punctualmarksman · 10 years
"I saw your browser history."
"Do you even know what you’re doing?"
"We’ve already tried this."
"You don’t even know what you’re doing."
"Beyonce isn’t that great."
"How many times do I have to tell you?"
"You have five seconds…"
"I don’t even know who you are."
"Didn’t your parents ever tell you that?"
"Is this where you live?"
"… Why are your hands down your pants?"
"Is that a lobster?"
"You’re late on child support."
"You never go ass to mouth."
"One ring to rule them all…"
"He doesn’t even go here!"
"Did you just take that?"
"Is that a unicorn?"
"You’re a muggle."
"It’s your turn to do the dishes."
"Were you going through my computer?!"
"Are you pregnant?"
"You need to be honest with yourself, no one likes Nickelback."
"Shut up."
"I know you’re having an affair."
"They’re dead."
"Voldemort isn’t dead."
"Let me see your phone."
"I can’t believe it’s over."
"How high are you right now?"
"I was with someone."
"It’s not necessary to replace you, you’re not missed."
"Why do you think we never worked out?"
"What went wrong?"
"You’re the most ridiculous person I know."
"Are you okay?"
"I’m having an affair."
"Too little too late."
"Snoop Dog just came into the diner."
"You said we could get a puppy."
"I need to move out."
"You ordered a moon bounce?"
"Don’t you want me?"
"Meeting your mother changed my life."
"Janitor’s closet NOW."
"Is that for sale?"
"Do you want to get a drink sometime?"
"Your resilience is comparable to that of a cockroach."
"He has a knife!"
"I was on an episode of Cops once."
"Are you a hoarder?"
"We’re alone out here, you know?"
"I killed her."
"I need to go."
"Why did you invite me to your wedding?"
"You always do this!"
"You’re the master of excuses."
"Did you hire a stripper?"
"I just got out of jail."
"It was you all along?"
"I know you don’t want to be with me anymore."
"Were you ever happy?"
"You’ve been in that same exact spot since 9 this morning."
"There’s plenty of fish in the sea."
"This is it."
"I can’t believe it’s you."
"We’re getting evicted."
"I know who you are."
"I wrote you a letter… Every single day."
"They’re going to kill me."
"You had sex with a serial killer."
"Are you drunk?"
"I didn’t love you anyways."
"That was the worst day ever."
"That was the best day ever."
"Is this your first date?"
"I’ve never been kissed before."
"You’re famous!"
"I can’t see you anymore."
"What’re you here for?"
"It’s always been you."
"If this were a movie…"
"Are you high?"
"Stick a sock in it."
"You’re better off without me.’
"I’m better off without you."
"You’re like a freaking Taylor Swift song."
"What do you want?"
"Fuck it."
"That’s the worst advice I’ve ever heard."
"Who ARE you anymore?"
"Can I get a refill?"
"Well you don’t see that everyday."
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punctualmarksman · 10 years
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Yukio Okumura - 奥村 雪男 - Ao no Exorcist
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punctualmarksman · 10 years
✣ //* *whispers* all the threads!
Send a ✣ for my muse to accidentally send a text a to your muse that is about them.
[text]: What makes you think I know Shura’s sleeping pattern?? Just text her yourself, you creep.
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punctualmarksman · 10 years
"How did you get this?"
Send me “How’d you get this?” For my muses reaction to yours tracing one of their scars and asking how they got it.
    Yukio tugged away from the other’s touch and shot him a look, “While I was on a mission…”
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    “What’s got you so interested?”
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punctualmarksman · 10 years
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    He sighed and pushed up his glasses carefully, "Okay." he turned to face her and leaned back in his chair, "When I was younger I was bullied a lot." 
    The exorcist could have said more on the subject, but he wasn't entirely in the mood to be mocked and ridiculed because he always needed his brother to help him until recently.
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    The younger was surprised and jumped slightly when a delicate hand suddenly traced a scar on his jaw. Glancing over at Shura he was even more confused to see that she seemed to be asking the question seriously.
    “Since when do you care?” he asked, raising a brow.
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  Taking a glance around the empty classroom, Shura’s eyes ended their journey on the stack of graded homework she had half-finished doing. If the man did not find it boring, she had overestimated his definition of ‘interesting’.
  “Humor me.”
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punctualmarksman · 10 years
How'd you get this?
Send me “How’d you get this?” For my muses reaction to yours tracing one of their scars and asking how they got it.
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    Yukio sighed as his brother asked him about the odd and usually unnoticable scars on his elbow. He then considered whether or not he should tell him what actually happened, because in reality, the story is kind of lame.
    “I was on a mission and a ghost shark came out of nowhere and bit my elbow.” he lied. If Rin has actually been paying attention to his lesson’s he’d be able to figure out that something that extreme is rare and would never happen.
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punctualmarksman · 10 years
"How'd you get this?"
Send me “How’d you get this?” For my muses reaction to yours tracing one of their scars and asking how they got it.
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    The younger was surprised and jumped slightly when a delicate hand suddenly traced a scar on his jaw. Glancing over at Shura he was even more confused to see that she seemed to be asking the question seriously.
    “Since when do you care?” he asked, raising a brow.
0 notes
punctualmarksman · 10 years
    Yukio smiled and nodded as Shiemi explained her nearly failed plans for the night. Even when it wasn't a huge turnout, she still had so much enthusiasm. He sort of admired that. But just the thought of Renzo coming was enough to snap him out of it. That has the potential to be disasterous. 
    He accepted her drink with a quiet "thank you" and tried to relax within the blanket fort. He hoped the movie was good, compared to the  book. He knew it wouldn't be exactly the same but the reviews about the movie didn't seem all bad. He sighed and chuckled when she turned on the Christmas lights,"You really put a lot of effort into this..." he said, trying to keep his voice low as the movie trailers before their film started playing. 
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    As if on cue, the spirited girl wrapped a blanket around the both of them. He was feeling a little bit chilly without his usual coat. (He figured that'd be too formal for just hanging out and watching a movie.) "Yeah, ready when you are."
Movie Night; GreenEyedTamer and PunctualMarksMan
"Ah,no,I think everything's ready now" she put everything on a low table at the entrance of the pillow and blanket fort. " I'm really glad you're here,Yuki-chan!" she looked up at him and smiled brightly. "You're the only one who could come.. or wanted to. Rin had too much homework,and Paku didn't come because Izumo didn't wwnt to. and I don't have the phone number of bon,koneko or renzou... so it's only me and you !"
She started pouring the drinks in glasses and gave him one. Then,she turned off the lights and closed the curtains, leaving the windows open.
"Come,let's watch it before we fall asleep" she giggled softly,crawling in the blanket fort. the room was dark. the only light came from the television screen. Once Yukio was in the fort,she turned on some christmas lights that lit up the whole fort. it looked really cosy and comfy now, it made Shiemi smile. The soft lights gave her a warm feeling inside,as if she was being hugged by a soft,fuzzy creature. she wrapped herself in a blanket , throwing it over Yukio aswel. "my room can get a little cold at night" she explained. "ready to watch the movie?"
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punctualmarksman · 10 years
    The young exorcist had been feeling irritable since the moment he woke up that morning. Everything was annoying him. Rin's posture, the way Kuro hopped up on all the counters, when his students chewed on pencils. Everything was getting to him. And he understood that everyone gets in a mood like this sometimes sometimes, he get's them quite often, but the last thing he wanted was an equally as irritable lecture. 
    As he went on about the Byakko demons, he glanced around the room and saw several typical things that occur in a lecture hall. Some scribbling on their papers, some actually paying attention and taking notes, others sleeping, music playing... Wait - Music playing? He listen around as he spoke and tried to figure out where the source of the noise was. It was so quiet he could barely see but then... Shura? Why the hell is she here? He sighed and stopped mid sentence. That gesture caught everyone's attention. Usually he would have kept going, but being in this awful mood, he couldn't let her stay there, disrupting everyone. "Shura, get out of my lecture now."
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  Messing around is fun.
  Messing around with the Scaredy Cat is even more fun.
  But messing around with the Scaredy Cat during his lesson, while Shura had a free period, was the most fun she could have, in his rule-bound academy.
  The low hum of The Fast and The Furious 3 soundtrack could be heard like the distant buzzing of a mosquito in the background of Yukio’s lecture about Byakko demons. Most would be wise and ignore the woman, yet she was damn sure that she would annoy the boy out of his coat by the time they had ended this lesson.
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punctualmarksman · 10 years
Send me "How'd you get this?" For my muses reaction to yours tracing one of their scars and asking how they got it.
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punctualmarksman · 10 years
mun ;
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muse ; 
Your muse and mun current mood ;;
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punctualmarksman · 10 years
    In a half-awake and half-dreaming state, Yukio woke up feeling really groggy. Almost as if he was hungover. Why did his body feel like there were tons of bricks piled on top of him? That was unusual... Considering he was quite the morning person.
    Because there was nothing to get done for now, he decided to just lay in his bed. Still barely concious. For some reason everything about his body felt wrong right now. His arms were heavier, his feet cold as they hung off the back of his bed, every movement usually on time and delicate was lethargic and brute. 
    Before the boy even had time to question if he was sick, he heard... His own voice yelling for himself to wake up. This was all really bizarre. Even though Yukio never had dreams like this, he figured that was exactly what was happening. Hearing his own voice calling for himself, feeling heavy and not right. It was a dream...! He had convinced himself that's exactly what it was!
    Until he was forcefully taken out of his dreamy stupor. His eyes shot open and he yelled, "Stop shaking me! Let go!" The young exorcist gasped as it was Rin's voice that came out of his mouth. Trying to piece together everything as quick as possible, Yukio's anger and confusion bubbled up from within him, "What did you do." he hissed. It was more of a demand then a question, and the harsh tone sounded odd coming out with Rin's voice.
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S W I T C H {{ closed RP with punctualmarksman }} punctualmarksman It was early morning when the half demon awoke. Well, previous half demon. Rin didn’t quite understand why, but for some reason his body awoke itself. Almost like a internal alarm clock went off. Though, this wasn’t to frightening. He’s done this before. Just on rare occasion. Slowly sitting up and yawning, he felt a little strange. His body felt…heavier. Though he thought nothing of it. Self-diagnosing it as just being tired still. But something told him in his mind to stay awake, so he did. Groaning and opening his eyes as he scratched beneath his stomach, as he usually had done, he realized his vision was fairly cloudy and uncertain. He could hardly make out his bed post. “Nnnn…” Trying to rub the sleep from his eyes, Rin soon realized it.. Wasn’t working. “Eh? What the hell-” he cut off when he heard his voice. Which.. Wasn’t his voice. “WHAT THE HELL?!” He exclaimed again, but almost in a shriek. Leaping up, on instinct his body grabbed a pair of glasses. Though he didn’t really intentionally do it. It must’ve been habit, but as soon as he did, he saw clearly again. Which scared him more. The only person who he knew in the dormitory whom had such eyes and glasses was his brother Yukio. To who he screamed for. “YUKIO!” Rin shouted, but shut up immediately when he saw his own body, sloppily snoring on his bed. His body. On His bed. “This is a dream.. It’s gotta be!” The teen told himself before trying to pinch his arm. No avail. Now the boy was panicked. So he did what he thought was right. Running over to what he believed to be his own body and frantically shaking it. “YUKIO! COME IN THE ROOM! SOMETHING IS WRONG!” The teen shrieked. Hoping his brother would rush in to help. Little did he know, he was Yukio. Well, in Yukios body that is.
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punctualmarksman · 10 years
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yeeeaaaah. Look at that shitty ass graphic that look like 5 minutes to make. Next time it'll be better i promise. uwu Buut, aCFHSM 200+, Already? Jfc. I've never felt more accepted in a fandom. All of you are so sweet like, it's just asdfgh. And including other people from other fandoms, you guys are a m a z i n g. Thank you for following me!! {Even tho I'm a lazy shit who takes years to reply} But you've all stayed with me and just w o w. This is gonna be really short 'cause it's mostly off the top of my head owo.   I'm gonna stop rambling and mention all of you babes.
unemotionalshinobi | underthealluringmask | captainmualexius | cambixn | jxhann-faust-v | warxdog | angelicpaladin | gunslingerrin marikawa-sensei teme-kun | coerulux | saintly-paladin
blueflamedswordweilder |thebreakingexorcist | kaminoraijuu | exrene | crack-lucifer  | | punctualmarksman | amxichi | loyalswordsman | thebroccoliking | the-other-okumura | the-king-of-time | cynthiaandsamus | 
hiistrio-archive | uchixas | extraordinarywolfpack | naviine | snowxreaper | devilishchancellor
bleuhell | paleae-hat | crxter | bluxfire | umbrafatum | ask-amaimon-for-service | tamerofnii | rexchingstxrs | saburota-toudou | gardenbellator | black-flamed-heart | hot-blooded-hayley | byakkotamer | 
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punctualmarksman · 10 years
((It's such an amazing book!!))
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punctualmarksman · 10 years
Tagged by green-eyed-tamer
Write five random things about yourself then pass it along to ten of your favourite/new followers:
1. I play flute and piccolo and have been for many years!
2. I love love love to cosplay and y'all should follow my updates or something idk
3. I have a twin sister! (Much like Yukio and Rin but I promise, neither of us are daughters of Satan or something :P)
4. I have a ton of beauty marks. Like, maybe more than Yukio.
5. I love platform sneakers like wowie
I'm not gonna tag anyone oops
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punctualmarksman · 10 years
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                                                        *Banner art by 襲釗*
               BABIES FIRST PHOTSHOP EDIT YAAS!! But in all honesty—Where do I even start? I am beyond shocked that I have made it this far in just a couple of months!! I remember joining this fandom as SUCH a nooby person with this super complex muse and I didn’t even know what I was doing LKJSFDSf. I’ve met so many great people who have completely changed my whole rping experience in general and friends who have made my life twice as exciting, but a general thank you goes out to all of you who bothered with following me! I love each and every one of you and cherish your follow this and my other blogs ( vxnea, underworld-assassin, zaug-al-adhra).
               If you’re not on this list, I either A. have forgotten to put you down OTL or B. still love you, but I want to interact more/don’t really see you on my dash BUT I still love you! ;;v;;
Plain: I admire you from afar
Italics: I consider you as a friend of mine~!
Bold: You’re my rp partner and we’ve interacted before!
♕{ A-D
|| achildofwater || akai-amol-selseila || alibaba-saluja-magi || alxbaba || a-maid-life-for-me || aphoralis || balbadds-flame || bararaq-serpentes || bloody-tyrant || blueberrymagi || boobs-are-soft-aladdin || brightredprince || brother-of-flames || bxiying || bxrbatos || callousinfamy || conquerorofzagan || corruptedgrace || crystallinefeathers || cutestprincessofkou || daggers-in-the-dark || definitelynotaprotagonist || djinness ||
♕{ E-L
|| empressofkou || eyes-of-deceit || fanalis-unchained || for-good-from-wicked || fortismorgiana || fxnalis || hinahobro || honest-merchant || hostxle || ijudar || imuchakk-warrior || infectiousdepravity || itssharrkan || judaring || king-armakan || kou-empires-adviser || kouenojisan || kougyxku || kouxn || kxsekis || lighthourglass || lights-and-promises || livingxwasteland || loyalvizier || luceryuu || lyellea ||
♕{ M-T
|| magiofkou || masrur-general || morgixna || mustasime || mxzu || ossankouen || professor-myers || punctualmarksman || qinggaofirstprince || red-supremacy || rescuedgoi || risingmiracle || saynara-kiata || shararrakesa || sharrkan-heliohapt-kingdom || shota-aladdin || sorceressofsindria || thewatersorceress || tjapa ||
♕{ U-Z
|| unmei-no-kaze || wiredfreckles || woman-of-the-black-rukh || xinferior || yamuraing ||
               Mini shoutouts;;
♚;; for-good-from-wicked: u suk but ur my sister so u r da beez kneez
♚;; corruptedgrace: ur a lil bitch
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punctualmarksman · 10 years
    Unfortunately, Yukio was dragged out with his brother yet again to seek the wonderful fun and enjoyment of the summer sun... If only Yukio liked the summer. His uniform made him uncomfortable and the heat made him irritable... Especially irritable with his brother. 
    Rin had eaten all of the ice cream he had bought and begged for Yukio to join him so they could get more. As much as the young exorcist didn't want to go outside and get sweaty, someone else wasn't there to supervise the son of satan... So he had to. 
    Watching from afar, Yukio noticed that his twin probably bought 20 packages of ice-pops and ice cream. He shook his head and then suddenly nearly fell over as a mass bumped into his back. 
    "Hey are you--" he stopped himself and noticed a young girl had run into him and tumbled to the floor, "Alright...?" he asked.
Open || Shopping Trip on a summer day
       Summer was already in full swing, the sun was shining brightly, and the temperatures were in the 90s that Saturday morning at True Cross Academy. The dorms were peaceful, and most of them had already attempted to cool down with frozen treats or the joyous invention known as the AC.
       Iona was planning the exact same thing, She opened the small freezer in her room to get an ice cream bar, only to remember the fact that she ate it the day before.
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"Guess I’ll go buy some more…" The lavenderette spoke to herself, Grabbing her wallet and heading out the door.
She was looking at the coupons she had found online an hour ago.
'50% off when you buy 2 dozen eggs…Seems like a good deal.' She thought to herself, but was snapped back into reality when she bumped into someone’s back, falling flat on her own. 
"That hurt…"
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