purplejellyfishies · 4 years
My god I'm in love😍
Meeting and Dating Daniel Larusso
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
(I haven’t watched the other karate kid movies just yet so I might change or add a few things in the future)
- You met Daniel after moving to California. Your parents thought a little change in scenery would be good for you so your grandmother called up an old friend; Mr. Miyagi.
- You were sitting and cutting bonsai when Daniel walked in for a karate lesson. He couldn’t help but stare at you in shock before he actually found his voice.
- He was trying to think of something clever to say but the instant you looked up and met his eyes, every thought left his brain. He probably would have been a lot more confident when talking to you if he hadn’t just been in a fight and looked like he got his ass kicked.
“I …uh… hi. Is Mr. Miyagi here?”
“Oh, uh, no, he’s actually fixing up apartment 14.”
“Yeah….What happened to your face?”
- He proceeded to give a very nervous, bullshit explanation as to what happened before he told you the truth and then jokingly insisted that the other guys looked a lot worse than he did.
“I doubt it.” You grinned in response.
- You pulled him by the hand, sitting him down as you gathered some bandaids and other supplies. He attempted to ask questions and answer things about himself while you patched him up, but he was a bit too focused on what you were doing and how close you were to him.
- After he managed to calm down a bit, he began to crack some jokes, mixing in a few flirty comments here and there.
“You know, your face looks a lot better than mine.”
- He ended up accidentally grabbing your thigh after you rubbed a particularly sensitive wound of his. He stuttered out an apology but you brushed it off. In his head he couldn’t stop thinking about how soft your skin was.
- He began to ask you out once you were done but before he could finish, the two of you were interrupted by Mr. Miyagi. Embarrassed, he said a quick goodbye, thanking you for your help before he clumsily stumbled out of the room.
- Daniel stopping by to talk to you became a pretty regular thing after that. Over time he grew more confident and your conversations became more teasing and flirty.
- It wasn’t long before he decided that it was finally time to ask you out. He arrived at your door, his words pre-rehearsed and perfect up until he noticed just how nervous you looked.
- You invited him inside once he asked what was wrong, anxiously sitting him down and rambling out a confession of your feelings. He couldn’t help but smile and laugh which you took as a bad sign, telling him to forget it.
- He hurriedly apologized, explaining that he was going to confess to you when you first opened the door. He made some teasing remark before telling you that he’d pick you up at seven o’clock the next day.
- He was absolutely ecstatic; running home and telling his mother with the biggest grin on his face. He couldn’t believe his luck.
- The next day, he arrived at your house fifteen minutes early, armed with a handful of flowers that his mother yanked from a vase in their house. She was almost more excited than he was when she heard about your date.
- You guys go to the arcade where he wins you a bunch of stuffed animals and other prizes. He’s super funny, polite and sweet, winning over your heart for good in a matter of minutes.
- The two of you shared your first kiss that night while you waited outside for his mother to pick you up. It was soft, sweet and everything you ever dreamed of. When he pulled away, he asked if you would be his girl to which you happily agreed.
- The two of you are constantly seen holding hands or with his arm wrapped around you.
- Getting called things like “angel” and “sweetheart”.
- Cheek and forehead kisses. You started doing it to comfort him after he had a rough day and it became a thing between the two of you. Whenever one of you is upset the other will place a soft kiss on their face.
- When he learns about your relationship, Mr. Miyagi makes ambiguous threats that Danny can’t quite understand. All he knows is that he’s being threatened and he does not like it.
- He’s like really strong, surprisingly strong for such a little twig. He’s constantly picking you up and spinning you around in tight hugs.
- He likes to show off sometimes, it makes him happy when you’re impressed by him and the things he does. He’s never really been the “cool guy” so he likes that he can be “your cool guy”.
- His mother adores you and always makes comments about how cute you guys are together.
“I knew from the minute I heard him talk about you that the two of you were gonna be perfect for each other.”
“Mommmm come on.”
- His mother always tells him how you’re a keeper and he just bashfully agrees.
- Riding on the front of his bike.
- Sweet and playful kisses that never fail to make you giggle.
- Cloud watching in empty areas. You usually lay between his legs with your back against his chest or have your head resting on his shoulder.
- He carries your stuff for you without question. If you have something in your hands it is going in his in two seconds flat even if you tell him it’s fine.
- You patch him up after all his fights. He’s always really thankful even though he pretends like it was unnecessary.
- He likes teaching you the more tame karate moves, it’s an excuse for him to touch you although a part of him does it because he wants you to be able to protect yourself.
- He’s quite protective of you, always ready to fight whoever insults or even thinks about hurting you.
- Getting taught how to play soccer. The two of you always end up laughing when one of you falls flat on their ass.
- You give him a lot of massages, especially after his matches.
- He’s also really good at massages since he’s learned a few techniques from Mr. Miyagi. Whenever he’s bored or wants your attention he’ll just start to rub your back.
- Going to his matches to cheer him on. You’re definitely one of the best good luck charms a guy could ever have.
- He loves being able to make you laugh, he thinks your smile is adorable.
- Daniels kind of a fashion disaster at times so every now and again you’ll just have to tell him to swap pants or something.
- He insists on paying for things whenever he can. Lunch, tickets, that little thing you liked when he went to the store with you; whatever it is, he wants to pay for it.
- Beach dates.
- Going to get ice cream together.
- Photobooth pictures.
- You’re the only one allowed to tease him, mainly because he thinks your attempts at imitating his accent is cute.
- He likes walking you to class whenever he can. He gets an extra hug or kiss wheneve he does so it’s a win win for everybody.
- Study dates. He always tries to get you to do something else even if studying was his idea.
- Constant compliments, he’s seriously going to give you a complex one of these days.
- Chasing each other around when you’re alone. It feels nice to act like children once in a while.
- You cuddle with his arms wrapped tight around you and your face buried in his chest. Listening to his heartbeat is a great way to relax after a long day.
- He absolutely talks to the mirror like it’s you while getting ready for your dates.
- He always tries to help you whenever he can. He hates seeing you have a hard time and being able to do nothing about it.
- You don’t fight very often but whenever you do they usually have some name calling and yelling. You tend to give him the silent treatment as you try to cool off which is pretty hard considering you’re constantly around him. It kills Danny to have you walk by and ignore him while he’s working on whatever he’s been told to do.
- Whenever you fight, Mr. Miyagi is always very short with him; giving him more work than usual and making it even more difficult for him.
- He’s very persistent when trying to get you back, following you around and cracking jokes, trying to ease the tension between you. Once he managed to get you alone, he’ll give you an earnest apology and pull you into a hug. He’s always incredibly glad to have you back.
- Dinner at his house. You, him and his mom usually sit together at the table (when she cooks something) or sit on the couch eating pizza/takeout.
- You guys watch a lot of movies together. Doesn’t even matter what kind, you just watch whatever you can find while you sit cuddled up on the couch.
- You love each other way too much for it to just be high school puppy love and everyone can tell.
- You are quite possibly the cutest couple in school and a lot of people envy you either because they’re single or because they’re relationships just isn’t like yours.
- He gets pretty jealous sometimes but will usually try to stay calm and steer you away from people you don’t know/those who are actually flirting with and making you uncomfortable. Every now and again you may have to break up a fight if the guy won’t lay off or if Daniel gets really riled up.
- Trying your best to calm him down when his temper gets the best of him.
- He’s not always understanding but he tries and you can always tell.
- He doesn’t say “I love you” often which makes the times when he does say it even more meaningful.
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purplejellyfishies · 4 years
I love him so fucking much
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# i love arm….
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purplejellyfishies · 4 years
How the flippity frick did I not know that Gerard Way sung the song Happy Together!?!?? Like the song from Minions and that one part of the Simpsons movie!?!? Like Aahkddysyndbjxjdieudytdy
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purplejellyfishies · 4 years
Not gonna lie, I sometimes forget that Gorillaz aren't actually a live band...
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purplejellyfishies · 4 years
I'm sorry but wtf!?!?😟
you hear murdoc crying in his bedroom. worried, you knock on the door and let yourself in. murdoc is sniffling, letting out heavy sobs. his detached nipples are in his hands. they fell off. misty eyes looking up at you, he pops them into his mouth.
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purplejellyfishies · 4 years
A Hobo, A Clown, And Their Secret Lovechild Walk Into A Bar...
Anon asked: how would it be like as eraserjoke/erasermic’s adopted kid (separate hc’s)? (I’ll post erasermic later!)
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-…That’s it that’s the joke
-Actually, wait, they can’t, because you aren’t allowed to let kids in bars. No matter how many times Mrs. Joke makes a fake ID out of construction paper and crayon, Eraserhead’s not gonna budge.
-That’s right, it’s Mrs. Joke now.
-But Mom Joke to you.
-The name may be misleading, because Emi is the one who makes the dad jokes in this relationship. Sorry, I don’t make the rules. You have two options- hit her right back with an even cornier dad joke or do what your father does and slam your head into the table like a coward
-Family yoga sessions? Family yoga sessions. Aizawa may have tired as his default setting but he’ll be damned if he skips his morning routine. Emi makes you both crack up when you’re in the hardest positions and he laughs until he cries.
-This gives you an ancient, terrible power, one that you abuse at any opportunity and it’s the ability to be hella flexible at literally all times
-Denki: Aizawa-chan!! do the thing!
-You: *backflips and lands on one hand*
-Class 1A: *screams, yells, points, applauds*
-Oh, and you are absolutely joined by The Cats.
-The only thing to complete this domestic bliss is an army of cats and kittens, let’s be real. You can’t step anywhere in this house without checking you won’t step on Koemi, Sushi Jr., Hairy Baby, Shirakumo or Tuna Fish and her three little ones. You’ll walk into a room to see Dadzawa working at his laptop buried under all of them
-Papa Zawa loves you both but his love is tested when Emi decides to clown him and you decide to join her in his torment
-She gets matching sleeping bags so when he gets in yOU ALL GET IN. Bystanders sob gently when they see three caterpillars roll down the street but knowing folks around these here parts simply nod like “ah. That’s the Aizawas”
-Aizawa menacingly unzips his sleeping bag to get out, only to see you sleeping in the exact. same. bag. He considers zipping himself back in.
Keep reading
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purplejellyfishies · 4 years
I have to say the one thing that gets me ever time is when one character says "you missed" before kissing them on the lips 😵😌😫😍
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purplejellyfishies · 4 years
Imagine if we were transported to a different universe where the Loch Ness Monster existed...
Human: Omg is that Nessie?!
Local: Well its A Nessie. But we just call him George
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