pumpkinclan · 10 months
PumpkinClan Moon 1: A Single Vigil (story)
As the moon rose above the camp, the newly named Onewhisker padded to the camp entrance, her ears pricked up as she stared out at the fields beyond. Her heart lurched in her stomach as she thought back to earlier that evening, when Bitterstar, PumpkinClan's new leader, had touched her nose to hers, pride shining in her gaze.
"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Onepaw, from this moment on you will be known as Onewhisker. StarClan honors your compassion, and we welcome you as a full warrior of PumpkinClan."
Compassion. Standing here, ready for her solo vigil, Onewhisker couldn't help but think back to the virtue that Bitterstar had specifically chosen to point out. Was Onewhisker really a compassionate cat? She tried to be kind to everyone, yes, but she honestly thought that that word was a stretch. Did Bitterstar think hard about what to say to describe Onewhisker, or did she just say the first thing that came to mind? It was these thoughts that Onewhisker found herself lost in, when she felt her shoulder get gently knocked by a tail. Heronrose, her (former) mentor, was standing behind her.
"Are you ready?" Heronrose asked. Onewhisker nodded, and Heronrose rolled his eyes. "Hey, your vigil hasn't begun yet. You can speak for now." "Sorry," Onewhisker apologized. "I was just...Heronrose, do you think I'm compassionate?"
Heronrose looked surprised at the question, and raised an eyebrow. "I suppose so. Every cat has at least a little bit of compassion in them. Why?"
"Well, Bitterstar said I was, but I was just...wondering what other cats thought of me, I guess." Onewhisker mewed awkwardly. Heronrose snorted in amusement.
"Hey, Onewhisker; don't think too hard about that kind of stuff. Personally, I think you're a fine cat, and you're going to be a great warrior. And, you know, take some pride in the fact that you were the first cat made a warrior by our new leader. Leaders always have a special connection with the first cat they name."
Onewhisker's eyes widened. "Really?"
Heronrose nodded. "Really." He cuffed her gently behind the ear. "Don't stress this vigil business, okay? You'll do just fine."
The stocky brown tom padded away, and Onewhisker dipped her head in thanks. She was proud to have been the apprentice of such a wise cat; even if he could be grumpy sometimes.
The black-and-white she-cat padded outside, taking her spot as the camp's only guard for the night. She breathed in and out, then fixed her gaze on the stars, excitement bursting beneath her pelt at her new life awaiting her.
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pumpkinclan · 10 months
PumpkinClan Moon 1: A Single Vigil (data)
Moon: 1 Season: Greenleaf Living Cats: 10 StarClan Cats: 1
Leader: Bitterstar Deputy: Appleflame Medicine Cat: Galespeck
Bitterstar has been following the progress of Onepaw for moons, and feels that it is finally time for them to get their warrior name. They are granted the name Onewhisker in honor of their compassion.
Appleflame led a patrol with Sproutdapple, Larkcinder, and Asterjoy. They encounter Twolegs but hunt elsewhere.
Bitterstar led a patrol with Slipsoar, Heronrose, and Onewhisker. They drive a small dog off their territory.
Galespeck went to gather herbs with Flitthud, who shares about a dream they had from StarClan. They gather catmint.
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pumpkinclan · 10 months
PumpkinClan Moon 0: A Bitter New Leader (Story)
In the days since Galespeck had finally come up with a cure for the deadly disease that ravaged through PumpkinClan, the entire Clan had felt a weight be lifted from their shoulders. Although their losses were tremendous, their recovery would be even greater.
Appleflame nosed her way into camp, carrying a large thrush in her mouth, Larkcinder and Asterjoy following her. She nodded to Heronrose as she sat down her prey. The brown tom was speaking sternly to his apprentice, Onepaw, whose eyes lit up with glee after he finished speaking. The young black-and-white she-cat nodded, then turned to share her news with Slipsoar and Sproutdapple, who were sharing tongues.
"When do you think Bitterspeck and Galespeck will be back?" Asterjoy asked, padding over to Appleflame. Appleflame sighed. "Soon, I hope." she said in response, taking a mouse for herself and sitting down. Asterjoy followed her.
"I remember when Bloomstar went to get her lives - it didn't take nearly as long. Maybe something went wrong. Do you think something went wrong?"
Appleflame grunted. "Only StarClan knows. But I'm sure nothing bad happened - this is Bitterspeck we're talking about. She can hold her own."
"I suppose your right." Asterjoy said with a sigh, nibbling at her vole. "It's just - I try not to worry, but we've been dealing with so much lately. It almost feels as though StarClan's punishing us. I don't want us to be punished again."
"StarClan isn't punishing us. Sometimes mouse dunged things happen, and StarClan can't stop it. They can only guide us, or whatever." Appleflame did her best to console the older she-cat, but in truth she was just saying nonsense. What did an ordinary warrior like her know about StarClan?
Suddenly, Larkcinder yowled in excitement. Appleflame smelled the air, and realized what was going on, and before she knew it all (eight members) of PumpkinClan were flocking to the camp entrance, as Bitterspeck and Galespeck padded through. Both looked tired, but there was a new spark in Bitterspeck's step as she dipped her head to her Clanmates, padding over to where the leader called the Clan to order.
"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather around the Vineheap for a Clan meeting!" The Vineheap was a tangled mess of leaves and vines, both living and dead. On top of it all was a large tree stump, situated on a hill positioned slightly above the rest of camp. It was odd, watching her former deputy stand there, but Appleflame couldn't help but admit that it seemed to suit her.
Galespeck went to stand at the base of the stump, at Bitterspeck's right. He looked up at her, nodding, and Bitterspeck took a deep breath, turning to look at her Clan. "Cats of PumpkinClan!" Bitterspeck yowled. "Galespeck and I have visited the Moonstream. StarClan has accepted me as your leader."
With those words, the Clan immediately begun to chant: "Bitterstar! Bitterstar!" Appleflame joined them, yowling as loud as she could, and she thought she saw Bitterstar's eyes meet hers for a moment. Bitterstar raised her tail for silence, and she continued. "I, of course, mourn and respect those before me: Bloomstar was an incredible leader, and I will miss her every day, as I'm sure you all will. I will do my best to live up to her example, and become a leader that both she, the rest of our fallen Clanmates, and all of you can be proud of." Bitterstar and Galespeck exchanged a glance. "However; I must perform another duty, as the leader of PumpkinClan: picking our new deputy, the cat that will serve alongside me as my trusted second-in-command and one day take my place."
The camp grew silent then, and although none of them would admit it, Appleflame knew that every cat was anxiously awaiting to hear if their name would be called (except Onepaw, of course).
"On the journey home, I thought long and hard about which cat I wanted as my deputy, and I believe that the perfect cat to stand beside me does indeed reside here, in this Clan." Bitterstar gazed at Appleflame. "Appleflame, I would like you to be my deputy."
Appleflame padded forward, both surprised and pleased at her leader's choice. She didn't think that she'd be chosen over some of the other cats in the Clan, but she was proud of being Bitterstar's first choice. "I would be honored, Bitterstar."
"Then Appleflame will be the new deputy of PumpkinClan."
Once again, the cats yowled, but this time Appleflame's name was being called. Bitterstar gestured over to her left, and Appleflame took her position, finding herself pleased at being included at the front of the Clan. Looking up at Bitterstar, watching her conclude the Clan meeting, Appleflame couldn't help but notice how a new maturity had fallen over her. There was a new darkness in her eyes, and Appleflame couldn't help but wonder what exactly the new leader had seen when she had gotten her lives.
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pumpkinclan · 10 months
PumpkinClan Moon 0: A Bitter New Leader (Data)
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Moon: 0 Season: Greenleaf Living Cats: 10 StarClan Cats: 1 Leader: Bitterstar Deputy: Appleflame Medicine Cat: Galespeck -
New Cats
Gender: Female Age: Adult; 82 moons Rank: Leader Lives: 9 Shameless, helpful insight Playing a prank on Larkcinder
Gender: Female Age: Adult; 88 moons Rank: Deputy Rebellious, great hunter & good speaker Saw a kittypet rolling around a Twoleg garden
Gender: Male Age: Senior adult; 101 moons Rank: Medicine cat Troublesome, incredible runner & good mediator Is tending growing herbs
Gender: Female Age: Senior adult; 98 moons Rank: Warrior Insecure, fast runner & formidable fighter Is craving the taste of vole
Gender: Female Age: Adult; 73 moons Rank: Warrior Strict, good speaker Saw some wandering Twolegs today
Gender: Female Age: Adult; 61 moons Rank: Warrior Bloodthirsty, skilled mediator Tries to set a good example for younger cats
Gender: Female Age: Adult; 51 moons Rank: Warrior Troublesome, impressive climber & natural intuition Is thinking about how awful kittpet food must taste
Gender: Female Age: Adult; 48 moons Rank: Warrior Gloomy, learner of lore & good swimmer Chats with Galespeck about what it's like to be a medicine cat
Gender: Male Age: Young adult; 24 moons Rank: Warrior Apprentice: Onepaw Righteous, good teacher Teaches the kits about morals until they all fall asleep
Gender: Female Age: Adolescent; 11 moons Rank: Apprentice Mentor: Heronrose Childish, interested in Clan history Is playing a prank on Sproutdapple
Appleflame led a patrol with Larkcinder and Asterjoy. Asterjoy discusses how she thinks she had a vision from StarClan, and the others discuss with her if it was a real dream or not as they hunt.
Bitterstar led a patrol with Flitthud and Slipsoar. They find an empty burrow in the ground.
Heronrose led a patrol with Sproutdapple and Onepaw. They come across a small dog on the border and attack it, pushing it away from their lands.
Galespeck collects catmint.
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pumpkinclan · 10 months
PumpkinClan Moon 0: Prologue
The fluffy gray tabby awoke with a start, opening his eyes to find himself in a curious location. Although the moon hung in the night sky, stars glistening, the ground beneath his paws seemed to radiate a sort of warmth that was unfamiliar to him. He stood up, unsteady, shaking his head at his surroundings. A beautiful grove met his gaze, huge oak trees stretching as high as he could see, the scent of prey around every corner, beds of colorful flowers and herbs, and the ground littered with odd objects that the tabby didn't recognize. They were round and orange, with stems and leaves protruding from them. The tabby padded over to one, curious as to how it seemingly hung from the vines scattered across the grove. He prodded at it with its paw, startled to hear a purr of amusement as he did so.
"Who's there?" the tabby called, confused. He turned around, and let out a gasp of shock upon seeing a black-and-white she-cat standing behind him. She held his gaze, a gleam in her narrowed eyes. The tabby knew this she-cat. He knew her very well. And he didn't think he'd ever see her again. At least...not for a while. "Bloomstar," he breathed, rushing towards her to greet her properly. "Is it really you? It feels like it's been moons!"
As the she-cat purred, touching her nose to the tabby's, the tom couldn't help but realize how different his former leader looked. Before her death, Bloomstar had looked frail, thin, and weak, barely anything more than skin and bones. Her fur had clung to her frame, and she constantly looked like she was lost in a daze. Her death had been long, and painful. But now, she stood with her head held high, with bright eyes and a neatly groomed pelt - a pelt that almost seemed to shine in the moonlight.
The tabby blinked. "Oh. I understand now. This is StarClan, isn't it? I died."
Bloomstar sighed. "Yes, Leafheart, you did. You died from the same terrible sickness that led to my end as well. Fortunately, you will be the last. Shortly after your death, Galespeck found a cure. It won't be easy to get over it, and our once great Clan has been reduced to almost nothing, but I have faith. Bitterspeck will make a good leader. In fact, she'll be visiting here soon, to receive her nine lives."
"So...this is really StarClan?" Leafheart mewed, glancing around. "It is beautiful...but it's not what I expected."
"We view StarClan as how our camp used to look: before the Twolegs, before the droughts, before sickness and starving and hard times. Back when our home was beautiful, and we were strong and feared. Now our home is nothing but a dirty wasteland." Bloomstar spat out the words, speaking of their old home as if she'd seen it herself.
"I guess this is a pumpkin, then?" Leafheart asked, gesturing towards the orange object. Bloomstar purred.
"Quite right, Leafheart. A shame that the plant we were named for no longer grows in our territory. Maybe one day, they'll find their way back to us." Bloomstar shook out her fur, then nodded to Leafheart. "Come; it's time you met the others, and took your place upon the ranks of StarClan. We cannot stand reminiscing on the past forever."
Leafheart wanted to argue that Bloomstar was doing more "reminiscing" than he was, but he still had that instinct to immediately obey his leader. As Bloomstar padded away from the grove, Leafheart followed, feeling as though his own fur was beginning to shine with starlight.
Hello there, and welcome to PumpkinClan!
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PumpkinClan, once a group of proud, beautiful cats who boasted their fine territory and large number of warriors, has been reduced to nothing but a few stragglers in a dump. However, this small Clan refuses to die, and no matter how many tragedies hit them, they'll always keep kicking!
PumpkinClan is a Clan I'm playing through on ClanGen (find them over at @ officialclangen), and I thought it'd be fun to give them a complete narrative and chronicle their journey over here on Tumblr.
Updates will be very infrequent as I am about to go on a trip and I have school, so just expect this to continue - whenever I feel like it!
I hope you enjoy reading about my Clan's silly stories and escapades! You can find my main over at @brainrotgobrr!
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