purplmuffinxtrm · 4 years
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purplmuffinxtrm · 4 years
When you finish reading a really long fic and don’t know what to do with yourself
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purplmuffinxtrm · 4 years
Building Up Your Writing Habit
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NaNoWriMo may be over, but that doesn’t mean you should stop writing. Here are some tips that NaNoWriMo Participant Alexis Collazo uses to keep up her daily writing goal:
The most common advice writers give is to stick to a regular writing routine, whether you feel like it or not. Like most advice, this is easier said than done. Maybe you can’t set up a regular routine, or maybe you had one and life threw a wrench at it. Sometimes no matter how badly you want to write, you still just don’t feel like it. Here are a few tips that have helped me. 
1. Write first thing in the morning.
I’ve found it easier to commit to writing everyday if I make it the first thing I do. After reading Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way, I started doing morning pages. I didn’t like them and if I didn’t start as soon as I got up, I wouldn’t do them. I was never sure how useful they really were to me but it was an easy habit to keep up. Plans to write any other time of day usually fell victim to one excuse or another. I didn’t always stick to three pages, I’d change it to suit my needs. It was more important for me to have a morning routine I could build a daily writing practice into. I was down to a page earlier this year when I swapped them out for short journal prompts and more creative projects. 
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purplmuffinxtrm · 4 years
Things I Include In My D&D Games That My Players Don't Know About
If they hold a wooden bowl and walk into a locked door, they'll phase through it like it's Skyrim
If they attempt to jump backwards up a set of stairs, with a high enough dex roll, they will launch up the stairs, through the roof, and into the upper atmosphere
There is an Anti-Tarrasque.
Trolls have 12 different blood colors, with only 2 existing in aquatic troll varieties.
If they enter a new area fast enough, they can catch the birds flying without moving anywhere.
Trees DON'T make sounds when they fall and no one's around, there's just no one around that can prove that
Lazer guns exist, they're just shy
If you get knocked prone on a sloped surface, there is a 1% chance of clipping into the terrain
There's a 1% chance of the textures in someone's face not loading correctly
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purplmuffinxtrm · 4 years
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Bats IRL
I’ve seen a few ArtBreeder edits floating around, and thought to myself ‘well, heck, self, why don’t we take a stab at it?’
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purplmuffinxtrm · 4 years
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“There will always be a reason why you cannot finish your project. Now go ahead and list all the reasons you not only can, but you most definitely will.”
—Elizabeth Acevedo
Elizabeth Acevedo is the New York Times-bestselling author of The Poet X, which won the National Book Award for Young People’s Literature, the Michael L. Printz Award, the Pura Belpré Award, the Carnegie medal, the Boston Globe–Horn Book Award, and the Walter Award. She is also the author of With the Fire on High—which was named a best book of the year by the New York Public Library, NPR, Publishers Weekly, and School Library Journal—and Clap When You Land, which was a Boston Globe–Horn Book Honor book and a Kirkus finalist.
She holds a BA in Performing Arts from The George Washington University and an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Maryland. Acevedo has been a fellow of Cave Canem, Cantomundo, and a participant in the Callaloo Writer’s Workshops. She is a National Poetry Slam Champion, and resides in Washington, DC with her love.
Read Elizabeth’s full pep talk here.
Loved Elizabeth’s pep talk? Follow her and let her know on Instagram!
Image created by Sandra Moore.
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purplmuffinxtrm · 4 years
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“Kick out the little voice inside your head that’s trying to make you afraid, that’s trying to convince you that you’re not a writer.”
—Kacen Callender
Born and raised in St. Thomas of the US Virgin Islands, Kacen Callender is a bestselling and award-winning author of the middle-grade novels Hurricane Child and King and the Dragonflies, the young-adult novels This Is Kind of an Epic Love Story and Felix Ever After, and the adult novel Queen of the Conquered and its forthcoming sequel King of the Rising. They enjoy playing RPG video games in their free time. Kacen currently resides in Philadelphia, PA.
Read Kacen’s full pep talk here.
Loved Kacen’s pep talk? Let them know!
Image created by Sandra Moore.
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purplmuffinxtrm · 4 years
I forgot words. I have an insta for pics I draw or take (as in with my camera you worry worts. I don't steal art that's just bad news bears). You can stalk my insta if feel like it but you gotta find it yourself. It's 5am and I'm too lazy to find a link
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purplmuffinxtrm · 4 years
“dilves” immediately made me thing “dilf elves”
i dont think dilf elves can exist i dont think its possible… but im open to being proved wrong
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purplmuffinxtrm · 4 years
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. I write things🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I'm attempting NaNoWriMo again.... I am soooooo far behind right now but a commitment has been made and next week is break!!!!! So hopefully I can catch the fudge up. (Can you swear here? I never payed attention lol)
Stay updated with my progress or whatever here: https://nanowrimo.org/participants/purplmuffinxtrm
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purplmuffinxtrm · 4 years
Sup Peoples
I never really post anything but I'm gonna start. So here I am in all my anxious glory. Lol
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purplmuffinxtrm · 4 years
Query “Do”s and “No You Didn’t!”s
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Ever wonder what goes into writing a great query letter? Today, agent Barbara Poelle is here to tell you some “Do”s and “Don’t”s of submitting your manuscript. Looking for more advice? Join us on Twitter for our #NaNoAgentChat tweet chat series where you’ll be able to ask Barbara and other agents your questions!
You’ve typed “THE END”. You’ve run your manuscript through the gauntlet of critique partner lashing. The moment has come: it’s time to query! Let’s get your book’s calling card out there with confidence and professionalism. Start your query with a great opening line, like some of these pulled from my own query inbox:
“Hi Barb, Looking for your next million dollar book? Well this is it!”
“Ms. Poelle, What if it was your job to kill babies?”
“I recently read [name of current client’s novel] and while I can see what drew you to it, I think you’ll agree I do it better.” 
Oh. Hang on. Yeah, no, these are the opposite of great opening lines. You’ve worked so hard for your novel, let’s make sure you stick the landing on this, your first foray into the publishing industry: the query letter!
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purplmuffinxtrm · 4 years
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We had a great tweet chat on our Twitter account last week with fantastic advice for people who want to pitch and publish their novel. 
Agents Suzie Townsend and Kathleen Ortiz from New Leaf Literary were gracious enough to field questions from eager writers! Do you have any publishing questions or advice?
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purplmuffinxtrm · 4 years
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purplmuffinxtrm · 4 years
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purplmuffinxtrm · 4 years
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purplmuffinxtrm · 4 years
"Congratulations, you may be the first person to die of old age whilst engaged in combat with a dragon."
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