haji Ali Dargah blast, members from the outraged Muslim Community had burnt several buses and cars outside Shree Mahalaxmi Temple leading to the death of 47 men, 19 women, and 5 children, all belonging to Hindu community. 
The city is experiencing nothing but violence every day and people are blaming Hindu Conservatives from your party for instigating the riots. 
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prthrive18-blog · 6 years
Blast from the Past
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City security compromised again. Bomb blast at Haji Ali Dargah. 47 dead, 92 injured.
Increasing tension between the Hindu and Muslim community as the person responsible behind the blast identified as a member of Vishva Hindu Parishad. 
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prthrive18-blog · 6 years
Mumbai Murdered?
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Its been hardly a year that your party came to power and a report by The National Crime Records Bureau states that the crime rate has tripled in the city from 66,676 to 200,130. The crime rate has drastically increased from 362 cases per one lakh population to 947 cases. 
This report comes after a senior police officer investigating the case against Mr. Alok Nath Mishra was found dead in his car. Mr. Sanjay Sharma witness to the incident has confirmed the person who shot him was seen entering the party headquarters. 
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prthrive18-blog · 6 years
Highway or My way
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After winning the municipal elections your party initiated a 100 crore rupees highway project within the city. Unfortunately, due to the usage of cheap quality materials, the highway collapsed taking the lives of as many as 157 civilians, with more than 200 being injured.
Mr. Alok Nath Mishra your party member who was heading this mega project is found guilty of proceeding with the purchase of substandard quality materials, in order to save as much as 40 crore rupees and subsequently transferring it in your party’s fund.
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prthrive18-blog · 6 years
Congratulations & Celebrations
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Your party has won the election.
Your effort paid off!
We have high hopes from your party in the future!
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