psych7cgf · 13 hours
It’s a need atp
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psych7cgf · 13 hours
It’s always when I eat well and got my vitamins that my libido come back, life is so simple sometimes
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psych7cgf · 16 hours
I want a tattoo so bad and it will a spiral
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psych7cgf · 16 hours
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For this new year, I also want my libido back ! I miss make out w people
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psych7cgf · 4 days
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psych7cgf · 8 days
I come back from Ghana this morning, I don’t really know how to describe the trip because after the accident I stopped really enjoying the moments. It’s like I was not really there for the majority of the time. My body still hurts and it’s just hard to move freely, I realized how much it’s important to move as an human being and how being healthy is really important in this life. I don’t want to act like I lost my ability to move or something like that but it’s just weird to feel everything slowly. Besides this, I think this trip helped me in different aspects. I’m more focused on what it’s really matter for myself and how I need to prioritize my mental health. And also, seeing the reality with my own eyes makes me realize how this world is paradoxal. Seeing children begging for food in the same street where there are spots for rich. Anyway my hand hurt so I can’t really write easily but I will try my best next time.
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psych7cgf · 11 days
I hurted myself during the Ghana trip and I feel like someone who is supporting a dead body , every little movement hurts and I don’t feel free in my body at all
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psych7cgf · 16 days
Dans 5 ans, ça ne comptera plus.
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psych7cgf · 21 days
I’m not even in Ghana yet and I still can’t wait to go come back so I can check all my administratives stuffs because I can’t even have few moments of peace…
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psych7cgf · 21 days
A thing about me it’s I always got a kind of memories when I can feel myself in those kind of places, as if my future body was projecting itself onto the past to show me some moments in the future. I got some flash images and moments of life that feel like this as I was living the moment in parallel. I started to have those feelings since my teenager time as I remember.
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psych7cgf · 22 days
I went to Paris for the first time during three days with a friend, well the city is obviously beautiful Haussmann did a good job as well. I was in the 11th arrondissement so very classy and luxurious. I really wanted to visit some tourist spots like Le Louvre, Monet garden, Centre Pompidou and more but my partner was more into the nightlife and so the nightclubs ( I will talk about this deeply because the class struggle is real in Paris). I’m not gonna lie it’s a very beautiful city my art soul was mesmerized by every streets and is just incredible when you realize how many artists, writers, actors, or politic figures are lounged there. But again it depends of the neighborhood, that’s why you can feel the class structures and how money is so important plus the way you look.
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psych7cgf · 1 month
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Thank you but at the end of the discussion, I will find myself alone in my head thinking about what I do everything wrong !
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psych7cgf · 1 month
Sometimes I ask myself “ does it really matter?” and yes it really does, I can’t even said in 5 years it won’t count because it’s not how it works for people of middle class like me. My all life I grow up with the bare minimum and that’s scary , what is the bare minimum if you can’t have a little bit of heat in your bedroom ? Or when it’s so cold that the walls are covered with mold? Nothing, nothing at all.
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psych7cgf · 1 month
Wow wow wow academic pressure is really not for the weak ( I’m on the edge of craziness)
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psych7cgf · 1 month
One thing about me it’s even in a kind of catastrophic situation for my mental health I still find a way to be a little bit horny
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psych7cgf · 1 month
I just can’t do it but in the end I can only blame myself
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psych7cgf · 1 month
Won’t you come see me, queen Jane ? *proceeds to play a harmonica in a insufferable way*
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