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I was sitting with Scott on a bench near the entrance to the campus. Some kind of freaky spaceship appeared on the horizon. A raccoon with a gun came out of it, followed by a woman all blue and looking like a sci-fi cyborg.
"Hey men! Where's the green one?" - asked the raccoon rudely. A talking raccoon?
"That's funny..." - I had a funny expression when I saw the raccoon. He looked at me angrily.
"In the kitchen, I think!" - Scott answered him. "Score!" - He appreciated the blue alien's appearance. Suddenly, an iron warrior descended from above. Scott's taco fell out of his hands and he clutched his heart.
"Oh my god!"
"Hey there, little guy!" said the warrior, - "and who are you?"
"I'm Hayley, Van Dyne."
"Familiar last name... Have we met before?"
"No, but maybe with my mom yes, her name is Hope."
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Ant man and the Dragonfly
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The story is about Hope's daughter named Haley, who becomes involved in extraordinary and sometimes horrific events.
Who is dragonfly?
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Ch.1 Quantum realism
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Chapter 1: Kang was cunning and calculating. He only wanted to show them what was possible. Hope shivered. She was afraid of him, but she wondered what the villain wanted to show. Janet, on the contrary, was shaking her head, desperately trying to talk her daughter out of this madness. Now, if only Scott would stop his lover.... However, that didn't happen. He was too busy with his wounds and broken bones. Kang defeated the ant man. He almost killed him, but that became not the worst of it. Cassie lay next to her father on the floor in a semi-fainting state. She'd been through enough. Hank was trying to cover for his wife while bringing Cassie to her senses. They were all a mess. Hope touched the reactor powering Kang's ship. Her eyes went black. She squeezed her eyes shut and shook herself off a little to regain consciousness. She didn't realize she was in a strange place. There was nothing around, nothing but vast darkness. And then, for a moment, Hope saw a light. It was followed by a flash in which she saw a portal. It was different. It was like a huge window where the wasp suddenly saw herself. But it wasn't her. A woman with long blond hair, dressed in simple jeans and a light-colored blouse with a pattern. She was standing somewhere on the boardwalk, holding a little girl of about five with a bottle in her hands. It was obviously her daughter, or rather that woman's daughter. Next to her stood and babbled something to a boy who reached up to her thighs. He had a smiley face on his T-shirt. He was the sweetest and most likeable.
All Hope realized was that it might have been her choice. That's what Janet was talking about. Multiple versions of the same person. From different universes. Is that possible? So it's like they're her children? I wonder who their father is? And how does her version live in that universe? Suddenly there was a voice apparently coming from the portal. - Who do we have here? - It was Scott. Dressed in his most ordinary clothes. The kids turned around and yelled, "Daddy!" The boy ran to his father and grabbed onto him tightly. - Hey, how are you guys doing? Didn't miss me? - Mommy was talking about the seagulls. - Henry! - the woman interrupted her son and walked over to her husband. - Who wants ice cream? - Scott lightened the mood. The children enthusiastically went to him and took the pistachio ice cream from his hands. - Especially for you ladies - Scott said softly - super strawberry with nuts! - He held out the cone to his wife.
- Decided to bribe me? - she smiled enigmatically - You succeeded.... - Where did you want to go? - Haley chattered about turtles the whole way. - Hope sighed tiredly, for her daughter's hobbies changed every day. And yesterday she wanted to shoot grav guns. Thank Hank for that. He gets a little carried away playing with his granddaughter. - Well, if it's that serious. -Scott thought- Kids, we're going to the aquarium! Hope just shook her head. Hope shook her head and walked with her husband toward the city. And then the so-called screen went out. The portal closed, and the real Hope found herself in the familiar (if you could say so) quantum world. She saw Scott lying there with broken bones, Cassie next to him, and her parents behind them, their arms around each other, supporting each other. They were looking at her with a kind of amazement. And then Hope realized that there was a veil of tears in her eyes. Her eyes were red, her hair disheveled, and her face a look of regret and fear. - What did you think? Did you like it? - Kang's deep voice penetrated her consciousness. He idly watches her reaction. This is the end... They've lost. The conqueror has broken the last hero.
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