puredatingnet · 6 years
Simple Tips to Elevate Your Dating Game
Between work, hobbies, family and friends, it can be hard to find time to date. But when you finally get some free time, you can meet people anywhere these days. There is no doubt that asking someone out can feel gut wrenching, but once they’ve said yes, the rest is a no-brainer. The most important thing to remember while dating is to keep an open mind. Bad dates might happen, and probably will happen, but they’ll only help you figure out what you want and don’t want in a partner. Throughout the process you’re going to have some questions, and thankfully, others have been in your place and have advice to help build your confidence and success in the dating world.
Is it wrong to text or call before the first date?
Before the big date, make sure you’re still actively communicating with your match. There is nothing worse than being ghosted before the first date even starts. While the two of you are chatting, make sure you figure out each others interests. This will help determine where your first date will take place. First impressions go a long way, so we recommend choosing a public location that will allow you to feel comfortable, and act your natural self. If you’re having trouble deciding where to take your date, check out these 20 Great First Dates for some inspiration.
What should I wear?
There is no need to stress when picking out an outfit for your date. Determining the location of the date is the stressful part, so figuring out what to wear should be stress-free! If you’re feeling unsure about what to wear, pick out a couple options and ask for some opinions. What else is Snapchat good for these days? Your friends won’t let you down!
When figuring out what to wear, make sure you are comfortable in whatever you’re wearing. There is nothing worse than sitting for hours in an uncomfortable pair of pants or sweating under multiple layers. If you feel confident in what you’re wearing, you’ll be able to act comfortable around your date. If your first date takes place during the day, or err on the side of wearing something casual (but not too casual!). For the ladies, we recommend wearing a fun colored sweater, such as this one, with a pair of skinny jeans. Throw on your most comfortable pair of booties, and you’ll be ready for your date! For the men out there, try wearing a pair of stretch jeans with a nice long sleeve shirt. Add a pair of chukka boots to elevate your casual look.
If your date takes place in the evening, try to figure out as many details about where you’re going before picking out an outfit. If the date is a surprise, try to give the other person as many specifics about the location. There is nothing worse than showing up somewhere under or over dressed for the occasion. For the women out there, you can never go wrong with a great pair of black jeans. Dress your jeans up with a black blouse with some accent jewelry, or a leather jacket. For the gentlemen, spruce up your dark wash stretch jeans with a classy dress shirt. Add a blazer on top for a dressy casual look.
Is dating etiquette still a thing?
Dating etiquette is by far the most important aspect of a first date. Looking good in your outfit shouldn’t be the only reason to “wow” your date. Etiquette is by far the most crucial aspect to a first date, and when taken into consideration is likely to increase your chances of getting a second date. There certainly will be nerves at the beginning, but don’t let that be a reason to forget your manners. One of the biggest things to think about is disconnecting from your phone. It can be hard, but we highly recommend putting your phones away altogether to avoid any temptation to use it. There is no worse feeling than being on a date when the other person whips out their phone to check out their Instagram feed or Snapchat a picture of their dinner – don’t be that person. Make sure you are engaged in the conversation. Eye contact and good conversation can go a long way! Check out how to tell if your first date is going well here.
The first date ends, now what?
Like mentioned before, always remember to keep an open mind while dating. You might not feel a connection with someone after the first date, and that’s okay! There is no reason to feel bad or upset. It’s a learning experience. The best thing you can do at that point is to be honest with the other person. Don’t agree to a second date if you’re just going to ghost them or make up an excuse in the end. They’ll appreciate it and you can build up your confidence in making the right dating decisions.
Lastly, there is always the debate of waiting a few days to text your date or to contact them right after your first outing. If the date was a success, don’t let any doubts cross your mind. Let them know that you had a great time! Don’t feel timid, and confidently plan that second date. If both parties are interested, the other person should offer to make the plans this time. And if that’s you, don’t stress. After all of the great conversation from the first date, planning a second should be easy!
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puredatingnet · 6 years
Best Vacation Ideas for New Couples
Ah, the start of a new romance. It’s a wondrous stage wherein you feel that you’re the first two people to have found love in the history of the world. You’ve taken all the first steps; stayed up too late talking about your childhood, meeting the parents, sex with the lights on. What a time to be alive! This may be well and good, but you’re ready to level up, dammit. You feel comfortable, secure in your newfound relationship bliss that the inevitable next step is to plan a trip.
Unbeknownst to the newly swooned, a vacation can be the best or worst thing for a new couple, it’s all in how you navigate it. You want to avoid testing the relationship, but it will surely be put to the test. You want to get out of your comfort zone, yet desire the effortlessness you feel with one another at home. From the honeymoon stage to falling in love to getting comfortable these tried vacation ideas are here for you.
Suggested for: The Hungry History Buffs
It’s true, Barcelona is as blissful as rumors suggest. A city that oozes charm, Barcelona is the perfect destination for a new couple. The views and the culture will amaze you! Stroll the streets of the Gothic Quarter, taking frequent tapas breaks. Shop with a gelato in hand on Las Ramblas. Revel in the pivotal, grandeur of the architecture. Go full tourist by jumping on a Hop On- Hop Off bus tour to see the city in its entirety. Be sure to take a night walking tour of the city where you will learn about Barcelona’s history, with a few ghost stories sprinkled in for good measure. And, definitely end off an evening by drinking cheap wine accompanied by fantastic live music at the Harlem Jazz Club. If you needed any more convincing, Barcelona is also a city that believes in the siesta, need I say more?
Suggested for: The Adventurous Couple
Remember those early first dates? The time your SO treated you to the best pho in the city? Now it’s time to try the OG. Starting in the south of Vietnam, procure yourself a sturdy motorbike. Travel through the towns of the Mekong Delta eventually making your way to Ho Chi Minh city to take in the rich culture of Vietnam. Pick up new hobbies, like kiteboarding in Mui Ne, snorkeling or scuba diving in Nha Trang. Using a bicycle as transportation, explore the charming town of Hoi An where you can also drink snake wine by night and have clothes made by day. Let yourself get lost in the overwhelming, bustling streets of Hanoi. Put your motorbike to the test as you ride the ever winding roads that make up the Hai Van Pass. All this before completing your journey in the Northern town of Sa Pa, where you can trek in Lord of the Rings-worthy mountains with the opportunity to stay with a welcoming Hmong Tribe family.
Suggested for: The Relaxation Seekers
Three syllables: treat yo-self. The all-inclusive exists for a reason, take advantage! Beaches – like the people – in Cuba are some of the best around. Enjoy Cuban cocktails with a side of clear water and more sun than you know what to do with. But, don’t hesitate to leave your resort. While iconic towns like Havana are worthy of a lengthy visit, Varadero is also a wonderful place to stop by. You can look forward to unexpected live music, handmade artistry, and the coolest car sightings. Bonus: if you catch wind that the Buena Vista Social Club is playing at a city nearby, take it as a sign that that is what you are meant to do that evening.
Suggested for: The Nature Lovers
The second largest country in the world, but the most beautiful. OK, yes, I’m completely biased. One of the (many) amazing things about Canada is the difference in scenery from province to province. Equally beautiful, the West and East Coasts vary in basic culture. If you are looking to see some of the West, the Canadian Rockies are a must. With an expansive opportunity to hike and see wildlife, explore in awe the jaw-dropping natural beauty of Canada on the Icefields Parkway. Banff is home to some of the most electric blue lakes in Canada. If you get your energy from nature, the Canadian Rockies will definitely excite you. A stunning, romantic vacation for the nature loving couple.
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puredatingnet · 6 years
What’s Next After Valentine’s Day?
February 14th creates mixed emotions for people: some celebrate their love for their partner, while others celebrate being single with friends, some enjoy the day alone with wine and ice cream and there are some don’t celebrate at all.
But what happens after Valentine’s Day?  Where do we go from Cupid’s celebration?
Here are some suggestions to put a spring in your step:
1) Pamper yourself.
It’s super important to have “me time.” It can be anything that gets you feeling spoiled.  Take a break to curl up and read that book that you keep eyeing but never get a chance pick up.  Put the headphones on to listen to the tunes that you have recently downloaded.
Have a spa day. If you don’t have time for an entire day, maybe a facial or just a pedicure. Also a hot rock massage helps melt away any stress that you might be holding in from the winter blues. It’s all about taking care of yourself.  
2) Take a class or volunteer.
Spring is the perfect time to start something new.  If there is a class on your bucket list, move it over to your accomplish list. It doesn’t have to be a full semester course, there are one night classes or classes for 6 weeks.  There are all kinds of classes out there: from cooking to photography; music to languages.  Have a look at the local colleges and any online programs in your area.  
Volunteering is all about your passion. It also flexible to work around your schedule.  The opportunities are everywhere: from dog walking at the local shelter, to reading to seniors to helping out at events. Whatever your interests are, there is a volunteer job that matches.
Both of these activities promotes self-confidence and is also a great way to meet people with similar passions.
3) Spend time with friends and family.
Nothing bond friends and family like a potluck or an afternoon out at the bowling lanes. Dust off pictionary, charades or the family favorites to spark healthy competition.  It’s relaxing and fun to be around people that have been with you through thick and thin. Enjoy the time to just release stress and be yourself.  
4) Enjoy the great outdoors.
There is something about Mother Nature that is refreshing and invigorating. For those who may not be hiking enthusiasts, there is lots to do outside.  In the winter, there is snow shoeing and skiing, also there are some local attractions that are opened all year round.  You could also play tourist for an afternoon and explore your town on foot.   The goal is to disconnect from the everyday routine to help reset and energize.
5) Spring cleaning.
Nothing helps moving on better than letting go.  Take on that one closet that you look away from every time you walk by it. Donate the clothes that you have not worn in a year to a non-profit group.  Recycle old electronics that are sitting around collecting dust. There is a sense of accomplishment and closure when you clear things out of your home that you no longer need.  
Valentine’s Day may be over for another year, some enjoyed the love and passion of it while others maybe not so much. Spring is just around the corner and it’s the perfect time to release, energize and let go.
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puredatingnet · 6 years
How to Be An Emotional Genius: Get Straight A’s in Your Love Life
Would you like to be an emotional genius? Someone who has a high level of Emotional Intelligence, and can manage your feelings, understand other’s emotions, and develop great relationships? Now, you can. New research in Emotional Intelligence (EQ.) tells us that developing a high emotional intelligence can help you choose the right partner and maintain a healthy and happy relationship.
Here are four ways you can raise your EQ
Know Yourself and Your Date’s Emotional Style: There are two main personality types in the emotional world: The Thinker and The Feeler.  Thinkers makes decisions primarily with their head (logic); Feelers make choices mainly with their heart (emotions).  Although you may do both, chances are, you are stronger in one area. If you’re a Feeler dating a Thinker, it’s important that you use logic and rational thinking in your conversations—he will fall in love with your mind.  If you’re a Thinker dating a Feeler, then you need to “Think your way” to his feelings— he may need more verbal reassurance and physical affection.
Pick an Emotionally Smart Man: When dating someone, don’t be blinded by surface looks or charm. Look for signs of an emotionally intelligent guy.  An emotionally smart man doesn’t play games (he tells you how he feels), is able to manage his emotions (he doesn’t lose patience at a moment’s notice), and demonstrates empathy (he can sense your feelings).   On the other hand, “emotionally unintelligent” men have a harder time grasping their emotions (they lose patience easily), are oblivious to your feelings, and often have fewer friends due to lack of trust.  Avoid emotionally unintelligent men, and spend time with the emotionally intelligent ones, and you will ultimately find the best man for you for a happy long-term relationship.
Don’t Jump to Emotional Conclusions:  One mistake you may make, especially if you’re a Feeler, is to emotionally misinterpret your guy’s actions.  If, for example, he delays in texting you back, you may jump to a conclusion: “He doesn’t care.” In reality, he may be busy, sad, or not feeling well (or maybe, God forbid, his phone broke). Yes, he may not be interested but regardless of what you’re thinking at the moment, it’s important that you wait and ask him, instead of jumping to a quick emotional conclusion that may be wrong.
Develop Empathy:  One of the signs of Emotional Genius is Empathy—when you can put yourself emotionally in the shoes of your partner.  If you’re an empathetic person, you can sense when your significant other is feeling down—you can pick them up with the right words to encourage and motivate them. Similarly, your goal is to attract an empathetic man who also is in tune with your feelings—who can give you a massage and set up your bath when you’re feeling tired or lousy. Yes, there are empathetic single men out there, and you will find the right one when you are that way yourself. Remember, empathy attracts empathy, and emotional intelligence attracts the same.
As you raise your emotional intelligence, you will discover that one of your best tools is self-awareness. Begin today by being more aware of your feelings and even writing them down in a journal. As your self-awareness and emotional intelligence grows, you will enjoy your relationships more, and you will substantially increase your personal happiness.
Readers can learn more and listen to “BE AN EMOTIONAL GENIUS” Love University Podcast here.
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puredatingnet · 6 years
Innovative Ways To Achieve Your Own Unique Wedding Style
The one-of-a-kind wedding look,  something that almost every couple wants to achieve. As desired as it is, though, completing that signature look is much easier said than done for most.
How often have you looked at a stunning wedding photo and wondered, “How on earth did they pull that off?” It might seem like magic, but it’s just a combination of careful planning and smart style choices.
Today, we’re going to demystify what it takes to achieve a unique wedding look and give you a few tips for planning your own.
Tips For Creating A You’re Unique Wedding Look
Go With A Theme:
Themes are a popular choice, and a very attractive one for many couples. Now, you may be thinking that because themes are hot right now, that must also mean they’re played out. No way you could do one without it coming off as stale, right? In truth, they open up a new world of possibilities.
Classic with a Twist:  The beach wedding is a tried-and-true option. Often, you’ll see lighter color palettes that incorporate blue, coral, and many softer hues. Why not mix things up with some green bridesmaid dresses and purple adornments? You can add in an analogous color for the decorations and then you’ve got a unique trio of colors that secures your personal to the beach theme.
Seasonal: Alternatively, you could go all out with a theme that is seldom, if ever, used. If you feel the rustic wedding is unoriginal, why not try an homage to your favorite media? Couples have taken a chance on everything from superhero weddings to Lego themed weddings, and succeeded in pulling the look off! You could even try a holiday theme like Halloween or Christmas. This will give you the chance to spruce up your design choices and enjoy the season all at the same time.
Unique Locale: Choose a special location. We’ve all seen weddings at the church or the vineyard, but how many have you seen on a mountaintop or a desert oasis? The choice in scenery will also give you some fresh design ideas for when you’re planning the wedding party’s look.
Throw In Some Extras: If planning an entire wedding around a particular theme seems exhausting, you could try adding one or two elements that guests will find refreshing and innovative. How about welcome/gift bags with handy items for your guests? A fantastic live band that can wow the crowd. Even something as simple as a signature cocktail can leave a lasting impression on your wedding guests. The Knot has a great article on unique wedding extras, and it goes to show you that your imagination is the limit!
It’s Time To Look and Feel Your Best!
And that means dressing for the occasion with quality wedding garments. Azazie is here to help you look your best, and we’ve got plenty of fashion tips if you need some suggestions on how to achieve that unique wedding style. Feel free to view our stunning collection of brides and bridesmaids dresses, along with accessories you might need to complete your look!
The post Innovative Ways To Achieve Your Own Unique Wedding Style appeared first on PlentyOfFish Blog.
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puredatingnet · 6 years
How Did You Know Your Partner Was The One? From The Plenty of Fish Team
Leading up to Valentine’s Day, we asked our fellow Plenty of Fish employees,
“When did you know your significant other was the one?”
Today, we are so happy to share their beautiful, funny and heart warming responses with all of you!
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puredatingnet · 6 years
Top 5 Netflix Shows to Bond With Your Partner Over
I think we can all agree that the most difficult part about a relationship isn’t the sacrifices, or anxiety, or cohabitating. It’s deciding what to watch on TV, obviously. Picture it, the idyllic night in, involving all the staples: a cozy blanket, your University hoodie, a glass bottle of wine, a bowl of popcorn with melted butter on top (because YO-freakin’-LO), and your partner in comfy town. The only thing this coveted situation is in need of is something to watch. Familiar classics like Friends or The Office will satiate you for a time but before long one of you will be scrolling through Instagram or asleep before Ross even finds out about Monica and Chandler. This is a slippery slope indeed, a choose your own adventure of sorts.
The most ideal way to navigate your Netflix queue with your partner is to consult The Trifecta of Bingeworthiness (patent pending). Preparing to glue your eyeballs to the TV for an undetermined amount of time is like finding the one. In order to avoid making a frivolous decision, the answer to the following three questions must be a resounding YES:
1 – Can you assume that the characters will hold your attention for more than a few episodes?
2 – Does more than one season of the show in question exist?
3 – Does it have the ability to spark interesting conversation between you and your SO post viewing?
Of all the programs, in all of Netflix, let these walk into your List.
Black Mirror
If non-stop captivation and post viewing discussion revolving around human nature are your thing, Black Mirror is the ticket. This nearly unavoidable anthology centres around science fiction, dystopian futures, and moral ethical dilemmas. With four seasons of no more than 6 episodes per season, each averaging 60 minutes in length, it is an excellent recipe for binge-watching.
This is Us
I’m not trying to tell you how to live your life, but if you have not yet let the Pearson family into your living room, what are you even doing? This real, emotional, loveable show requires a box of Kleenex, and someone sweet to watch it with. Get ready to fall in love with every character on This is Us, they are all hashtag goals. (Except teenage Kevin – he’s a brat. You’ll understand once you watch). Fair warning, after seeing the kind of man Jack is, the marriage Randall and Beth have, and the sibling relationship between Kevin and Kate, you’ll be holding your nearest and dearest to a whole new standard.
The Good Place
At the off chance that you aren’t following Kristen Bell on Instagram or the more probable chance that you don’t have cable, prior to being added to Netflix you may not have heard about a gem called The Good Place. Come for the scintillating take on the afterlife, stay for the Eleanor (Kristen Bell) flashbacks – they’re “forkin’” great.
Formerly called Scrotal Recall (I’m not joking), Lovesick is the most underrated show on Netflix. It has everything; awkwardness, multiple and intertwining love stories, and a wicked soundtrack (Alt-J, Metronomy, Django Django…). Following the lives of three best friends – specifically one’s sordid sexual past, Lovesick manages to tackle subject matter in the most refreshingly relatable, down to earth way. This British sitcom is impossible not to love.
The Last Man on Earth
Will Forte is basically the newest version of a Michael Scott-esque (The Office) character and it is excellent. He is the right amount of cringey; you hate him, yet find yourself rooting for him. The Last Man on Earth is a comedy full of holes, nothing about it is realistic and that is what works. It dances on the line of dry and slapstick in a way that will make you literally laugh out loud. On paper, it may not seem that appealing, but I dare you to just watch one episode – spoiler alert: you can’t.
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puredatingnet · 6 years
Crush Of The Month: Jennifer
By day, she’s a fashion and beauty blogger with a substantial YouTube following. By night, well — she’s all the above plus a normal, coffee-loving, Spanish-learning firecracker. “My friends would describe me as ‘animated,’” the brunette beauty told us. “I get really excited really easily. I’m just an upbeat, bubbly person who loves to talk!” […] via Dating Sites http://ift.tt/2nWKkjK
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puredatingnet · 6 years
Seven Unique Wedding Gifts for Every Happy Couple
Wedding gifts usually come down to a few typical presents every couple either registers for or expects to get, and everyone is getting tired of it (yes, the couple included). If the couple getting married hasn’t registered and you have the opportunity to be creative in choosing the gift, here are some ideas that are definitely everything but boring!
Mr. and Mrs. coffee mugs
Coffee-obsessed couples will love having their own, personalized coffee mug to enjoy and this is your opportunity to give it to them. Every morning with their first sip, they’ll not only have a matching mug set to enjoy the wonderful smell and taste of coffee together but they’ll be happy to remember you. Cute!
Traveling kit
Couples that love to travel together will love getting something they’ll be able to use on their traveling adventures; be their favorite guest by putting together a traveling wedding basket made of the most useful Go Travel gadgets like a money belt, hidden holster wallet, flight socks, cable and lock, etc. Think “him & her” gadgets for a 100% success score.
A cooking gadget
Couples who enjoy cooking (together) will appreciate getting an awesome kitchen gadget like an elegant pot set, a juicer, a posh cutlery set, etc. Make your friends happy with a personalized gift of this type and you may be invited for dinner more often than you’d anticipated.
A wine box
Dedicate a wine box to your wine-loving friends for their wedding day by picking two or three of your or your friends’ favorite wines and boxing them up. This elegant wine container is a perfect gift for the couple who will be encouraged to toast to their love drinking your super delicious wedding wine.
A gramophone
Music-obsessed couples with an appreciation of a quality tune and a retro feel will love getting a vintage gramophone or a collection of their favorite artist’s records. Start the search at vintage stores and high-end garage sales, then move onto Amazon and eBay.
A custom made cheese board
If the bride and the groom love cheese and you know they often organize some wine and cheese tasting parties, then this is the perfect gift for them. Find the shape of the board you like the most and print or carve their names into it. You can even add a poem or a doodle that fits their personalities.
Personalized Bedding
Give the happy couple a set of personalized sheets with their name embellished on the covers and pillowcases. Wish them an always-cozy bedtime, a careless sleep and a passion we all dream of. Make sure you opt for high-quality fabrics.
Hopefully, the list above helped your creative juices flow. Choose a personalized gift, one worthy of your friends’ interests and joy. Good luck!
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puredatingnet · 6 years
Low-Pressure Date Ideas for Valentine’s Day
For most of us, just the thought of Valentine’s Day approaching can send off stress alarms. We get it – dates around Valentine’s Day aren’t easy to navigate, especially if you’ve only been seeing someone for a short time or you’re getting ready to go on the first date. Luckily, Topgolf is making date night […] via Dating Sites http://ift.tt/2EP7GPG
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puredatingnet · 6 years
Love Lessons from A Plenty of Fish Success Couple
There is no better way to start the month of LOVE than with one of our favorite Plenty of Fish success stories. The story of Alicia and Timothy will not only make you tear up, it will provide you with helpful tips on how to find “the one” online.
Alicia and Timothy emphasize the importance of:
1. Filling out your dating profile wholeheartedly to reflect your hobbies/interests 
2. First impressions and first messages 
3. Patience and honest communication
Timothy: I had seen Alicia’s profile and I couldn’t write her due to her preferred mail settings, so I just prayed she would look at my profile and write me. My prayers were answered. I was shocked she messaged me! I felt bad because I had just started my 2 hour commute back home, so I wasn’t able to reply until I got home.
Alicia: In my settings on my profile I had selected “only upgraded users can message me” because I loved having the freedom to message who I really wanted to. So I had to message Timothy first. I wrote a short message just saying “hello, I love your profile.”
I saw he read the message but after about a half hour, I didn’t hear back so I thought he wasn’t interested and it made me a little sad.
Timothy: Since it was so long since Alicia had messaged me, I made sure that I read her message and her profile very carefully. Since it took me so long to even read the message, I made sure to make my first impression count.
I took one subject from each of her sections that stood out to me or that I could relate to. As I kept reading, I saw the woman of my dreams.
A woman that likes to fish but hates to eat seafood, a gamer, and has a beautiful singing voice. Match made in heaven.
Alicia: 30-40 minutes after I had sent my message to Timothy, I received a notification that he wrote me back! My heart skipped a beat.
I opened the message and he had written the longest message I had ever seen! I knew at that very moment he was interested in getting to know me. He took his time to read my whole profile and asked questions. I was in complete shock that he invested that much time in his first message to me.
Our first conversation was about every single thing on my profile and his! We just clicked right away! It was like a key fitting in its own key hole. We haven’t stopped talking from that moment on.
The First Date
Timothy: Our first date; that day started out in a rush and a total wreck, literally. I got into a car accident that morning before work and I had to take the day off. I was not going to it stop me from having the best date I had ever been on. A date filled with talking, bowling, and enjoying our time together resulting in an amazing day.
Alicia: I have full custody of my two kiddos so the person had to be 100% worth it for me to pay for a sitter to go on a date. I knew Timothy was worth it. We didn’t bowl much, we mainly just sat talking for hours on end….everything was so natural and exciting!
I knew they were the one
Timothy: I knew Alicia was the one the first time I read her profile.
Alicia: I knew he was the one for me when he told me to take my time and he would be patient and wait for me to open up. I was in an abusive marriage before so I had very high, large, solid walls up and could never let anyone in. He was the only one who was able to get through my walls to my heart and that, in itself, is a huge thing for me. I was falling in love without trying and it was scary but exciting.
What I Love Most
Timothy: Even until this very day, she still shows me how much she loves me and that she loves me for who I am. I am perfect the way I am, even if we disagree, that is okay. We will work it out and continue to accept each other for the perfect people we are for each other.
Alicia: I love his passionate, loving, caring, and giving heart. I love his optimism and how genuine he is. His loyalty and how he is the most amazing father. I love how he loves my children from my marriage as his own. He knows how to genuinely apologize and not make the same mistakes. We have not had a single argument. We have disagreed but we just talk it out and compromise.
I feel beyond blessed every single day that we crossed paths, thanks to POF!
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puredatingnet · 6 years
Match Made: Colleen & Chris
Colleen had signed up for the one-week free trial on Match with low expectations. Yet, she surprised herself when she initiated conversation with Chris by sending him a wink. “I started it, and then we began a friendly email exchange right away!” She told us. The two lived 90 miles apart, so they agreed to […] via Dating Sites http://ift.tt/2s8NCoH
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puredatingnet · 6 years
A Valentine’s Day to Remember – The Best Gifts for Your Valentine
Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. If you used up all your gift ideas for Christmas, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! While a cute card and flowers can go a long way, we want to give you some out-of-the-box ideas to consider. From inexpensive, sentimental gifts to pricier items to surprise your sweetie, here are 10 Valentine’s Day gift ideas for your significant other.
Beer or Wine Subscription Club
If your beau is a wine or beer lover, give them the gift that keeps on giving. Sign them up for the Beer of the Month Club. With different membership options starting at $27.95, they will get a hand-selected monthly shipment of microbrews from around the world.
If your significant other is a wine connoisseur, gift them a subscription to the Tasting Room for $40. Once they sign up, they’ll fill out a survey about their preferences/taste and receive a new bottle from around the world each month. No matter their beverage of choice, discover new spirts and brews and share a glass of wine or a cold one with your one and only; cheers!
Specialty Candy Gift Sets
While you can’t go wrong with the old faithful of Valentine’s Day gifts, think outside the box (of chocolates) and shop for specialty candy gift sets from Sugarfina. From vodka-infused candies to decorative gift boxes and mix-and-match DIY candy options, you can find a gift for your significant other that will tickle their taste buds and touch their heart.
Fitness Tracker
If your beau made a resolution to step up their fitness game in 2018, this is the perfect gift to help them keep track of their milestones. With so many different models, you can find a fitness tracker that fits their style. Why not get one for both of you so you can work on your fitness together? Find one on the Fitbit website or check for deals on Amazon.
Engraved Jewelry
Want to score some points this Valentine’s Day, check out these personalized engraved necklaces. Pick your anniversary, first date or any other significant milestone and inscribe it on a pendant for your love to wear. They’ll have a special keepsake to remind them how much you love them, and you’ll have a reminder so you’ll never forget the important dates!
Spa Day For Two
We can’t think of anything better than sharing a relaxing day at the spa with your beau. Start off with a duo sauna or steam with cucumber and lemon water in hand followed by the ultimate full body massage. Find a spa near you and book this well in advance to secure your day of serenity.
Pajama Set
Whether you buy a full set, a robe or some matching onesies, PJ’s are a great gift to help your significant other feel warm and cozy. Go with the classic hearts or red and pink theme, or find a funny matching pair you can wear together. Everyone has a daily morning routine whether it be shaving, moisturizing or putting on makeup, a great add on to the warm and fuzzies gift could be a Harry’s grooming set or Sephora gift set.
The Latest Gadgets
Good communication is essential to any relationship and a new phone or tablet can help you keep in touch with your loved ones. Reliable tech is especially important in a long-distance relationship. Whether you exchange frequent text messages or prefer FaceTime, make sure you can keep in touch. If you don’t want to shell out the cash after the holidays, but still want to surprise your sweetie, check out great deals on Gazelle certified refurbished devices. Score a like-new smartphone or tablet for less and still have cash left over for a Valentine’s Day date.
DIY Sentimental Scrapbook
You probably have lots of cute pics of the two of you on Facebook or Instagram, but how many actual prints do you have? Grab some of your favorite shots and put them together in a photo album or scrapbook. This is an inexpensive gift and the perfect idea for the craft or DIY enthusiast. Your guy or girl will love looking back at all the memories you’ve shared.
Yours and Mine Glasses
Whether you have trouble remembering whose cup is whose or you just want some nice looking glasses for a cocktail or nightcap, check out this cute Yours and Mine set. You can toast to your love and keep your drinks to yourself.
Romantic Getaway
If you really want to pull out the big guns, plan a romantic getaway for the two of you. You can go somewhere exotic, or stay close to home and go camping and unplug for an intimate weekend away. If you’re worried about costs, check for deals on Travelzoo and Groupon, or plan a staycation or a romantic picnic. You can ditch the dinner crowd and enjoy the time with just the two of you.
If you start planning now, you can make this Valentine’s Day one your guy or girl will never forget. No matter where you are in your relationship, you can find a gift that will make your significant other feel special. Whether it’s a new relationship or you’ve been together for years, enjoy Valentine’s Day with your special someone.
The post A Valentine’s Day to Remember – The Best Gifts for Your Valentine appeared first on PlentyOfFish Blog.
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puredatingnet · 6 years
Match Made: Abby & Chris
After a first date at an intimate Italian restaurant, Abby and Chris knew they had something special. “We’ve been inseparable ever since!” Abby told us. From the very beginning, their connection was great. So great, in fact, that the two were dating, engaged, and married all within a year! Better yet, their one-year wedding anniversary […] via Dating Sites http://ift.tt/2EklQb7
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puredatingnet · 6 years
Step Aside Ghosting, There Are Some New Dating Trends in Town for 2018
Over the last two years, most of us have become all too familiar with the dating trend, Ghosting – when someone you’ve been dating suddenly ceases all communication without an explanation, leaving you completely in the dark and asking yourself, “what happened?”
What will be the trends to look out for in 2018?! Well we have the answer for you.
Here are the latest dating trends predicted by 2,000 Plenty of Fish users:
Flexting (/fle-ks-t-ing/): Digital boasting to impress a date before meeting IRL.
Put up your hand if you’ve experienced the digital cousin of flexing in modern dating. Well you’re not alone; 47 percent of singles have experienced the infamous “Flexter,” who sends multiple texts about just how awesome they are in order to impress you. The majority of ladies (63%) say they have been contacted by Flexter versus only 38% of men.
Cricketing (/krik-it-ing/): Leaving someone on “read” for too long and taking much too long to continue the conversation.
“I had a great time last night. When are you free next week?!”
Message read….
No reply. Silence. Cue the crickets.
You can see they’ve read your message, but they haven’t replied yet; oh the soul crushing pain of being left on “read” for far too long. The majority of singles (67%) say they have waited patiently for a reply from their date, only to receive it much later than expected. Talk about a conversation buzzkill.
Ghostbusting (/ghost-bugst-ing/): Continuing to text someone after they’ve ghosted you.
In 2018 some singles are going the distance by ghostbusting – continuing to text the person who has decided to ghost them. 38% of singles say they have experienced someone who would not stop texting them after being ghosted.
If you find yourself ghostbusting someone, I recommend you stop doing this immediately and move forward with your love life – put your time and efforts into texting someone who actually wants to message you back!
Serendipidating (/ser-uh n-dip-i-deyt-ing/): Putting off a date and “leaving it up to fate” in case someone better comes along in the interim.
Think about how many opportunities you’ve missed out on because you’ve failed to set a date or time with someone.
The grass is always greener, according to 30% of singles who admitted to putting off scheduling a date, in case someone better comes along.
Fauxbae’ing (/foh-bey-ing/): Pretending to have a significant other over social media when you’re actually single.
Have you ever wanted to make an ex jealous? Singles have resorted to the latest social media dating trend called fauxbae’ing! 19% of single men have apparently witnessed someone pretend to have a significant other over social media when they were actually single.
Have you ever gone to these lengths to send a message to your ex that you’ve “moved on”?
If you have a dating trend of your very own that you’ve either witnessed or experienced, we’d love to hear it!
    The post Step Aside Ghosting, There Are Some New Dating Trends in Town for 2018 appeared first on PlentyOfFish Blog.
via Dating Sites http://ift.tt/2EaZg4W
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puredatingnet · 6 years
Kerby & Simon’s Plenty of Fish Love Story
Today we are excited to share a heartwarming success story we received just last week from two former Plenty of Fish members, Kerby and Simon. Simon had given up on finding love due to his experience in a past relationship, but it wasn’t long before Kerby changed his entire outlook on love and on life.
Simon: Kerby messaged me first.
I had given up on love and even promised myself I’d never get married again. I found myself messaging people on Plenty of Fish just looking for friends and casual companionship. I did have “looking for a relationship” on my profile, but in reality I wasn’t looking particularity hard.
I started casually reading profiles after work in the evenings and if I saw a profile I liked I’d just hit the favorite button. One night in May 2015, I happened upon Kerby’s profile.
She was single, pretty, geeky and self reliant. Her profile was detailed and not filled with #s or “if you are X then don’t bother.” Her profile was positive. I “liked” her profile, drank a few beers, watched Friends on Netflix and went to bed.
Kerby: What I love most about Simon is his sense of humor. I decided to message him because he had more than one sentence written in his profile.
Simon: The next morning I woke up and checked my email. It’s a bit of a ritual I have. I noticed I had a POF message from Kerby :).
Kerby: My message read: “Hi. I noticed you liked my profile. I checked yours out and you seem nice. Why didn’t you message me?”
Simon: I sheepishly sent back a message with the reply, “Sorry, I didn’t think you’d respond.” To my surprise, we exchanged emails back and forth for a week before deciding to meet. For our date, I made her sushi and we enjoyed each other’s company.
The next day, I got a notice from my job (I’m in the Canadian military) that I was being sent away for 3 MONTHS, a 16 hour drive from home and Kerby.
During the 3 month course, Kerby and I spoke on the phone nearly every night. When we didn’t talk, we texted. We learned so much about each other through conversation.
Kerby: It was so important for us to communicate every day during the 3 months Simon was away. I had missed him a lot even though we’d hadn’t even known each other for much time.
Simon: We talked about video games, Star Wars, our hopes and dreams. That’s when I knew she was the one. Everything just seemed to line up. Upon realizing she was the one, I decided I couldn’t just wait around, I promised myself I’d ask her out the very next time I saw her.
On the last day of my three month course, I hopped into my car and drove all day and all night to get to Kerby. I got home at 7 am and asked Kerby out as the sun came up. (This was Kerby’s favorite memory)
Kerby has done so much for me since then. She gave me back my confidence, shared my love of Star Trek…she even got me back on stage doing comedy with a group called Geeks Versus Nerds.
I asked Kerby to marry me on September 23, 2017 right before the show at Halifax Comic Con.
She said “Yes!”
Kerby: I’m so excited to get married to Simon and spend the rest of  our lives together.
For the full proposal, you can watch it here:
The post Kerby & Simon’s Plenty of Fish Love Story appeared first on PlentyOfFish Blog.
via Dating Sites http://ift.tt/2rxUSua
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puredatingnet · 6 years
Match Made: Carrie & Scott
“We joke that our first date lasted two years,” Carrie wrote us. That’s because it was so good and continued to be so good every day afterwards. Carrie and Scott met for a drink, which turned into two, which turned into dinner, which turned into him tagging along to her friend’s house party that same […] via Dating Sites http://ift.tt/2rtuRMn
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