#glo up journey
punkin-hubbard · 1 year
Only just starting and I've already got a no bones day.
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Yesterday the weather and mold aligned to give me a debilitating headache. The 1812 Oveture played in my skull and neck. That's the one with the cannons, ya'll.
I woke up late today, scared to find out if i was still boneless. Thankfully the storm has passed! The clouds have cleared and I'm meeting my family today.
I'm writing it here to make it official: I'm working out when I get back! 💪 Hold me to it internet!
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foreverrryourssss · 7 months
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Back to regularly scheduled programming.
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vetripetraraani · 2 years
Girl/Femme Blogs I love - Part 2
Lovely pages with amazing guides to help you level up in life. 10/10 would recommend to follow.
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sunnysglow · 1 year
To the girlies who are saying negative things about themselves or their situations:
No, seriously. Stop.
I interviewed for a job I really wanted and I kept saying things like "oh what if I don't get the job?" or "I haven't heard back yet so obviously they've found better."
Turns out, I didn't get the job. In fact, I got the email at 4am on a Sunday. The office is CLOSED on Sunday and if it was a weekday, they're not in the office until 8:30am and the office isn't open until 9am.
So how in the world did I get an email at 4am on a Sunday???
I recently reapplied and went in with a mindset that I was gonna kill the interview. The process is technically 4 steps. I only had to go through 2. Typically you have a week between interviews, I had a day. Like I interviewed with one manager and he obviously thought I was a strong candidate so he told HR to send me an email to set up and interview with his manager for THE NEXT DAY.
Even as I waited for the email saying I got the job, I kept telling myself "It's taking a while because he already scheduled the interviews and it would be rude and unprofessional for him to cancel without giving them a chance."
Can you guess what happened next?
I got the job. And it's all because I refused to allow negativity to be put towards it.
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some more updates to add...
nails - did my polygel set. it looks good but i need to perfect my application around my cuticle area. i'm obsessed with super flushed cuticles and i'm determined to get this right.
weight loss - i have 2-3 lbs to go! once i reach that goal, i think that's it for the weight loss. plans to do a slightly more detailed detox and then to focus more on toning and strength building.
speaking of i've had to amend my fitness routine. i'm still having some knee pain but i'll be damned if i let that get in the way of my goals lol. i started doing stretches for knee pain and that's been helping plus instead of doing so much cardio i've switched to doing standing pilates instead.
skincare - going to dive more into learning about skincare (specifically the korean 10-step routine) but so far i've been enjoying doing my skin care routine. i might post a video of my skin care haul. i love buying mini products and i'm thinking of purchasing a skin care fridge but i don't know if it would be worth it. still need to begin doing my night time routine lol.
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Cool plants to have
Saguaro cactus Strawberry ice succulent
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Zebra Haworthia Burro’s tail succulent
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Bunny ears cactus Moonstone succulent
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theglamourempress · 2 years
After spending some time searching I've finally discovered THE fashion styling tip:
Wear whatever tf you want, wear what you love and freely express your soul. Have some fun!
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There’s Nothing Like Realizing You’ve Changed For The Better
So, my summer wasn’t great. But I’ve realized that I’ve changed for the better. I haven’t worried too much about friends not responding to me because I know now that’s how some of them are and it has nothing to do with me. I can be secure with not getting a response for a while (one of my friends is working three jobs so she’s extremely busy), and before I would be upset by not getting a reply or being left on read or seen, but I’m fine with it now. I think I can tell who’s worth my time or not now by my intuition, and I generally have a good sense of people. And besides, you don’t have to talk to your friends every day.
I’ve made some new cosplay friends online and honestly it’s been really nice. I also talked to a friend who likes anime and the same Adult Swim shows as I do on Discord, and that was really fun. We talked for two hours and when there were pauses, it didn’t feel awkward, more like we were just trying to think about what to say next. I had a friend I accidentally ghosted (I’m not perfect, I’m guilty of doing exactly what I hate experiencing) reach out to me and we’ve reconnected which is nice. I just wish some of these people didn’t live so far away from me!
I’ve been struggling with how to deal with the image people from my past might have of me. Am I still the same embarrassing bitter person I came across as to my old high school classmates? I hope not. I’m hoping they don’t have the image of me in their heads as the person I was then. I’m also struggling to figure out how to post my “basic white girl” side without feeling pressured to put up the “I’m different and I listen to metal and I’d never be caught dead listening to Taylor Swift” type of attitude I had. Because why can’t I like both? But I’d feel so embarrassed posting that I was going to a basic pop artist’s concert or watching a basic show like The Summer I Turned Pretty. And it’s hard to let go- I need to realize that I can like basic things and express that and that it doesn’t make me basic or like everyone else. But that’s so difficult for me to do. I know I’d be embarrassed if I posted it but this time I’ll do it. I’ll post it and I’ll keep posting that stuff until I don’t feel embarrassed to post it.
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shootingstarwritings · 3 months
Body-a-Day #2: Orb
The realm of Nadine faced utter calamity. A meteor headed off straight for the land and all seemed lost. Throughout the continent, people despaired as the news of the meteor spread.
Yet, hope was not lost. “And it shall not fall!” declared a bold young man by the name of Alfonse. He was a celebrated knight in the service of a lord of a small plot of land. Though still green in the path of knighthood, he was armed with knowledge of legends spread throughout the land. It was due to that knowledge that Alfonse set off.
“Five orbs are scattered throughout the continent,” he had told his lord. “When gathered, they are said to grant someone immense magical power to alter the very fate of the world.” With the power from those orbs, the meteor could be diverted. Perhaps even whisked away to another dimension entirely. “Please, milord… spread word of my quest. Give hope to the people of Nadine once more. That is all I ask.”
And without waiting for approval or even a response from the slack-jawed lord, Alfonse set off. He wandered the land, recruiting allies and gathering the orbs of power until he had four of the five orbs collected. A new legend took shape in Nadine, and Alfonse was right in the middle of it.
Now, the journey was near its end. Just one more week, Alfonse thought to himself as he looked up at the orange-dyed sky. He and his allies had managed to track down the fifth orb to a temple in the south.
And yet, Alfonse reminded himself, it could all be for naught. The legend could be mere hearsay with little truth to it. He couldn’t stop his hands from trembling or his heart from racing. At the start of this journey, his heart had been bursting with confidence. But now that he was so close to his goal, doubts began to muddle his mind. He had met and inspired so many people throughout his quest that the mere thought of letting them down nearly crushed heart. Either that crushes me, or the meteor does, he thought, allowing an ironic smirk to cross his face.
Alfonse took a deep breath and returned to camp with a smile that had become more and more of a burden to wear.
Unbeknownst to him, the fifth orb had already been found. Spying on Alfonse’s team just outside of camp was an old rival and fellow knight of Alfonse, Kronos. Untalented in magic yet extremely gifted in the physical combat, Kronos had been tailing Alfonse and his party for most of their quest. This last stop, the Southern Temple, was the first time he had been able to beat them to an orb. At the most pivotal point, thought Kronos. In his grip was the final orb, a cloudy thing that was about the size of his fist. Finally, the limelight will shine on me.
Growing up, Kronos had always been unable to stand out compared to Alfonse. Lacking any talent in magic, he could only distinguish himself by working on his body—becoming a beefy and powerful warrior. Sadly, Alfonse’s gift for spells and his strategic mind led to accolades that far and away overshadowed Kronos’ more meager accomplishments.
Not anymore, thought Kronos as he glared at Alfonse and friends’ campfire. He waited until they settled in for the night before making his move.
Kronos, despite his large stature, was unnaturally blessed with the gift of stealth thanks to his early days of sneaking around the mess hall for midnight snacks. He carefully made his way into Alfonse’s tent and snatched up his bag which contained the orbs. Honestly, if he’s this careless with them then they’re better off in my hands, Kronos thought.
Yes, it was for the best that Kronos stole them. He continued to convinced himself of that the whole time he snuck through the campsite. Once he managed to put a good distance between himself and Alfonse's party, he broke into a sprint, giddy as a schoolboy with gossip to spread.
Not long after, Kronos found himself in a clearing with a stump near the center. He sat down and placed the orbs in the shape of a star as the prophecy claimed.
Immediately, the orbs began to glow a myriad of colors. Kronos couldn’t help but laugh and cheer in pure joy as a ball of pure, magical light rose from the orbs and grew closer to him. He cupped his hands in front of his chest, fingers trembling with excitement as he imagined how wonderful the gift of magic would finally feel! “G-Give it to me…” he said, the corners of his eyes burning. “Give me the power to be a legend. Let me be the hero that stops the meteorite.
“Better yet,” an unfamiliar voice whispered to him. Kronos whipped his head back and forth, searching for the voice’s source. “Why don’t you give me something?” Was it the orbs? Before Kronos had time to think, the light rushed past his hands and dove into his chest.
“OOF!” was all Kronos could say as he fell back on his back. His body felt full—not simply with power, but with another entity inside.
“Give me your body!” The voice shouted in Kronos’ head. He tried to struggle and protest, but began to panic as he felt himself slowly lose control over his own body. “Don’t struggle, you’ll only be hurting yourself.”
Kronos shook his head in panic. “N-No…! S-Someone, please help!” he tried to shout, but couldn’t find the strength to speak louder than a whisper. He moaned as he felt the invasive force shifting inside of him. His arms and thighs flexed and his hands began fondling his hairy and robust chest. “P-Pervert…! There’s a pervert inside of me…” Kronos tried again.
“That’s right, my little hero,” said the voice, now echoing in Kronos’ mind. “There’s a pervert inside of you… the new Kronos. But, this body is getting quite cramped. I’m afraid your turn with it is up. But thank you for molding it into such a fine shape. Don’t worry, once your soul enters the orbs, it'll be split into too many parts to feel any of the loneliness."
So what rested inside the orbs wasn’t magical power, it was someone’s soul?! “Please don’t...” begged Kronos, knowing that Alfonse was too far away to help him. “Th-This is my body, no!” But it was too late. Kronos felt himself being sucked up and split into pieces. His very essence was being torn apart by magic that his mind couldn’t comprehend.
“A-Al… save me. Please,” were Kronos’ last words before he couldn’t think anymore.
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The new Kronos grunted as he tried out his new equipment. Armor discarded, he leaned against the stump as he jacked off. “It’s like masturbating for the very first time again,” he couldn’t help but chuckle. He raised an arm and took a whiff of his new musk before placing his attention back on his deliciously plump nipples.
“Wow! This body’s so sensitive,” groaned ‘Kronos’ as he began to pant, growing closer and closer to climax. “Fuck, fuck. This is me now…! I’m Kronos, I’m Kronos,” he said, laughing in joy and pleasure as he adopted his new identity. “Fuck, fuck, I-I’m… my first climax as Kronos…! Ahh, ahh, nngh…! Oh…” He bit his bottom lip as his cock shot one, two… five loads of cum onto the clearing. “How’d… you even become a warrior… with a body as erotic as this…?” ‘Kronos’ said in between pants.
With well-trained muscles, ‘Kronos’ stood up and stretched his new body, popping several joints with groans of pleasure. Each sensation was like saying hello to an old friend. He enjoyed the blades of grass tickling his bare feat and the cool night air caressing his naked flesh. He picked up an orb left on the stump and began to tell his tale to the first audience he's had in millennia.
“My name was William. I was a gifted mage in my king's court. They doubted my power and intentions, and sealed me away. Rather, they sealed William away, but now I’m you," he said with a sneer.
"Don’t worry, the name ‘Kronos’ will go down in history, just as you desired. I’ll stop that meteorite.” He raised a hand and saw the sparks of power that danced alongside his fingers. Good. None of his magical potential had faded during the soul transfer. “For now, just rest. Perhaps someone else will gather the orbs and you can escape.” He smirked at that, knowing that Kronos’ couldn’t hear him. “Farewell!”
After a quick incantation, the orbs rose to the sky and scattered throughout the continent yet again.
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punkin-hubbard · 1 year
Started with new schedule today. This girl got up on time, ate a healthy bfast (zucchini and chicken nugs), made tea, took meds, etc.
It went great until I hit the exercise block.
Then I got myself all worked up about working out and ended up getting overstimulated. PDA is a struggle, ya'll!
Now I'm snuggled up under a weighted blanket, making this post 😓
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Thanks to @whatsupbeanie for the best reactions.
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elicathebunny · 1 year
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When you love yourself you:
Don't seek extra validation from others
Make better decisions for yourself
Are not overly insecure and are about yourself
Enjoy being in your own space and spending time by yourself
Set boundaries
Start living for yourself and not because of others
Understand what's best for you
These things are necessary for success. Successful people don't wait around for a day when all their problems disappear and they are magically happy, no. They do the self-work and spend much time improving themselves, their status and their businesses.
Do your research and work on yourself. Stop searching for cookie-cutter advice online, stop searching for all of these "how to love yourself", "how to glo up", and "millionaire morning routine" bs. What works for others will not work for you, we are all different. What works for a celebrity will not work for you, what a celebrity eats does not guarantee you a sustainable lifestyle of health, and what a millionaire does in the morning does not set you up for a life of success. You need to find routines that work for you, stop doing exactly what others tell you to do but apply it in a way that works for you.
Learn what actual self-love is.
Self-love is loving yourself unconditionally. It means you've put in the work and you are comfortable and confident in yourself. Self-love means you can tell yourself no, it's discipline even when you feel lazy. Self-love is not caring about what others say to you, it's developing core values and boundaries that cannot be broken. It means allowing yourself to enjoy the things of life, creating the perfect balance of rest and hard work. It is being mindful of your choices to keep your peace and rewarding yourself after achievements.
Self-love isn't giving yourself unnecessary breaks because you "deserve it" even when you haven't done anything reward-worthy. Self-love isn't buying a crap ton of skincare products that don't do anything and are overpriced. It isn't overindulging in unhealthy foods or over-caring about your looks by exercising and starving yourself to death.
Self-love is something that should remain with you your entire life. It should not be put in a temporary product, a sudden/short decision or in something else other than yourself. You need to do some real internal digging to understand yourself because honestly, I cannot tell you. You will be confused and you will not know what and will not work. But that's the process of it.
QUALITIES OF SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE: Confidence Resilience Risk-Taking Self-Compassion Adaptability
If you are none of those, then I think you know where to start in your self-love journey.
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vetripetraraani · 2 years
Girl/Femme blogs I love - Part 1 💕
They have amazing content that will uplift you in one way or another. Love each of these pages so much.
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sunnysglow · 9 months
I got a new keyboard cover
and now typing just feels ✨pretty✨
it's a pink ombre and I'm so in love with it
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workout updates:
i missed 4 days of working out this week and although i obviously regret it, i realized that beating myself up about it wasn't going to change anything and the only thing that would is if i put on my shoes and did a workout which is exactly what i did. 40 minutes of speed walking/cardio with aerobics and i felt great afterwards. it was one of my fave workouts to date and will probably be one of my go-to cardio workouts for the time being. i'm still new to exercising so my body doesn't consider it a habit yet but i know that every time i do it, i'm building that discipline.
some reflections on my workout journey so far:
this takes time. be patient and remember this is a lifestyle change not short term.
unless you're in an environment that is supportive of the changes that you want to make, be prepared to fight against your environment. a good example is someone that wants to eat healthier but is surrounded by people that are constantly ordering unhealthy take out, sitting on their butts day in and day out or even worse, is negative about the positive changes that you're trying to make in your life! until you can get out of that negative environment and into a more encouraging one, you have to come up with ways to overcome/fight it or it will stop your progress.
for me personally, exercising is the best way for me to relieve stress and anxiety.
if you're just beginning a fitness journey or trying out a new style of exercise that's different from your norm, it is SO important to choose instructors that teach PROPER form. as much as i love the aesthetic of some of these fitness girlies on youtube, if they're not talking about proper form in their videos i don't even think about doing them until i know for sure that i have my form down. and you can't tell if you're doing it right just by looking at someone either, it's best to follow someone that's calling out the fundamentals of that technique, reminding you of your posture, what your stance should be like, how it should feel as you're doing the move and most importantly what you should NOT be doing.
changes i'm going to make to my fitness plan:
as of right now i'm still sticking to my 2-2-2 schedule:
2 days of upper body 2 days of lower body 2 days of cardio (1 day of rest)
for upper body i'm going to start off with 15 mins of cardio that focuses on the tummy and the core. i'll finish with about 20 mins of strength training with hand weights.
for lower body i've decided to not use weights at all and i'm going straight barre and pilates because pilates is THAT girl and barre is her best friend lol. personally, there's something very feminine about those kind of movements, especially elongated leg lifts - even though they're incredibly challenging lol
for cardio i will be doing my typical fast walking with light aerobics. for the time being i'll most likely do the 40 min workout i mentioned earlier.
i've also decided to begin dancing again as a way to begin re-discovering my femininity. i won't be doing anything crazy just practicing 1 or 2 sensual moves a day. this will be something of a "second" workout [of the day] which will most likely take 15 mins give or take so nothing strenuous just something i can do that will help relieve the stress that's built up during the day and that will also help root me in my femininity. win-win.
i will post another update in about a week!
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daystarvoyage · 5 months
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Hair representation matters in entertainment industry (including black people) Don’t ignore this.
Time to discuss People of color (POC)representation,
Why we need more Hairstyles, inspiration in media for culture.
It's time to debunk HERE I GO!!!
Hello To all the Lovely Stars & Space Voyagers, This is the Brown Sugar Queen Kyoko Cane Aka The Black Crystal Jem Of The Daystar Voyage, I am a Cosplayer, A Fabulous Blerd if you will who does Drag/perform, Making Creative content on platforms involving Family Entertainment Mostly with some variety in it.
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I come to talk about something that's been buzzing in my mind about a topic needing to get debunked & spoken about, IS POC REPRESENTATION & HAIRSTYLES IN MEDIA.
As a black Person Growing Up Myself, It has been a beautiful journey road being a proud African American man coming out as genderqueer, I always Found Comfort & love In My own Skin & even my Hair of all textures, first time I saw the ever Strong lightning goddess storm in the xmen series on fox kids made a great impact in my life in the early days of the 80s & 90s along other favorite shows back then however,
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POC representation in the Future of Anime & western animation even in today's media has been distorted Or even limited on how we as black people are drawn. from caricatures To Stereotypes, or to follow a certain trend to make a profit from viewers & fans be it from influencers & popular media or just to be made Fun Of & Mocked, do to make a profit out of our black origins & History.
Example black character such as Usopp One piece.
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however there have been great anime that have made our features positive one is Sol Bianca and others
Pokemon, Michiko Hatchin, Naruto & Carole And Tuesday.
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Just like In Real Life, We As black people come in so many textures and beautiful complexions as you see in all of animation, & black-owned magazines, such as essence and this one Called Jet in the 1920s through Now celebrating our great culture.
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We As Blerds, Black Fans & Cosplayers should have good content in which we can express, & be uplifted by our skin Personality & meaning itself, No matter what background or environment to which we dress, or cosplay a character that's out of our skin tone.
we come so far to the point where we have great indie creators, cosplayers even compays from hair products blogs Manga & comic books.
I'm glad that we are coming into our own and doing better but there's still work to be done, on how Hollywood treats us, and until we see the next all-black piece of media that's when we make it
(Carole & Tuesday, afro samurai & Yusuke on netflix prime example)
We need more Black Hairstyles in animation & we need it more than ever.
The Hair Style Topic, oh yes its no big surprise that hair controversy within media has sparked in outrage,or made in impact throughout, be it in and out of workplaces or in the entertainment industry, I do feel at times things could've been handled with care.
From what I've seen we have gotten 2 steps forward, 4 steps back situation of all the controversies coming from the killmonger haircut that's been sported, which is a limited stifled hairdo on how we are only presented and how our hair can be made into cause it's a following trend, Because this is not the only distinct hairsyle to have Iin animated media, A Half Cut Mop will Not do So Put some Soul Glo & Let It Grow.
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NOW you may wonder why i decided to put this post of a Disney main character of afro Latina background, well Luz Noceda I feel has great growth coming out to her friends and chosen family, however doesn't change the fact they didn't do anything for her to show ethnic representation other than speak Spanish, Having to show that aggressive Spicy latina Archetype to a Degree, & have a black father mention in season 2, having given no origin story or closure.
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throughout the show this showed has shown great lgbt representation even though at times flawed, in the relationship area. ( another topic for a video COmING SOON) however the owl house has fall flat on ethnic & hair representation, Gus is a great example of a character being sidelined a lot too.
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for instance luz noceda has been stifled into nothing but that pokemon goh knockoff haircut,
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even though there may have been open-minded viewers,who agree on luz hair being styled effectively, making many statements that hair shows so many emotions in animation, Down below
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That all hair on poc characters is a good is how you pull it off, in the picture below there tons of great characters in many hairdos complementing them.
sometimes i wish luz character could have handled by poc staff, and have her own break out like the rest of the female characters, cause I kid you not, I met a lot of non-gender-conforming characters or people, who sport many hair designs. It infuriates me such a beautiful person Luz Batista find out the pilot that her character was somewhat sidelined due to the writing Problems & Shipping and I'm baffled how of course white staff members didn't do their research on Afro Latina her cause Luz is beautiful
Knowing other shows such as Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur Do an incredible job of Discussing on how black hair is powerful, magical & comes in many shapes and intricate designs if you know what your doing and I for one have a graceful mother who a beautician coming from her,
We are in an era where black people shouldn't exist or we arent amount to anything and I too had my fair share of my hair being talked about in a nasty way,
This concludes the story post of how black representation should matter support shows out of mainstream like indie projects, cause there paving the way also a video post of my channel and The owl house debunk series thanks.
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Now this is has been another topic post , right now getting ready for my epic momocon outing meeting Disney creators, and everything animation, hope everyone has a good one and all the links on good hair and my video post is here below, Have a Have a Nice Cruise & Stay Shining.
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