purgatorychxsm-a · 2 years
christ alive i log in to acquire things and it's a million bot follows-
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purgatorychxsm-a · 2 years
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              Yeah, I’m coughing                      I’m bleeding, Band-Aids won’t heal it                         ‘Cause they hate me, so I’m fakin’                              All of, of this so they take, take me
Take! Me! Home!
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purgatorychxsm-a · 2 years
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it is complete the blog is moved over, now to turn asks on and we're home free.
anyways I'm HERE NOW
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purgatorychxsm-a · 2 years
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it is complete the blog is moved over, now to turn asks on and we're home free.
anyways I'm HERE NOW
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purgatorychxsm-a · 2 years
alright, new blog is being made. URL is the same. <3
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purgatorychxsm-a · 2 years
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me, committing to remaking the blog,
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purgatorychxsm-a · 2 years
Katsumi meme call. uwu
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purgatorychxsm-a · 2 years
i also want to write my oc's more
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purgatorychxsm-a · 2 years
i am not allowed to add more muses i am not allowed to add more muses i am not allowed to add more muses i am-
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purgatorychxsm-a · 2 years
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i wonder what it's like to actively try to make a site less user friendly like what is the goal?
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purgatorychxsm-a · 2 years
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purgatorychxsm-a · 2 years
im gone for months and i come back to write angst before bed
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that tracks
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purgatorychxsm-a · 2 years
Shipping Interest Check!
Send 💕 (or “hearts!” if the symbol doesn’t show up) and I’ll fill out the following for our muses:
Have we discussed shipping before?: yes || no
My interest level overall: I’ve wanted this for so long || can’t wait || I think it’ll be fun || kinda feeling it || maybe with a lot of plotting || I need to think about it || not interested, sorry
How we should do this: jump right in || slow burn || pre-established || build up to it in a thread || anything goes
Dynamics I want to try out with our ship: friends to lovers || rivals to lovers || enemies to lovers || mutual pining || battle couple || childhood friends || high school sweethearts || star crossed lovers || long time lovers || old married couple || newlyweds || sickeningly sweet couple || secret lovers || fake dating/marriage || best friends hiding their feelings || arranged marriage || soulmates || other
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purgatorychxsm-a · 2 years
It’s graduation day. Bea is sitting on the bleachers facing out to the crowd, on each side of her a classmate she barely knows- and their faces are indiscernible from those in the crowd. Shapes as Mae would have said. But they were at least familiar shapes- eyes, mouths, and all that.
The croc scanned the crowd over an over but... Where was her dad? Where’s Mom? She tries to stand to get a better view, but her legs won’t move. She’s stuck to the seat. Each name called getting closer and closer to hers.
The student beside her stands as their row readies their march to receive their diploma. A dazed Bea follows close behind, expressionless, feeling lost. Her eyes dart back to the crowd- she was sure he was there, right where she’s looking, but where did he go?
Why is everyone murmuring? 
“Ms. Santello, please come to the office.”
Now she’s in chemistry class. The fluorescent lights are bright and hurt her eyes with the sudden change of scenery. She stands from her desk and makes her way out of the class [some students murmuring about how she’s in trouble] and starts to the office. There she sees the sad expressions of the staff.
Something in her gut tels her to wake up now. If she does, maybe Mom will be okay. But Bea knows this story.
This story doesn’t have a happy ending.
She lets her legs carry her into the office, knowing she’s powerless to stop them. She’s merely an observer now.
Dad takes Bea’s hand and escorts her from the building quickly. There is no car ride- as soon as the doors open, she’s in the hospital room.
There’s no one in the bed, but the sheets are stained red. She’s certain there was a copper scent. A scream pierces the silence, and it’s only after a moment she realizes- that’s her voice.
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Bea wakes with a start- realizing she’s screaming outside of her dream. She sits up in her bed, brings her knees to her chest, and rests her head on her knees.
Her body shakes, and she feels the knees of her pajamas moisten with tears. She hates that dream.
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purgatorychxsm-a · 2 years
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purgatorychxsm-a · 2 years
“ newsflash asshole, we’re all fucked up. you don’t see me going around killing anyone over it. ” from koharu to junko bc she loves mouthing off
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“I didn’t kill anyone.”
Her hands balled to fists. It wasn’t her, it wasn’t her, IT WASN’T HER. Why did everyone always blame her, even after she was proven innocent?
“But some people fucking deserve it. Like little twats like you who go running their fucking mouths. Shut the fuck up and get away from me, you absolute worthless pile of trash.”
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purgatorychxsm-a · 2 years
“ oh, don’t look at me like that. surely you’re used to being hurt by now. i always pick the damaged ones. ” from yukari to mikan WHY DO I KEEP PICKING MIKAN im so sorry mikan i love u so much pls believe me
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“...I-I’m sorry I’m so damaged. I j-just...”
No, no excuses. She reaches a bandaged hand out, only to pull it back to her body. Maybe they could have been friends- maybe they still could, but Mikan wasn’t sure she could handle being treated this way anymore.
“I-I’m sorry! I’ll do better, I p-promise!” That was genuine- she was getting better! She had the support she needed (usually) and didn’t cry every day!
Sure, she was crying now, but...
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