purewhitedevil · 26 days
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ALLURING CAGE by GaiNoob ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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purewhitedevil · 28 days
As the tour goes on they visited the Green Hole, which is where the Lizardmen lived along with dryads, treants and spear needles. There were a few wandering but Albedo had to warn them about it.
"They looked cute in the outside but their fur are as sharp as spikes." Even their tour guides were amazed and continued on. "This is the Green Hole, where the lizard people lived and some other lifeform too." The brown-haired elf explained the first destination of the tour.
A lizardman appeared as well, welcoming guests since it was rare to see outsiders in this place. "Ah, welcome. I'm Zaryusu Shasha. I wasn't expecting to see a human around here." He was aware that Albedo was here too so explains why he kneeled to her. Other lizardmen and dryads saw but returned back to whatever they're doing.
Other than Albedo, his eyes are at Mashu.
"I hope you liked this place. Lord Ainz had made this place for us and others too." A friendly tone for a serious lizardman.
So Ainz had given his blessing and afforded them the luxury of leisurely touring the Tomb — the wonder crossed Mashu's mind about what it might be like to engage directly with him. Though an audience might not have been the first time she'd had laid eyes on the leader, it would be for him to perceive the outsider. Just how many questions came to mind flooded her thoughts almost immediately after beginning to count that it was difficult to select even a handful that would stand above the rest as suitable starting points.
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However before that, there remained still much of Nazarick to witness, and she daren't do a disservice to those guiding them along by getting side-tracked by the end goal. With a bow automatically as she spoke her thanks to the elves. "We'll be in your care, thank you for leading the way".
Indigo landed themselves onto Albedo with a smile. "The more I see of this world, the more fascinating it is". The messaging system might have functioned similarly to Chaldea's communications but the structure of Nazarick could have only been something of a Singularity — the one which came to mind being Agartha — leading the Demi-Servant to wonder what Albedo might have made of one had it been their destination after whatever the Stars had done to extract them from the city.
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purewhitedevil · 29 days
If there was Ainz, she's his first priority but since no Ainz, she will do. The other girl's nose is quite... like a bloodhound. Could be from hunger or eyeing to taste something better than her world could offer but that ain't the succubus' buisiness.
Well, common courtesy is a thing to all kinds, so she gives her one cheeseburger from the paper bag.
"So, tell me about yourself... Where do you came from and are you an actual human?" Albedo can tell that this one isn't. There are no identifications of a cyborg, a demoness or something with all that hidden behind her outfit. "If you tell me, another burger is a reward~!"
⠀⠀This is all too much to process, being stranded in a strange land that couldn't be any more different than the wastes of the surface with no clear reason for it all... The Pilgrim has been trying to take the new information in pieces, getting her bearings to figure out what her next move should be. The stranger that's now approached her might be able to help one way or another... But a quick sniff of the air gives her pause.
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⠀⠀⠀⠀"That's..." Only the single word leaves her lips before another short pause settled in, amber eyes shifting to focus on the paper bag in the other's hands. That's the source of the smell. Something fresh. "... Hmm— Yes, quite hungry." She can afford to lower her guard for one moment, the satisfaction of food might help clear her head. A calculated risk.
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purewhitedevil · 1 month
random starter - @whitememory
Returned once more and this was merely not a surprise for Albedo but at least, she's at Golden Ward now. One thing that's off to her is someone who was white like as her. Purely marbled white.
Of course, the succubus was used of eating things human as she had a bag of hamburgers with her. Not a thing a demonic overseer eats but it tastes good.
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"You must be hungry, aren't you? Asides from the eclipse has landed us both in this ward." Albedo isn't new, she's just disappeared for a month in this wonderous prison.
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purewhitedevil · 1 month
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Hope Snow White's willing to wait for next week.
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purewhitedevil · 1 month
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"I dare her to talk bad to my lord and to you, her corpse will be decorated in this room."
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"That's awful. You have my condolences, Albedo".
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purewhitedevil · 1 month
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"How awkward, i'm her roommate." Stares at all three of them.
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she is staring at you both
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purewhitedevil · 4 months
Albedo isn't here to pick fights unless unavoidable. At first she was merely here give a little visit to her former ward as she now lives at Archimedes. Locals frolicking around, children playing chase and other stuff and many more.
One thing's for sure, there is someone looking at her like something else. A curious person perhaps? She may be a very evil succubus but she isn't a madman. Therefore, she approached to her neutrally with no evil intentions.
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"And how may i help you? You've been staring at me for bit too long." Hibiki's intentions were unknown to her, she had to ask what does she want.
ƒ. To say that Fibonacci was her least favorite ward to visit would be an understatement. Compared to how fantastical the rest of Spirale looked to her this section of it looked terribly mundane. Awfully mundane. And Bikki was one who lived for the thrills, you know! Kinda but you know! The thrill of... walking around the commercial district. Looking around in stores if anything would catch her eye. Yet nothing seemed to do the trick. Hibiki would spend a couple of minutes staring at a display, walk a bit to the next store... Repeat. A thousand times.
Maybe if she sat down to drink something warm? Damn, she wanted to hang out with people. Goofing around alone isn't nearly as fun as doing it with someone and-
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Gaze suddenly went the direction of a lady clad in white passing by. What a pretty woman. Wait... were those horns? Why would she even be surprised, though. Finding normal humans here can be a challenge sometimes.
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purewhitedevil · 4 months
"Y-You're welcome." A timid response after a praise that Mare did. Wondering what was the name of the tree they residing in, Aura did the explanatory.
"We called it as the 'Gigantic Tree' It may looked like a normal tree but it's like a house." It is how it was called after Aura had told the name in a simple tone. Reaching that certain destination, they needed some rest as the three elven slaves, now servants to the dark elves will take place. "Y-You three! Please tour Albedo and her friend to this floor! B-By the way, Lord Ainz told me by 'Message' to take your time!" After the three elven slaves arrived immediately, Mare had delivered a message from Ainz through 'Message' which only Floor Guardians can use for communication. He followed his sister afterwards.
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"He does? How kind of him." She was happy and relieved that she can tour Mashu with no problems of delaying him, which it can happen. This was the very first time Albedo had seen the elven slaves under Uryu after being killed by Hamsuke.
"We will be your tour guides. Follow us." The three elves bowed and becoming the tour guides for Albedo and Mashu.
Upon introduction, Mashu found herself rewriting her initial assumption as to which sibling was which — though given the androgynous nature of some Servants, she'd never feel thrown by a surprise twist. "It's a pleasure to meet you Aura, Mare". With the latter's meek greeting fresh, Mashu bowed her head in hopes it might elevate his anxieties as much as it being a formal gesture. She could only imagine what must be going through his mind with a strange human suddenly here, even under Albedo's authority.
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"Thank you very much for allowing me passage. There's been so much of Nazarick that is breath-taking — even after what Albedo has told me, it's something else altogether to see in person".
Almost mechanically, the image of a grand tree cast the shadow of those Fantasy in Mashu's heart. Within the universe from which she heralded, would this world be considered a Lostbelt, given humanity' subservience to Nazarick's Guardians in similar vein to the Greeks under their Gods? The possibility had never felt solved and Mashu'd dare never speak it to Albedo — it might be taken as insult to Ainz's rule, and this was a universe functioning under different rules, keeping it safe from the potential. "Does the tree have a name? There have been some which extend near to the sky that we've seen, they each possessed one".
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purewhitedevil · 4 months
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purewhitedevil · 5 months
"Oh, nice to meet you. I'm Aura Bella Fiore and this is my brother, Mare." Aura may never heard about Chaldea but it seems from the outside world or somewhere. Since she isn't a spy from Baharuth, she'll accept that since she's with Albedo, after all. "N-Nice to meet you too. I'm Mare Bello Fiore..." Mare was a shy one after all, asides from switched clothing.
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"I wanted to tour Mashu even more so you think you wouldn't mind?" Consent must be made even if they're on the slightly different position. Albedo's reason is to tour her since she can't use 'Gate'. "I would have been at the Throne Room immediately but i can't use it." Had to explain that for a reason.
"Oh. Come with us then! We're about to go back to the gigantic tree, anyways." Aura and Mare leading them to their home.
Without knowledge, the woman had delivered advice touching very close to home — although the plight of the Earth's bleaching and the measures to restore it had long been a bitter task she'd understood, each twist and turn dredged up fresher and fouler feelings. Some powerful enough to distort her perception of herself and the bloodstained trail behind. If there was a similar danger of Albedo herself swaying, then Mashu hoped to help support her, as she had been.
She took pause by the apparent surprise of the twins' presence, observing them curiously, and quick to find herself the target of theirs mirrored. At the centre of attention, Mashu's body grew briefly rigid as if conscious of the fact that typically these introductions would take place alongside her Master, who was nowhere to be found in this realm, Albedo standing in substitute. But for the sake of not projecting any reason to remain wary, the Demi-Servant relaxed her shoulders, then the rest followed suit.
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"No, I am not an enemy of Nazarick, but an acquaintance of Albedo. She has done much to help me in the time we've known each other. My name is Mashu Kyrielite, a member of an organisation known as Chaldea that lies beyond this world. I apologise for intruding into the domain of Lord Ainz — it was an unexpected incident which brought me to this place alone, and so I've been Albedo's lead so not to disrupt the ways of the land".
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purewhitedevil · 5 months
"If any human comes out, i will tell them." Albedo has proof of what's going on to that fortress. using the video as evidence even if its mostly screams and torture. Reason of Albedo staying is because of one thing. The corpses and her bicorn.
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"S-Sure." Survivor doesn't mind having Lily to help out as the first one they entered is the inn nearby. The keys were found underneath the counter and took it. Unlocking every single room door is where taking bedsheets that were fresh. She even found a ball of yarn too but no rope. Knowing her hope to return home shines bright, Survivor rushed to properly folding the bedsheets into squares.
Each room has two bedsheets each, totaling of eight since it was four rooms. After that, she went out to the inn and passing eight bedsheets to Albedo and a ball of yarn.
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"Ah, thank you. I'm sorry but i need a one more. There could be a rope elsewhere, though. Keep searching." Took the bedsheets and the yarn after, the sheets are still not enough as the corpse count were nine of them. "You can find some food there as well. The village was completely abandoned after i surveyed it." Albedo did a little looking while they were busy that time.
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"Alright. One bedsheet and a rope it is!" Survivor's morale was slowly restoring but not complete, she goes to the left this time, towards a nearby house. Holding Lily's hand to go there since 'guard duty'.
The display should have been terrifying, but the solemn weight overpowered any fright, and for the atrocities committed there, Lily could not feel a great sympathy for the creatures slain in the act. What Albedo had inflicted was much more merciful than what had they upon their victims.
Thunderous booms echoed still in her ears when they arrived at the village, eerily quiet itself. the knight descended from the carriage, bearing in mind Albedo’s request. “Will you be able to convince the villagers of our innocence if they find us and believe we’re responsible for all of… everything?” Or what post-mortem trade they might jump to the conclusion of. Lily’s voice wavered, unable to speak the latter as the idea itself disturbed her too greatly.
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At sound of the survivor’s volunteering, Lily turned on her heel and sprinted after her, desperate not to lose sight of the woman. “I’ll come too — it’s too dangerous to out by yourself so I’ll guard you”. They had been charged with her life by the rescue, the last thing the knight would do is let even a miniscule threat near it. And with the worry they might be misunderstood as murderers seeking materials to most effectively transport their cargo, the heart beating in her throat was already frantic, practically begging for no more twists.
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purewhitedevil · 5 months
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April Starter Ad! Knowing there are no castmates, this is uncapped for everyone!
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purewhitedevil · 6 months
"Maybe she advises you not to lose your way. Told you not to change the way who you were." As they headed through the Sixth Floor, there was a colosseum. Albedo had to acknowledge that question as well while heading inside the place.
"It depends of our choices. We do spare them unless they do the opposite themselves." Well that part was averted, knowing the torturers at the torture room can heal perfectly. But of course, Albedo will not betray her lord. It was a choice for her.
Right after entering and reaching through the arena part, there is Aura and Mare on the spot. What were they doing? No clue for them but they seemed be here for whatever they're doing.
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"Aura? Mare? What are you two doing here?" She wondered why they're here, knowing they might be bored. They may be dark elves but like Albedo, they're loyal to Ainz as well.
Aura and Mare were surprised to see Albedo but with a guest, mixed reactions, so they had to return the same thing.
"Just looking around the place." Aura responded but continued to talk while Mare stayed quietly shut. "You do know that Lord Ainz doesn't want any invaders of this place." Focused on Mashu, this time.
"Surely you don't work under Baharuth Empire, right?"
He was... alive?
The report sent her aback, expectant of the man to meet his demise in the torture chamber into which he'd been dragged. And his wounds (those external, at least) healed — despite the core of Nazarick's feelings towards humanity, Albedo had established early on that they intended not to eradicate the species, but even on such a small scale had they shown mercy.
Humans were just as capable of inflicting horrors unto one another, so any who would deem the Guardians' actions as monstrous were unfair in their judgment. Chaldea and Pan-Human History's plight, after all, were the machinations of a human's grand design — and with far more dire consequences than even the most uncharitable propaganda against Ainz.
Her heart skipped to hear the advice, fingers tightening around the flesh of her arm. Protecting lives... that was Chaldea's objective, from the very beginning, and long after Roman took their existence into his gentle hands to steer them onto the right course. They had annihilated, and they might still more, but if what Daybit warned them might come to pass... it was the lesser of two evils to stain their hands in sin, as bitter a pill that might be to swallow. With a node, the Demi-Servant accepted the words, steeling herself to hope drive the righteous message deeper so it could combat the doubts that long sprouted and tangled much in their vines.
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"Thank you, Nigredo. I'm thankful that we could meet, please take care". A bow was offered before she would turn and follow Albedo, bracing herself for the sting of blistering cold. A question swelled in her throat, mulling over Nigredo's warning to her sister as Mashu struggled to fit the pieces together. "Albedo... what did she mean? Everything so far has proven you're the most loyal to Lord Ainz... why would you of all people betray that?"
Almost immediately, she questioned if it were better to have gone unaddressed, that the answer was something like forbidden fruit which shouldn't be sought. Like probing would unearth a visceral reaction that might prove such danger of delving deeper than was safe, something like that night she descended into Britain's pit and perceived for herself the god too ghastly that its mere proximity riddled her with poisonous curses.
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purewhitedevil · 6 months
"Yes. The man is still alive after that if ever asking. His wounds were healed completely and taking a rest. He said that he will never do it again." Albedo was aware that Mashu will ask that question as she decided to answer that right away. Torturers can heal too like normal acolytes and repeated healing is also a part of torture as well but mentally.
Of course, Nigredo as well glad to hear that as she was against pointless executions as how the faceless adores newborn infants as she puts the doll back to its rightful place.
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"That is up to you. Do what's right on your path, your way of life. If protecting lives is what you're doing the most, stick to it. Don't stray on it." Now focused on her sister. "Albedo, please don't forget your loyalty to Lord Ainz." Nigredo had said what she had to say. Albedo understands that too.
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"We'll be leaving now, Nigredo. Hope we can still see each other sometime." Nigredo only nods after as she returns to sleep.
"The sixth floor is next, where Mare and Aura lived." Albedo left first as she leaves the cell and back to the frozen fields to a pathway to the Sixth Floor.
So not to distress the woman longer, Mashu eased the doll closer, a gesture of return, that she not be tormented more with separation. And directed by the invitation, she took a seat, only stealing a glance at the pair. That made her concerns as obvious as a flashing neon sign, bristling when they were spoken aloud by the other woman.
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Her wisdom was a well-learned lesson for the Demi-Servant, hitting far too close to home — it was in the name of survival that Chaldea had committed atrocities, that Ritsuka's body and soul be mangled so terribly she deemed herself beyond saving. It had been a dilemma each member grappled with since understanding the means by which they could save the world and future by snatching that of others. Sins they had acknowledged would need committing and steeled themselves through each, growing closer to numb though never entirely losing their hearts.
The man in that dungeon left to Albedo's mercy was not the first she'd abandoned — countless lives had been lost at a distance, in the wake of Chaldea's bloodstained campaign. It never got easier, but she needed to get compose herself so not to drag down Albedo, her Master or anyone else with her weakness. Not again. A slow and heavy breath procrastinated the guilt from bearing down with its crushing wait, answering with a nod as proof she'd not closed off her senses in a whirlwind of stress.
When the time came for Albedo's appearance, Mashu straightened her frame, taking note of the absence of blood across her pristine skin. Instinctively she wanted to ask about the man's condition... if he were even still alive, but hesitated of dread what the answer might be. Hearing confirmation would condemn him to death in her mind when the mystery gave him or his ghost an inkling of survival.
"Albedo..." she murmured, voice trailing off. Violet hues travelled to Nigredo, hoping the extra second might prove long enough to string together words. "There's still further for us to do, isn't there?"
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purewhitedevil · 6 months
"I will. I shall find her family at Golden Ward." Albedo would definitely do that as she puts aside evil and good for now while venturing through her bicorn and a carriage of corpses. As they reached half-way that the distance between the fortress and the road were quite small but she stopped for a while, drawing Ginnungagap as it was turned into a staff.
"Fly..." Using 'Fly', she floated as high as she can that she used its power, aimed at the fortress, half-way the view. As its devastating magic was used, the elven fortress was destroyed in one blast. Not content on one shot, she did another to ensure that nothing remained than a crater of dust as her 'World Item' worked on structural destruction.
She did that for a reason. For Lily and the survivor as she returns back to the center seat. Rest of the venturing was fast and quiet that they passed an odd-looking magic caster and a red-haired girl on the opposite direction until they reached the abandoned village.
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"It seems that there's no one here." She steps down the carriage and the survivor. The succubus had asked both of them to do something since the corpses with them will need a fresher batch of bed sheets or anything that will cover them and ropes. "I need some bedsheets enough for the bodies and ropes if possible."
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"I'll gather as many as i can find!" The survivor goes to the left side of the village, starting to search any house and inn for what Albedo needed.
The succubus will remain standing.
Albedo helming the operation, Lily had been adamant to remain by the survivor’s side, there to offer a hand or a shoulder if she needed — a vow that her torment was at an end and she’d no more be alone in the dark surrounded by the stench of death. her freedom would be returned, even though the caveat were she could not be cured of her anguish.
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Same had been the case for their journey after boarding the carriage. Lily’s sight oft returned to the woman between them, asking if she were alright or needed anything. It might have been annoying, she was aware — an overbearing pressure when the poor woman had endured a horrific ordeal already, but she didn’t know what else to do. What else to say. It broke the silence for a moment and mayhap she hoped that there might be a request for a break or food or water, something to divert attention from the scenes they’d left behind.
There were those in the village ahead whose worlds would be shattered upon their arrival. The confirmation their beloved missing no longer walked the world, murdered in the most callous of manners and regarded worse. The root of such tragedy herself one day, the knight had accepted it a norm of a story her era, she’d accepted herself the ire of some who cursed her name for the fallen. It was just… she wasn’t ready. Not today. Fingers resting by the woman’s held on, a grip to steel her mind as much it were the other’s. She was weak, terribly so — a fledgling of a knight, but one dedicated to the path, and hiding in the shadow of her companions, she…
“Once we return, Albedo, please find her family,” she spoke this time to break into the silence, anxiety slowing her delivery, contrasting eyes set firmly ahead like one of iron resolution. “I shall tend to those waiting on news”.
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purewhitedevil · 6 months
Nigredo had saw how Mashu approaches with her doll. Somehow noticing that it was indeed devoid, perhaps the elder sister will do something since she had something that really wanted. She offered a seat on one of the chairs.
"You must be feeling sorry about the worker. I understand." Of course, that one who was tortured was one of those invading workers from Baharuth Empire. Money and fame were the reasons why they chose to break in. Grab the treasure, defeat the lord and save the day but that's not how it works. All invading workers met a grim fate of torment and death, as those survived would rather.
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"Humans have their own reasons to live but they should never forget that there is a price for their actions. Actions that will cost their life and sanity altogether. Let it be for family or for themselves." Nigredo was aware that their fates were sealed to be in eternal torment. There were the luckiest people that were dead.
"We should wait for Albedo..." Only way is to wait when it's over.
It took thirty minutes as Albedo returned with no blood smears on her face. Probably what she did is to watch them.
Shalltear... had been captured? Had it not come from Albedo, she'd have had a difficult time imagining the possibility even existed. However enormous they might see, even Nazarick wasn't infallible — overcoming seemingly impossible odds wasn't a foreign concept to humanity, though. Chaldea were a testament to that resilience and defiance to lie down and die — even in Olympus where the population seemed content living under the divine care of the Gods, there were those who rebelled for want of their own will. No matter how Lord Ainz and Nazarick cared for the land, there would always be those who fought for a preference to independence. Or greed to rule themselves.
Obedience came naturally to Mashu, perhaps coded into the very fibre of her being by the man who created her, and so she remained behind Albedo, following each instruction given and listening curiously.
At sound of the captive being pulled in, Mashu's body grew rigid and her blood cold. A human bloodied from the torment he'd endured, someone she would automatically jump to protect and defend. They were of the same race, someone who rebelled just like her Master. And yet her body froze up, chilled at the condition he were in and awareness that acting might only flare tensions with their hosts. But she... couldn't just ignore this. Her heart thumped in her throat, surging blood threatening to drown our her hearing. Did he see the look on her face, how alarmed she had become in passing, was he counting on her to save him, or believe she, too, a captive?
Before words could find themselves in her swollen throat, the succubus had a new instruction whilst handing over the child — go back. Look away and run out of earshot. Caressing the doll in her arms, all she could muster was a breathless cry after their shadows. "Wait—" One fallen on deaf ears.
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She should dive ahead and fight her way through. She should be rescuing him. Why... why?
You don't want to hear this.
Guilt ballooned, Mashu closing her eyes with one muted parting apology to the man as she turned on her heels and ran. Frantic strides until the echo of his howling reached her ears and her legs gave out, body curling around the doll to protect it from the impact as she crashed onto the ground.
She'd left him to the wolves. Run to spare the complications of intervening and fighting in the depths of Nazarick where the tide would be overwhelmingly against them. Against her eyes, a glove brushed, smearing away the tears welling up, and with their dismissal, she pushed up in stages, keeping the baby to her chest. Once on her feet, the course back to the cell resumed, but not a run. A limping devoid of life.
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