prycillvs · 6 years
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𝑃𝑟𝑦𝑐𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑎 𝑀𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑠 𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑁𝑒𝑤 𝑌𝑒𝑎𝑟’𝑠 𝐸𝑣𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑐𝑘𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑙 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑦.
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prycillvs · 6 years
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prycillvs · 6 years
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prycillvs · 6 years
*    — — —    𝟎𝟎𝟒    :    𝑔𝑖𝑜𝑣𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑖 𝑑𝑖 𝑠𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑖𝑎.    \    giorxcci‌.
“Why not? You two are in it for the long run and you might as well enjoy the perks that come with such a commitment.” He smiled earnestly until she removed the ring and listened for its plink against the counter.  “Only you would know the answer to that.” He knew plenty of women that played hard to get;  Prycilla never struck him as the type. “I mean, I don’t know him but everyone deserves a chance,” to prove themselves. Although, any sane person would never accept relationship advice from Gio. “I’m not discrediting his work! He’s a classic childhood author. His work is timeless but you can’t deny the Grinch is a stretch.” He replied, carelessly reaching for another truffle. “It’s in my DNA at this point like a genetic mutation or something.” His father was perpetually angry and just a look at Gio or his sister would have one believe they grew up in an unhappy home which couldn’t be further from the truth. He hoped their brother arrived soon if only to rewrite the narrative. “You need to watch fewer movies, maybe you would be less… bubbly. More realistic?”
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             ❛    LIKE  WHAT    ?    THE  LATEST  COLLECTION  from  cartier    ?    sure  ,  gifts  are  nice  ,  but  they’re  not  the  only  things  that  matter  .    ❜    she  frowns  ,  her  nude  painted  fingernails  playing  with  a  loose  bit  of  fabric  on  the  bed’s  comforter  .    ❛    it’s  hard  to  be  easy  on  someone  when  you  don’t  want  to  marry  them  .    ❜    she’s  intently  focused  on  the  pulled  cotton  ,  passing  it  between  one  finger    &    the  next  as  gio  continues  to  speak  .    ❛    well  ,  his  sisters  haven’t  really  bigged  him  up  . doesn’t  sound  very  promising  .    ❜    cilla  shrugs  .  it’s  more  of  a  feeling  than  disliking  every  single  thing  about  him  ,  but  that’s  enough  for  her  to at  least  be  wary  .    ❛    everything  he  does  is  a  stretch  ,  that’s  what  makes  him  so  inspiring  .  if  i  had  an  imagination  like  his  i’d  give  up  being  a  princess    &    become  a  childhood  icon  .    ❜    when  she  was  little  ,  his  books  were  her  favourite  .  now  that  she’s  older  ,  she  appreciates  the  artistic  direction  he  took  his  novels  in  .    ❛    DNA  only  goes  so  far  ,  it  doesn’t  define  who  you  are  as  a  person  .    ❜    the  princess  size  ,  sitting  up    &    straightening  out  her  crumpled  shirt  .    ❛    i  am  realistic  ,  i just  don’t  see  the  point  in  being  miserable  all  the  time  .  where’s  the  joy in  that    ?    ❜
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prycillvs · 6 years
*    — — —    𝟎𝟎𝟒    :    𝑎𝑠𝑙𝑎𝑛 𝑜𝑠𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑔𝑙𝑢.    \    vslvano‌.
Aslan smiled, “I wish you had as well. I have three layers on right now.” He put a hand on her back, “I’m alright. I’ve been better since the…” He trailed off, thinking about the incident with Greece. Let me buy you a cup of coffee. I’m more talkative when I’m warm.”  
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             ❛    THREE  LAYERS    ?    WHAT  HAPPENED  TO  thermals    &    thick christmas  jumpers    ?    ❜    she  laughs  ,  but  it  soon  simmers  into  a  more  sad  smile  as  he  speaks  .  although  coffee  sounds  promising  .    ❛    coffee  would  be  great  .  come  on  ,  let’s  get  you  warmed  up  .    ❜
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prycillvs · 6 years
*    — — —    𝟎𝟎𝟓    :    𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑗𝑎 𝑓𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑝𝑜𝑣𝑖𝑐.    \    ilijafilipovic‌.
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“ i do prefer simple and classy. ” he was really the guy that would always wear black jeans and a simple t-shirt so he thought the simplicity was obvious just by looking at him. her next words almost make him laugh — not a scoff or any ironic laugh, a genuine one from how funny the thought of him spending the holiday with his sisters actually was. no, that was too unlikely to happen. “ i don’t actually have any plans for the holiday. unless drinking in my room while watching the grinch counts. ”
             ❛    THAT’S  GOOD  .  I’D  TRULY  BE  disappointed  if  my  fiancé  is  the  sort  of  person  to  wear  a  three  piece  suit  every  day  .    ❜    it’s  strange  to  say  the  word  ‘  fiancé  ’  but  she  knows  she’ll  have  to  get  used  to  it  someday  .  she  doesn’t  even  want  to  think  about  the  other  word  .    ❛    really    ?    i  tried  getting  giovanni  to  watch  it  but  he  didn’t  agree  that  the  grinch    &    santa  would  make  a good  team  .  but  if  you  don’t  have  any  plans  ,  i  have  the  santa  clause  movies  boxset    ?    ❜
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prycillvs · 6 years
i’ve drafted my replies & will work through them tomorrow, but if anyone wants to plot or do something with cilla, rory or omari hmu & i’ll get onto that as well :)
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prycillvs · 6 years
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prycillvs · 6 years
*    — — —    𝟎𝟎𝟓    :    𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑗𝑎 𝑓𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑝𝑜𝑣𝑖𝑐.    \    ilijafilipovic.
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he was surprised to say the least but took the box anyways, showing cilla a thankful smile before opening it. “ well, thank you and tell your mother i thank her as well. ” the gift was symbolic, definitely about the new bound between their countries rather than them as a couple and he couldn’t expect anything more from her. “ yours is in my room because i was waiting for christmas but i should probably go get it now. ”
            SHE  NODS  HER  HEAD  IN  his  direction  ,  offering  a  small  smile  .    ❛    you’re    welcome    .  i  know  it’s  not  the  most  extravagant  gift  ,  but  i    wasn’t    sure  what  you’d  like  .    ❜    she  purses  her  lips  .  in  all    honesty    she  doesn’t  know  much  about  him  to  give  a  better  gift  ,  but  she    figures    this  one  is  meaningful  enough  .    ❛    you  don’t    have    to  .  i  mean  ,  i  thought  you’d  be  spending  christmas  with  your    sisters    or  something  .  i  didn’t  want  to  intrude  .    ❜
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prycillvs · 6 years
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prycillvs · 6 years
            ❛    I  KNOW  IT’S  NOT  CHRISTMAS  yet  ,  but  given  that  this  ..  arrangement  is    anything    but  traditional  i  might  as  well  give  you  this  now .    ❜    the    princess    sighs  ,  passing  her  fiancé  the  box  in  her    hands    .  in  it  is  a  set  a  cufflinks  ,  one  with  his  family  crest    &    one  with    hers    .    ❛    before  you  get  any  ideas  ,  my  mother  said  i  had  to    give    it  to  you  .    &    i  figured  it  would  help  you  in  wanting  to    make    people  believe  this  is  real  .  so  ,  merry  christmas    ?    ❜    \    @ilijafilipovic.
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prycillvs · 6 years
*    — — —    𝟎𝟎𝟏    :    𝑚𝑖𝑟𝑜 𝑘𝑜𝑠.    \    mirokos.
“It’s all good,” he promised, smoothing a wrinkle out of his shirt. It took him a little too long to realize what she was getting at, his eyes falling to the book, realization clicking like a key in a lock. He’d read very few books in his life — even the ones he’d been required to read, he only skimmed through enough to be able to wing an essay off of. “Oh, yeah, that.” He nodded, as if he understood completely. “Never read it.”
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            ❛    OKAY  .    ❜    SHE  SMILES  .  SHE  WOULD  feel  awful  if  she  hurt  him    because    she  was  too  endorsed  in  her  book  .  however  ,  his  words  have  a    hand    covering  her  mouth  ,  shaking  her  head  in  disbelief  .    ❛    please    tell  me  you’re  joking  ,    ❜    the  princess  pleads  ,  tapping  on  her    book    with  her  manicured  nails  .    ❛    it’s  one  of  the  most    popular    books  to  be  published  in  the  1800s    !    at  least    tell  me    you  know  who  the  brontë  sisters  are  ,  good  grief  .    ❜
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prycillvs · 6 years
*    — — —    𝟎𝟎𝟐    :    𝑧𝘩𝑒𝑛𝑦𝑎 𝑧𝑎𝑘𝘩𝑎𝑟𝑜𝑣𝑎.    \    zhcnyv.
“If I end up in a hospital, I’ll make sure to send the bill to you,” Zhenya chuckled and waved her hand. What good would it do to point a finger at the princess? Over an accident. “Emily…” She narrowed her eyes as she tried to remember which one of the sisters she was. “So that means you’re reading…?” An embarrassed look spread on her face. “I must confess, I never really got into English literature.”
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             ❛    I’LL  BRING  YOU  FLOWERS    &    THE  finest  chocolates  .    ❜    she    promises    ,  like  it’s  something  she  wouldn’t  do  otherwise  .  cilla  is    all    about  treating  her  friends  .    ❛    yes  .  i  love  reading    almost    as  much  as  i  do  painting  .    ❜    classic  novels    &    poetry  are    definitely    her  favourites  ,  but  she’ll  read  just  about  anything  that’s    handed    to  her  .  she  laughs  lightly  .    ❛    please  ,  we    have    the  most  incredible  library  back  home  .  i  used  to  sneak  in  when  it  got    late    if  i’d  finish  a  book  before  it  was  time to  sleep  .    ❜
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prycillvs · 6 years
*    — — —    𝟎𝟎𝟒    :    𝑔𝑖𝑜𝑣𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑖 𝑑𝑖 𝑠𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑖𝑎.    \    giorxcci.
“Santa doesn’t have the means for that but a certain Croatian might?” He inquired sarcastically, eyebrows rising in rapid succession.  They hadn’t found the time to properly discuss her engagement. Whether she was being whisked away for a photo-op with the new ring or he, being briefed until his eyes were sore. Either way, now was the time to subtly hint at it. “Debatable. I think the Grinch is better on his own, solo. He doesn’t need anyone slowing him down.” And there was hope he might make the switch back, Gio loved rooting for a villain. “See, now that is why I’ve stopped watching television. His heart grew three times in size? Technically he would be dead or something. It’s too unrealistic.” It’s a child movie, one he could appreciate but the ending just wasn’t fitting. “Sort of, I watched most of the classics as a kid but I don’t remember it clearly.”
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            ❛    OH  ,  NO  NO  .  I’M  HOPING  to  not  get  anything  else  sparkly  from    him    for  a  long  while  .    ❜    she  lets  out  a  small  laugh  ,  glancing  down  at  the    diamond    on  her  finger  before  sighing  ,  pulling  it  off  ,    &    placing    it  on  one  of  the  bedside  table  .  she  met  ilija  long  before  the    arrangement    ,  when  they  were  a  lot  younger  .  cilla  prides    herself    in  reading  people    &    there’s  always  been  something    off    about  the  croatian that  she  has  never  been  able  to  pinpoint  .    ❛    my    mother    said  i’m  being  too  hard  on  him  .    ❜    she  uses  her    elbows    to  prop  herself  up  ,  playing  with  the  tips  of  her  hair  .    ❛    two    pairs  of  hands  are  better  than  one  .  the  grinch  can  take  all  the    ungrateful    children    &    santa  can  take  the  good  ones  .    ❜    she    shakes    her  head  ,  batting  his  arm  lightly  .    ❛      dr.  suess    is  a  genius  ,  how  dare  you    !    his  heart  was  two  sizes  too  small in  the    beginning    .    ❜    she  glances  at  the  screen  before  her  gaze    settles    on  gio  again  .    ❛    you  need  to  watch  more  movies  .    maybe    then  you  wouldn’t  be  so  grumpy  .    ❜
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prycillvs · 6 years
*    — — —    𝟎𝟎𝟐    :    𝑎𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑖 𝑣𝑎𝑛 𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑗𝑒-𝑛𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑎𝑢.    \    armanicatherina.
she’s quiet for a moment. it’s unsettling, how common it has become to be brought face to face with illnesses and invasions and injuries. “ hm. but i know you would’ve offered to come with me, had i been allowed to go back after the palace fires. ” what a sombre world to live in. the silver lining might just be the fact that they have their own little world, detached from the rest, wherein there are the right resources for a snowball fight. “ hey, pick your players wisely and i won’t have to ! ”
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            A  FROWN  CURVES  HER  LIPS  .  being  a  cyprian  royal  is  easier  than    most    ,  she  presumes  .  her  country  hasn’t  become  involved  in  the  war    just    yet  ,  but  whether  that  will  change  with  the  current    situation    regarding  their  neighbouring  countries  ,  cilla  dreads  to    think    .    ❛    it’s  heartbreaking  .  why  does  everything  resort  to    violence    ?    ❜    she  figures  this  is  what  her  mother  was    trying    to  prepare  her  for  ,  but  she’s  always been  too  soft  hearted  .  at  least  they    can    escape  it  with  something  as  childish  as  a  snowball  fight  .    ❛    fine    !    i  want  aslan    &    giovanni  ,  for    starters    .    ❜
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prycillvs · 6 years
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prycillvs · 6 years
Her eyes are classic novels and poetry.
Isaac Marion  (via thelovejournals)
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