punkin-hubbard ยท 1 year
Did my exercise, ate healthy, cleaned the couch AND the cats.
Then discovered the ac was out ๐Ÿซ 
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So I'm hot.
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punkin-hubbard ยท 1 year
Only just starting and I've already got a no bones day.
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Yesterday the weather and mold aligned to give me a debilitating headache. The 1812 Oveture played in my skull and neck. That's the one with the cannons, ya'll.
I woke up late today, scared to find out if i was still boneless. Thankfully the storm has passed! The clouds have cleared and I'm meeting my family today.
I'm writing it here to make it official: I'm working out when I get back! ๐Ÿ’ช Hold me to it internet!
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punkin-hubbard ยท 1 year
Started with new schedule today. This girl got up on time, ate a healthy bfast (zucchini and chicken nugs), made tea, took meds, etc.
It went great until I hit the exercise block.
Then I got myself all worked up about working out and ended up getting overstimulated. PDA is a struggle, ya'll!
Now I'm snuggled up under a weighted blanket, making this post ๐Ÿ˜“
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Thanks to @whatsupbeanie for the best reactions.
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