pupgender-gelly · 1 year
object show fans when. a character and relationship is complicated. and is clearly going through an arc. and they arent super lovey dovey and perfect all the time
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pupgender-gelly · 1 year
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take a little nap to feel better :)
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pupgender-gelly · 1 year
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the smallest little guy…
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pupgender-gelly · 1 year
this top surgery is brought to you by blokcys funny doings international
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pupgender-gelly · 1 year
ii scribblys.
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pupgender-gelly · 1 year
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messages I got from my wife this morning
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pupgender-gelly · 1 year
listen to me. thoughts do not have moral weight. a thought will never hurt anyone. the actions you take because of a thought can hurt yourself or other people, but the thought itself is powerless and there is no such thing as thought crime.
"but i have thoughts about being violent towards people! towards children! surely that makes me dangerous!" are you being violent? for real? with your actions? if not, then you are not actually hurting anyone
"but i have thoughts that are offensive and hurtful! they're bigoted, or they're horribly rude, or they're invalidating to others! i'm a horrible person." and what are you doing with those thoughts, exactly? are you taking bigoted actions, or saying those rude things, or taking steps to actually invalidate people? no? well then. no one is getting hurt. and in the meantime, if it really bothers you, doing things like helping unlearn your biases (both against minorities and just, like, against furries and theatre kids and shit) might help some of those thoughts go away, but sometimes you just get shitty thoughts.
"but i have horrific thoughts about sex!" are you hurting people. are you forcing people to do things they don't consent to. or are you just playing the upsetting possibility in your mind over and over again, and acting like that's even remotely the same thing?
thought. crime. is. not. real. OCD. is. hell. (and anything else that may cause intrusive thoughts.) but it does not define you. your thoughts will always, always come secondary to your actions. you're gonna be fine.
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pupgender-gelly · 1 year
I missed yinyang wednesday but its ok because I drew Loser with him again for fun, they're on a picnic %)
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pupgender-gelly · 1 year
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pupgender-gelly · 1 year
i opened flash and just kinda
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pupgender-gelly · 1 year
hawkash songs go
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pupgender-gelly · 1 year
sorry to be cringey but can we stop this idea that every furry is a sex hungry freak that likes bestiality and has really disturbing kinks. being a furry is just thinking anthropomorphic animals are interesting and cute. theres nothing inherently sexual about being a furry. just because someone says “im a furry” they arent necessarily confessing to you how they get horny for foxes with tits or diapers on dogs or something. so when u see someone make a fursona or draw an anthro animal, dont immediately think “they wanna fuck animals”. sometimes its just that….anthro animals….are fun to draw. 
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pupgender-gelly · 1 year
you know...considering how intimidating jayfeather comes off to other cats it would be interesting if there were y'know, consequences to that. imagine a kit hiding green cough symptoms because they're terrified jayfeather will yell at them for it, or a apprentice hiding a small injury like a thorn getting stuck in their paw because they're uncomfortable with how unsympathetic he tends to be. imagine warriors asking for alderheart, even when he's out doing whatever because they don't want to deal with being berated
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pupgender-gelly · 1 year
i feel like there's a trend i'm seeing, esp in online queer spaces, of being, like, oddly against the idea of people being attracted to each other
like I've been seeing the word “sexualization” tossed around to mean sexual attraction and framed as a bad and disrespectful, bordering on nonconsensual, thing.
recently in a sapphic group I’m in, a teenage lesbian mentioned that she’s attracted to her friend and and keeps getting distracted by her boobs. she was immediately dragged by dozens of grown ass adults telling her this was gross and inappropriate
it would have been one thing to tell her not to stare (she already wasn’t tho tbh), but the general gist of the comments was that seeing someone’s body and feeling attraction is *inherently* inappropriate and unethical
it’s totally fine to be attracted to someone. and you know what, a lot of people like boobs and that’s also fine
basically i just keep seeing stuff cropping up in the queer community with the message that sexual (and i guess now romantic?) desire is bad
and that’s uhhh what’s the word, fucked
on the other hand people are chill with tinder and hooking up and there are a ton of “normalize having sex with your friends!!” posts
people are cool with sex but they are not ok with desire
tinder, i think, feels fine because it’s really not about attraction. it’s about fulfilling a general need for sex and isn’t about the person at all.
being attracted to someone, though — looking at or thinking about a specific person who’s already in your life and wanting to have sex with them — that’s what it seems a lot of people aren’t ok with
there’s a level on which i get it. the person is just existing, they didn’t specifically and intentionally put themselves in a space for sexuality like tinder
but, y’all.
this is how attraction works. you spend time with people, you do things alongside them, you get to know them… and maybe you start thinking they’re hot. maybe you want to fuck them or kiss them. this is literally so totally fucking fine.
the thing that’s disrespectful is when you actually do shitty stuff! don’t say vulgar things to them. respect their boundaries. don’t make them uncomfortable. if you approach them for sex or dating and they say no, accept that. etc
but there’s literally nothing wrong with wanting to fuck someone or wanting to date someone.
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pupgender-gelly · 1 year
"What does daphne even do?" She literally looks for clues. Go fuck yourself
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pupgender-gelly · 1 year
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🍂 🦋
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pupgender-gelly · 1 year
woah, dude. that's so cool. btw i cant tell your gender
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