#v: succubus in spirale ( isola radiale )
purewhitedevil · 1 month
random starter - @whitememory
Returned once more and this was merely not a surprise for Albedo but at least, she's at Golden Ward now. One thing that's off to her is someone who was white like as her. Purely marbled white.
Of course, the succubus was used of eating things human as she had a bag of hamburgers with her. Not a thing a demonic overseer eats but it tastes good.
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"You must be hungry, aren't you? Asides from the eclipse has landed us both in this ward." Albedo isn't new, she's just disappeared for a month in this wonderous prison.
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purewhitedevil · 2 years
random starter - @castilium
This wasn't new to all these kinds of mists but it seems that they have found a ruined carriage as the insides of it were stolen and none of them were hurt due to those in-charge had retreated. Of course, this means one thing. They are in Albedo's world even if its mistified.
Albedo was way too ahead of the scene as Mashu might have seen it first.
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"Mashu, what did you found around the road?" With 3F on her hand and Hermes Trismegistus isn't on but carried in a compact way, she had to know as it could be deja vu by a chance.
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purewhitedevil · 2 years
random starter - @caliburn​ 
Perhaps one of these hole-things did not end on where it should be than being outside of the fields, in a village but something worse. They were ended up inside a goblin-nested elven fortress, surrounded by several corpses which were all female. One who was like, shoved up entrails like a pig, other was burned alive and another were a pincushion which explains the arrow landings and the other one recently via suicide.
What an ironic setback. Either these must be the locals from a ward that got here or merely villagers, nobody knows.
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“Talk about bad landing.” Albedo waggled her head off to see that it was only lit up because of the corpse-filled torch around their east. She wakes up the female white-gowned servant next to her.
“Wake up. We need to get out of this place before...” What do you know, goblins just got back and they seemed not to be friendly but vicious with those grins on their faces.
3F was drawn, she’s ready to behead goblins and out of this place.
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purewhitedevil · 11 months
starter - @sanctummilitis
Albedo only remembered Lily as Arturia looked the same as her. As she was only recently back to Spirale with her new address at Fibonacci, it was like the same but missed most of everything happened in the past. Maybe she could help to be updated on everything.
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"You remind me of her. Looked closely the same." She was referring to Lily, who she met at that time on a nested elven fortress. But back on topic.
"Is there anything happened in the past that should be vital or interesting, at least?"
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purewhitedevil · 2 years
starter - @kujoutengu
Somewhere around one of the mausoleums around the Great Tomb lies a group of workers with a leaf-theme. An old man and a group of young men around armed with different kinds of weapons, making it a balanced role of a fighter, thief and what not.
Instead, Albedo and Sara stands beneath them.
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"I recommend to use everything you got. They may look weak but they know what they're doing." This was supposed to be where the Pleiades and the Guarders pincering them but instead, it's her and the other against the invaders of the large misty tomb.
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purewhitedevil · 2 years
starter - @nohrsrose 
​That sums up to things ended up from a random biome. The wilderness is not Albedo’s interests but least she will understand how forests work. Forest dwellers and hidden traps are quite well concealed that one mistake, leads to jeopardy. Luckily, not in sea and not in space.
Camilla, though. How did she got here?
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“Oh, are you here by yourself? Heard forests are dangerous, is that true?”
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purewhitedevil · 2 years
starter - @nohrsrose​ 
Asides from a new year, Albedo only looked elsewhere about things here and whatever it comes to this place. She wondered if returning is possible but it seems impossible to happen so she cared less. New year is over and back to normal.
The armor Camilla wore is quite... seductive to her tastes comparing to Hermes Trismegistus which she isn’t using today.
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“Your way of armory is quite alluring to men especially in public, don’t you think?” A friendly chat, perhaps even one is overly evil to humanity such as Albedo herself.
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purewhitedevil · 11 months
starter - @tarantucutie
As Albedo was peacefully eating some ice cream, luckily she can endure human food to eat with as doesn't need to eat how normal succubi do which is to drain lifeforces of anyone, especially humans.
When she was about to daydream about how things were doing without her presence at her world, something appeared out of nowhere and not even startled a bit. Doesn't even remind her of those spiders at her world, who had devoured a dead girl's remains.
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"Aren't you an odd-looking spider..." Staring as she was, she resumed. "What do you need from me?
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purewhitedevil · 2 years
starter - @bigboomtina 
​Albedo is not the one to judge regarding fashion during the festival around and yes, she is wearing Hermes Trismegistus. Maskerade is quite new to her and this must be one of these old events that the ‘stars’ used to do things while making new ideas for their people.
“Your attire, it reminds me of the dwarves of my world.” It did made her curious to know its origins, so she asked. “Is that your normal attire of your world or a costume?” Taking off the helmet, she had to.
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purewhitedevil · 2 years
random starter - @eleganceline​ 
Albedo only followed the very recent eclipse of the week. There is Piper Wright and she sees someone familiar, which is Mejiro herself. She still remember that she did accompany her to Fibonacci but now she ended up in Cotes Fantasci.
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“I tried to visit you at Fibbonaci but you were disappeared. Have you returned back to your world since your disappearance?” She had to ask that question.
Had to.
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purewhitedevil · 2 years
 starter - @castilium​ 
Somewhere at E-Rantel, one of Albedo’s dreams. She was there, marching all the way to the road along with Nazarick Master Guarders and Death Knights, heading their way to the assigned place. Several windows from nearby residency were closed off due to how dangerous can they be, since they were stronger types of undead. 
Master Guarders and their shining gold armor and red capes as the Death Knights itself marching behind them as well. One thing that caused a commotion that will grant a death wish came from a male child, pleading his father back but he could be one of those who were dead during the annual wars between Re-Estize and Baharuth Empire and their mysterious ally. The marching undead stopped as well in perfect formation.
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“Unreasonable actions against Lord Ainz... is punishable by death!” She raised her 3F towards the cowering mother and son but a giant sword appeared to interrupt her execution. “Such behavior like that will not help you get married.” Momon talked back to her on what was she supposed to do as he picks up his giant sword, pointing at her.
Ainz appeared in exact timing towards her, halting her actions completely as she was next to him, like a lover. Momon was watching it too, slightly confused.
“Join the forces of Nazarick.” It was an offer that one cannot refuse coming from her. 
“Are you insane?”  Momon responded back as things were not ending well. 
“How rude. Lord Ainz does not want to rule the city with bloodshed.” Talked back to him with a thorned tone. She knows what he’s doing... her lord’s doing.
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“If you don’t use your blade for Nazarick, i will kill you here as a potential threat. Even if there will be humans will die as collateral damage!” She was serious as she is merciless demoness herself that the mother was shocked that she will indeed do it if he does not obey. Momon lowered his weapon after.
“I understand... I accept!” He had no choice but there is also an agreement as well. “However, if you ever hurt these people meaninglessly...” Raised his sword to her, again. “My blade will be after all of your necks!” Fair warning from the Dark Hero himself. “Fair enough.” Both agreed after but there is someone else lurking around, she felt it. Something familiar to Spirale...
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“I know you’re hiding somewhere... Show yourself!” She was calling out Mashu, who was not supposed to be in this dream but she is now.
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purewhitedevil · 2 years
continued from [ o ] - @aymried​
The reason why she wanted to know this ‘assassin’ is probably reminding her of how Ainz encountered Clementine of her world hence the classification of that assassin that took her life from her lord was an assassin as well. Albedo had reasons and she knows she can kill Kronya with ease. No matter how sneaky she is.
Information is a must as Albedo must take part of it as well.
to: edelgard from: albedo
‘i am. i have made a promise to a friend of mine who wields a shield.’
‘i will be coming at your place at golden ward.’
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As Albedo knew the whole Golden Ward apartments herself, she is on her way to where Edelgard lives.
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purewhitedevil · 3 years
starter - @geometragic​ 
Right when the word was reached towards the Sorcerer Kingdom about the stolen caravan that was supposed to be delivered at Roble, it can’t be prevented that a wide-scaled war between Ainz’s forces and Re-Estize going to happen and it won’t end well.
The covert invasion had began as Albedo was there looking at it while various noblemen are now siding with her as their families were threatened. What Katsuie was doing here was merely a strange mystery which was the mistified event had caused.
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“If you insist to live, consider siding with us. Siding with them when their kingdom was about to be a graveyard won’t help you to survive the war.” She only looked at him while the noblemen are now moving towards the safety zone before the western cities were completely annihilated.  
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purewhitedevil · 3 years
random starter - @baddestdangerboy​ 
Random encounter had happened. So this is Badou Nails that Narberal talking about? He may be human but fear not, she won’t hurt or seduce him like a normal succubus does.
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“You must be the one Narberal talking about during her stay in this place.” She’s just behind him as she confirms that it is him.
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purewhitedevil · 3 years
starter - @absurdjustice​
After leaving Condo 406 as the succubus knew what she can do in basics, there she sees someone with a trash can lid and a wooden sword. The spear though, she never asked for this. Wished she carries an axe instead but what the heck. It doesn’t matter so she will have to stick to polearm basics.
Knowing that he senses evil afoot, Albedo is evil-incarnate but only when completely pissed off but she isn’t at the moment.
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“Whatever you’re trying to do with me, cease this!” Knowing her defenses were locked away, maybe word negotiation may work.
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purewhitedevil · 3 years
starter - @geometragic​ 
Doesn’t care if she interferes Katsuie’s visit to Oichi to see how was she doing but Albedo took an interest of him since he was attractive for a young human being. Age is just a number, after all.
She is blocking on Room 205 at Cotes, as it was a random encounter that she doesn’t care if the one inside, doesn’t want to answer any.
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“Why bother someone inside if you can ‘bother’ me, handsome boy~!” Her tone is quite playful with a seducing tone towards the samurai.
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