I just spent 3 dollars on an Amazon otherkin book to ease myself back into research for my self-interest project. and omg, it explained nothing and in the end tried to get me to buy their 60-85 dollar readings on their website. I am so sorry for all of the OK youngins who have bought stuff to discover their identity only to be scammed? 
Also, I apologize to my presumable spirit guides who gave me issues with my credit card (only on that item) because they assumed I’d be smart enough not to attempt buying it 5 times. 
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Don't let your 5 year olds watch squid game, they're just going to spoil it to their teachers
"triangles are squid games
and circles are squid games
and triangles are earrings, they're earrings and squid games"
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Looking for long-term Angelkin/Divinekin who are interested in being interviewed for a self-published booklet I wanted to write. If interested let me know I'm hoping to start writing it during late this week so if you'd like to participate send me a message. If you're willing to be interviewed over audio as it'll be way quicker. Pic for attention
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"I'm also so happy just because I love the holidays. it's the one time of year when my sloth, greed and gluttony are all celebrated, and my feelings of envy and wrath towards my fellow men are dulled down to a pleasant hum until the new year comes.
it's a shame that the only deadly sins I inhibit aren't lust and pride because those are the only ones that seem kind of healthy." Oh Mr. Muse you understand me more than could ever
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When did it become socially unacceptable to make chit chat with ppl in waiting rooms. If I'm gonna be here for hours may as well make life long friends instead of awkwardly sipping free beverages
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Red herring: I question if Shiva and Parvati have a good relationship far too much for someone who knows literally nothing about Hinduism.
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As a person who loosely follows demonolatry, the lack of interest angelkin has in musical theatre really has ruined my stereotypes I had for angels. If anyone can confirm or deny that (in their dimensions) angels actually care about music, I'll send you a bouquet of virtual flowers.
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If you needed to hear
You're lovely. Please treat yourself kindly because you deserve it xx
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I feel bad for those I'm soliciting most recently
My wine glasses are making me go less and less formal. If I message you and seem rude let me know fam. Y'all are wonderful
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If you're ever feeling down and need someone to look up to
Fen Tian, a likely mediocre person despite my idolization. worked years on a film, convinced her church to fund a film claiming it would promote christian love values. After the church saw it, they were like "what the hell is this" and she went to the U.S. with her goal to make her film after decades she finally created her movie. It was terrible, but she did it, she paid her VA with a bag of cantaloupes and wontons, the two stars of the film immediately retired from acting afterword and married one another, and IMDB has it rated 8.9 stars because people hate-watched the film. I can't say why I find her story so inspiring. Maybe because she tried her best to create her story in real life despite the odds being against her, and though it wasn't the greatest she completed it. A lot of people strike out but, the absurdness in making Love On A Leash makes me feel like sitcom-series scenarios are actual possibilities.
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Horseshoe crab angel sketch
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First post
Social media is scary, and the fact children are 10x better at expressing their emotions through it than I can, makes me wonder how outdated I will feel when I’m 30
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