punkcollins-blog · 9 years
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“ I know, weird that one might consider here home, It’s been nothing but a memory for the past two years but if my heart’s here, it couldn’t be anythin’ else, y’ feel?”
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“No, no - serendipity works in this instance. There was a girl in one of my classes named Serendipity, actually, though she didn’t quite live up to the name. Home?”
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punkcollins-blog · 9 years
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“ oh man, even better. you know i’m keeping a running track on how nice i can be. been months now.”
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“you always did have something good to say to everything. you might even get me to smile in my tale of wallowing in self pity.”
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punkcollins-blog · 9 years
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“ You know, I’d say the same thing with Doncaster, but I’ven’t been home in almost ten years. Florida, must be interesting. All those gators.”
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“Florida! I’d say born and raised but that would be a lie, I’m technically Canadian. But I lived in Florida the longest.”
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punkcollins-blog · 9 years
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“When did you get so mature? Hardly even recognise ya.”
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“Just know that you didn’t ruin anything for him. For us. We had our happiness and Fate intended for it to be fleeting. I don’t know that I want you to… to let go of him. I haven’t and I don’t think I ever will. Like, he’ll always be a part of me, even now. My daughter and myself both share his last name for a reason… because I want people to remember him. Move on but remember.”
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punkcollins-blog · 9 years
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“Yeah, once upon a time.”
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“You used to live here?”
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punkcollins-blog · 9 years
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“... Hey, Casper.”
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punkcollins-blog · 9 years
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“ No, yeah, whatever you say.” he teased. “ something like... fifteen months? i stopped keeping track when i didn’t think I was coming back, if I’m honest. and shut the fuck up about me, you look amazing. did you cut your hair?”
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“Shut the fuck up, I’m basically the same height,” she grinned staring at him. “God damn you’re a sight for sore eyes, look at you, fuck, it’s been what a few months? Stop coming back looking more attractive soon enough they won’t let you back in.”
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punkcollins-blog · 9 years
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“ you don’t say? Where’re you coming from ? ”
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“I try to be pretty deep and understanding for the most part. Change is good sometimes. I just moved here, so a lot’s gonna be changing for me, too.”
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punkcollins-blog · 9 years
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“ That’s good to hear. I think it’s nice, just coming back home.”
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“Weyad,” Edgar echoed thoughtfully. “Isn’t that a nostalgic accent.” He chuckled. “I can understand where you’re coming from though. I like to think most of the important things have stayed relatively the same.”
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punkcollins-blog · 9 years
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“ It’s that feeling of.. Um. What’s it called?? Serendipity? Fuck it, I don’t even know. It’s just good t’ be home. ”
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“I didn’t think you meant it sarcastically at all - I completely understand what you mean. Being able to return to somewhere that’s been the same for so long is a wonderful feeling.”
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punkcollins-blog · 9 years
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“ you know i’m a big fan of that channel anyway. was the highlight of my highschool career innit ?? ”
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“You might not have enabled me directly but you didn’t stop me either. Sin of omission, Collins. I’d quite like dinner and a good dish. I’ve only really gotten to vent to a few people and greasy fries sound like the perfect side to accompany the latest Lissa News.”
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punkcollins-blog · 9 years
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“ No- I didn’t mean it like that, I just. I knew that. And I spent a long time regretting what I’ve done, so. I mean, yeah, alright. Maybe that’s the last piece of what I have to let go of. Him.”
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“We’re both older, that’s for certain. I – no, don’t. Don’t say that. We were… yeah. We were meant to be. He was my soulmate but it’s also been a full year since he went away. It’ll always make me sad but I’m not going to stop talking about him. Ever.  We don’t have to talk about it now but if you ever want to, the offer stands, okay? He was your best friend and all…”
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punkcollins-blog · 9 years
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“you can fuckin’ say that again.”
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“I swear to god, this town is the exact same way I left it.”
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punkcollins-blog · 9 years
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“ I mean, it’s true, innit? I guess the same has happened. Turned my life around, I did. Oh. Oh, fuck. I’m sorry. I didn’t - you two were meant to be, I... No, oh my god i’m sorry if it’s too much to talk about, please don’t try to on my account.”
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“You don’t have to victimize yourself too much, Jack. For what it’s worth, you’re, like, forgiven. Lots of things have happened – bad things – it all really puts the past into perspective. Thank you. I, well, I know I said I wouldn’t talk about it but just – Hunter’s not in the picture anymore. So you know. I’d really like to give you the full details of it but it might involve a lot of crying and dredging up things I’ve already grieved and set aside so we’d have to make a day of it. If you’re wanting to know?”
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punkcollins-blog · 9 years
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“ Unless I’m mistaken, I was never your enabler. you just did whatever you damn well pleased. Nonsense, you know I love drama. What if we did it over dinner? I’m craving some wet, hot, greasy diner food.”
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“believe me, i’ve got plenty of that. no need to be my enabler. i don’t want to overload you with my baggage – you’ve only just got back here. besides, it’s really just the same old shit but a different day.”
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punkcollins-blog · 9 years
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“ No, you’re completely fine, love. I chose to be a shitty person, that’s on me. You did nothing, nothing, wrong Bennett, you hear me? I was playing the scorned lover when... I misread a lot of things back then. I swear to you I’m nothing like that now. That’s so good to hear. I... I’m just glad to see things are working out for you both. It’s truly amazing to see how far you’ve come.”
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“I did not mean to bring that up and make it even more awkward. Sorry too. For, whatever I did. Henry’s doing much better. He’s at uni, got a job or two and he’s living with me and this guy he’s mad for. All’s well for him and that happiness is very overdue. He’s busy a lot though.”
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punkcollins-blog · 9 years
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“Cheers mate.”
“Guys I baked cookies and they did NOT burn!” 
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